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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25096268 No.25096268 [Reply] [Original]

It was all gags and tits at the beginning but they are on a whole new level of autism now that even a /r9k/ weeb will look normal when compared.with an WSB autist. I am now expecting an either market manipulation scheme scandal committed by trader chads herding their autists to cursed tendies or by a mass meme yolo when them autists reach critical collective retardation mass after 200k brainlets buy stocks of an old dildo factory in a failed mid=west backwater town just for gags.

>> No.25096459
File: 66 KB, 600x579, 1601990003362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares, fuck off back to plebbit you faggot

>> No.25096599

w-w-we don't talk about.. w.s.b. on this board, this is a s-safe spot. We recently censored the R.*.d.d.i.* word so its counted as spam now! P-please dont mention them again!

>> No.25096661

They can be our goyim. With a little guidance they can be of great use. Just think about it. They have a good plan with gamestop, but terrible optics. With our meme magic we could have rallied the entire internet to raid the shorts.

>> No.25096706

Literally who?

>> No.25096717

Im all for it.

>> No.25096753

Nah wsb is good for a subreddit but at the end of the day its still reddit

>> No.25096756

This is a no nigger zone. Go back.

>> No.25096759
File: 162 KB, 336x502, 1501150897168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I give a shit?

>> No.25096775

those people are retards but then again so is /smg/. I don't know what it is about stocks that draws in the dumbest people on the internet, the shitcoiners here seem smarter than those guys.

>> No.25096776

Thanks for the Reddit report. You can head back there now.

>> No.25096845

(please don't mention *ed*** again. pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease)

>> No.25096869


You have to go back, no one cares

>> No.25097078

If those retards fuck up bad somehow the whole online trader system can receive limitiations or even got banned as the snob WS thicknecks already wait for a scandal to get back their exclusive status once again.

>> No.25097112


>> No.25097137
File: 22 KB, 390x382, 1523796493814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of /biz/raelis are also active on WSB, including the WSB mods, there's also a subplebbit called saitoshistreetbets where you can find a lot of /biz/ crossposters

>> No.25097250

Phew. I thought you were going to say reddit.

>> No.25097271

SHIT FUCK I SAID IT. I need to go back, I'm so sorry guys it will never happen again. I hope I didnt hurt too many peoples feelings.

>> No.25097458


>> No.25098002

>a /r9k
>an WSB
learn to use a/an

>> No.25098185

Go back

>> No.25099458

>redditor sperging out

A good reminder as to why redditors suck.