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25306378 No.25306378 [Reply] [Original]

Even if you "make it" with crypto or boomer stocks or whatever, you'll still be a pleb. Better off than the other plebs, but still a pleb nonetheless. The truly wealthy are on a different level completely.


>> No.25306473

Shit house no pool tennis court, boat deck or even a large field for hosting parties. I visit $2m+ homes everyday, and conclude that buying land and building your own pleasure land ala MJ is the only way to go.

>> No.25306505

>601 days

The guys fishing.

>> No.25307116


>> No.25307898


surprisingly bad interior

>> No.25307937



>> No.25307954


how much cocaine can you do in TWENTY bathrooms!?

>> No.25307973


When you have money, you can leverage it to make more money.

As they say , the first million is always the hardest.

>> No.25308014

>living within earshot of your neighbour

>> No.25308060

Pretty sure that is just a detached garage

>> No.25308104
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>> No.25308105

so are you saying people shouldn't make money because it's not as much money as other people?

>> No.25308133

Also the elites will still view you as an uneducated person that got lucky

>> No.25308138

>the truly wealthy
>only posts $8m house in Maine

>> No.25308274

I went to Hawai'i last year with my family and while we were on a boat tour, one of the things our guide pointed out to us was a large stretch of the coast that is part of a private golf course owned by the Walton family. THAT is real wealth. Not some 8 million dollar house in Maine.

>> No.25308358

8 million zillow house that looks like trash? topkek OP thanks for the laugh.
Watch this video to see how a true billionaire's son lives while you stay @ home with a mask on

>> No.25308381

i've been to bar harbor

it fucking sucks ass 2/3rds of the year and the other third it's filled with IPA fanboys and boomers.

>> No.25308384

no shit there are properties worth hundreds of millions of dollars out there. my point is even if you "make it" you won't even be able to afford a mere $8 million house in Maine. you'll maybe get a $500,000 3 bedroom/2 bath near a metro area and live off the interest of the rest of your make it stack. it's pretty sad, when you think about it. "making it" is just living a decent life without having to wagecuck until you're 68. none of us will ever "make it" in the sense that the truly wealthy have, and they will also likely never lose that wealth. it'll be passed down forever in their families. we already live in feudal times, most people just don't realize it.

>> No.25308481

If you had gone balls deep in BTC or ETH really early on you could have made 8 or 9 figures easily.

>> No.25308486
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>while we were on a boat tour, one of the things our guide pointed out to us was a large stretch of the coast that is part of a private golf course owned by the Walton family. THAT is real wealth.
I suppose "making it" should be redefined as tour guides in your area mentioning you in some shape or form.

>> No.25308519

so, you make your money and you move on to the next thing. it's not like you get one chance to make it and then you can't searching for new profitable ventures.

>> No.25308599

The point is that they own a large property in an incredibly sought after area, and all it is is a golf course they might use a few times a year.

>> No.25308610

What OP fails to take into consideration is, those people were born into wealth.
Sure, life is and always has been comfortable to them, but they have never and will never see their quality of life improve.
They are born into end game, they will never feel the pride of EARNING anything of value, because it's always handed to them. They are so out of touch and wealthy that they find it hard to connect with people, their interpersonal relations are a sham, or transactional.

None of that is even delving into the scumfuckery of people trying to take over your company, or scam you/straight up rob you.

Being ultra wealthy must actually suck fucking cock. "more money, more problems"

I, on the other hand, being a poor bastard, whos family has accomplished very little other than surviving since Great Grandpa hopped off the boat in 1936, am living in a wonderland of good shitcoin fortune and upward mobility.

>> No.25309739

Absolute shit house
I suppose you're buying the location rather than the house
If you were rich you'd have to tear that down and build something decent
You can buy a castle with a hundred acre estate in europe for less

>> No.25309795

8.4M McMansion. Cool.

>> No.25309812

it has a forest for sacrificing children tho

>> No.25309835 [DELETED] 
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no way it's worth 145x that

>> No.25309854

You niggers have got this all wrong.
I don't want private islands, Lamborghinis, corny mansions, beach houses, private jets.
I want freedom, I want to be free.
I want to be able to pursue what really awakens my curiosity, to explore and study the incredible amount of interesting stuff there is. I want to be free from societal anxiety, I don't want to have to count my pennies to be able to see if I can pay rent or go to a restaurant.

>> No.25309864

sometimes I wonder if these thoughts are cope (because I have them too) but I think we are correct. being born wealthy must be comfy as hell, but achieving wealth on your own is a level of satisfaction and accomplishment that very few will ever understand. wagmi.

>> No.25309888

>bothering to angle the circle outline but keeping the logo straight
are shitcoin shills unironically retarded?

>> No.25309941

>Global warming
>Sea rises
>Noo my home

>> No.25310027

And should i care? 1 mil € will be enough to live rest of my life with 4% interest, im gonna take loan to buy nice house in countryside for ~300k€. Never need to wageslave again is greatest wealth man can have.

