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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 665x480, Screenshot-2016-09-07-at-12.07.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2482295 No.2482295 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you buying AntShares?

>> No.2482303

>bought at 68k
>only bought 250

>> No.2482307

Fuck why didn't I listen to the shills? Is it too late?

>> No.2482376
File: 172 KB, 1185x851, 24289fc1-e97c-4352-bc00-f94c62181df5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In 5 days it will be announced that Microsoft will partner them. Also in the meeting there will be a mysterious speaker... which FOR SURE its the chink from alibaba (Alibaba has signed a contract with Antshares)... I LOVE THIS COIN.

50$ or more in a year.

>> No.2482380

More on this here: https://www.antshares.org/Home/new

>> No.2482389

Yeah, I just dumped 2 BTC into this on the dip.

>> No.2482401

You are going to be rich man.

>> No.2482412

this is gay and shit, don't buy, its ready to fall back down 50% today

>> No.2482437

It just dipped and showed a super strong support. Probably moon to 0.005

>> No.2482497
File: 38 KB, 405x343, 1494197191490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. Saw this shit was heading up last night and bought it. If it can hit over 3 dollars like it did, I think it can also reach much higher.

>> No.2482528

little dip now its pumping again look at the buys, get in now. that means NOW

>> No.2482534

Sad why doesn't poloniex intro it?

>> No.2482555

>Why aren't you buying AntShares?
because I already bought them before and sold today

>> No.2482567

Ask them.
$100m traded in the last 24hrs, they are missing out.

>> No.2482575
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>Sold them
Check'd and kek'd

>> No.2482586

holy fuck. How often this happen with shit coins?

>> No.2482616

Almost never and there's over $800m of open buy orders.
This shit is happening.

>> No.2482625

Sorry $800k

>> No.2482657

just bought 700 shares of this shit. don't let me down biz

>> No.2482682

grazing back at 150, if you're not on this rocket you need to leave /biz/ and never come back.
This is the one

>tfw too much tied up in ARK that I can't buy more

>> No.2482699
File: 141 KB, 344x276, 1367905054423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pulling out of ARK to buy UBIQ, then realizing that ANTSHARES is the true moon coin and pulling out all your UBIQ so you can fund your ant army

>> No.2482707

>see 100k sats yesterday
>think it already moved to max of current increase
>140k today
This is the thing I hate the most.
I don't mind completely missing a coin, but this is fucking annoying.

>> No.2482792

>Mfw bought at 90k and sold at 150k

Going to rebuy at 120-130k once Chinamen call it a day and make even bigger gains tomorrow :^)

>> No.2482816

lol just bought in at 142 of course it immediately crashes, fuck this coinshit

>> No.2482825

just hold,i think is go to this price again

>> No.2482855

It's recovering, just hold and reap.

>> No.2482878

buy now or to late?

>> No.2482880

Whats the moon potential of this?

Made about $100k on Ethereum. Should I dump say 20k on it?

>> No.2482883

get in quick, already recovering from the dip

>> No.2482888

I think this would easily break $10 a coin in the next 12 months. I would say it could go a lot higher, but I'm sure not it's the Chinese way to grow so high

>> No.2482895
File: 40 KB, 640x812, 1497675582012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man ,So it depends, if it picks up volume now, say goodbye to those walls, if it stops now, it might fall below 120, so it depends if you want to make a bet, you can not tell how the market will react now

>> No.2482896

Because every time I buy something people start profit taking right after.

>> No.2482897

Someone is needed to stop this guy holding 4k from keep triggering dips, he keeps buying and selling making small profits, but it unsettles the market, if someone snatches them and holds, he's fkked.

>> No.2482905

the gain potential is huge, the coin we dont know there is not much information, but they seem to to have ties to a huge chinese payment system similar to paypal

>> No.2482915

Already sent him a PM.

>> No.2482923

Thanks Anon.

>> No.2482938


Holy fuck anon this is no joke

Guise is this gonna moon or what? What's gonna happen for the next 3 days, buy more, wait for a dip before the conference? What to do?

>> No.2482952


>> No.2482978

Lol at the shills in this thread trying to get people to buy their bags.
This P&D is over, anyone buying in now is a moron.

>> No.2482983

Because when a coin like Antshare is mooning it's already too late to get on.

