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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25263312 No.25263312 [Reply] [Original]

Starship is big edition


>Stock market Words

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>Links for Jannies

Previous: >>25258547

>> No.25263384
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>> No.25263388

I’m a bit retarded, but how do you actually know if a stock actually has the potential to go up?

>> No.25263404


>> No.25263419
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>> No.25263423

Perform augury

>> No.25263435
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>> No.25263436
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3M and Honeywell, must be a scam

>> No.25263449

short-term = technical analysis with memelines
long-term = fundamental analysis with actually good companies

>> No.25263461

you dont

>> No.25263481
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>> No.25263499

Bros i matched with the blonde chick across thw street again on tinder. What do i say?

>> No.25263511
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>technical analysis

>> No.25263521

something something uranium something something buy UUUU

>> No.25263534

First for buy green energy and hold long term

>> No.25263545
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Divine with the spirits

>> No.25263551

Buy low, sell lower.

>> No.25263554
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>> No.25263558

I’m a waggie, so it’s fairly difficult to do so, but how is a good way to be able to research different stocks and their potential when also working?

>> No.25263564

what do you mean again

wtf did you do last time

>> No.25263585

just buy what's going up, obviously someone did research on it or had the inside scoop

>> No.25263587

trying to predict short term price action is a meme anyways, so why not use crayon astrology?

>> No.25263596

I discerned she has no mother living at home. Only a father three brothers and a down syndrome haitian nigger. Was really offput so i ghosted her after talking for two days. This was a few months ago. Shes also a stem nigger

>> No.25263604

Never doubt the power of apophenia

>> No.25263626

I sold WKHS months ago on the first big run up to $30 but I might get back in

I just need actual cash since most of my account is gamestop

>> No.25263630

If tomorrow is green across the board after the stimulus overreaction CLF will close above 14.15.

>> No.25263636

bv does only fans now?

>> No.25263642
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>> No.25263644

Ask her what she doing for new years. Get her to come over, have some fun and once she starts trusting you, rob her wallet an invest the money in UUUU before she finds out/cops arrive.

>> No.25263654
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Uranium is the future. Invest in the future, not the past.

>> No.25263667
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Did you buy OSMT today?

>> No.25263673
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>> No.25263679

ghost her again, whats the issue? You can do a lot better than her.

>> No.25263685

Thats a good idea. Im home alone all week was really hoping i could get her to come over and we can play with eachother buccis

>> No.25263689

I unironically get my advice from here. It’s a fucking miracle I’m not bankrupt.

>> No.25263699

Thoughts on SINO?

>> No.25263713

>Uranium is the future.
is the year is 1944?

Hydrogen is the future, opposite side of the chart

>> No.25263745

The FOMO on this one is going to be so good.

>> No.25263807

>Mad for not going all in on a stock I was interested in.
>Extra mad that I sold after I became turned off from waiting.
>Extra extra mad when it mooned hard.
>Look at ticker and just scroll past it knowing full well I could lose if I decide to jump in now.

>> No.25263824

Shes the only decent white girl in my town besides landwhales underage, spics and niggers

>> No.25263839

Methane is the future, not hydrogen. Infinitely easier to store and can be produced carbon-neutrally through electrolysis (H2O -> O2 + H2) and the sabatier reaction (CO2 + H2 = CH4)

If this CO2 is extracted from the atmosphere it forms a closed cycle. It uses entirely existing LNG infrastructure and is interchangeable with it.

Idk if there's a public company actually doing this yet though, SpaceX is apparently developing it in-house for Mars

>> No.25263913
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SO guys is it possible that cryptocurrency being used to buy weed could help weed stocks Moon eventually?

>> No.25263951

Know a Jew , ask a Jew, befriend a Jew

>> No.25263952

Sewer plants have been running co-generation systems off of methane for years.

>> No.25263982
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I got fucked today /smg/, and not in a good way....

>> No.25263989

All that matters to me is if / when Amazon signs a contract with an EV company. I’m a legit insider now. I have some cool stuff in the works

>> No.25264006
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buy MCD

>> No.25264008
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bros...the stock market isnt going up

its the dollar going down

>> No.25264010

Skip chemistry class
Attach balloons to the assholes of cows
Collect gas
Call Elon
Arrive at Mars in time to watch the polar nukes detonate

>> No.25264030

GME 30c 1/8 we moonin now!

>> No.25264080

Brett Rosen, part of RB Capital just posted pictures of 3M and Honeywell boxes in the OPTI warehouse, just saying. Hope you guys are already in.

>> No.25264119

Judging by your avatar, it's not surprising that you got fucked in your ass today, faggot.

>> No.25264143

Cool, if I take pictures of my company's warehouse with the products they order, will you give me your money?

>> No.25264151

Any potentials to look into tomorrow?

>> No.25264195

SRAC dipped today after a big run and the next big catalyst is Jan 14. Well above NAV though.

>> No.25264199

o fuk. He’s right isn’t he

>> No.25264218


>> No.25264234

I feel my position is too small damnit but I’m waiting for a bunch of shit to settle.

>> No.25264250

I shot a nigger in the balls lol...no procreating for you.....

>> No.25264256

Should I use my stim money to fuck prostitute or buy more GME?

>> No.25264289
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post em lads

Realized I couldn't make my account back in a month without more risk so I sold my shares.

