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24971824 No.24971824 [Reply] [Original]

to become more employable.

Well, I am an Australian WASP with an Anglo name and thus HR actively selects against me. For $300 I could change my name to a Chinese name for better prospects/results. Should I do it, /biz/? (100% serious).

>> No.24971833

Hung Dong, your table is ready.

>> No.24971853

>Hung Dong, your table is ready.
Bullish first post, Desu.

>> No.24971874

You will have to somehow avoid the face to face interview, before getting hired, and possibly have a bit of an asian accent on the phone. Once hired, they will likely try to find a reason to fire you, since you don't fit their "minority hires" quota. I don't know, if all of this is worth it.

>> No.24971897

Chances will be better if you make it a nigger name like Devontae Martin or Shauntrice M’buga-Brown

>> No.24971900

>You will have to somehow avoid the face to face interview, before getting hired, and possibly have a bit of an asian accent on the phone. Once hired, they will likely try to find a reason to fire you, since you don't fit their "minority hires" quota. I don't know, if all of this is worth it.
I could LARP as a Hapa.

>> No.24971930

>Chances will be better if you make it a nigger name like Devontae Martin or Shauntrice M’buga-Brown
> Anonymous (ID: 948onQZ7) 12/20/20(Sun)12:32:36 No.24971900▶
I couldn't live with that, I feel as though it would automatically lower my IQ.

>> No.24972496

split the difference
>D'shawn Rothschild

>> No.24972524

I dare someone to tell him he doesnt look chinese during his job interview.

>> No.24972538

Make it goldberg

>> No.24972566

Top kek

>> No.24972594

>I dare someone to tell him he doesnt look chinese during his job interview.
That is a lawsuit right there!

>> No.24972642
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Remember the smug "fuk off we're full" from years ago by the average australotard?

Absolute state of these cucks

>> No.24972659

>Make it goldberg
Normies think Jews are white so it won't work. I want a faschy Asian name, like Yukio Mishima or Lee Kuan Yew.

>> No.24972685

>Absolute state of these cucks
Right, I can also use a Chinese name to fuck with our Chinese colonizers.

>> No.24972735

You aren't doing any fucking buddy, you are only getting fucked.

>> No.24972759

>You aren't doing any fucking buddy, you are only getting fucked.
Better Chinks than low IQ niggers like every other country. Plus lots of the women are wife material.

>> No.24973186

Yeah it's over for you

>> No.24973244

Take jewish surname guaranteed eloboost.

>> No.24973341


>> No.24973408

Idk anon, depends on your career. If its a jew dominated field, they will know and choose you over others.

>> No.24973426

>fell for the asian wifu psyop
big oof

>> No.24973485

>Remember the smug "fuk off we're full" from years ago by the average australotard?
they were 100% right
we just didn't listen and now foreigners own everything

>> No.24973496

Bigst Dickis

>> No.24973509

>big oof
Getting married to Russian girl, actually.
>Idk anon, depends on your career. If its a jew dominated field, they will know and choose you over others.
Chemist. A white autist dominated field.

>> No.24973516

Hyung Lo

>> No.24973534

Huang Lo

>> No.24973536

Low IQ responses itt nobody will believe op and it looks bad if he gets found out. Just put a hispanic name or middle eastern name and then claim your half white thats why you look so white

>> No.24973547


>> No.24973560

Also asians are practically privileged whites in the eyes of HR here in the US idk if its different down under

>> No.24973573

I heard pajeets are very nepotistic so why not an indian name? Dye your hair black. Then you just have to not wipe your ass before the interview so you pass the smell test.

>> No.24973597

That is Korean.>>24973573
>I heard pajeets are very nepotistic so why not an indian name?
Good idea. I could try and pass myself off as a Raoul Pal but using a more Indian name like Patel or Gupta.

>> No.24973603

white ladies screen the resumes usually unless you are applying at indian software companies. White chicks hate pajeets

>> No.24973656

>white ladies screen the resumes usually unless you are applying at indian software companies. White chicks hate pajeets
But their hiring quota is nonwhites. Also lots of white girls dating Pahjeeeets in Ausfailia

>> No.24973749

I have used my mother's maiden name which coincidentally a lot of Jews have for many important applications throughout my collegiate and professional life, and it has served me extremely well. The best part is that we aren't even Jewish.
Jewish privilege is very real, anons.

>> No.24973810

Depends on the field. If it's an area where there are tons of jews (healthcare, finance) then I'd absolutely fake a jew surname.

>> No.24974060
File: 51 KB, 640x503, aus glass you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinks are low IQ niggers but I want to marry their bug women
you're part of the problem

>> No.24974109

>Depends on the field. If it's an area where there are tons of jews (healthcare, finance) then I'd absolutely fake a jew surname.

>> No.24974163
File: 932 KB, 747x742, 2face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically did this but the other way around (so from asian to white first/last name) so that I could get a job. Don't fall for the diversity quota meme op. You will lose all the competitive advantage if your name is 'Chun Li'

>> No.24974335

If you have a “””white””” name you will get much better responses in Australia you spastic

Put any advertisement for marketing,, IT or accounting and you get flooded with indians, Europeans, South Americans and I throw them all in the bin to get an actual citizen

if you aren’t getting an interview in any kind entry level role and you are a recent graduate and are born here you are doing something wrong

t. HR