>> No.2482986

nice FUD

>> No.2482994
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>they think it's a regular shitcoin

>> No.2483016
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1497671096219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, you guys convinced me to buy your bags, I just played 10 dollars on that shit, I'm going to cheer it up, because I only have that 10 dollars

>> No.2483019

Its going to crash down to a dollar in a few days.

Sell while people are still interested. It's SWT all over again.

>> No.2483037

fud shills everywhere

>> No.2483040

x2 by tomorrow

>> No.2483042


have you seen their website? I like to think i'm quite shill proof, but this looks actually like a legit fucking coin now

>> No.2483043

It's all good, I made a huge profit since yesterday and removed my stake. It's all free money now.

>> No.2483046

when people tell you to sell before a moon they just want to buy your coins while they're still cheap

>> No.2483070

Meanwhile, the coin bounces back in record time, heading for another ATH.

Strap in, we are leaving the atmosphere.

>> No.2483148

will 100€ into this get me anywhere ?

>> No.2483162

Could go both ways, I'd wait a little longer before buying in. Chinks are going to sleep and could see a bigger dip happening.

>> No.2483163

Ford Ka land

>> No.2483173

Guys, seriously how do you find coins like this before they moon? I only seem to notice them way too late once they took off majorly. Missed every single take off. Feels bad man. Like there is never any info on these coins until its way too late :(

>> No.2483184

ANS has massive potential for growth, it's still early to get in

>> No.2483187

>Guys, seriously how do you find coins like this before they moon?
Buy a bit from everything, when you notice one of them is going up, buy more.

>> No.2483196


that's something.

>> No.2483197

browse /biz/, disregard the obvious bagholders and shills. it's always a gamble though. there are never any obvious moon rockets. also look at the market cap. if the market cap is high (>$500m) the gains will be limited

>> No.2483206

Look at their websites and see when new releases are expected and who they're partnering with.

>> No.2483207

I buy just 50 of every shitcoin at low low prices.
They soon tell you when to pump some more in.

>> No.2483212

Thanks for the heads up famalams

>> No.2483213

what are you guys aming for ?
short or long term ?
if short any goals ?

>> No.2483216

Because I read whitepapers you fucker

>> No.2483224

Doing it just for fun, really.

My job (programmer) pays well enough for my lifestyle, so I'm not poor and desperate to get out of the ghetto.

>> No.2483237

I found antshares because I was looking for coins in the golden 20mil-100mil market cap area and I read about Antshares and the last few pages of its bitcointalk thread and concluded that the developers were very active and plenty of news releases were coming over the next few months so there was a lot of growth potential.

>> No.2483243

>invitado misterioso
Could it be... >>>/gif/10771306

>> No.2483252

found any other good coins below $100m? there's so much shit out there and everything seems overpriced

>> No.2483281

Ubiq and Aragon were other coins which I think have a lot of potential. I also have a lot in XBY which is hovering around the $20m area so can offer great returns, but it's definitely high risk since the programmers might not be able to deliver.

>> No.2483294
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Man, this is wrong in so many ways I do not know why I can not stop laughing

>> No.2483308


>> No.2483314

bought 1BTC worth, time for the price to drop

>> No.2483334
File: 233 KB, 525x439, tingting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so perfect /biz/

>> No.2483366

>implying whitepapers mean two shits for shitcoins
Stop larping, retard. It's a speculative market and you're neither a quant nor a stock trader nor equipped to read anything beyond high-school YA fiction.

>> No.2483385


She makes my wang ting if you catch my drift

>> No.2483398

Korean plastic surgery consumer.

>> No.2483475

Perfection takes work

>> No.2483510

I got in a little late, but this shit is still great

>> No.2483523

It really is, the support levels are always there to turn those downs to ups.

>> No.2483537

>buying high selling low

gl holding your own bags fuckers, this shit already mooned

>> No.2483539

I guess I should have said "Gangnam unnie", because that bitch ain't a positive example of Korean p.s.

>> No.2483551

it literally did. pls stay out of my coins

>> No.2483559

Another coin ruined by sell walls.

>> No.2483578

>He doesn't realize this is all a coordinated effort to occasionally bring down the price to accumulate more ANS

Just roll with it and buy the dip

>> No.2483580

140k when?
140k never.

