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24898054 No.24898054 [Reply] [Original]

>have a kid on the way with the wife
>live with her in her parents house RENT FREE
>both parents are over 60+ her dad is like 70
>parents house is three floors Brick in NYC
>they rent out to 2 other tenants which covers our property tax, water, electric bill etc
me and the wife are unemployed and probably never going to work again from the looks of it
literally all we do is take care of her parents sorta, drive them to get groceries and the SS office and doctors visits
I'm also all in some cryptos too

>> No.24898085

that's based

>> No.24898101

Why do people say the wife? Is it somebody's else's wife? (esl anon)

>> No.24898134


>> No.24898180

kek. no anon. absolutely did not make it. you are being taken care of by your wife's dad? does she let you watch her boyfriend fuck her too? we she breaks up with you, her dad isn't going to buy you tendies anymore...you know that right?

>> No.24898251

for real though, your wife is going to change a lot when the baby comes. it might be nobody ever told you this before....but it's true. do you need me to spell it out further?

>> No.24898545

Temporarily made it*
But that's not really making it, being dependent of someone.

>> No.24898716

ask yourself the question anon... how many women have you met who is still raising a family with a guy who is a dependent of someone else? how many women have you met who are single and talk shit about their deadbeat baby daddy? it's biologically.... whatever you think is working now....is going to shift radically in a few months.

>> No.24898861

Seconding this. No matter how caring or woke your gf is about gender roles and taking part in clown world capitalism, or how logical it is that you live like a king for $0, she NEEDS to see you work. Biologically, she needs you to get up before her and leave the house. If she wakes up and you’re still sleeping, that’s the female equivalent to seeing your girl suck another mans dick. It disgusts and enrages them

It’s fucked up but true. Women truly are animals

>> No.24899303

people say wife b/c women are property once you dick them they belong to you