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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25085065 No.25085065 [Reply] [Original]

Wait so the SEC can just kill the number 3 shitcoin in a 24 hour period?

And you think BTC is safe?

>> No.25085093


>> No.25085095

btc fails every item on howey test.
git gud homo

>> No.25085116

>price falling temporarily = coin is kill
Were people talking like this about bitcoin in 2018? fags.

>> No.25085119

It was doomed from the start, everyone but the biggest copefag knew it was a security the team have paid hundreds of millions for partnerships and fake usage and they still have 0 adoption all it does is allow them to dump more of their scam token which they control most the supply of. The situation with jed alone dumping a ml usd+ most days was disastrous before all of this, this was the final straw

>> No.25085140

Btc will die as well. All coins with no good usecases will die in the long term. 2021 is lookin bearish. You will see the big players starting to create their own stablecoins.. Tether will be sued next

>> No.25085157

you're going to wind up killing yourself.

>> No.25085166

U mad u stupid XRP fuck? The SEC. said years ago BTC and ETH weren’t securities

>> No.25085168

It’s going to get ugly

>> No.25085176

Crypto is still a niche idiot, there is literally no real liquidity or volume or actual people in the market, only sad bagholders

>> No.25085194
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they said eth 1.0 was a security. the move the 2.0 and paying of dividends changes everything.

eth 2.0 will also be declared a security. sorry

>> No.25085198

Yeah, I just sold everything. I'll buy back in later when it's at rock bottom.

>> No.25085205

Imagine thinking the SEC in amerimuttland matters for literally anything lmfao

>> No.25085208

Tether has been sued since 2016 anon, every large exchange also gets sued at some point

>> No.25085211

Who would the SEC sue?
What company owns BTC?
Are you retarded?

XRP wasn't a decentralized crypto, it was just fake money owned by a scammy company.

>> No.25085239

The SEC can and will kill all the tokens with a company behind. 99% of them are unregistered securities. Think about the implications of this. Crypto as we know it is over.

>> No.25085263

look at the entire market right now and tell me it doesn’t have an effect

>> No.25085282

one time will be too many. The big playas are slowly catching up. 2021 will be the year of crypto crackdown

>> No.25085297

>Entire market up 250% in the past 3 months
Newfag spotted. lurk more.

>> No.25085883

SEC can't do shit to BTC. If they ban exchanges then people will just go back to local trading.

>> No.25085912

Not a dividend since it's not paid out to people just holding. DPoS shitcoins might be at risk though.

>> No.25085963
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>implying it will continue without interruption
not a newfriend

>> No.25085982

How do you sue btc?

>> No.25085985

What's the howey test?

>> No.25085997

kleros court

>> No.25086011

Yeah kinda. They were blaming btc for being slow and saying other Cryptos would replace it. Everyone was emotional and hating on it

>> No.25086030

The definition of ‘security’ is set out in the Securities Act of 1933. The definition includes “investment contracts,” which is typically most relevant when assessing digital assets. Whether or not a something qualifies as an investment contract, and thus a security, depends on the application of the U.S. Supreme Court’s “Howey Test.” The Howey test has three elements:

1. There must be an investment of money;
2. The investment must be in a common enterprise;
3. There must have been a reasonable expectation of profits reliant on the effort of others

>not a dividend since its not paid out to people holding
your point is to #2. however, almost everyone is staking their 32eth with companies....no one is running nodes / validators independently. This inconvenient fact causes #2 to apply as well, thus it will be deemed a "security contract"

>> No.25086046

XRP is number 1 shitcoin

>> No.25086053

Literally nobody gives a shit about the US, fuck off you muttoid losers. If SEC declares any crypto a security they will just go to a different country. Fuck your kiked shithole.

>> No.25086081

>a fly landed on the keyboard while this comment was typed

>> No.25086122

gold down 20% from ath, silver down 50% from ath. Bitcoin up 15% from ath, try harder

>> No.25086131

eth and btc are decentralized, so no, you can't apply that logic

>> No.25086153

You sue the exchanges
Simple as

>> No.25086167

Point #3 is where it fails. You have to operate the staker. I am running my own node. Read the XRP lawsuit and you'll see how hard they are trying to hammer the point that it is ONLY through the efforts of others it will go up.

>> No.25086189


the cftc regulates btc since its declared a commodity. buying / selling btc is legally the same as selling corn or coffee. there is no sec oversight.

die in camps dumb euro

>> No.25086205

Bitcoin doesn't have a CEO

>> No.25086213

I honestly don't care if exchanges offering staking services are considered as selling a security. I'm running my own node, and not even stretching the definition will make that a security.

>> No.25086228

It takes 1 Jew to change that and include a law that makes all bitcoin illegal
Just bundle it with Corona relief extra 600 dollar bill and done
You will never win goy

>> No.25086229


>> No.25086253

So you running your own node...you aren't doing so with "the reasonable expectation of profit"

The best argument ETH can make is "we are decentralized". The biggest argument against that was "it was premined and sold".

