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25158738 No.25158738 [Reply] [Original]

>"if you put 1000 in Netflix 10 years ago, you would have 400000 today"
>I was in highschool back then and didn't even have any money.

wtf bros.....How do I cope with missing out on these opportunities

>> No.25158773

That's no fucking excuse. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, boy!

>> No.25158820

Learn the lesson. Find something to invest in today and hold it for 10 years. If you're on this board then you should know it's chainlink.

>> No.25158887

Lol you're saying this while there's similar opportunities right now, probably even on this board if you choose wisely. But you'll probably say the same thing in another 10 years...if I put 1000 in that internet funny money I didn't think twice about, I'd have so much money right now! Hmmm

>> No.25158990
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There's new opportunities constantly
start now by buying UUUU on monday and hold at minimum 1 year
you're welcome

>> No.25159008

By realising that you're being fooled by survivor's bias. 10 years ago there was plenty of dogshit being shilled very heavily, plenty of perfectly sensible companies which still shit the bed, etc. I remember Glencore being pushed as a big stock to buy over a decade ago, but if you bought in you'd still be down. Or even in crypto I remember all the dark coin, garlic coin, etc that was pushed alongside bitcoin and ended up going nowhere.

>> No.25159031

by catching the opportunities out there now, you fucktard

>> No.25159059
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Uranium? Kinda cringe bro

You fags have been calling for uranium growth for years, but never actually happens. Investing in commodity price dependent businesses is not going to give you a Netflix like return.

>> No.25159105

there is still crispr, nvax, farfetch, pltr...

>> No.25159137


That's fucking stupid. You missed a gazillion 'opportunities' and you'll miss as much in the future.
If you think it's as easy as you think to buy cheap x1000 in 10 or 20 years, then go ahead anon. What's the next "nextflix"?

>> No.25159190

Thanks for the nugget on Farfetch I like what I’m seeing.
But NovaVax, Crispr and pltr are not going to give Netflix returns. That’s retarded

>> No.25159216

Consider that you would have spent 10 years obsessively checking your portfolio and rapidly aging or would otherwise have probably sold at a 2x anyway

>> No.25159274

If you put a $1000 in ESD a month ago, you would have $500K today

>> No.25159287

You would have sold early, besides $1000 in BTC 10 years ago would have been much better.

>> No.25159309

You learn from them and look for the next opportunity

>> No.25159821


>> No.25159832

It sounds like a chronic case of bitchitis.
The cure is growing some balls.

>> No.25159858

>guy who bought amazon at $48 says: keep buying amazon.
Woudlnt that be a headline.

>> No.25159914

You would have sold on the first dump after x2 who are you kidding? Lmao

>> No.25161009

AgeX Stock

>> No.25161381

here is a hint
buy the name
buy the brand potential
garlic coin? are you fucking kidding me with that name?

>> No.25162467

There are new opportunities every year bro

>> No.25162542

Survivorship bias. Netflix is only an obvious buy in hindsight, you could have picked from a dozen companies back then doing the same thing which are now worth zero. I used 2 Netflix competitors called playselect and lovefilm, back in like 2005.

>> No.25162569
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You cope by finding new opportunities, theyre everywhere.

>> No.25162616

ALPP went like 2000% this month
FCEL like 4500% since last Sept
Everyday theres options that move 10000's %
I had SPAC warrants that did 1000-1500% over the last 3 months.
AAPL calls that went 5000%
BABA calls that went 2000%
TSLA that went 3000% etc...
OCGN went like 600% this week
GWSO went like 500-2000% (i only got like 200%)
MVIS went 600% in the last month
Theres massive $ to be made every single day if you know where to look. And diversifying doesnt mean 5% in BTC 95% in fucking Coca Cola. You can spread your $ between dozens of high growth high potential stocks, cryptos, etc and make $$$$ expand your horizons.

>> No.25162636
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Bitch nigga

>> No.25162683

where is this from? seems like an old doc

>> No.25162698

this is the post.