>> No.25310091

op was coping himself when he replied cope, but this post is actual cope
1) money can absolutely buy you more quality of life as you age, because technology keeps improving. while regular joe works out in the gym you can get a finer abs workout effortlessly plugged to a machine
i'll spare you the 1990s jeff bezos vs 2010s jeff bezos pictures
2) wealth actually gives you access to people who have just as much wealth and as a result, do not give a flying fuck about money
it's possible to find similar people in middle class and amongst the poor as well, however you never know how some people can change if a windfall happens
truth is, the kind of people with whom you have transactional relationships would always be that kind of people, regardless of your own wealth. what changes is how they hide it / what they get from you
money gives you the freedom to isolate from these people and only be around better people
3) scammers exist but are easy to avoid. you park some of your wealth in a trust fund and it will never ever slip away from you
robbery is frankly incredibly rare, unless you live in a shithole (and money lets you dodge that). if we're talking about petty robbery, opportunity crimes, yet another point of having money is that if some fucker comes up to you and asks you for your wallet, you give the $2200 in cash you had on you and you genuinely don't give a shit by the next day

there are no problems tied to having too much money. i don't want to diss your post completely. there's definitely people born into wealth who struggle with their money, but that's due to regression to the mean more than anything. they have middle class behavior or even poverty tier behavior, and that's what ruins their life. if they were middle class or poor it's likely they would be even worse, so it's not like money is bad even for them

>> No.25310106

Mcmansions are ugly as fuck

>> No.25310117

What's the point of those big fuck houses, no one will use all the thing

>> No.25310136

8 million bucks and the garage has an early 2000's Chevy pickup and a first gen Scion Xb, nice.

>> No.25310152

Yeah for $8mil those better come with it. I have that now for 95% off.

>> No.25310153

You could buy 500 acres of farmland in middle America for 8M but instead you buy a McMansion. NGMI.

>> No.25310166

Why would I want an old boomer mansion?
Your dreams are seriously twisted and messed up.

>> No.25310365

I don't care, I'm fine with a small house, what matters is freedom.
Besides these kind of properties are a shitton of worries to maintain and you need an army of minions just to clean them.

>> No.25310418

Thanks for depressing me like that

>> No.25310455
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Jesus Christ my life is so fucking shit

>> No.25310458

Based. I want the same, to quit my job and go full /lit /his /fit 24/7. Don’t care much about the material possessions, fool’s gold.

>> No.25310488

Imagine being such a pleb you think an 8.4 million house is out of reach

>> No.25310505
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meh, this kind of trash doesn't really attract me

give me a house in the countryside with it's own water source, a library full of old books and a nice fireplace and i'm in


why would one even want this house? it's pain in the ass to maintain and if you don't have a huge family that would all live in it, it's literally a waste of space and money

>> No.25310516

people will say im coping but i agree with you. These mansions that you see in hollywood films never charmed me and feels like any kid raised in one becomes a snobby brat

>> No.25310527

Can’t you niggers just set reasonable goals and be happy?

>> No.25310529

My grandparents just sold their house for upwards of $15 million. Other family properties are similarly priced. We aren’t even rich.

Making it is about being financially secure, not about being fabulously wealthy. As long as I have enough assume income/money that I don’t have to fear unemployment, I’ll be happy.

>> No.25310540

I'll be able to buy that with my 20oz of gold eventually

>> No.25310626
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They destroyed my pictured to build one of these monstrosities in the Sydney Bay. It's said that it was one of it's last kind.

>> No.25310635

I just want a small house with a tool shed for tinkering, a nice private library, and 100 acres of my own land with a small wood, it’s own un contaminated water source, and good soil for growing crops. Big houses are a waste of money.

>> No.25310652

>while regular joe works out in the gym you can get a finer abs workout effortlessly plugged to a machine
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.25310659

I just want to buy my own freedom like the successful slaves in ancient Rome. I'll never be a patrician and that's fine.

>> No.25310660
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>we arent even rich
>having multiple properties around 15m worth

>> No.25310740

The more you have, the more you realize other people have more than you.

>> No.25310762

This is what it’s about. We just want to buy our freedom & never have to be another cog in the the zog machine. Fuck all that pretentious rich fag shit.

>> No.25310878

I’m not talking about if you want the house or not but rather if you could see yourself having the ability to or not.
It’s only 1.68mil down. That’s not crazy, OP just doesn’t understand how much money there is in the world and how much easier it is to make once you have some.
All you need is a 10X every 5 years and grow around 20-30% every year between.
>30 w/100k
>35 w/1mil
>40 w/10mil
>45 w/100mil
>50 w/1billion
Obviously this assumes you get it right and go all in and have a 10x every 5 years consistently
The point still remains, once you get to 100k you’re only about 10 years out from making it
Just don’t get divorced or sued

>> No.25310953

>You can buy a castle with a hundred acre estate in europe for less
where? I want a castle when I make it.

