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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25161366 No.25161366 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy Constellation?

>> No.25161376


>> No.25161429


>> No.25161465

where can you access these? I lose almost 50k in their exit scam

>> No.25161599

Where did you read about that? I was just researching them today and I saw no news or anything like that indicating that team scammed their investors... Maybe I missed something?

>> No.25161761

look up LTX.

>> No.25161826

I did and I don't see anything weird about it...

>> No.25161884

i will not link anything directly but go to anons.ca and you can find what you're looking for.
i suggest you do extensive browsing of the warosu archives. you will find nothing substantial in their telegram as everything was scrubbed. it's been documented heavily.

>> No.25161892

Look up the MongoDB debacle. They pumped and dumped on investors by announcing a partnership with them and then it turned out it wasn't real. Then when the community found out they said Mongo didn't want to do the partnership anymore since the community kept pestering them on social lmao

>> No.25161916

US DOD is envolved!

>> No.25161926

Satsgang admins lol

>> No.25161964

I vividly remember asking questions on telegram about the partnership and never got a direct answer, just sidestepping my questions and blaming the community for ruining the partnership pretty much. I got out with $20 profit and considered myself lucky since it dumped hard after that

>> No.25161986

you'll get harassed and banned for asking any questions there

>> No.25162003

>turned out it wasn't real
Wait didn't Constellation announce a partnership with MongoDB but they couldn't talk about the actual integration of their product due to a two party contract? This made people suspicious so they went and harassed harassed MongoDB until they suspended Constellation's partnership?

>> No.25162004


Check out my channel for some vids I made. In short Constellation DAG HyperGraph Utility Token is kinda complicated, but trust me, it's kinda how the military grade algorithms will make big data for the military and even the US Air force is partnered together with many other members of the US Military.

They basically built the worlds first MILITARY GRADE blockchain, the DAG HyperGraph network, which uses the DAG Utility Token for transferring data between for example Military Institutions.

You dont really think that the military and even the US Air Force would actually use a scam. Yes you read right, DAG Utility Token actually has adoption happening right now but the whales try to keep the price down because they are afraid: they know they need the DAG utility token and not the opposite.

>> No.25162074
File: 116 KB, 1318x714, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, it's you. why does a "military grade blockchain" have duplicate block heights and zero transactions on its explorer?

>> No.25162127

sounds about right. So basically:

1) What kind of inept people announce something that breaches a contract?

2) If the contract wasn't breached, why would Mongo suspend it over a few social media inquiries? That's like Target suspended a contract with Starbucks because people emailed them about it too much lol

>> No.25162158

This is one of the few projects that I know is a cash grab scam/pnd. Please don't invest anon you will be disappointed unless you know insider info about the pumps and dumps

>> No.25162171

You should literally do your research about BOND before considering it

>> No.25162183

Its kinda complicated so I will keep it short for you. As you see in Norway where I am from (Yes, the world's richest country - we know a lot about making money here, believe me) we have a saying: don't trust what you hear but what you see" - and what I am seeing is a beautiful network of Decentralised Foundation Nodes securing the network. The block height is how the blocks are placed into the order of the DAG HyperGraph - its kinda complicated but you have to think like this: "The Military and AIR Force are adopting the tech and the DAG Utility Token, maybe some new type of data is being sent on the network through the DAG Utility Token, which is not an erc20 but an independent coin, so the data displayed on the explorer might include some noise as these Military grade nodes are hosting different data streams and state channels.

Yes! You read it right, state channels are coming soon and you will be surprised when the US Air Force starts using it soon enough!

>> No.25162201

holy shit you even sound like a scammer

>> No.25162229

Stop the FUD right there! The Team has proven again and again that they are ready to stand by their community at all times

And mongodb is the one needing DAG for securing data streams and not the opposite!

>> No.25162314


Where can I buy a large volume off these constellations?

>> No.25162330

how can you say that with >>25162074
or seeing obvious pnd chart
>ready to stand by their community
Alright buddy, please explain people getting banned for asking valid questions or expressing mature criticism or being ignored by the team and saying to be positive and ignore the FUD "to the moon LOL". You're seriously acquiring some negative karma supporting this scam

>> No.25162336

you can't even see any block information in the wallet. there is nothing auditable about this. how the fuck can we know anyone's account balances? are they printing tokens out of thin air?

