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25145664 No.25145664 [Reply] [Original]

If you’re suicidal and have lots of money what should you do to make you not suicidal

>> No.25145717

spend money

>> No.25145718

Unironically give some away to people who need it

>> No.25145726

try talking to a girl

>> No.25145727

not watching vtubers would be a good start

>> No.25145733

have a purpose in life. have a reason to stay alive.

>> No.25145741

two chicks at the same time man fuckin a

>> No.25145745

Go to therapy, meditate and enjoy the little time you are given on this earth.
And you must give some eth to this anon, that who feeds an animal feeds its soul.

>> No.25145748

Stop watching softcore porn / erotica

>> No.25145754

get a jet ski, listen to I Want You Back by the Jackson 5, try some good coke, start a family, or build a business. Just do something. Good luck, anon.

>> No.25145758

>election betting odds
So how much have you lost on Trump, OP?

>> No.25145771

Give it too poor fags like me. Not begging jannies fgts. I'm rich af. jannies need to go to xrp hell. No cap niggerly I hate jannies like grt and xrp suck fat tranny balls but i ratehre suck on thenm then jannies cock. Damn egg nog be hitting hards. Dorgive me for i have nigger grammmar.

>> No.25145772
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I don't know man. I'm dirt poor but what keeps me going is imagining things will turn for the better once I get rich, I fear to even imagine what I'd do if it doesn't make me any happier.

>> No.25145787

>The Common Application
Underage high schooler plz go

>> No.25145796

Eat well
Sleep well
Go for long walks and start enjoying the simple things in life. Relax its time to let your need to constantly prove yourself down . 0x9926cE155FcB54BA4F100390d9427f04539D9E4F

Merry christ mess

>> No.25145813

you're not even in uni yet wtf do you have to be suicidal about?

>> No.25145844

you have to grow up, sorry

>> No.25145865

Develop self love

>> No.25145867
File: 644 KB, 6000x3375, Glitch01-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for Glitch - January 11. Having something to wait for / anticipate is everything. Also, get triple blowjobs.

>> No.25145905

unironically fulfilling hobbies and friends/family you enjoy spending time with. my problem is that I have those but no money so I have to fucking wagie my life away.

If you're actually "don't have to work again" rich start exercising regularly, take some art classes or some shit, and try to make some decent friends.

>> No.25145949

Buy a shit load of weed

>> No.25145974

Ketamine. Lots of ketamine.

Figure out what you want to do with your money. Just fucking make something that everyone could enjoy. Like building a giant fucking sound system as an art installation. Find some way to do something or dedicate yourself to some sort of cause with your money.

>> No.25145998

Do something constructive with the money. Better the world.

>> No.25146008

Also Vitamin D, dude. Its natural to be seasonally affected. 80% of covid deaths are people who are vitamin D deficient. It costs like 3 dollars a bottle and makes a huge difference.

>> No.25146062

Start working in charity projects and find myself a nice girl there

>> No.25146074

me my friend

>> No.25146083

>t.vitamin saleskike

>> No.25146110
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That shit on the left monitor is a part of your problem.
Stop it. Get some help.

>> No.25146131

Christ. All the OP and all the dumb shallow idiots who gave you shallow dumb advice. The answer is Christ. Visit a local Paster and tell them you want to know God. That's all..

>> No.25146140

Buy books on how not to be so pathetic and apply the advice therewithin

>> No.25146157

Also this.

>> No.25146173

Find a beautiful, god-fearing wife and have lots of kids.

Have a half acre to acre fruit tree garden with some chickens to cause you to go outside each day.

Worship He who created the heavens and the earth and everything in between, and none other.

>> No.25146187

If you are truly rich OP, start a sexbot fund to build sexbots. You've already taken to vtubers, so just go all the way. You'll also fuck over the vaginal jew at the same time.

>> No.25146232

Christ is just a pyramid scheme for the broken. He's not even white. In fact, he wasn't even born on Christmas. Very few Westerners are actually "Christian," as they all worship a false, increasingly commercialized, idea of who the prophet actually was according to scripture.

Most church's have as much sacredness as a fucking apple store these days. Don't fucking fall into the religion scam. It's bullshit. If you have a high enough IQ to make it, you'll always realize deep down inside that it's bullshit.

>> No.25146275

It costs like 3 dollars. When I didn't take it in winter I was suicidal, then I took it and felt fine. It's amazing how much the human mind can be altered through basic principles such as diet, exercise, and the belief you've done a good job and are working toward a goal. Also if you're overweight, unironically try keto.

If you feel better about your body and yourself, it will show mentally.

>> No.25146351


>> No.25146410

Go all in XRP

>> No.25146508

whores , thailand , phillipines

>> No.25146539

>being a christcuck in year 2020

>> No.25146544

"BOOHOO SUMMER IS OVER WAAAAA" is not depression

>> No.25146612

lift weight

>> No.25146824

become a yoga instructor

>> No.25146846

i'm planning to leave the US and expatriate.

the only thing keeping me from killing myself (or others kek)

>> No.25146891

accumulate even more more until youre finally happy some day or die of old age, whichever happens first. Thats what rich people seem to do to be less suicidal.