>> No.25311001

I'd be worried intruders could be chilling in the opposite wing and you'd have no idea.

>> No.25311018

It was never about prestige. It was always about freedom.

>> No.25311166
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>> No.25311188

Just how stupid are you? That’s a garage, fool.

>> No.25311244
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dumb nigger

>> No.25311253


Gonna make it

>> No.25311300
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id rather work from the bottom to the top, imagine how much of a god someone like bezos must feel knowing he built up his current position through dedication and hard work
>Feels FUCKING Good Man

>> No.25311304

dont get sucked into this crap. my family is also billionaire. i would cringe if i had this life.

>> No.25311404


Nothing is more grotesque than the fabulously wealthy larping as middle class, or worse, the working poor. Don't pretend to understand the struggle. Be grateful for what you have and own up to your immense privilege; it's a thousand times more respectable, and if your family cultivated within you the ethic of noblesse oblige, lower classes will even embrace you.

Just don't pretend.

>> No.25311439

>Look at how the truly wealthy live
>Posts a mcmansion that anyone with a high 6 figure salary could afford

>> No.25311462

watching this video made me go full communist

>> No.25311498

this shit is totally unappealing to me, then again I'm an introvert so it's not really my way of life anyways.

>> No.25311527

This. I hate buffet and is stick of drinking Coca Cola and eating McDo. Just be a rich faggot, don’t pretend you’re one of us.

>> No.25311547

Wow, all that money and he can't think of anything more interesting to do than make cringe youtube videos.

>> No.25311643

Lol stop aiming for pathetic consoomer goals. Only reason to make it is the freedom to meditate, travel a bit, pursue your passions and help those you love. Maybe build a nice family if that's your thing. This generates happiness, everything else is hedonic treadmill trash and compensation for insecurity.

>> No.25311686

>house made of sticks
Confirmed never read the Three Little Pigs.

>> No.25311957

Wouldn't live there at all.
I am a loner and always will be so I just need a 4/5 bedroom house (bedroom, gym, games/cinema room, study). Having 20 extra rooms is pointless.
I would buy the land and get it built to how I want it, far away from people, high walls, gate, etc. Maybe even a moat.

>> No.25312470

I want all this too but I also want a bigger fucking house next to white people and that costs $$$

>> No.25312645

OP doesn't grasp that because he brings nothing else of value to the table. Shitcoins are his only chance because he is incapable of creating anything else.

>> No.25312859
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Ugly-ass mcmansion with absolutely zero taste or refinement

based and true freedom-pilled

>> No.25313108
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This. Really cool houses are the ones they show in "The Worlds Most Extraordinary Homes" for example.

>> No.25313132
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>> No.25313156
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>> No.25313221

"Making it" has less to do with money than with emotional health. Some billionaire's kid who needs so much attention they post cringe YouTube video's about their life hasn't made it, and until they work on their consciousness, they never will.
t. crypto multimillionaire who has been living in a small garage apartment for the past year.

>> No.25313744


>> No.25313949

So what? This is a big step forward, my parents were poor, parents of my parents were poor too.

>> No.25314341

what is so great about the .001%?
Wow how much I'd love to live in a fucking house I can hear myself echo in and the 30 rooms I don't use collect dust
Wow I have a helicopter that takes me places
I don't give a fuck about fame
I don't give a fuck about status
What the mega rich can do is just absurd stuff that I give zero fucks about
I don't need or want or give a fuck about a yacht
super cars would be fun to race but it's whatever with the way things are EV's are going to give the average joe more power than a bugatti so lol

I guess if you're a consoooooooooooomer you'd be butthurt.

>> No.25314578

I'll get myself a great big turnip in the country.

>> No.25314772

What a bunch of fags. After a few weeks of that the hedonic treadmill kicks in and you have to keep raising the bar if you want to feel any joy. Also being the son of a rich man is even worse. I had a friend that grew up rich and he never had motivation. Just partied with degenerates, sat on his ass watching netflix, and doing pills. He would expect praise from friends and family for accomplishing the simplest things too, like setting up a wordpress blog. It was sad.

Having a successful career is key to making it. Look at Palmer Luckey. He's a billionaire yet went off and created a defense company, making drones that can detect mexicans from the sky. That's something to look up to (literally).

>> No.25314856

i just want to chill and play video games until i die.

>> No.25314883
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I don't give a fuck about some house in Maine. I can just get an airbnb if I want to go to Maine.

I want to have enough money to find out the truth about aliens, and all the other shit that the CIA is hiding.

>> No.25314942

based schizo

>> No.25315090

Doesn't make you not rich. Comparison doesn't preclude self-awareness, anon.

>> No.25315100

how is it a cope?

>> No.25315111


Do me a favor, when you make it, conduct rigorous surveillance on professed "alien abductees." Let's finally get something on camera. Let's find out what these anomalous "implants" are.