August to November was down 80%. 4 weeks following election I was down just 3%. Since then I'm back down 61% but I got this. Got great deals on ER plays. Having to stomach 10-20% +/- daily swings has become the norm. Learned how to play weeklies but lost my swing trading monies and now my account is under 25k and have to hold over night. Will be up 50% by February

>> No.25264295
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a woman offered me candy today, i turned down the offer, why the fuck would someone offer a stranger candy

>> No.25264315

If you're not all in NPA you're unironically ngmi

>> No.25264324

Ask her how many shares of NAK she has

>> No.25264332
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> he doesn't take free candy from strangers

ngmi idiot, you pass up opportunity.

>> No.25264338

You must look very twinkish.

>> No.25264348
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I would take it because I lost all my money on PLTR...

>> No.25264358

etfs or companies? what do you hold

>> No.25264376

you'd be stupid to ignore it when the majority of the market is clearly following moving averages

>> No.25264412

ttd :(

>> No.25264459
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If it makes you feel any better I also added to my PLTR position today.

>> No.25264466

Bro I fucking love transport tycoon deluxe!

>> No.25264469

She likes you reward

>> No.25264477


>> No.25264486

QCLN or ICLN less risky than holding specific companies. Lotta volatility

>> No.25264494


>> No.25264501
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Sell premarket, buy 3 hours later. Don't quit your wage cages

>> No.25264546

>underrated post
Based and bird-sign pilled.

>> No.25264563

I like to consult fortune cookies personally.

>> No.25264574


>> No.25264660

I only do call options. My lucky friend from college hit me up the other day - he was broke af - asking if I was planning on going to the island my friend owns but you can only reach via chartered jet this summer. He informs me he made over 100k in one week trading binary options.

I owe 175k in taxes and lost 60k this year. But this fuck turned 1k into 100k trading binary options on tesla. Fml

>> No.25264679
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Yes I am aware that a lot of things can happen between now and 2021, look at what the SEC did to XRP for example. I just think its good to keep up with news for companies you got money in. I couldn't really figure out their total MW capacity with this recent batch of purchases, but the old number was about 105 MW.

I agree. I think the last I checked 1% of the total world's power is consumed mining bitcoin. That is fucking way too much for something that only has value because someone else will pay someone else more for the same coin.

>> No.25264723

How’s it called when etfs pump their holdings at the end of the year to cheat the returns? That’s what cathie wood did. All the stocks she’s holding dropped today

>> No.25264841

so the gov is basically forcing people to go into stocks if they want their money to be worth anything. i need something to just hold then that will act like a bank account when they had good interest.

>> No.25264853

I was offered candi as a child and got routinely molested.

>> No.25264855

where to learn about binary options?

>> No.25264867

Ocugen Inc. OCGN probability of a moon? At 2.25 right now. Company researching and developing 'Rona vaccine. Results of trials to be released in the coming weeks.

>> No.25264895


>> No.25264902

Are you good at roulette or scratchoffs? If so, look it up. If not, don't bother. Yoloing on wsb FDs is surer way of making money after 20 tries.

>> No.25264904

window dressing

>> No.25264914


Obviously. It will be a delayed reaction before market inflation hits the streets. You have about a year or two biz bros.

>> No.25264917

It’s full of corona vaccines everywhere

>> No.25264925

Is GME cringe now that Reddit jumped on it?

>> No.25264941

I'm glad my broker lets me change denominations, I've been trading through Japanese Yen since March, enjoy your -10% real returns faggots lmao

>> No.25264945


>> No.25264947

reddit was first. roaring kitty was the youtuber that /biz/ got the idea from, and he's the guy that's been posting the idea on reddit for over a year

>> No.25264968

Whatcha implying? This is nothing special is it

>> No.25264976

So how did you make so much money on it? You make it sound like pure gambling

>> No.25264980

GME unironically has no future if you longterm
If you want some quick gains atm then maybe, who care if cringe

>> No.25264989

This IS market inflation, midwit, CPI inflation is an arbitrary metric that ignores trillions upon trillions of dollars of real capital in our system. Look up the Dollar Index (DXY) the past 9 months, look up commodities, hell look at the fucking S&P 500.

>> No.25264993

On the back of it she's been just buying AAPL
The "oh shit I have no idea what to do next" of strategies for mutual fund managers.

>> No.25264994

honestly who gives a shit , gimme the next GME

>> No.25264997
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Silver it is anon

The guy who owns the bank who runs the fed is saying there is a sovereign debt bubble.

He’s also being fined for holding prices down and buying the whole time

Look at commodity to equity ratio as well.

I’m not into long play or boomer rocks but if you get a stimulus check dump it into some physical and forget you have it..until it gets you a blowjob from a formerly wel to do housewife

>> No.25265020

found the pmg tard

>> No.25265043


Venezuela stock market two. Electric burger bugaloo. In the end everything will be ok, but not great. The Jew won.

>> No.25265057
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Pretty much. No point in even buying calls on it. 2 months ago it would have made sense and it was a sure thing but now who knows where it's headed. It may pull back tomorrow and then flat line for a week and have sporadic pumps here and there. If you got in before the crowd you're good but if you're late to the party like most of us no point, just find the next pump scam.

>> No.25265071

It is. You are betting the share price of tesla will be higher (or lower) in 60 seconds than it is now. All or nothing. Most brokerages don't even allow. He's chinese tho so probably using some chink or yuropoor platform. Im pretty sure sec made it illegal in the states.