>> No.25162400

this is based as fuck.

Gotta love the DAG FUD cause you know its baseless.

So funyn reading the comments...its a pnd, muh scam.

Cause working with the DOD, splunk and creating security standards in mobi for level 5 automous driving is totally a scam lmfao

Stack the DAG, fudders will be rekt, let them buy from you at $1.

>> No.25162458

Kucoin is the trusted exchange for trading the DAG Utility Token.

No one has ever been banned from posting valid questions. FUD gets deleted immidately to protect the community from malicious actors.

Its not an erc20 so don't worry about token printing. Mr. Diggles and Mr. Wyatt are truly exceptional minds. Yes, Wyatt worked at the motherfucking NASA so I think he should know this better than you...

The Molly Wallet is the official community made wallet which of course can check your wallet balance and no, it can't print more tokens thats not possible as all the tokens were made when the network launched!

Also the tokenswap is done now so a lot of the circulating supply is actually lost - don't know about you guys but this makes me insanely bullish!

>> No.25162527

Exactly! The FUDsters are mostly people holding overvalued shitcoin scams such as ripple (already killed by the sec), ethereum (a dead and bloated chain) or bitcoin (unusable chinase controlled shitcoin)

>> No.25162547

you're just larping as that norwegian retard

>> No.25162570

I was banned by that sociopath Viking. Dag has the most toxic community in crypto.

>> No.25162583
File: 25 KB, 360x357, 1573724308790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck constipation

buy $ROCKS
social rocket

>> No.25162605

most toxic community or just dont be a troll?

Be real with yourself anon.

>> No.25162615

Alright will look into it a bit more. Almost pulled the trigger a few minutes ago but I guess digging some more might be useful.

>> No.25162669

Viking is a power hungry psychopath the sort who should never have power anywhere. He gets off banning people, mocking them and chumming with the admins. He is Constellation in a nutshell how the team feels about their investors.

>> No.25162676

Seriously anon you need to take a look at yourselves if youre calling a company a scam whilst they are working with :

- Department Of Defence
- Splunk,
- Space ISAC

Can you cope much harder?

Fudders will be in disbelief in 2021, this is going parabolic.

>> No.25162720

Watch their 4 hypergraph hours, not a full hour, then do some thinking.


>> No.25162751
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I have their fucking information, I'm being nice by not doxxing them here

>> No.25162766

They are not 'working' with any of them. There is no work being done on these. It's just buzzword salad. They have been playing this game for three years now. MongoDB is our glimpse of what is really going on there. The company said the 'partnership' wasn't even legit and they cancelled it the moment they heard DAG was using their name to PnD.

>> No.25162783

Im holding just 50k dag and dont plan to sell anytime soon.

>> No.25162818

Ben already moved and sold his SF apartment. Hes a few steps ahead of being caught like most conmen.

>> No.25162830


'there is no work being done on these'

HAHAHA Holy shit some people are on here are more stupid than i thought...

Enjoy buying my bags at $1.

>> No.25162896
File: 48 KB, 1487x252, scammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ben isnt there, matthias is though lol

>> No.25162919

>lie about mongo partnership
>pump and dump from 180 sat down to 30 sat.
>pivot to a second ICO while community lost everything
>dump on the second ICO too down 35 cents to 7 cents.
>two communities in total wreckage.

and you choose to trust these people?

>> No.25163060


1.They never lied about the mongo partnership, people on twitter were saying it was a higher level partnership that it was, there are tiers. Constellation never claimed what these twitter posts were saying and mongo responded to these people, feel free to listen to the head of Business Diggles talk about this exact thing unless you want to fud and keep trolling.

2. Pump and dump, majority of the alt coin market is performing poorly, prime of example of someone who says ' muh price ' whilst not looking at the work being done behind the scenes.