I've always thought it was a joke how none of these abductee researchers have thought to persuade a subject to undergo 24/7 video surveillance, from indoors and from afar. Like all the cameras are gonna go off at the exact same time - even ones thousands of yards away with telescopic lenses pointed at their bedroom? Please. You'd think an eccentric billionaire would be trying stuff like this by now.

>> No.25315130

It's on a fucking lake.

>> No.25315138
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My "Boomer stocks" are moving me north 50k-80k everyday lol

Buy CLF.. commodities going crazy rn

>> No.25315234

>we aren't even rich
>15M$ properties

nice, subtle bait

>> No.25315246

In france many castle cost less than 1 millions.
My castle cost less than a shitty flat in paris

>> No.25315271

> All you need is a 10X every 5 years and grow around 20-30% every year between.

WOW, 10x every 5 years is SOO EASY

>> No.25315272

I bought clf 2 weeks ago and it hasnt done sht

>> No.25315291

ye, but don't historical sites need to be open to the public?

>> No.25315308

I totally agree with you on most of it being bullshit but there are cases where something happened and they're difficult to explain. These cases are also mostly not well known.
I's horrible quality but watch the part where the kids talk about it

>> No.25315327

>you'll still be a pleb
my 2011 stack says otherwise, kek

>> No.25315416

this, kek

>> No.25315427

Well there is mechanism that allow you to deduce from your income all the renovation you do in historical building.
-If they are open to public
-If you agreed to make your castle and historical building
-If the state accept to make it an historical building.

>> No.25315466

It allow middle class to pretend they are rich

>> No.25315518

you think im impressed by your 8 million shitcoin cabin in the wood? lets see how many ill buy when $1=1sats.

>> No.25315591

imagine living in the US

>> No.25315600

Ahhh yes, lets build a pool on top of a pool. A fool and his money are easily parted.

>> No.25315612

all you need is a thousand dollars and a couple of good trades

>> No.25315648

That’s a shitty house for 8M

Are people really paying that much to live in Maryland?

>> No.25315742

Thing is, if you're in the 1mil club and you're frugal, you have all the free time in the world to figure out how to get richer and so on.

>> No.25315757

don’t be an idiot who take part in these shitty tokens
don’t make a problem and trade with 0.3$ price difference
just trade fucking amazing MTLX tokens and make x6 for a month

>> No.25315875

Based. You should look up a guy named Bigelow and Skinwalker Ranch. He uses his billions to study paranormal activity.

>> No.25315923

ME is Maine
MD is Maryland

>> No.25316006
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oh shit no. better stop trying then and just live in the pod and eat the bugs, then. thanks for letting us know.

>> No.25316122

It's nice to see someone also interested in this topic.
But what I want to focus on is finding a way to establish a communication channel with them.

>> No.25316279

i just dont wanna work
i want a good reliable car
and i want a hot tub

>> No.25316452

contact the now grown ups from the doc


>> No.25316479

>implying my neet ass needs a house that big

>> No.25316518

You don't need a seaside mansion to live comfy. Who would pay that much money to live in fucking Maine anyway? Gislaine Maxwell got herself a massive property in NH for $1.5M

>> No.25316578

castles are a money pit

>> No.25316604

Oh yeah, I do think there's something to it. I've read Bud Hopkins, David Jacobs, John Mack. But hypnotic regression is notoriously unreliable, so the only thing that could really convince me abductions are physical phenomena is hard evidence.

As for UFOs, there's no doubt in my mind that hyper-advanced aircraft are zipping through our skies. Aliens, governments, extradimensional visitors, time travellers, I don't know who is piloting them. But I think it's hard to deny at this point that these craft exist. We're dealing with decades of eyewitness and video testimony at this point.

>> No.25316716

>But I think it's hard to deny at this point that these craft exist.

lmao, schizo forgot to take his meds again. ever wondered why no scientists takes UFOs seriously?

>> No.25316721

sorry, i thought you disregard the whole phenomenon. and i agree on abductees being either trauma victims, delusional or just liars

>> No.25316750

Wtf would you need all those rooms for..

>> No.25316808
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I don't need a big house
I just wanna fuck off in the countryside and do my own thing

>> No.25316846

Only a 10x every 5 years and not to get wiped out in the inevitable bear market/crashes kek, crypto is a gem but once btc hits 100k or so the 10x every 5 years game is done

>> No.25316932

t. Crypto multimillionaire that ran wild for 12 months after I “made it” bought all the bullshit before realising it’s not what’s important

>> No.25317059

Same fren, I’m the first generation in my family to save six figures and I am nearing 7 figures if BTC does a 2x from here.