>> No.25265079

I hate boomer rocks I’ve made my money of stocks and real estate

It’s the only asymmetric move out there right now anon it’s the only thing that hasn’t boomed

>> No.25265087

>t. /pmg/
Get with the times old man. The banks have chosen btc.

>> No.25265093

Get the fuck out of this thread boomer.

>> No.25265109

Just Apple shares

>> No.25265120

Blue chips with diamond plated balance sheets and cash flow are the new bonds and savings accounts.
JNJ, for example.

>> No.25265127
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>> No.25265131
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Thanks to whoever shilled that one O stock, the bcrx style beat. I don't do DD I just use my honed 4channel instincts to know who is bullshitting and who isnt

>> No.25265141

Oh I >>25265071 didn't. My friend did. He got fucking lucky when stonks only went up this summer - I didnr even ask. I was dying inside. My smart 5G plays were causing me to bleed out while my broke friend is making more than me. He came to the island once and we each had to chip in 5k extra to cover his airfare. So I was shocked he could afford it.

>> No.25265144
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Pol/smg and everyone else smart got in at the absolute bottom last year. Reddit has been dogging it for awhile till now(i wouldnt know, i only see fags here saying that for months and months here)
Absolute brainlets tha fag up the place. Literally CLF anon isnt as much of a fag.
And thats fuckin sad

>> No.25265161

kind of boring but yea thats a good idea. i was thinking of amd too.

>> No.25265162


>> No.25265163

I've doubled my investment since November who fucking cares, its not like this is PLTR

>> No.25265188
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>posted from my iphone
the irony is rich

>> No.25265226

what about litecoin??

Also, would it be based to propose to my GF with a wedding band (no diamond) kek

>> No.25265238

>its not like this is PLTR
Worse, it's blockbuster and only going up thanks to exploit we missed out on.

I have had success buying weeklies in palantir when I see tons of loss porn. Up 26% in final 10min of day. I'll likely unload for at least 100% roi tomorrow

>> No.25265256

and why? what's the timing on this one

>> No.25265279
File: 2.79 MB, 320x184, 5F2CB16B-93F8-4C1B-9BD2-41C328084E9B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be an old fag
Yeah phone posting is the norm now if you didn't notice. Its changed over the years a bit, an old fag would know.

>> No.25265304

still GME

>> No.25265322

sorry, but what is the fucking exit point for you greaseballs????

>> No.25265333
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>Yeah phone posting is the norm now

>> No.25265335
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shit man

>> No.25265341
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>> No.25265366

I get my girlfriend to tarot on it, works as well as any other method in the current clown market.

>> No.25265375

just take the L already

>> No.25265384

132% LOOK AT YOU (:
I only started a bit ago so I'll ramp it up soon hope to see gains like those
Le epic gambler (I dunno much about options so I havent touched em yet)

>> No.25265389

Wtf is going on with Gevo

>> No.25265405

am i the only one here that uses td ameritrade?

>> No.25265409

currently $50, 100, and $200

>> No.25265411


>> No.25265413

>That short ratio
is this fucking accurate? it used to be over 100%, right? did the shorts really all cover that easily

>> No.25265415

Land purchase and delta airlines deal apparently. I don’t like their financials tho

>> No.25265417

long time

>> No.25265421

>we missed out on.
lol says you

>> No.25265423
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nasdump lagging

>> No.25265426

i use both tda and etrade

>> No.25265432
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>green $GME day

>down on my calls because i bought weeklys and got theta owned like a dumbass retard piece of shit

>> No.25265436

No, you're replying to a retard. That's just daily short volume. The total shares shorted is still well over 100% of float

>> No.25265446

Options nigga. Just don't leave gains on the table like I did. I've gone from (25k to) 3k to 17-25k 4 times this year.

>> No.25265450
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This has unironically been what they've been doing since 2008.
The days of saving accounts paying 5% are never coming back. Just throw your money into SPY or BTC (depending on your age group) and forget about it if you don't want to bother trading.

>> No.25265462
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>> No.25265463

psec is a flat line how is that any better?

>> No.25265483

Like I said my sweet darling I simply must learn more about them before I begin trading them.

>> No.25265491
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>GME currently at $21.12

>> No.25265493

the nerve of that fucking guy, telling lies on the internet

>> No.25265508

Never been into GME but if that short interest keeps up you'll have pajeets talking about them in regards to solar roofs and electric cars eventually

>> No.25265512

i want to do babby's first put, any one got any leads?

>> No.25265516

It pays a monthly dividend. It's the most "bank account" thing I can think of besides Tiffany's and BSTZ (which is also a monthly dividend) since it literally doesn't move.

>> No.25265518

I want to fuck a korena girl so bad

>> No.25265521

TD Ameritrade for my stock gambling, Merrill Edge for my Boomer ETFs, Coinbase for my crypto degeneracy.

>> No.25265527


>> No.25265529


>> No.25265576

what's the purpose of having multiple brokerage accounts on different services?

why not keep it all in one account, or at least one brokerage company?

>> No.25265584

>Gamestop becomes the official game supplier of the solar federation

>> No.25265597

gotcha. bstz looks good and its tech. i like the idea.

