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File: 47 KB, 639x850, 1606985051822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24943614 No.24943614 [Reply] [Original]

this morning AnyDesk (remote desktop program, that I didn't install) was open along with the binance 2fa screen. seems like they
>googled binance
>logged into binance using my saved info (never use it) and got stuck at 2fa
>searched 2fa in my gmail

Will a reinstall of windows fix the hole? Chances they have more access?
I think I fucked up a couple months ago when I pirated Office

>> No.24943649

why pirate office when you can just use the google suite for free?
Reinstall is a good first step, though treat all accounts they touched as compromised and up your security on those platforms.

>> No.24943692

>not having a dedicated linux thinkpad to trade crypto

>> No.24944086

>Not having a dedicated computer/laptop to trade crypto

Literally costs less than $500 aud for a cheap trading laptop to isolate your trading from your porn

>> No.24944282

use a chromebook, run unix if you want.

>> No.24944372

>isolate your trading from your porn
why would i wanna do that? i need to jack off every few hours while looking at graphs

>> No.24944697

yeah I'll def do that after today. haven't touched crypto since I moved my link off binance 2 years ago heh

>> No.24944728

if you get hacked in anyway, you're ngmi

>> No.24944753

delete system 32

>> No.24944755

Get a hardware wallet. They are made for retards like you.

>> No.24944764

yeah don't fuck around with pirated software people are encypting drives again with randsom ware on windows 10 pro environments

>> No.24944795

oh shit just remembered. there was also this page open


why the fuck would he have opened that?

>> No.24944977

And how would you exchange files to such a laptop?

Not the cloud, clearly
Not Bluetooth of all fucking things

Your computers talk to each other already. How? AIs.

>> No.24945038

Stop using Binance. You have to make it next year or it's over. Mine EPIC. Look into ECR and wait for Quarter 1.

>> No.24945061

Retard here could this happen on an apple pc?

>> No.24945072

feels good having 2fa go through an old phone i keep offline always

>> No.24945193

i dont even install apps kek. get 2 pc's. one for important shit that has nothing installed, and one where i dont give a shit what happens (gaming etc).

perhaps shut it down and yank the drive and copy any data you need for a fresh install (having ur pc on could be fucking your files up the longer you leave it). also dont copy any executables to ur new pc (exe, scr, bat, google every type).

>> No.24945199

Start using Binance. Get ready for a new tether.

>> No.24945251

Maximum comfy no 4/5g f2a for now.

>> No.24945477

gotta keep them numbers up

>> No.24945522

I'd assume if you need to you'd do it over network but in the scenario they're providing you'd only use these comps for trading, all you should need is login info for whatever platform you use. You shouldn't be transferring any files.

>> No.24945532

Lmfao How about you screen shot and post it

>> No.24945552

what do you guys think about Macbooks for security and crypto trading reasons? thinking about getting one solely for that

>> No.24945610

Unless you had an underground intranet bubble that only let core members access the computer, it's vulnerable to Web3.0. If not, someone is already in the BIOS.

But do not fret, fren. I've been thinking about this for a while.

>> No.24945622

kek a hacker could fake an email keylogged your information

>> No.24945658

thats all fine but getting through 2fa is basically impossible unless you store your backup 2fa keys on your pc

>> No.24945803
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I'm 99% sure he randomly opened this site and I've never seen it before

>> No.24945813

Screen overlay and a human lol

>> No.24945840

>putting anything of importance on your phone at all

>> No.24946016

>Using technology

>> No.24946056

There’s no way this happens. Any desk? What link did you click on? There’s legit no way this shit happened unless it was set up by someone in person or you downloaded something retarded

>> No.24946196

It always blows my mind how bad the security of most of you reducts are

I must be in the top 5% of retail investors security and I don’t even have that much money.

Can you imagine a future where every imbecile holds the keys to their own bank and has to take responsibility for their own money? I cant.