>> No.25317349

Kek you the one making the thread only person cooing here is you. Everyone else pointed out some fairly obvious things. Guy has house listed unsold for almost two years clearly the price is wayyyy too high. And even just having the terrible mindset that no matter what you will always be a pleb really all but guarantees that's all you'll ever be. You literally stifle your own ambition and capabilities by essentially talking down to your house. 8 million? That is nothing in the grand scheme of things if you are hungry enough you can get anything you want in this world. Good luck Anon, you'll need it with your line of thoughts

>> No.25317401

You are a slave of material desire
>inb4 cope
Think what you wish, but what the fuck am I supposed to do with 20 bathrooms. A comfy place, in a good neighbourhood where I can raise my children without financial stress at all and dedicate my free time to sports, hobbies, reading, music, travels and kids is making it. I will need at least 5 million dollars for that though. Still 2 million to go

>> No.25317579

you're so fucking petty holy shit. i doubt you have higher education and just drool over money with the intention of getting rich without effort. do you think these people, the rich folks, dont get sad or sick or bored too? brother the brain is a big fucking trap no matter where in life you are. you WILL get burnt out of things, rich or poor. the only thing you should aspire for in life is to not having to worry about basic necessities like food, housing and well being/health. anything more than that is a bonus, and one that you will get bored of someday, compelling you to pursue something new/better, forever. when you're at the top, theres no other place to climb to. a life without struggle/goal is no life

>> No.25317671

wise man

>> No.25317827

nigga, $10 million is enough to retire on at the age of 18 . your family is rich

>> No.25318011

imagine just having ultra safe 1% passive ROI on this... you can live with 100k per year doing nothing

>> No.25318172

100k a year isnt attractive at all when you have that much money

>> No.25318448

a moat with a drawbridge controlled by a smartcontract that detects when my tesla pulls up and automatically draws down would be so based

>> No.25318503
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You did buy CLF right?

>> No.25318579


>> No.25318631

These modern homes look so sterile. It's like the combination of living in an office and a hospital no thanks.

>> No.25318636
File: 645 KB, 1577x2362, Tracht Frauen FSV_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying a ranch instead

>> No.25318648

It does look nice, but it's not for me.

>> No.25318797

pics or you are full of shit

>> No.25318868

i don't give a shit about that, i only want to never have to work to have money for food, water, gas, electricity or internet.

>> No.25318886


Plenty of them do, there's just no "science" to the subject. There are no reproducible experiments you can do to determine what these objects are. Only speculation. Not to mention instant career suicide if you mention the subject, so why bother?

Also John Mack, Harvard MD, investigated abduction accounts from a psychological and spiritual perspective. Plenty of educated people have looked into these subjects; suggesting otherwise is just ignirance desu

>> No.25318918

strange how video testimony has dried up considering now everyone has a hd camera on their phone huh?

>> No.25318927

yeah, if you are greedy and hedonistic piece of shit it isn't. 100k a year and you can easily buy dozens of acres of land a year and still save thousands of dollars for mortage, taxes, and creature comforts.

>> No.25318975

Kek, *ignorance

>> No.25319002

>They are so out of touch and wealthy that they find it hard to connect with people, their interpersonal relations are a sham, or transactional.
Huh looks like I was also born into the endgame, despite not being wealthy.

>> No.25319034

Say what now? Tons of UFO vids. A lot of them have reasonable explanations, others don't. Ask the pilots who have seen them.

>> No.25319224

There’s opportunities outside of crypto

>> No.25319257


and the guy flying the plane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eco2s3-0zsQ

>> No.25319288
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You are seriously pathetic my man. Get help.

>> No.25319293

Bro, I’m Canadian and I can tell you it’s Grand Designs or nothing.

>> No.25319299

and what comes out is that those abduction stories come from schizos, liars, and people who were molested as children.
show me a vid of an UFO that can't be explained by physics/optics/special FX. Protip you can't

>> No.25319356

can you at least read the thread

>> No.25319395

ridiculous... the US airforce is just having a blast watching schizos go crazy over this.
Mick West has debunked all those vids with simple plausible explanations.

>> No.25319428

turning 100mm into a billion in 5 years is not the same as turning your $100 paycheck into $200

>> No.25319524
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lol this really is yet another tranny defeatism thread, isn't it?

>> No.25319723

are you fucking kidding me, a plane? that nobody in the air force or navy could figure out? well, thank god, case closed

>> No.25319766

lmao mc mansion

>> No.25319820

>that nobody in the air force or navy could figure out?
that's what some of them want to make you believe. i'm sure they are keking hard behind closed doors

>> No.25319834

its not about being greedy, its about adapting to your new normal
a person that used to make 50k a year and ate papa johns will not want to go back there once he starts making 100k and can eat a buffet

>> No.25319883

This ugly boomer mansion is not the “other level” of elite you are talking about buddy. This is still pleb tier by a long shot

>> No.25319885

no sense of humour in those guys so i don't think that's the case

>> No.25319891

People always say this but they don't account for the fact that the vast majority don't have strong enough hands to hodl for that long or the luck to perfectly sell the top. Buying BTC at $10 and selling for $1000 is a much more common story than buying BTC at $10 and selling at the peak of the 2017 bull run. It's theoretically possible to have made hundreds of millions off BTC or ETH but in reality the number of people who did that is likely very small, as in low double digits.