>> No.25265604

this 'asymmetric' play has been going on for decades. yet nothing. silver crabs

>> No.25265633

i like tda's thinkorswim platform, so i use it for short term stuff. i like etrade's services overall as i have a regular account, 4 trust accounts, checking account, savings account, futures account, and company stock options account there.

>> No.25265650

Stop buying options.

>> No.25265656

what if one gets hacked

>> No.25265658

It isn't just boomer rocks, its commodities in general. The stock market is pricing in CRAZY inflation and commodities HAVE to move to justify it.

>> No.25265672

RH for everything cause im a zoomer, Etrade for penny stocks.... trying to slowly move everything to merill now... but robinhood is just too nice.

>> No.25265682
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>tfw slowly transitioning into only having ETFs

am i becoming a boomer?

>> No.25265697

The nuclear fud will never. Ever. Die.

>> No.25265701

What do you think about PSTH, apparently it the largest SPAC ever but no company has been announced yet.

>> No.25265719
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welcome friend

>> No.25265737
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>I don't do DD I just use my honed 4channel instincts to know who is bullshitting and who isnt

>> No.25265743

GHIV, BFT, LCA only spacs i care about. I really want an LCA entry point...

>> No.25265745

hello newfag

>> No.25265748
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I like how they shit on silver but shill clf (iron) and uuuu (uranium)

>> No.25265755

I actually really like BSTZ a lot, I wish I owned more.

>> No.25265762

No covid bump for the ratio?

>> No.25265768
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line go up. simple as.

>> No.25265780

Don't want to shit where I eat. Boomer ETFs are my real "savings" account, crypto and meme stocks are a video game I play that I have to report on my taxes.
Oh right, I also forgot about my Fidelity retirement account. That one's forced on me, though.

>> No.25265781

hm, explain this to a retard. should i buy a condo?

>> No.25265787

What the fuck do we even do right now? Every day I think the schizo market can't get worse, and then it does. Give me one thing to put all of my non-ETF money into at the bottom of the 9AM dump tomorrow.

>> No.25265810

How is etrade? I was considering going Schwab just to be able to say I have a 'real' brokerage account and to fomo into OPTI.

>> No.25265812

Trust me frens, the stock market will go bear in a Biden administration. He will do the opposite of Trump and go out of his way to emphasize that Biden presidential success has nothing to do with the stock market. Biden administration has contempt for the pleb 401k

>> No.25265815
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just follow meme. hook nose tribe cannot see. rock go up, rock go down. but meme always up.

>> No.25265816

>use electricity to make hydrogen
>use more electricity to make methane
This is why batteries win.

>> No.25265820

What are your favorite etfs?

>> No.25265836

It probably hasn’t updated as of yet

Commodities got wrecked by covid in the beginning, but now that supply chains are zero and demand is rising well, do the math anon.

This is a very long term chart so those bumps we see on daily timeframe barely register on this chart. Also keep in mind during the covid dump everything dumped at once even bonds stocks comodities gold etc so the ratio never changed.

If it’s 10:1 and you take -30% from both sides it’s still 10:1 ratio.

>> No.25265846

You're shilling people to buy silver without even mentioning JP Morgan.. of course we're going to mock / laugh at you
It will continue to be manipulated until the end of time. JP Morgan will be allowed to continue to manipulate it, as no government wants silver and in extension gold to be used instead of their fiat currencies. When government interest and big banking interest is aligned, nothing will ever get done.
Unless you are advocating buying *some* physical silver as a longterm hedge on shit hitting the fan (it will) get outta here
You are advocating for people in /smg/ to take money out of their wallet and hand it over to JP Morgan otherwise

>> No.25265854
File: 96 KB, 960x639, download (53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Were in the green, buy a fucking bag!

>> No.25265869

Depends on location but generally speaking hell no

Look at the case shiller index for home prices to determine that.

>> No.25265880
File: 55 KB, 542x616, 1501400053590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't want to shit where I eat.
thats actually a pretty descriptive way to describe it, and makes sense.

thanks anon. that's a perfect way of looking at it.

>> No.25265881
File: 99 KB, 820x860, F24CD042-194C-4473-B681-5E54BDB54DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro that’s so funny you got the whole squad laughin

>> No.25265884

Yes religious renewable nuts will absolutely refuse to look at technological, practical, or physical limitations to renewables to consider anything that isn't the carbon front loaded wind and solar.
This isn't new. This battle has been going on for ages, to the benefit of oil and coal.
It's good news because it still means the absolutely dumbest green midwits are still retarded. You always want undervalued assets.

>> No.25265885
File: 146 KB, 1366x768, E6C919AA-564F-4BD1-9AEF-2B6F746524C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any realistic Mars games? Something that doesn't involve just throwing ore into a magic 3D printer to make anything.

>> No.25265917

same but not at open
will i be okay by summer?

>> No.25265928
File: 91 KB, 1000x666, 0115E917-8CD0-44D5-A82E-DA1803C9FC2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sports bar a shit
But a snack bar makes me so jelly. I don't understand it.

>> No.25265934

I see

>> No.25265935

I have one for my serious long term investments, one for CFD trading, one for futures trading and two accounts on the same crypto exchange. I don't want to mix my serious savings account with my trading accounts, simple as that

>> No.25265940

Oh yeah for sure I wouldn’t make it a all in play. But it has 60-65% use in industrial

The reason jp is shorting it is they get huge orders by huge tech/green companies for it. They provide a steady supply of it to them. Eventually it will end

They did the same thing with platinum u til they couldn’t anymore.