- The Dev team and core team are fully working on constellation, they hired new team members to work on lattice to show case an application being built on the hypergraph

3. Refer to point 2

4. 2 communities in total wrektage? You mean the odd person coming in and asking wen moon. LOL, its one of the strongest and most dedicated communities out there.

Yeah i trust them, i dont follow fud blidnly and do my own due dilligience.

>> No.25163091

... Dude, on the one side it is great that your out crusading on Christmas eve, but I would appreciate it if you would do it as yourself, or better yet anonymously, rather then pretending to be me.

While it is strangely flattering, and you got a point that I use the word "kinda" excessively, I strongly denounce the idea that we have any clue how to make money in Norway.

Merry Christmas all ;)

>> No.25163103
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lol i found their "legal advisor" ryan willaims too. it looks like him and mathias were smart enough to get the ledgers shipped to their office. I'll give you a hint, it's a wework

>> No.25163121


>> No.25163167

>how the fuck can we know anyone's account balances?

oooof. this is the poison that bitcoin created. i said it before that the government wants to bluepill people like you so the bitcoin was created to make everyone happy about fully transparent blockchains

>> No.25163176


>> No.25163249

Holy shit just watched the first episode of Hypergraph Hour. This shit is going to skyrocket... Thanks for pointing me in the right direction anon.

>> No.25163256

constellation is not a blockchain, it's a csv file

>> No.25163263

Yeah let me cope with my other bags that have way outperformed DAG and have competent devs/community lmao

>> No.25163294

Are you kinda hinting on the fact that blockchain will create an even darker future in terms of transparency or even mass surveillance?

>> No.25163297

Tried to warn you anon but you do you

>> No.25163354

yup and you also have a 13 inch dick.

Nice one anon.

>> No.25163423

good. pump it so I can get the hell out. enjoy your bag.

nevermind that idiot jock bans anyone who says a word about any of this. the 'community' is held hostage at gunpoint to be moonboys or else viking has his word.

>> No.25163448

>coin is down -37% on the year
>literally every Hypergraph Hour (I skimmed them) shows absolutely no product demos, no documentation, nothing of substance, just a few white bay area people talking up this vaporware scam

And you think I'm lying lol even XRP would've netted me a better return atm

>> No.25163476

To the OPs question - research it and find out for yourself.

Network is up and running (even if nobody gets the memo) and actual usage of the Hypergraph should be starting next year.

Time will tell.

>> No.25163493
File: 73 KB, 1586x416, ??.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy i'm going down a rabbit hole now, did you guys know that Ben Jorgensen is the sole owner of Constellation Labs LLC?

>> No.25163574

yes https://youtu.be/1gEz__sMVaY

>> No.25163591

I just want to recoup what I lost on another coin when it crashed and burned... Do you two have any recommendations then? Constellation was a gem in my eyes...

>> No.25163708
File: 910 KB, 1595x774, ???.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is constellation labs claiming to operate out of an empty warehouse when they have a physical office in a wework?
not the thread to shill in sorry. my alts have been completely cucked by BTC anyway so i dont think i could help

>> No.25163767

Didn't Bernie Sanders actually campaigned on this guy's solution lmao?

>> No.25163796

The entire /biz/ is littered with shilling under every post, so why can't you shill under this thread?

>> No.25163844 [DELETED] 

my biggest holding after BTC/ETH/LINK is HNS.

>> No.25164146

Random question, who would you have voted for back in 2016 if you would live in the US?

>> No.25164295

is it now because you now attach bernie sanders to my name? i support peter schiff and lesser government and as far right as you can get with that was trump. but i detach the personality i adore in trump and making socialist media seethe and whether trump has made government smaller as of yet

>> No.25164368

ethOS (formerly dfohub) http://ethereansos.eth.link/

and DEXT


both solid picks although ethOS has a better community imo. if you're looking for safe bets then put some in AAVE, SNX, YFI or any other blue chip DeFi protocol that actually has users and a running mainnet

>> No.25164923 [DELETED] 

Why is Ethos not showing up on coingecko or cmc?

>> No.25165085

Damn, these two projects actually have solid products to change the game on ETH. Do you think I should dump Secret Network and LTO for them? I know, I know DYOR but I still wanna know what you two anons think