>> No.25319931

Do you really think a rich person lists a fucking house on zillow rather than just finding a realtor who specializes in rich people sales and having private viewings? This is some upper-mid boomer who bought something in the 1980s and now feels like he's got a right to 'cash in' on his overpriced vacation home.

>> No.25319939

also, making the general population believe there are aliens visiting us is good when you ask for more federal budget or create a space force. it's either a joke, personal promotion or some kind of psyop.

>> No.25319946

this, and its ugly as fuck, jesus americans have no class or taste it looks low quality and cheaply built

>> No.25320080

Only Niggers and Jews/Jewish stooges care that much about being flashy and wealthy. I just need enough to set up 100k a year in passive income via a rental property or two, some stonks (maybe stake some Linkies too), and 20 acres innawoods with a nice cabin equipped to live off grid and maybe a guest house and a spare million to pursue my dreams of art and music. The “elite” can go on CONSOOMING. I already loved the life of making 300k a year at one point eating fancy food, traveling and wearing nice clothes. That stuff doesn’t mean shit and I don’t care for it. Spirituality, art, and evolution are all that concern me. Lavish CONSOOMERISM is bugman shit.

>> No.25320095

>and conclude that buying land and building your own pleasure land ala MJ is the only way to go.

extremely based take. You can never feel like a place is truly yours unless you build it yourself with what you want

>> No.25320104

psyop would be the most likely explanation, but still, for me, there are still things that make me believe there's something to it. watch the part of the doc i linked with the kids describing what happened. and it wasn't the only case involving schoolchildren

>> No.25320127

I just want to be comfortable and in good health, life is pain when you're a poorfag

>> No.25320310

Also, doing this means one less buyer for some boomer homeowner to dump his bags on and get his retirement funded. Anything to hurt that generation is a good idea.

>> No.25320460

This. What poors and new money fail to understand is that mansions aren't even primarily meant to be residences. They're more like office buildings for administering the estate.

>> No.25321468

kids are known to tell nonsense or to lie. some kids also talked about witnessing satanic rituals which were proved to be complete bs.
about 12M americans believe lizard people are governing the usa.

>> No.25321601

you mean like the mcmartin school kids or those kids from the dutroux case? those lying little bastards

>> No.25322280

>lmao, schizo forgot to take his meds again. ever wondered why no scientists takes UFOs seriously?
It's basically accepted by everybody that UFOs exist (unidentified flying objects). People used to spot secret projects and report them as UFOs. What's not accepted is that UFOs are aliens visiting us.

>> No.25322286

contrary to you i've looked extensively into those cases, read the reports etc. i didnt say pedo networks involving rich people dont exist

>> No.25322305

yes of course that's what i wanted to say.

>> No.25322326

what is it with retards wanting to be famous?

>> No.25322354
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>> No.25322498
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>> No.25322615

it's still a strawman. i said children are known to not always tell the truth which is a fact. there were cases in other parts of the world where the allegations made by the children have been proven to be bs.

i suggest you read the FBI report on satanic ritual abuse.

>> No.25322668

look some more, this is so well sourced it's impossible to deny. it's a long read but worth. it will destroy your worldview


>> No.25322762

of course children lie, but to dismiss anything you consider unlikely is simply ridiculous

>> No.25322822

OP is right you copers. Making a couple of millies is just 20 years of work for the average person (or 10 for a couple) and you'll get it in one drop. Said people can already live your "make it" lifestyle through loans, of course they have to be stressed, go to work every day etc. But in essence you are just buying time, you bought 20 years of doing whatever tf you want, you are however not even close to the people who OWN stuff like Fortune 500 companies.

>> No.25322920

i already know this case. did i say that it wasn't true? i didn't. i said that you can't blindly trust what a child is saying, which is a fact.

>> No.25323185

>kids are known to tell nonsense or to lie
this was your comment to children describing a ufo landing and contact,
> i've looked extensively into those cases
and yet, the whole case that argued that children lied was based on there being no tunnels so i provided the fbi report on the tunnels which were found. children were telling the truth even though nobody believed thm, they still don't
my point is, don't disregard something just because a child says it

>> No.25323820

anyway, we know for a fact that many children are beaten and abused all over the world. abducted by aliens? kek.

>> No.25324050

and this proves you didn't even watch the relevant part of the doc

>> No.25324060

Nice McMansion, faggot.

>> No.25324336

"not available in your country"

>> No.25324611

try yt, search for 62 Children at School Encounter UFO Ruwa, Zimbabwe. the quality is bad but it's an interesting watch.

>> No.25325049
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Don't listen to all the angry faggots. You are absolutely right, except this:

>none of us will ever "make it"

I disagree with this entirely.

But you are correct that having 2 million is basically being a peasant, in the village, that doesn't go out into the fields every day.

Why these idiots think otherwise, we will never know.