I’m not coming at it from a lolbertarian point of view/Peter Schiff

I’m coming at it from industrial metal used in tech/green projects point of view.

>> No.25265965


>> No.25265975 [DELETED] 

Na I dont have time my nigga. My calls will print. QCOM to the moon in feb

>> No.25265977


But really, any ETF's that are tech related I really like, and what I plan on investing most of my money into. I like the NASDAQ so any ETF's that follow it are where I've been putting my money.

>> No.25265992

That is a nice snack bar.

>> No.25266000

never buy options before earnings you fucking retard. options 101, look how IV changes

>> No.25266017

the easiest source of hydrogen is from a nuclear reactor

>> No.25266036

When IV is <30% it's good. 5G plays. I know what I'm doing now. See 4chanx reply

>> No.25266059

I use it

>> No.25266061

Bought the absolute top and averaged down into GOEV. No more cash. Down. Am I fucked?

>> No.25266103

>>If it’s 10:1 and you take -30% from both sides it’s still 10:1 ratio.

you are 10 IQ

>> No.25266134

why does that door seem really skinny

>> No.25266173
File: 131 KB, 1024x1020, 6807D5B0-4095-420F-B468-F9F3B5B17E1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ really?


That’s the same ratio as 10:1

>> No.25266210


>> No.25266232
File: 267 KB, 420x420, 1482890772081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I avoid becoming a wagie

>> No.25266243

I wanna buy a place to live, not rent, but boomers screwed us

>> No.25266264
File: 9 KB, 232x218, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what playing son?

>> No.25266266


>> No.25266274

Buy assets other wagies need and will wage for to pay for

Or start a business, grow it yourself while being a wagie, then hire a wagie to do it for less.

My friend became a plumber, grew it, now he hired 10 plumbers that he pays a fixed income to and he takes the cut off the top.

It’s not the answer you wanted, but the one you need anon

>> No.25266283
File: 11 KB, 222x305, 1602022303018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Storage and Battery
>3D Metal Printing
>Partnership with Blink

>> No.25266286

cant, if youre poor. Try shitcoins.

Im working a meme job rn ill keep you guys updated how much i make. 100% commission kek, kinda stressful.

>> No.25266287
File: 509 KB, 873x1293, Female.Protagonist.(PERSONA.3).full.1551678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully. Maybe not if the whole stock market crashes before then....

>> No.25266292

I’d be investing in 30 rd pmags and .223 rounds before Jan 11

>> No.25266302

Give it time anon, 2000 stock bubble kicked the can to the housing bubble in 06, now the bubble is sovereign debt. There is no place to kick the can further.

Stay patient friend.

>> No.25266305
File: 55 KB, 666x812, 1604807751569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>markets pump
>your account tanks

feels for this feel?

>> No.25266307

Will MMED and NUMI go up next week psychedelic bros?

>> No.25266309

i just picked up 1200 rounds of 9 for around 50c a round luckily, shit is so expensive

>> No.25266332

50 bucks for 10 12ga slugs. If I didn't stock up in March I'd be so pissed.

>> No.25266353

i'm mad i didn't buy a gun earlier, never needed one cuz always lived in the white burbs but now i'm moving more into the city to help gentrify and just learned that guns/ammo were dirt cheap the past 4 years ;-;

>> No.25266363
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>> No.25266380

>boomer parents listed me as a dependent last year despite being out of undergrad for several years
>didn't get previous stimulus check and probably won't get any future ones
Gonna neck myself lads, that would've been great money for a nocap like myself

>> No.25266384

Halp? I need reassurance

>> No.25266390

Bro get out of that shit and try to find work with a temp company or something 100% commission is a scam

>> No.25266400

Isn't that tax fraud? You should get a check.

>> No.25266403
File: 38 KB, 637x358, 1607961983341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not in NUMI but have 1000 shares in MMEDF. Pullback was healthy, and growth has been consistent and any larger dips are bought immediately. This one is definitely a comfy long hold. Considering adding more tomorrow with UUUU gains.

>> No.25266409

I was thinking of starting a business that sells niacinamide based skincare products for women and then just grow it fast. But obv I need capital until then.

>> No.25266422

Im aware.. im only gonna do it for a month or so, im bored bro im going to leverage it into a WFH position, maybe do something on the side too

>> No.25266442
File: 104 KB, 322x280, 1598578358738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is when I start throwing things across the room.

>> No.25266451

I'm still in the dependent age range so no

>> No.25266457

me today.

>> No.25266466

well are you dependent or not

>> No.25266468

I assure you that you fucked up.

>> No.25266476

And a student still, forgot to add

>> No.25266493
File: 1.68 MB, 435x250, 1594941412799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25266512

so you are dependent, why are you complaining about something you weren't entitled to in the first place

>> No.25266514


>> No.25266517

So who bought that big Lion EV order? Amazon, Republic waste, or other?

>> No.25266529


>> No.25266566

No idea what that is anon, but start it up why not. Beg/borrow/steal small funds to start to get it going, if it does well keep going and roll it into meme stocks anon.