>> No.25162723

not too late for Kleros sir

>> No.25162726

Yeah, and if you're too retarded to try and pick stocks you can just put a percentage of your portfolio into a high risk fund. Only issue with that is that most professional traders are just as retarded at picking winners as a /biz autist. Probably worse actually, despite it being their fulltime occupation.

My thoughts have always been that it makes most sense to just invest and hold in companies you actually believe in on a personal level, rather than try to back horses.

>> No.25162759

You buy crypto retard.

>> No.25162795

Tesla will be the leader in self driving cars and are not even 1% of automobiles yet.

>> No.25162816

If you had money you would have bought Blockbuster stock instead I know you would

>> No.25162930

>if you know
knowing is the problem my dude, most people can't find these oppurtunities in time.

>> No.25163222

Use a volume scanner. If something has a high relative volume its usually because of a catalyst or pending catalyst that insiders leaked. I watched LGVW hit the volume scanner in the premarket, saw the news was related to a merger with a Bill Gates backed company that had 60%+ CAGR and a revolutionary product, so I added warrants and made 100% that day. The price dropped after I had sold into strength, and then later I saw Cathie Wood of Ark Investments was starting to load it for her funds so I tripled down and it went up another 120% Where I sold 3/4s and now have a guranteed profit and a free warrant posistion. It takes time to acquire the skills and lots of failure.

Good catalyst + volume + good valuation or growth = $$$ + knowing how to read technicals for the entries and exits help.

>> No.25163376

Most pro traders do suck. I have many companies I like that I have long posititions in but also trade a portion. My viewpoint is that just because a company is good doesnt mean the valuation is good. AAPL is a good company whether the stocks at $25 $130 or $5000 a share. At $25 its cheap at $5000 wayyy overpriced.. Which is why I prefer swing trading . Get in when its low and bail when it overextends.

>> No.25163495

Also Stocktwits is great for sourcing Info. Dont waste time "cheerleading" in individual rooms and only follow good established traders with a track record of success. If you get caught up in the pump and dump, cheerleading side of things then the site is a dumpster fire. But the good traders will consistently post about catalyst, earnings reports, technical breakouts that are setting up, high volume, etc... Remember, volume comes before large price movements. You have to be able to bulldoze through resistances and dissuade people from selling or shorting by whipping out your giant volume and having them fuck off out of the way.

>> No.25164050

Hey, at least your not

>> No.25164302

Just put 1000 into bug futures right now. Guarantee you'll be one of the elite by 2030.

>> No.25164336

if you buyed the buttcone in 2011 you'd have made it today

>> No.25164395

Someone shilled me Bitcoin when it was 5 cents. I was destitute at the time and didn't see the point in gambling on what seemed like the next self-fellating "way of the future" tech that were so common in the mid 00s.

>> No.25164518

I could have bought after 2001 tech crash
Apple at ~3
Amazon at 7
Netflix at IPO

Feels bad.jpg

>> No.25164905

If you put $1000 in ethereum 5 years ago it would be worth $2.1m

>> No.25165235

Where the fuck do I learn about these new projects so I can get in early? I want to buy PRQ, Graph etc before the general public knows about it.

>> No.25165522

Fuck off republican scum

>> No.25165604

I was literally talking about this with my parents yesterday. When I first Netflix pop up on my PS3 around 2009, I thought it was the most legendary shit ever. The fact that I could watch any episode of Spongebob on demand was unheard of and ground breaking. If I had any sort of investment knowledge whatsoever, I know I would have invested. Unfortunately I was a kid with more interest in watching spongebob then making money.

>> No.25165788
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B-But I voted for Bernard Sandals?

>> No.25165887

Investing is no more exciting than saving money because that is basically what you are doing. Like many things return is proportional to effort and how much effort it takes personally will come down to if you are interested in it and enjoy it. Don't try to get rich quick and don't forget you are only saving money, you've got to have the money in the first place to invest you aren't going to make it appear out of nothing.