Look, I've been in crypto since 2012. I was a grown man then....all these arguments were known and people tried to advise Vitalik on best ways to proceed. He didn't listen because of: retardation + autism.

Will ETH skate by? Possibly. Is it going to be smooth sailing? No.

>> No.25086260

Nobody cares about hitting eth cause to go after it would be stifling innovation cause look at the devs and companies building on or around ethereum, xrp was an absolute sham with no adoption, zero development and clever scammy targeted marketing that was only designed to enrich the founders, sec doesn’t care about humble autistic vitalik, they do care about cripplets larping as banksters

>> No.25086272

Not saying I agree with who you're responding to but you must see how retaded your response is right anon?

>> No.25086330

In the next 4 years we are all going to watch how insignificant the US makes itself. I hate saying it more than most but America is a sinking ship and they have nothing left but a spoon to bail water.

>> No.25086347

>Nobody cares about hitting eth cause
You don't seem to get it. Its actually not even about "going after eth"
Its "who regulates you".
BTC = Regulated by CFTC
the question is who should regulate ETH? Looking at facts dispassionately its hard to come up with reasons of why it shouldn't be regulated by SEC.
This is the issue.

>> No.25086381

>America is insignificant
if you don't think the regulatory regimes between US-EUR work hand in hand you are a newfag.
fuck anyplace that uses common law will likely come to similar conclusions based on logic.

>> No.25086399

It isn't dead, it's just weak-handed faggots selling. Take this opportunity to accumulate.

>> No.25086426

>So you running your own node...you aren't doing so with "the reasonable expectation of profit"
I am doing so with the reasonable expectation of profits, through my own efforts of operating a staker.

>The best argument ETH can make is "we are decentralized". The biggest argument against that was "it was premined and sold".
>Look, I've been in crypto since 2012. I was a grown man then....all these arguments were known and people tried to advise Vitalik on best ways to proceed. He didn't listen because of: retardation + autism.
>Will ETH skate by? Possibly. Is it going to be smooth sailing? No.
All of this is irrelevant. ETH1 was confirmed not a security. ETH2 requires you to do work to get a profit, it's not a dividend. Case closed, says this not a lawyer, but neither are you.

>> No.25086434
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>they do care about cripplets larping as banksters
You might actually be on to something there. Eth so far is merely a tool for pajeet scammers to extract money from retards who would have spent it on lottery tickets otherwise. XRP and Flare represent a genuine threat to the status quo, though.

>> No.25086451
File: 533 KB, 1920x1080, exbase_train_of_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send any ERC-20 amount here i send you double.

>> No.25086519

XRP cannot be compared to BTC or ETH.
XRP is centralized and its success is based on the marketing and market manipulation of the ripple company, which is facing a big issue to continue its activity.

>> No.25086553

what are they gonna do, sue the CEO of Bitcoin?

>> No.25086613

>ETH2 requires you to do work to get a profit
you seem to think law is autism, its not. Its shades of grey that are interpreted by people.

eth premine = security
eth premine benefiting eth foundation = security
eth being staked with others = security
running your own node/validator = not security

as I said. Eth may skate by...but its certainly going to court and certainly the SEC may wind up imposing massive changes to the "defi landscape".

How does Eth work with no defi?

>> No.25086682

>eth premine = security
>eth premine benefiting eth foundation = security
Again, Eth1 already confirmed not a security by the SEC. Discarded.
>eth being staked with others = security
Good. This makes delegated staking less attractive. This would imply the delegated staking companies are offering a security, not that ETH2 is one.
>running your own node/validator = not security
Alright then.

Alright, we'll see if the SEC sues the ETH foundation.

>> No.25086929
File: 378 KB, 1998x2664, 12192710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a seat

>> No.25087019

is this a real poster or a bagholder bingo bot?

>> No.25087022

Rofl you trust the SEC that coddles foreign financial entities? Kys

>> No.25087043


>> No.25087082

It wont kill it. Once they fill their bags it will be the standard coin and other will dump

>> No.25087156

whats been stopping them from filling their bags for the past three years? and whos "they"?

>> No.25087183

regulatory uncertainty


>> No.25087221

fair enough.

here is how the noose will tighten.
* almost all defi will declared a security (uni, balancer, yield farming, etc) thus will be banned from regulated exchanges and exist only decentralized (not hosted in US)
* all non-Fed stablecoins will be banned outright (Tether, USDC, etc) only decentralized versions will remains (Dai, Ampl, etc)
* Kyc restrictions will be put in place to prevent move funds from one of the above to your KYC exchange wallet

This leaves some remnant of a ETH ecosystem, but severely hobbled. The only thing that will cruise by relatively unscathed is BTC.
Where do you think value will accrue?

>> No.25087301

As long as ETH itself is legal the effects won't be disasterous imo. Regulation was always coming for defi, it's obviously illegal or at least gray area. We'll see how it plays out. I've got time, my horizon is 5+ years easy.