>> No.24946288
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I downloaded retarded shit. I had to give the program (KMS tools, I think) a bunch of permissions so that it could override the Office shit. Windows Defender was blowing up, but I YOLO'd cuz the respected torrents have been working for me for decades. But I think it went too far, cuz I'd get these defender notifications about random .exe's getting caught popping up, so I knew something was up. my computer also stopped going to sleep/hibernating

>> No.24946465

download malwarebytes and scan your pc. now.

>> No.24946517

Mac Mini is a solid choice if you can live without laptop portability.

>> No.24946851

yes yes I can

Idiots will get the $$$ taken by smarter people. That works out for the whole economy

>> No.24946938

>he doesn't know

>> No.24946950
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thanks fren

>> No.24946960

You're fucking retarded for using torrented bloatware on a computer that accesses your finances.

>> No.24946998
File: 19 KB, 830x442, page1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this was all of it, any other programs to try?

>> No.24947011

welcome fren
I recommend purging pirated software from your pc unless you're exclusively using a hardware wallet. personally I go full schizo mode with my security because I'd rather waste time than lose all my money

malwarebytes is as good as it gets. beyond that go delete all your cracks and pirated stuff, or buy a cheap laptop for $200 or so and keep it airgapped and only do your crypto txns on that

>> No.24947135

Where did you procure this quality Office release, PajeetBay?

>> No.24947414

kek it was highly rated but yeah TPB

>> No.24947616

Laptop portability?

>> No.24947640

Just running mbam is useless, fully reinstall OS and then change all your important passwords.
Don’t pirate Windows, you can buy Windows 10 keys from third party sellers with crypto if you’re a fucking jew.

>> No.24947813


>> No.24947831

How do I not end up like you?

>> No.24948142

You do know that any serious threat actor will adjust and make sure that their malware is not detected? Re-install or cope anon

>> No.24948381

Not be retarded?

>> No.24948405

Just reinstall windows you fucking nigger. Or enjoy getting your gainz stolen.

Choose wisely

>> No.24948404

I have an airgapped laptop only for crypto transactions running Debian minimal with only wallet software installed with verified signatures. If you use windows for crypto you deserve to get robbed.

>> No.24948435

Scan with AVG free. It's Dad approved and stopped a recent government tier attack when I told someone on a private RS server to stop calling me a clown when I told people to get the fuck on the platinum crypto space train.

>> No.24948451

Not OP
This threads had been enlightening. Thank you all

>> No.24948568

well no, it is possible using a honeypot wlfi hitspot you set up. that way it us possible to get all session data from people who log in into accoubts via your Hotspot. did that once before(in Minecraft). imagine doing that in a high frequented place.

>> No.24949107

Apple has access to your mac, no option to disable it. Let's say someone finds an exploit out of that, hope you're not storing your seed phrases and 2FAs in there.

>> No.24949110

Oh all the time bro/sis

>> No.24949150

Apple made the exploit.

All Apple phones are bugged and black hat shit goes on with them.

All Apple laptops are hot as fire right now.

I warned you about eating that apple. Dum dum.

>> No.24949251

Expecting a scan by AVG or malwarebytes to clean you is retarded. They only find known viruses. I could code a custom one that crap would never detect. You need to reinstall. If you need to back up shit you need to assume everything you backup is infected. And get off the internet while you deal with it too. Go buy a shit 200$ laptop if you need internet desperately.

>> No.24949264

AVG is more for incoming attack prevention. It doesn't stop everything. No antivirus can.

>> No.24949278

>Go buy a shit 200$ laptop if you need internet desperately.
Paint the walls with Shungite while you're at it, confirmed for ngmi

Think harder.

Think think think.

>> No.24949301

He's already hacked. Every exe on his pc is probably rooted. Ez af to block an antivirus installer from launching.

>> No.24949357

Your device is compromised so you have to treat it like it has AIDS. Treat any NAS drives or any connected devices to this computer as if they got a poz load dumped in them as well.
You can't reformat a person to get rid of the AIDS but you can reformat a computer, anything else and you still have AIDS.