What I do is I spend most of my time reading and researching and I put the pretty small amount of money I have available to invest into the market. I often kick myself for not going all in on that one prospect that in hindsight is up 10,000%, but in reality my strategy uses diversification to bring some measure of risk management. While some of my investments are up ridiculous amounts others are breaking even or slightly down.

The issue with having a diversified portfolio is it is quite a lot of work deciding if something is worth holding still or if now is the time to move the money into something which is going to be a better performer. I've kicked myself many times for not selling a stock that later dumped, selling a stock that never took off only to watch it take off a few months later etc.

You can't win them all. They can't all be massive winners. As long as you are getting better returns than you would elsewhere then you are winning.

It'd be nice to get rich quick though. I feel that is what sustains a lot of crypto. Lots of people looking for the next parabolic moon mission to 'make it'.

Thing is man. Ultimately crypto is a pump and dump game. Even on a great project you should be taking profits and accumulating along the way if you want to make it.

Personally I don't enjoy trading that much. I don't like the 24/7 nature of crypto. I like that markets shut and there are holidays.

>> No.25166023

you would've sold at 100% gains like the paper handed bitch you are anyways

>> No.25166068
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>that feel when Bitcoin was the last chance to get rich this generation

I guess I’ll wage cuck for the next 30 years

>> No.25166134

this is the correct play

>> No.25166214

>use a volume scanner
like? Also what traders to follow would you recommend for a novice?

>> No.25166250

I knew abd had money and couldn't be bothered

Many such cases

>> No.25166468

This is basically value investing. If you lurkers want to know more read The Intelligent Investor.

>> No.25166484

>Investing in commodity price dependent businesses is not going to give you a Netflix like return.

kek, you are definitely going to die poor

>> No.25166609

the internet is not the wild west anymore.
Now its consodilating.
Maybe biotech is the next wild west.
But the biotech companies ive seen are lame.
Like 3d printed bioengineered meat. Lol why?

>> No.25166617
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>Investing in commodity price dependent businesses is not going to give you a Netflix like return.

Paladin energy went from $0.01 to $10+ during the last uranium bull market. The poorest performing uranium miners went 20x. In the 60's when silver doubled, the average silver penny stock went up 150x. I can name several miners which have
gone up over 20x in the last 12 months alone. My greatland gold has performed better than any of my crypto. Understandingg the commodities supercycles is the difference between the average nobody and the investing elite.

>> No.25166623

>My thoughts have always been that it makes most sense to just invest and hold in companies you actually believe in on a personal level, rather than try to back horses.

If people did that, then it would be too easy to make money.

>> No.25166625

What about shroom stocks anon?

>> No.25166659

ugh dont remind me.
I bought a south african platinum penny stock in 2008 that lost 99% of its value.Plg.
And yet people claim stocks are better than crypto.

>> No.25166782
File: 72 KB, 929x577, Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 09.32.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bought a penny stock in a sketchy territory during a peak of a long term bull run...

in fact NOW is the time to be buying plg, or more specifically, the last few months. the commodities bull market is official and platinum is going to shine. plg has clearly been a fantastic performer recently i can assure you it will do even better - and i know fuck all about the company.

ride the commodities super cycles or die poor lads.

>> No.25166812
File: 92 KB, 937x579, Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 09.34.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where you bought lmfao

learn from your sins anon

>> No.25167276

Teach me about the supercycles.

>> No.25167306

EVs, Alternative Energy, Tech IPOs, SPACs. Thats where Ive been feeding.

>> No.25167513

ETrade has one that I use. I scan for high relative volume and or social activity on stocktwits (premarket mainly)
You can also use some free tools like Finviz which is a must use site. They post daily movers, gap downs, gap ups, technical breakouts that are setting up, insider trades etc.. From there its up to you to figure out how to profit from it and whether you want to take the trade.
Trade-Ideas is probably the best scanner but cost like 200 a month
Blackbox Stocks is 80 and theyre solid too and they have darkpool and options flow info.

As for people to follow (none of these are me)

Are some I like for different reasons. But do your own DD and never randomly buy in cause they make a post.