>> No.25147107

Before I kill myself I might read Mediations by Marcus Aurelius, you see it mentioned on 4chan quite often, some people call it a collection of copes, etc, but I don't know

>> No.25147212

Try to donate and/or help others.

For example, me sir. Pls.

>> No.25147224
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Asian hookers

>> No.25147323

good luck finding one who isn't a jungle gook

>> No.25147333

I came here to say this, but you beat me to it.

>> No.25147356

The secret to living is giving

>> No.25147381


>> No.25147412

Buy wife from Russia.

>> No.25147476

I selled my wife for intrenet conection

>> No.25147507
File: 34 KB, 300x400, s-l400 (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started testosterone and gained some weight. Still sad but it's less awful now I guess.
I'd find some cheap prostitute whores and make them play dress up with me. Been shopping for wedding dresses lately, before that I was on a maternity clothes and cowprint/hucow kick. I bought a shitload of cowhide scraps with fur still on and some cow horns. Been working on some ideas there. It's easier to work with than you'd think, but it still doesn't solve the problem of no one to dress up. I wish I could just buy pretty girls and they had to do what I say. Even it's $100k it's more than worth it.
It's my little projects that keep me occupied. No matter what you do you're just trying to pass the time until your dead. Some people take a shortcut and an hero but it's all the same. Try to find something you enjoy more than being dead and try to think about that.

>> No.25147538

you cant feel suicidal if you're already dead

>> No.25147545

easy. just find God, and he will guide you

>> No.25147593

Anger is what cured me of my depression, I will admit it survives layers beneath and sometimes surfaces when life is tough or I'm reminded of bad memories. Will also say, quitting drugs was the biggest life changing decision for me. I guess I can't say entirely because I socially drink with my friends when given the chance, but no weed, addy, psychs, vicodin etc.

>> No.25147694

this, OP is suicidal because his monitors are different sizes. dont cheap out on the thing you stare at for 14 hours a day

>> No.25147730

unironically dilate

>> No.25148228

Not into drugs aside from test. You'll see in a few years why it's a bad idea.

>> No.25148292

do the wim hof technique. cold showers reset your adrenaline/flight fight response system.

>> No.25148387

Get a 2 hour massage.

>> No.25148545

should not watch/play whatever loli show/game is, its been proven to have a depressing effect on the male psyche. Next thing you know, Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC will be sitting you down in the living room asking you hard questions.

>> No.25148792

How the fuck does loli anything lower male psyche? What studies are you referring to and what where the scientists smoking when they came up with the study?

>> No.25148811

Has anyone called him out on cheating on his wife with a much, much younger woman? It seems like if you have a pedophile catching tv show where they arrest you for trying to meet a woman 17 years, 364 days in age, you probably shouldn't cheat on your wife with a 19 year old.

>> No.25149680

Get some vitamin D

>> No.25149757

No one wants anyone to be happy. No family, no life, and no future. Whatever man.

>> No.25149778

Go t proper dietetic, eat heatlhy, supplement with vitamins, eat LSD amd travel as much as you can.
If you are shy introvert anon without friends go and find some organised travels like safaris or some hiking shit and just go with it and enjoy

>> No.25149990
File: 80 KB, 1387x702, 8f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give Christmas presents to frens

>> No.25150009


>> No.25150617


Donate to hungry folks and try to feel better.
Look at this the way, you are getting by very good dont you? There is so much fucked up stuff in the world that can make you feel better if you donate to them.

>> No.25150753

But an old automobile/bike and fix'er up. Extremely zen to just sit down with your ratchet and work on a beautiful old machine, especially if it's in really bad shape and you have to do some stuff to her. Best part is to take it for a virgin spin and then sell it for a good profit.

>> No.25150767

Do something that actually makes you happy.
See, their are three kinds of good things to be done. Stuff that's good for your heart, your mind, and your soul. Hard to find something that's good for all 3.

>> No.25150845

Buy a rally car, enter some rallys, that way you've got some competition to drive you forward

>> No.25150851

all in xrp

>> No.25150864

Stop porn and drugs for 6 months

>> No.25150879

this but they don't necessarily need to need it
if you have a good friend you really like, toss him some money on paypal. if you are playing an MMO and a guy was super cool with you, toss him some money
the more genuinely depressed you get, the less of a misanthropist you actually become even if you say fuck people and fuck the world. it makes you vulnerable to the dopamine rush of sharing and caring even if you don't realize it.

>> No.25150882

>Unironically give some away to people who need it
Unironically build a company to generate cashflow and pay your employees working hard for your success, at least they deserve it

>> No.25150887

this, but also go outside and start lifting. stop eating like shit.

>> No.25150948

Plant and gather your own veggies
Grow your own animals
Become a survivalist

>> No.25151051

start a family
take responbility for your children
raise based children
everyone that does not want to do this is a nigger racemixing kike

>> No.25151663

Invest in your community.