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File: 32 KB, 1024x683, defi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25120659 No.25120659 [Reply] [Original]

Defi sounds like the most retarded shit ever.
Why would anyone borrow money when they can only borrow a percent of their collateral? Just spend your own money.

Why is anyone putting money into this shit?

>> No.25120681

Haha yeah idk no clue at all, don’t look into it! Waste of time!

>> No.25120730

Nigga what
Where tf am I gonna make 20% APY on my USDC that I 1:1 swapped my USD for

>> No.25120786

Oh fuck, I am missing it. Am I?

What are the risks involved?

>> No.25120802


It's a short sell.

Do math and stuff.

>> No.25121080
File: 64 KB, 1151x616, 2tfsx4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defi sounds like the most retarded shit ever.

>> No.25121373


>> No.25122483

well to explain like u have downs, which u basically do.

Example i have 100 btc i dont want to sell it since i believe it goes up.

Use that 100 btc to borrow 10 btc or that amount in stables/cash. Invest in something that goes up higher then your interest rate. You profit, and you get your 100 btc u put before back.

Not that complicated. using opm is very effective.

>> No.25122563

It's a game changer when you're able to also tokenize real world assets. Companies are working on that right now. You will be able to tokenize your house and get a better mortgage rate than now because the banking jew doesn't get a cut. Only a nigger like OP would not understand how DeFi is going to destroy the global banking system in the long run.

>> No.25122598

wait what

>> No.25122673

I'm all for anything that sticks it to kikes.

>> No.25122685
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Pretty sure that's what they said about ELIXR

>> No.25122776

Most projects who attempt to do that will fail in the long run like Elixir. Some are bound to succeed. I could point at a very legitimate company which has the legal foundations to build such a system based on Aave and they're doing it right now, but you're all gonna call me a shill then.

>> No.25122834

Every credit requires collateral, future income is a type of collateral too.
In defi you borrow something different from the collateral eg. borrow usd on eth. This allows going margin long

>> No.25122867
File: 130 KB, 1817x877, dfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Just spend your own money.

Because you can make a profit, and get your collateral back.

For example:

You deposit 1.5K and borrow 1K, at 3%.

You make 3K and pay back $1030.

$2070 profit plus your original 1.5K back.

>> No.25122871

it's just a way to get money out of boomer investors, this jewish nonsense is exactly what crypto is supposed to save us from

>> No.25122888

>Why is anyone putting money into this shit?

There are a lot of people who don't have a good credit history or no credit history. DEFI asks no questions, either you have the collateral or you don't.

>> No.25122908

With DeFi everyone becomes the jew, which means that in the end nobody is the jew.

>> No.25122923
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x1190, girl gone crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People need loans to fund projects.

Without DEFI you are just pushing people back into the hands of "ze jews" that you seem to hate.

Loaning is a part of any economy. So what kind of loaning do you think "ze jews" want? Decentralized, or through commercial banks?