>> No.25325257

if you're going to be a peasant would you rather be one who toils for the lord all day or one who does whatever they want? In fact, if you're free from toiling for the feudal lord you're not really a peasant but rather a free tenant

>> No.25325451

Your worldview is quite skewed
If you have about $2.5 million you can live a middleclass life in a first world country without ever having to work again
That's making it, hell you could buy a nice house and still have $2 million

But wanting to be an UHNWI is a pipe dream only available in reality to the crazy fanatical retards like those here on this mongol chit trading meetinghouse and only those of whom gave up all their networth and earnings since 2017 or earlier to buy bitcoin with
Being an UHNWI is to making it as having a million dollars is the a bitcoin market whale

>> No.25325453

Looks nice. I'll be sure to piss on the tile when it's used as a barrack some day.

>> No.25325469

>afraid of bees

>> No.25325554

You're a "freeman" as it was called
This is also what the name "franklin" means

>> No.25325587
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Honestly if I was a Billionaire. I would dig up Crete to study the ancient lives a Minoans, go to Greece looking for the tomb of Agamemnon, study the Trojan war further, look for the lost Tomb of Kings that Herodotus had visited. I would continue to search for answers for a sudden collapse of major city states during the late Bronze Age. I don’t really care about all of the high life, fast cares, women, and E-Celeb “life is great we are the generation to crazy everything” shit. I want answers to the past. That’s all.

>> No.25325931


What do you think happens if the lord wants to fuck your daughter? Or needs to conscript? Or you fall in love with a ruling class woman?


All I am saying is that he is right about peasantlife. Sure, the others have it right with "freeman", but still lower class cuck.

>> No.25326158

thats too close to the edge, coast is going to erode away and within 50 years that house is fucked

>> No.25326555

Prima nocte rights never existed and even if they did they wouldn't apply to freemen because they're unbound to the land
Similarly if you have enough money to never need to work and still pay your expenses and grow your wealth at the same time, you are unbound to anything just about anyone can tell you to do except the last and greatest cucker of all: the government

>> No.25326620

Lmao once you have a million dollars making money is easy. The point of a few million is so you can build it to 10 or 100 million in the next ten years through conventional means

>> No.25326759

Why 20 bathrooms but only 9 bedrooms?

>> No.25327096

10 for piss, 10 for poo = more work for jannie

>> No.25327101


Being a trillionaire on earth is as boring as being an emperor in the feudal ages. Do you suddenly gain super powers and unlock a sci fi world? fuck no.

And even then those emperors were massive fucking retards and this whole planet's history is boring as shit.
Nothing but scammers, morons who can't accomplish their scams, people who control govrnments, but don't actually control jackshit of they require us to be alive on order for them to thrive.
Fuck Hitler, fuck Stalin, fuck Russia, fuck America, all a bunch of useless pieces of shits. Why don't they do the responsible thing in life and just kill all the shit continents like South America?
Why doesn't America virus bomb Mexico?

I want a fucking alternate universe where Jesus went full Muhammad except he created a virus which killed all the negros, gypsies, chinks.

The only thing interesting humanity has ever produced was electricity and nuclear power. And that pathetic excuse of a biology military purposes.
Why wasn't there a spread religion back in the day all about eugenics?

I'm sick and tired of your world. It's a miracle this species of retards even managed to reach the modern age.
And what do they do with it? they still allow shit religions to exist... you'd think after gaining the upper hand you'd do everything to change the entire world, not just your country.

>> No.25327228

Lmao be a billionaire so you can afford the upcoming life extension tech. If you want to live long enough to see other worlds it's best to be rich. The first person to live 1,000 years has already been born

>> No.25327464

Pathetic fucking medieval person. You humans make me sick.

If I was a billionaire I'd try to get into funding military scientists and interacting with them, make them build me stuff I need and want. Biology scientists too to fix my retarded brain.
I cannot fucking live in your shitheap of a world unless I specifically take a shit on everyone to express how pissed off I am with your caveman world.

Jesus if I had even just 15 million ushittydss I'd clone a perfect version of my family. Make them literally live eternally. Give them the life they never had. And this is one of the more primitive ideas of mine.

I'd be the principal of a school just so I can terrorize all the immigrants and pseuds and send them back to Walmart where they belong.
Again primitive, but that's the genuine power tripping I'd love to have over being a moderator on a Cambodian basket-weaving forum... maybe buy 4chan. Maybe that would make me happy.

>> No.25327529

you are so autistic that you don't even realize that you are not smart or important whatsoever. it is pretty clear that the reason you are so angry about society is because the other kids made fun of you in school lmao
>your world
Yeah bitch, it is my world and you are living in it.

>> No.25327530
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No matter how much money I lose, no matter how low I get in life, I will always be a God. Nothing can change that, I am superhuman, I will always be above the masses.

>> No.25327598

this is what a 14 year types like

>> No.25327616

OP wins the fucking brainlet award of the century.
for being a massive faggot and posting a fucking shack on a unstable cliff as an example.