>> No.25266578
File: 129 KB, 770x760, 1607732026446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down 3% during trading hours
>up 2% AH
what is this phenomenon called again

>> No.25266595

The FED pooooomp

>> No.25266617

Theta gang wins again

>> No.25266620
File: 32 KB, 620x362, AB677DB5-A247-4646-9D2A-5F31A02BA9B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very fucking related

>> No.25266621
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1088, w72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a photo of an emoji
I hope you lose all of your money and end up in crackwhore anons collage.
You'll have to wait a year for it to go back to $3 :^)

>> No.25266629

What kind of iguana is that?

>> No.25266648


>> No.25266655
File: 2.34 MB, 1167x1200, 599529521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you anons see that Japan are planning on doing some tax reforms and shit (loopholes pretty much) for investors and traders? All you need to make is ~$400k a year, so now you have a goal in life.. good luck

>> No.25266683
File: 91 KB, 677x1139, stoinkpattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, pls explain

>> No.25266691

What should I buy tomorrow for gambling play? I'll have 800 dollars, or should I let it settle and buy options in a few days

>> No.25266716
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 4587951231186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC crabbing non-stop
MARAbros please hold me. What's gonna happen if Mitch says no to the bill ?

>> No.25266719
File: 123 KB, 634x634, 1608671929317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow looks bright of us valers

>> No.25266746
File: 31 KB, 674x588, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25266764
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, 1589492834441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold spy 374 calls

>> No.25266770

>What's gonna happen if Mitch says no to the bill
You already know the answer, anon.

>> No.25266819


Bernie will save us lel

>> No.25266826

Partnership is with PLUG. You don't even do your own DD.

>> No.25266845

Will couv go up more tomorrow? I may just buy it at open.

>> No.25266858

Not much to explain yet because it's still being written, but the plan is to become more attractive (tax-wise) and steal investors, traders and banksters from other asian countries like South Korea, Vietnam AND Hong Kong, and if you didn't know already Hong Kong is pretty much seen as a tax haven for foreign investors. So these changes Japan are planning on making will be pretty damn major, BUT like I said it's only for big earners.. according to Bloomberg the aim is for people earning $300k-$500k+

>> No.25266871
File: 25 KB, 565x453, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tell me where the line goes up tomorrow bros

>> No.25266904
File: 205 KB, 449x252, 24128246-7E2F-4F1E-9398-28FF5B573F1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, can i roll covered calls expiring ITM up and forward for a credit forever? what is stopping me from just perpetually rolling forward as long as i need to cover the debit forever? did i find the final jew hack to make it?

>> No.25266912

Thank you anon will dd

>> No.25266927
File: 30 KB, 359x359, 1604528799822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's most likely gonna say no. Everything that I've seen Mitch "doomp eet" McConnell do thus far points to this. He voted in favor of the stimulus bill, but that was for $600 checks. Just buy the dip or hold. Maybe his superior will give him the go ahead to approve it, but we'll find out tomorrow. If you see bitcoin/futures rally at some point for no reason, this might be because wall street was alerted that the bill will pass. If it does pass, I don't see 30k by EOY being too crazy of an idea. At 30k bitcoin, I see MARA going somewhere between $16-$20 since $15.50 was achieved in premarket today.

>> No.25266965
File: 506 KB, 864x1846, Screenshots_2020-12-28-23-02-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25266989

Should have gotten term limits during the 4 years of turmp because Mitch has been a senator for 30 years.

>> No.25266992

sure, i do it all the time. eventually you'll find the position deeper ITM than you want and you'll have a capital loss to buy the calls back, as rolling new ones won't cover the price. not a huge deal.

>> No.25267007

Threadly reminder to consider moving capital into commodities for upcoming bullrun

>> No.25267014
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>> No.25267021

so which ETF has the highest chance of replicating the ridiculous 200-1,500% 5 year returns we've seen? I feel like this isn't discussed enough beyond namedropping tickers

>> No.25267095

your question is dumb but i'll give you the answer regardless. SQQQ

>> No.25267109
File: 77 KB, 280x360, 1606671357309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25267112


>> No.25267136

Dumb because you don't think any will hence the SQQQ? Not being salty just wondering

>> No.25267168


But seriously, ETFs won't be five baggers in any reasonable amount of time because they're designed to be diversified. You're asking which sector will be a five bagger - and even that won't be a five bagger because you'd stll make more by investing in the best stocks in a given ETF rather than the entire fund.

>> No.25267207

PLUG isn't profitable and this won't change anything.

>> No.25267216
File: 25 KB, 480x448, 1583764502889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all selling UUUU at premarket tomorrow and buying 2 hours later right? Same fucking shit every day

>> No.25267225

unironically the ARK etfs have the best chance, but they also have the most risk

>> No.25267285
File: 163 KB, 450x300, GeddyLee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Rush poster i love you<3

>> No.25267339
File: 22 KB, 745x215, optibaybeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eighteen naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
Big hard throbbing cocks wanting to be sucked
Eighteen naked cowboys wanting to be fucked
Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
On their knees wanting to suck cowboy cocks
Ram Ranch really rocks

[Verse 1]
Hot hard buff cowboys, their cocks throbbing hard
Eighteen more wild cowboys out in the yard
Big bulging cocks ever so hard

[Verse 2]
Orgy in the showers at Ram Ranch
Big hard throbbing cocks ramming cowboy butt
Like a breeding ram wanting to rut

[Verse 3]
Big hard throbbing cocks getting sucked real deep
Cowboys even getting fucked in their sleep
Ram Ranch, it rocks
Cowboys love big hard throbbing cocks

