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25091070 No.25091070 [Reply] [Original]

Normies will agree with this guy. You are in so early

>> No.25091160

>1 quote tweet
we know it was you, anon

>> No.25091163

Won’t quantum computing also allow for far more secure encryption?

>> No.25091199

Enjoy being poor mark with a c

>> No.25091280

I get all my financial advice from fat guys on Twitter, so I will be market selling all of my btc in a few minutes. good day, sirs.

>> No.25091389

It would also destory modern banks as well. Also implying it's even possible and it also doesn't mean we can magically hack everything. Quantum computers would be able to computer some but not all things faster

>> No.25091510

This guy literally did research to cope

>> No.25091532

Quantum FUD can be countered with wallet upgrades.

Funny to argue that currency can be too divisible and conflating it with supply.

>> No.25091534

>wait til he finds out about king goldbug

>> No.25091644

imagine being so browned skinned a mid-iq that they never told you about paper gold in tortilla school

>> No.25091704

>Muh quantum computing will destroy crypto
What is hash rate?

>> No.25091796

>there are more satoshis than atoms of gold on earth
this guy is retarded

>> No.25091970

lmao why is he comparing the smallest unit of BTC to the smallest _tradable_ unit of gold? 1 satoshi isn't any more tradable than 1 atom of gold.

Not that it would matter if it were. What matters is the total percent of the supply that you're able to own. Right now you can buy 1/21M of the entire supply with just $24k. Really your fraction is likely much larger than that because much of the already mined BTC is probably locked out of circulation forever, in lost wallets and dust.

>> No.25092063

I mean, he's obviously an idiot, but rather than arguing with someone like this, just ask them to give you a logical reason for platinum being worth less than gold. It's way more rare (all the platinum ever mined could fit in your living room), it's shinier than gold, silver is just as good of a conductor as gold and way cheaper (nullifying a lot of the industrial uses), etc. Using his own logic, platinum should be worth more than gold, and the reason that it isn't is manipulation

>> No.25092075

If true quantum computing is reached then no matter what the hashrate is the blockchain will be compromised since PoW will break. This guy is still a complete retard though because we're nowhere near that and won't have it by 2030.

>> No.25092205

>then no matter what the hashrate is the blockchain will be compromised since PoW will break
not true.
using grovers method, you basically get n/2 benefit of keyspace. so finding collisions in sha256 will be effectively reduced to 128bit search space.

likely this is still sufficient as long as we are bounded by polynomial time and space.


>> No.25092364

>(all the platinum ever mined could fit in your living room)
The total volume of all platinum just in circulation is over 100,000 cubic meters. For reference an Olympic size swimming pool is 2500 cubic meters. You must have a pretty big living room.

>> No.25092408

Yes as if an ounce of gold can’t be further divided as well....

>> No.25092462

>caring about price
>caring about small divisible unit of value
>caring about anything other than mcap and potential capturable mcap

peak normgroid

>> No.25092614

I remember I saw a documentary where a Google engineer said that hacking encryption protocols is within the realm of possibilities if quantum computing grows incrementally as traditional systems did

>> No.25092736

>Funny to argue that currency can be too divisible and conflating it with supply.

I keep seeing this. It's such a weird argument. People do realize that having more of something is better than having less of something right? If the thing is unlimited, then yes it makes no difference. But that's the difference that makes all the difference in the world.

The day is like day 1 Bitcoin. Which is tragic considering he's an investment advisor. Can you fucking imagine giving this guy your money?

>> No.25092771


>> No.25092813

>There's more Bitcoin supply when comparing smallest tradable unit than USD or Gold.
smartest argument ever

>> No.25092858

there's no known algorithm for quantum computers that can break bitcoin. only one that can find the private key of an address that has already spent BTC, but that's against convention so no bitcoin wallets do it anyway

>> No.25092929

>hurr durr quantum magic computing will destroy buttcoin
Okay, how about all non-encrypted digital assets? How about your bank accounts? People who use this idiotic line are such brainlets

>> No.25093052

That's just not true, tons of BTC addresses make spends from the same address. Look at any exchange hot wallet

>> No.25093120

>ACH transfers take 3-5 days
choose one
>10 minutes is too slow

>> No.25093184

let him fud, I NEED cheaper btc prices

>> No.25093198

Can also hack white house security. Essentially we will have more problems than worrying about the loss of our crypto

>> No.25093246

I think you'd need keys that are twice as long. Every additional character takes around an order magnitude longer to crack than the one before it. If quantum computers can hypithetically crack btc private keys in 2 hours then just generate addresses using much longer keys and all of a sudden it takes 500 trillion years again

>> No.25093341


And so fucking what? The moment btc is hacked I am going to mine the shit out of the fresh new crypto that rises from its ashes, a full reset on crypto, so many people are going to write it off so it won't be crowded. Imagine, sub $1 btc again, but only for smart people who understand.

>> No.25093365

Wouldn't quantum computing fuck up our entire society and not just crypto?

>> No.25093381

I'll just quantum compute back in time to the moment the key is created and log it. Easy.

>> No.25093396

The total amount of platinum mined is about 7.2 cubic meters.

>> No.25093425

Maybe we won't need money anymore.

>> No.25094547

wrong. do the math yourself:

>> No.25094629
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>> No.25094687

What if you start generating active private keys with money on them. That's the real issue and nail in the coffin for any crypto.

>> No.25094732

those aren't bitcoin wallets though, those are specific software made by the exchange operators. yeah if you want to, you can shoot yourself in the foot, but even if quantum computers become anything real, (and they've been a fad since the 80's, so don't hold your breath for it) average users won't be affected by it even by current technology.

>> No.25095272

That's the fucking point and why the whole quantum argument doesn't matter. Everything uses the same encryption algorithms. We'd have to jump on a new train no matter where our money was. Except gold I guess but fuck pmg faggots

>> No.25095563

If computing really evolved this far, couldn't we just bump up to, say, SHA512 anyway?

>> No.25095642

he smiles like a retard

>> No.25095705

>if it smiles like a retard, types like a retard an seethes like a retard...

>> No.25095712

There are quantum encryptions my niggasu

>> No.25095819
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>memetum memeputing
>by 2030

>> No.25095940
File: 3.00 MB, 200x150, im retarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw outplayed by high iq chad yet AGAIN
I hate being stupid

>> No.25096011
File: 292 KB, 1242x1336, IMG_20201223_145150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude bitcoin is just a warehouse in hindustan where an army of pajeets keep track of bitcoin transactions via an excel file. Blockchain is the biggest scam in history perpetrated by a man called sanjeed nakeem. Look it up if you dont believe me.