>> No.25327622

>If I was a billionaire I'd try to get into funding military scientists and interacting with them,
If I had one third of that I'd buy a small third world country and convince the citizens that we can build rockets, plans and tanks out of whatever resources they have. Probably mud, sticks, and industrial waste but we'll have a fun time trying wth lol

>> No.25327656

Why? because it doesn't exist or not even trillionaire can afford UFOs? or Jeff Bezos makes sure to be quiet when he drives one?
All the interesting shit worth buying is in the military.
I spit at trillionaires who still buy trash furniture and technology from retards like Intel and AMD and today's generation of incompetent sheeple.

Even as a cheap billionaire you should be able to already afford military grade houses, food, tech, biology.

>> No.25327680

stop reading buzzfeed tier pop sci articles you gullible redditor

>> No.25327791

this, its absolute cope.
not to mention a lot of them are natural born aristocracy as in theyre functionally different due to their pedigree, a lot of them would naturally rise to the top regardless , also if you have money you can create purpose in your life if you so choose, for most of history people like this were custodians of society engineering the future for good or bad

>money gives you the freedom to isolate from these people and only be around better people
also this better chance of having a genuine friendship if the other person is independently wealthy and doesnt really want anything from you and vice versa but obv there are benefits you could extract value from

>> No.25327802

ok cool but i dont need 7 bedrooms and 7000sqft so why should i give a shit what some boomer wasted his pension on?

>> No.25327827

>not having 5 children

>> No.25327859

Most based post i've seen on biz

>> No.25327868

Go back to playing Fortnite and learn what capitals and punctuation are, you mental retard. Go fuck a kangaroo while you're at it or you think I need a hacker to figure out where you're from, you fucking 15 year old moron? Go be underage somewhere else.
Your world is fucking shit, go suck Thomas Eddison's dick, without those scientists you'd be sucking horse cocks.

I have a fetish where aliens enslave the "top guns" before they show you how a proper civilization is suppose to function and then they blow up the planet because you're nothing special.
Literal crabs in a bucket who refuse to understand each other and just fucking die as a collective. Disgusting cells with nothing going for them.

>> No.25327881

anyone who earned their wealth didn't go from 0 to 100 overnight. at some point they had a net worth in the hundred thousands, then the millions, and so on. gotta start somewhere anon

>> No.25327922

You mean daddy gave them a small loan of a couple million and they worked with crime organizations to become billionaire.

>> No.25327926

aliens arent even real

>> No.25327944

hopefully i dont raise my kids to be faggot NEETs that still need to live with me in my retirement home

>> No.25327990

Africans, gypsies, asians: White people aren't real.

>> No.25328007

yeash this is really cringe, i just dont give a shit about punctuation or grammar. i guess 14 was too young of a guess, you are probably around 15-17. do you think im an aussie or something??
>Your world
Again, yes this is my world, you are just living in it.

>> No.25328100

How do I know this guy holds LINK?

>> No.25328115


>> No.25328120
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>> No.25328414

Posted by someone poor who doesn’t understand wealth. 10x every 5 years lmao right yep

To this guy, you sound bitter and just aren’t gonna make it with that attitude. If you buy an endgame house outright for a few mill and still have high 7 fig or low 8 fig left over you have MADE IT. You are fat-fire’d and have escaped the rate race living off a big SWR that doesn’t eat into your capital

>> No.25328460

Because he rents?

>> No.25328462

With no easy access to it you fucking dolt

>> No.25328499

Get off this board and stay in school

>> No.25328614

I hold Link too, but who are we kidding, Linkies are the most materialistic of them all. The vast majority can't even comprehend why boomer dividends after selling Link is a good idea.

>> No.25328778

This is my cope.

>> No.25328794

what a beautiful place. it doesn't really feel like a house imo, but it's so nice

>> No.25328812

Fuck that, why waste tax money on that retard's education. He needs to just rope.

>> No.25328833
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He lost all of his hair in the process though. Lol

>> No.25328893

>the number of people who did that is likely very small, as in low double digits.
No. Closer to a couple thousand based on blockchain analysis, actually.

>> No.25329109


>> No.25329375

Based trips

Other than the principle of "might makes right" which applies now (Donald Trump or a pack of niggers could also fuck your daughter if they wanted to). Beyond that you are free

>> No.25329426

Lmao actual advances aren't being written about in buzzfeed nigger

>> No.25329440

checked it. i would say for the children it's easy to make a prank to them with sound/visual effects, etc. the adults near them didn't see anything.

for the adults most of those experiences happen when they are in bed. most likely some sleep paralysis / DMT production in the brain or something. The woman talks about that "tunnel of light" and "warm presence" etc... exactly like near death experiences or DMT trips.

>> No.25329478

wrong (you) >>25324611

>> No.25329545

>"Hmm what would I do if I had more money"
>buy a bigger house
>buy a faster car
>pay a more attractive woman to pretend to love me

Not knocking the search for capital in itself or the freedomchads in this thread (I agree with you) but if all you really want is to earn that yacht/lambo before you die and meet God, you've already lost