Eighteen naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
Big hard throbbing cocks wanting to be sucked
Eighteen naked cowboys wanting to be fucked
Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
On their knees wanting to suck cowboy cocks
Ram Ranch really rocks

[Verse 1]
Hot hard buff cowboys, their cocks throbbing hard
Eighteen more wild cowboys out in the yard
Big bulging cocks ever so hard

[Verse 2]
Orgy in the showers at Ram Ranch
Big hard throbbing cocks ramming cowboy butt
Like a breeding ram wanting to rut

Eighteen naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
Big hard throbbing cocks wanting to be sucked
Eighteen naked cowboys wanting to be fucked
Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
On their knees wanting to suck cowboy cocks
Ram Ranch really rocks

[Verse 3]
Big hard throbbing cocks, getting sucked real deep
Cowboys even getting fucked in their sleep
Ram Ranch, it rocks

>> No.25267416
File: 33 KB, 540x418, based_gamers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200-1,500% 5 year returns

>> No.25267672
File: 124 KB, 717x960, 1561352158048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a suicide stack for PLTR?

is it still a long-term hold? I bought some shares in the last month and was going to accumulate more and just not look at it for years.

>> No.25267810

I am so fucking excited for this week oh my god

>> No.25267840
File: 145 KB, 624x950, 1588400340129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope it's a long term hold because I bought the top today...

>> No.25267853

my autism/schizo is tingling hard on this

>Gatekeeper is a leading provider of intelligent video and data solutions designed to provide a safer transportation environment for children, passengers, and public safety personnel on multiple transportation modes. The Company uses AI, video analytics, thermal cameras, and mobile data collectors to inter-connect public transit assets as part of intelligent transportation systems in a Smart City ecosystem. The Company's Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) business model is an enabling transformation to a video and data solutions provider for intelligent transit and Smart Cities.

tomorrow morning i am dropping a fat wad of cash on this to make up for the commission and fee

>> No.25268063
File: 10 KB, 302x96, 20201228_012143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what's the europoor equivalent of SQQQ?

>> No.25268121

Your market is sqqq

>> No.25268136

Sounds similar to mark

>> No.25268145

either this is some shitposting that's going over my head or you guys are genuine retards

nasdaq boom isnt over and never will be. tech is the future.

>> No.25268185

who else here bought suncor?

>> No.25268203

can't believe you actually held til close....how......

>> No.25268204

Bros i just shoved a vibrating toothbrush up my ass and jerked off. I feel so degenerate

>> No.25268206

>nasdaq boom isnt over and never will be. tech is the future.
>railways are the future
>airplanes are the future
>cars are the future

>> No.25268219

thanks for proving my point

>> No.25268231
File: 200 KB, 1280x1005, R059544dc0ebeba57092b081510676b05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is uranium a commodity?

>> No.25268240

Pretty sure SQQQ isn't available because of EU's regulations on ETFs, but there's usually an alternative.

>> No.25268245


>> No.25268257

>SPACs can’t go lower than 10 bucks
Why is this? What happens if someone sells for 9 bucks

>> No.25268270

the decade(s) of tech are gone. do you really think this decade they are going to continue to provide huge outsized returns ?

>> No.25268297

i think its because no matter what the spac company has enough cash to payout $10 for everyshare.

>> No.25268316

>tech is done
>just as tech is ramping up
you are straight up retarded lad

>> No.25268337
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, q01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the alternative? Shiny boomer metals?

>> No.25268347

Once when Musk goes to the moon or Mars with his rocket we'll have the 3rd tech bubble.

>> No.25268364

diamond in the rough

>> No.25268388
File: 106 KB, 700x867, 1605863352332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on OPTI?

>> No.25268398

yeah, I just really dont want to lose my AAPL shares. please bogs, dump the market this week so i can escape. i wont do it again

>> No.25268422

idk sounds like everyone's taking a shit about whether they want to get it or not. I'd just get some and hold.

>> No.25268432

Is using margin dumb if I can afford it? I want to use $1000 margin but don’t get my salary until the 31st. As long as I can pay it it’s whatever right? I’m using a RH account and it’s offering no interest on the first 1k.

>> No.25268451

considering going all in on chipotle because i cant stop eating it

>> No.25268457

Yeah I was thinking about throwing in $50 then forgetting about it

I would look at the terms of the first 1k to see if there are any hidden charges, it might be a no-interest up till a certain point deal

>> No.25268470

>Reaches moon or mars
>can't do shit because or the razor sharp sand and rocks
>literally nothing worthwhile to mine
>can't bring it back on earth either, too expensive.
>realize you wasted billions for nothing
>Forget about it
Space fags are literally worse then green energy tards

>> No.25268492
File: 659 KB, 2048x2048, chica.EoTVSnKVQAMDczv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna punch a kitten if my GME calls get IV crushed again today

all i had to do was not buy weeklys batman

fucking hell

>> No.25268523

>buying weeklies

It took me getting burned 10 times to stop being retarded

>> No.25268529

I have a modest 500 shares. Will HODL for rong time. Could it get to 20 someday?

>> No.25268557

Yeah I make a good 6k at the beginning of every month. Put most into savings use the rest to pay bills, eat, and put into stocks. I just want to drop 1k during a dip because I’m down to my last $175 in my food and Bill checkings.

