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File: 299 KB, 1080x1618, 20201217_122212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24896637 No.24896637 [Reply] [Original]

>3 years on the day after major crash began crypto begins to break new ATHs
>literally every day there is a new article about a breakthrough in quantum computing

They do this shit on purpose, don't they?

>> No.24896681

Esplain the quantums pls fren

>> No.24896702

Being concerned about this now is like credit card companies being concerned about crypto 10 years ago. It won't matter in your lifetime.

>> No.24896747

Holy shit, now I can play Gta iv with no hiccups.

>> No.24896748
File: 11 KB, 268x188, quantumbog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>load ze quantum fud

>> No.24896765

Yes and it's all bullshit

>> No.24896775

something like quantum computers being able to crack cryptographic algorithms easily

>> No.24896856
File: 277 KB, 1080x1383, 20201217_122902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more FUD

>> No.24897094

Yeah and don't ever buy gold because we'll soon be able to mine pure solid gold asteroids for cheap using the up and coming space elevator

>> No.24897321

unironically this wake up faggot - https://www.orionsarm.com/fm_store/Paul%20Birch's%20Page.htm

>> No.24897401

why the fuck do these nerds have to dig deeper in AI and QC, once they crack the code it will be over for all of us. And for what? Some fucking incels autistic desire to be curious george. They should all be eradicated

>> No.24897417

Quantum is not really a threat to Bitcoin...
Even if the blockchain get compromised the dev will upgrade to a quantum resistant algo and fork back the blockchain, just like it was done with Ethereum in 2016. But we're still 10 years away of such an event being remotely possible.
Nobody will lose anything.

>> No.24897467

difference being that we actually have quantum computers
no one has ever brought back even 1/100000000000000000000000000th of an ounce of gold from an asteroid

>> No.24897583

quantum computing is not a threat to bitcoin. It will still take multiple lifetimes to crack the code, not to mention you'd just bump up to SHA528

>> No.24897664

memes aside, i don't understand what goes on in the mind of smoothbrains. they freak out about crypto whenever quantum computing is mentioned, despite quantum computing being a solved problem in crypto (fork, move to quantum resistant algorithm). and they don't worry about all the companies, hospitals, airports, local power infrastructure, water supply running on legacy systems with no clear upgrade path to anything quantum resistant

memes aside, i don't understand what goes on in the mind of smoothbrains. they freak out about crypto whenever quantum computing is mentioned, despite quantum computing being a solved problem in crypto (fork, move to quantum resistant algorithm). and they don't worry about all the companies, hospitals, airports, local power infrastructure, water supply running on legacy systems with no clear upgrade path to anything quantum resistant

memes aside, i don't understand what goes on in the mind of smoothbrains. they freak out about crypto whenever quantum computing is mentioned, despite quantum computing being a solved problem in crypto (fork, move to quantum resistant algorithm). and they don't worry about all the companies, hospitals, airports, local power infrastructure, water supply running on legacy systems with no clear upgrade path to anything quantum resistant

memes aside, i don't understand what goes on in the mind of smoothbrains. they freak out about crypto whenever quantum computing is mentioned, despite quantum computing being a solved problem in crypto (fork, move to quantum resistant algorithm). and they don't worry about all the companies, hospitals, airports, local power infrastructure, water supply running on legacy systems with no clear upgrade path to anything quantum resistant

>> No.24897769


They dont really have a choice if its basically an arms race, do they? If they dont do it then China or whoever will do it first, and theyll be defenseless

>> No.24898002

Do the private keys change at that point but remain based on same seed phrases? I haven't looked into this and am hoping it's as easy as bumping the algorithm and making the 100% cracked BTC 2020 useless.

>> No.24898057

16 Psyche is awesome but the space elevator electric conduction problem is massive. Catastrophically massive unless there are a lot of these elevators.

>> No.24898068

guess the idea is that many of those systems can run without direct connection to the internet
my hospital files don't need to be on servers connected to anything other than the hospital Ethernet

also, most of these things can still be run without encryption, airports won't shut down just because people can crack encryption
bitcoin however cannot survive without safe encryption

>> No.24898109

Good thing I have quantum immortality

>> No.24898151

bitcoin will literally be the first thing to switch to a quantum resistant protocol

>> No.24898210

You don't understand.

Quantum computers outpace conventional computers on an exponential scale. Add as many classical bits as you want. Quantum computers will always outpace it at a scale of 2^2n.

>> No.24898221
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They don't even need to crack quantum. Banks just have to give the thumbs up to their lobbyists to write the cheques, and the Crypto market is regulated into uselessness.

>> No.24898313

>believing China

>> No.24898444

quantum resistance doesn't exist
the only way to avoid being decrypted is using pre-shared secret keys which is only possible for private channels with few involved parties
the moment the key becomes public your encryption will be broken

cryptocurrencies are sadly impossible with quantum computers
luckily we will reach $400k long before anyone breaks btc