>> No.24949411

>not using https://www.qubes-os.org/

>> No.24949487

TailsOS done right if you want to be a spy or gtfo

>> No.24949530
File: 419 KB, 845x637, 1607174114154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for pirating software

>> No.24949931

The absolute fucking state
Not even I had a backdoor in 2005 and I was 9

>> No.24950372

Nice samples, you should take it CONTAINED to an expert.

I'm sure they would have a field day.

Why would someone want a backdoor on your computer though?

>> No.24950654

>pajeet explorer

>> No.24950779

Holy shit 10000 linkies just got sent to my wallet

>> No.24950865

You want to format the drive and do a fresh reinstall, learn backup protocols and proper opsec from online resources. Why would you even have remote control features enabled? What kind of link did you end up clicking while looking for a cracked office? Only use reputable cracked forums like nsane and run shit in sandboxie if you have doubts about a rar or exe. Also install tinywall.

>> No.24950893

I'm somewhat a brainlet but do yubikeys help at all? I have one set to be required for exchange withdrawals alongside 2FA but I still feel paranoid as fuck and scared as all hell.

>> No.24950898

Edge is still not fast enough but is bretty gud.

>> No.24950916

Hello, welcome to the whale party. Buy The Graph and PARSIQ.

>> No.24950919
File: 246 KB, 634x640, swep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP what's the name/crack of the office torrent you used?
I am also running pirated office

>> No.24950980

Run a malwarebytes scan.

I can't believe how retarded some of you guys are. Is it a zoomer thing (raised on phones and tablets) or a boomer thing (too old for computers)? I swear these days 30yos are the only demographic that understands computers.

>> No.24951021

I ran it and only came back with results flagging the KMS activator as Malware which I know tends to be a falseflag with pirated software.

>> No.24951144
File: 129 KB, 1366x768, (2 of 3)Ants carrying cookies right to my computer, how nice!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bro/sis

Is this a lot of trackers to turn up right after a ccleaner clean?

>> No.24951176

>pirating software
m8 just use free alternatives, you're just asking for trouble unless you compile that shit yourself after reading the code very throughly.

>> No.24951222

Where do you cunts even get these trackers? Torrents? It's ridiculous to have remote desktop spyware running on your PC

>> No.24951289

That's nothing to worry about, it's just how pozzed the web is and CCleaner doesn't really do anything, do install ublock on your browser if you haven't already.

>> No.24951369

You must have downloaded something if you've got trackers, not just browsed pozzed porn sites

>> No.24951453

Not really regarding downloading something. I don't have NetFlix and that's about it.

Thanks, was curious. Hence the file name lol.

>> No.24951470

Yes relax anon

>> No.24951473
File: 551 KB, 1366x770, (3 of 3)Final tracker count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this? Just in quantity and date.

>> No.24951527

Brah, by the look of your desktop, you have no idea what you're doing.

>> No.24951626

Here's a little tip for you.

In future set up an admin account on Windows, and also a guest account with zero admin privileges, and do all your day to day cooming and trading on the guest account. You will massively reduce the attack surfaces a hacker can use

I guarantee you won't do this though kek

>> No.24951653

yeah I wonder what could have crept in along with those "installers"

>> No.24951746
File: 932 KB, 1366x770, Transparency, Part of the 5 T's, link marine. Learn them as part of the KMOF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24951778

over time, they must discover currently undetectable viruses and add them to the database.

so the more time passed since your machine got infected, the better the chances of detection and recovery. at least in theory.

>> No.24951780

we need to go back to browsers thatonly need to interpret text and hyperlinks. every internet facing software is a cesspool of exploits. every new update requires 1000 more fixes in the next. its fucking ridiculous.

>> No.24952099

nethack, is it any good, btw?

>> No.24952124
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, aaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post contents of NSFW folder

>> No.24952172

It's a great game.


Dad is better at it than I am.

TITS AND ASSES AND PUSSIES that is all. I'm at work.

>> No.24952294

I hope the ID folder doesn't contain any personal information?

>> No.24952341

....maybe. It's too late for me anyway bro, I'm known to services here in Aus. They got me early on in this lol