>> No.25268605
File: 413 KB, 1365x2048, D7Hpze9WsAAJkP8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my big day one way or another im converting whatever the fuck i have left to february calls

im sick and tired of this right now im all in on januarys calls im such a stupid loser

these short term calls lose more than they make even if the damn shit goes up

>> No.25268610

Is Speed a Bear?


>> No.25268612

You forgot to say no homo. So that makes it really gay.

>> No.25268618

just looked at the chart. UUUU was a $200 stock at one point, not that its going to again. I wonder what happened to this company. i bought because of memes not gonna lie.

>> No.25268634
File: 19 KB, 200x200, Yes - Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25268642

>my meme biology stonk is the future

2020s is MAGA (microsoft apple google amazon) season

>> No.25268704
File: 93 KB, 565x564, 473FDB94-A095-46E7-81B3-B271B3040B88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m now a PLTR bagholder.

>> No.25268715

They diluted. there is no fucking way it was $200 with the same amount of shares

>> No.25268727

How much money do you have left kpop schizo?

>> No.25268734
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, eun(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


probably less in the morning because i lost 5k a day on IV

>> No.25268772

Why don't you learn how to trade or invest. That's a decent chunk of chain to the average person

>> No.25268789

Just sell puts until you're assigned retard

>> No.25268790
File: 118 KB, 1080x1080, 1607265180070(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blah blah blah blah blah im a fucking nigger

im in it for the ryan cohen memes thats it then im going to SEA once i get 50k

>> No.25268823
File: 237 KB, 480x270, 432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-It's OK, just a few months or years....

>> No.25268829

we all know mconnel will deny $2000 because $600 already passed. he doesn't have a problem taking the heat. market will probably dip

>> No.25268839

All you had to do was hold your GME shares
>im going to SEA once i get 50k
You're going to need a lot more than 50k for SEA.

>> No.25268894

He better fucking not. I want my two g's. God, all the shit I could buy with that.
On God if we get 2k I'm putting half of it on OPTI and fucking YOLOIng that shit.

>> No.25268922

the printing of this 2k is debt you retard, maybe if we got a tax holiday on gains instead we'd actually be getting some of our own money back.

handout wanting faggot doesnt understand it's debt

>> No.25268925
File: 97 KB, 1024x976, 3743E30A-9DF5-4B9C-9A5E-87B37169FD13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I could buy a house with my PLTR investment.

>> No.25268948

Ain't my fuckin debt.

>> No.25268953

yes it is!

>> No.25268967

Just smoked a ton of heroin and fentanyl plan to sell OSMT at open.

>> No.25268991

It'll be mine when it shows up on my balance statement. Until then it's nothing but your imaginary jewish math sorcery.

>> No.25269013

itll show up in your tax statements from your state, feds/employers, and gains

>> No.25269023
File: 162 KB, 512x512, sae_drinkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows, maybe it'll blow up to the mid hundreds in a few years and I'll be happy I bought it. I'm gonna just try to forget about it.

>> No.25269045

fuck prostitue since GME is on its way down to 17 bucks ish by mid Jan as per Melvin capital
man i need some stimulants way too down on the fent rn.

>> No.25269050

How old are you?

>> No.25269062

what is this the census

>> No.25269070

>I didn't read this bill or the one fot $1,200
So you just flat out don't know how this works.

>> No.25269071
File: 69 KB, 1024x1023, A5F5B7CD-0D4D-423D-8E85-8CB854383C44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to start in maximum 2 years.

>> No.25269095

Lets talk about it.

>> No.25269105

>making over $200,000,000,000 of debt in a country with 300,000,000 people
>not my debt
Next time you drive over a crack in the road or read news about how horrible education in the US is, don't bother wondering where your tax money went.

>> No.25269104

no it will encourage future leaders to pass tax increases to make up for this unprecedented period of massive spending, they will be getting this money back from us plus interest.

We are getting money on credit from the govt with terrible rates

>> No.25269123

I drive a lifted truck and I graduated a decade ago. Neither of those things mean a damn to me.

>> No.25269130

>as per melvin capital
I don't think Melvin will have any capital left after losing it all to redditors

>> No.25269135
File: 359 KB, 640x381, n14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want you to confirm that you're a whiny gen x fag.

>> No.25269156

then don't bother wondering why you pay tens of thousands of dollars a year in taxes and don't get any benefit for it aside from $3200

>> No.25269164

that won't be confirmed, but you're a confirmed retard for not being concerned about this disgusting waste of tax payer money

>> No.25269169

Its quite obvious melvin capital will get BTFO on the long run with its positions but for now you have to admit the institutional shorting that GME has on 17c for January 2021 means that the price will at least sink to 19 maybe 18ish

>> No.25269197

I'm holding 15/16 credit spreads so fine by me personally. Just waiting on the explosion at this point.

>> No.25269199
File: 57 KB, 960x664, mcconnell-stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this man.
You really think this man will give you $2,000?

>> No.25269202
File: 115 KB, 678x720, hjv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about America, as I only care about my 2D harem and portfolio.

>> No.25269213

go fuck your body pilows

>> No.25269224

new thread you lazy shits


>> No.25269259

They wouldnt fix it if they had the money
Place near me collects maintenance and does nothing but pay mexicans to mow the lawn

>> No.25269261

Holy shit you actually think you will profit from a credit spread?

>> No.25269296

Yes, and based on your price target, you do too

>> No.25269343
File: 100 KB, 898x766, based_af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
