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25315339 No.25315339 [Reply] [Original]

Original: https://twitter.com/robert_spalding/status/1343110760222883840
As some mentioned, that's not 1800 BTC a day but 900 BTC a day (144 blocks per day are mined on average, and there are 6.25 bitcoins per block.).
Should we all be afraid of BTC crash? Does Tether scam somehow fit into that scheme?

>> No.25315393

Holy shit, based chinks

>> No.25315415

>us continues to export inflation
>us encouraged to keep printing

>> No.25315499

>implying the chinks don’t use the fake dollars to buy real assets like stocks and real estate instead of worthless shitcoins

>> No.25315550

It really doesn't matter in the long
once chinks sell off their coins bitcoin will be owned by the people
but yes, investing in bitcoin is investing in china

>> No.25315603

And I forgot, not all 900 BTC are mined in China of coruse.

>> No.25316109

For future reference, I got this from this post

>> No.25316859

are chinks the new Jews?

>> No.25316893

Dumbest fud I've seen in a while

>> No.25316942

typical burger mentality.
>it's okay when we print shit out of thin air
>bitcoin mining is controlled by china because of a chinese scheme
>us forgets when they were too cucked to make regulation or give clarity on bitcoin/bitcoin mining.

>> No.25317057

US deserves it

>> No.25317437

>Should we all be afraid of BTC crash?
Yes and no. No because the chinks have no reason to make it happen and yes because the US or someone else might decide that the fact that China owns so much of it is a problem.

Also didn't some NBA monkey get paid in bitcoin? Isn't the NBA in the pockets of China?

>> No.25318333

Do you really think I care? Hell, lets give the bug eaters a shot, the US hasnt done much for themselves or the world, other than enabling a few soulless CEO "self made" """men"""" to become filthy rich and destroy western society.
I pump my entire networth and all of my paychecks into BTC. Fuck the US.

>> No.25319013
File: 19 KB, 325x288, 1549829240094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you suppose this guy is instructed to post this, or is this his original thought?
Did he just assume that 100% of miners are in China?
Did he also assume that 100% of those mining proceeds are confiscated by the CCP?
Does he really think that every dollar that goes into BTC is a result of Fed expansion?
Is he really crying about 11 billion out of the multiple trillions of this years' fed expansion ending up in China, even if his earlier points were valid? Does he consider all the billions that are DIRECTLY given to our enemies?
Is this guy actually a general? It's scary that someone so seemingly retarded can have so much responsibility.

>> No.25319085

So is China mining BTC for free? Why don't USA do the same?

>> No.25319294

this is pretty irrelevant, so with the corrected figures it’s about 6 billion a year and a lot of the hashpower is not chinese. So say even being generous to this guy that chinese are making 4 billion a year off bitcoin. Who gives a fuck? 4 billion dollars is an incredibly small amount of money in this conversation. I’d be more concerned about the multiple trillions given to banks and the fed buying junk bonds.

>> No.25319422

actually I just checked his twitter and it all makes sense now. he just put out a book about how china is scary aimed at boomers, so he probably made this tweet because bitcoin is trending a lot and he knew it would be controversial and deive traffic to his book

>> No.25319758

what fed expansion is he talking about? confused leaf here