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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25242849 No.25242849 [Reply] [Original]

What are industries and companies that are more immune to diversity initiatives? I think the diversity push is meant to weaken western capitalism, and I don't think it's organic at all, with roots in universities with shadow funding by the CCP.

I already have my eye on publicly traded commodity companies. Women and minorities are screaming to become metal or oil miners and they probably aren't stopped from entering the field if they want.

Tech might have niches I'm not aware of and finance. Any recommendations?

>> No.25242868

are NOT screaming*

>> No.25242972

Don't buy anything headquartered in California.

>> No.25243075

Very good tip, thanks

>> No.25243183

>diversity initiatives
its a difficult thing to untangle because its not only industrial sabotage. its sabotage intermixed with marketing.

look at disney. once they bought starwars franchise they started "busting it out". its a simple calculation for them: current c-team execs calculates what will their profits be if the can garner "MAXIMUM EXPOSURE" for the next installment versus keeping the long-term quality of the franchise intact. If they know a movie takes 3-5 years to write, shoot, and edit it simply becomes a question of "will i still be around here?".
So they shove a jigaboo in a storm tropper outfit which garners MAXIMUM EXPOSURE and they pocket the extra 15% profit in the form of exec bonuses and move on to the next title they can bust out.
This then accelerates cannibalizing themselves once execs see the rot setting in..

>> No.25243336

Good point. It's a strange thing but now you can often see companies make moves that gives them a short-term gain for a long term lose.
Having a high quality IP can set a company up well decades from now.

>> No.25243454

>I think the diversity push is meant to weaken western capitalism
fucking unreal. Amazon preventing workers unions is definitely weakening capitalism.

>> No.25243526

I think everything has a reflexive swing the other way, towards equilibrium, but I'm waiting to see certain queues before I get back in. Meanwhile, I think non driverse companies that care about profits can outperform

>> No.25243530

yes, there has been some move to try to create a "long term stock exchange". I forget what the scheme was but it was basically locking execs into options that they can't cash in for 5 years.
but I think the problem is much bigger than just an idea like this...its caused by total rot of financial / fiat money system.
interesting one of the things hard-money (gold, bitcoin) fixes is this...because of the deflationary aspect of your money all financial decisions must be based against that.
For instance, if you are expecting your money to appreciate in purchasing power at 7% per year, then it forces you to really evaluate the long-term profits that your decisions generate. If we do idea A, will it 8, 9, 10% per year for multiple years? If not lets not do it because long-term the money is worth more.

I hope we get there....

>> No.25243619

Start your own venture, then you can hire whoever you want. - hint; hire men who bring ability + conscientiousness + positive demeanor.

>> No.25243671

Nah, you twitter warriors have an unfair advantage to destroy my capital through drive-by attacks and for having no skin in the game

>> No.25243756

That's one of my queues... when the snowflakes who don't work get ridiculed for throwing in their opinion rather than boosted to celebrity status

>> No.25243834

yeah exactly. Woke bullshit is the most conservative, pro-business, anti-labor shit ever.

>can arbitrarily fire workers whenever
>sweatshops are okay if you pay liberal lipservice

If it weakened capitalism why is every billionaire rushing to endorse it? (it’s because it helps them)

but to answer OP, there is some anti-woke job board out there you can probably check out.

>> No.25243885

Look up "corporate socialism". A lot of smart but deplatformed voices are writing about it and can inform what you're driving at

>> No.25243908

Dude, stop.

>> No.25245260

>I forget what the scheme was but it was basically locking execs into options that they can't cash in for 5 years.

Needs to be longer than that, like 10 or 15.

>> No.25246331
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>> No.25246403


Get the meds.

>> No.25246778

>retarted burgers

>> No.25246914

>its sabotage intermixed with marketing.
Jews. Just say jews. Your entire post can be much shorter Anon.