>> No.2483610

Exactly the guy uses 3x 4k stacks to manipulate the market down, then snatches everything again.

Buying the dip is the way forwards, there's far too much support for it to crash out.

>> No.2483657

Bittrex is only 8% of it 's total market. It's about 60 cents cheaper on Bittrex than on Yunbi. A lot of cross trading is probably going on.

>> No.2483662

>buying a chink coin you know nothing about

Nigger investing 101

>> No.2483664
File: 21 KB, 136x102, 1491838144-1484773333-risitaszoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the train will stop at 140k

The moon is over 300k anon

>> No.2483702

where do you plce $10 on? bitfinex doesn't trade it. On Karen?

>> No.2483713

bittrex yo, buy bitcoin somewhere else and transfer it to bittrex

>> No.2483724


>try to sign up to Yunbi
>requires a Chinese ID or international passport


You'd think buying Chinese money laundering coins would be more discrete.

>> No.2483749

in my fucking country, one dollar is worth 4 of the current currency here, so it's quite easy to put 10 dollars here

>> No.2483788

Jesus this thing is crashing and burning.

>> No.2483792

what exactly does this coin have to offer? what does it do?

>> No.2483793

Chinks are going to bed, this is a buying opportunity.

>> No.2483806

Lol glad I didn't fall for buying this last night.
Always suspicious when people are clamoring for you to buy saying that "THIS is the bottom" and "it's already going back up."

>> No.2483813

Nope its someone snatching all the low buy orders, watching it all day it's going to go back up soon.

>> No.2483814

Of course it is, everything crashes when I buy it and then I wait a couple weeks and it goes back to what I bought it at. Oh well.
If you bought last night you'd still be like 50% up or so

>> No.2483825

No one knows what the fuck this coin does but people still hype it as the Chinese eth

>> No.2483842

It's funny because I'm surprised Bittrex still has any marketshare at all by this point. You would think they would be buying and selling them on Yunbi.


I mean look at it. I still think it's going to crash in the next few days.

>> No.2483856

Not at the time when it was 141k sat and evryone was saying it was going back up from its dip.

Not the posts I was talking about specifically but these are good examples.

>> No.2483858

Try getting a deposit address for ANS, even more fun.

>> No.2483860

>not using this dip to accumulate more
kek, already picking out the lambo of my choice once this thing skyrockets next week

>> No.2483866

>You would think they would be buying and selling them on Yunbi.
That's more than likely what is happening here.

>> No.2483952

Anybody who isn't doing this right now is retarded.

Buy fucking now and sell on Yunbi, with this kind of arbitrage opportunity you literally can't lose.

>> No.2483984

Pretty much everything is priced higher on Chinese exchanges

>> No.2483991


Can someone explain in more depth the relationship between market cap and growth potential or provide a link?

>> No.2484077

It does C# like Strat + javascript like LISK and a bunch of others. Chinese ETH and going for KYC compliance plus partnering with Bancor.


>> No.2484079

Basically the higher the market cap the lower the growth is likely to be. Look at XRP, it has a market cap of 10 Billion which is just multiplying the current price of one ripple by the current supply.

XRP is currently worth about 26 cents. So in order for it to be worth a dollar it's market cap would have to increase to 38 Billion. Which is three times what it currently is and almost surpassing bitcoin. Similarly if it was to be worth 10 dollars per XRP it would requires a cap of 380 Billion.

In order for it to moon it would have to triple it's market cap which is already insanely high. It is much easier for a coin with a 1m market cap to go to 100m than it is for one with 10b to go to 30b.

I hope that explains it.

>> No.2484312

I genuinely wish I had more BTC I could throw into this right now, and that I temporarily sold off at 147k, fuck

>> No.2484366

fuck my ants up, ill never buy ATH again, lesson learned

>> No.2484376

Smart man

>> No.2484392

I have 50,000 ans , looking forward to this baby hitting 100$ usd

>> No.2484393

Props for the explanation

>> No.2484412

I thought no coin could die faster than DGB until now.

>> No.2484457

It's not dead, consider this an accumulation period. The Chinese are sleeping and they control 92% of the ANS market, this was to be expected.

>> No.2484498

So 150k again in 18 hours?

>> No.2484621
File: 11 KB, 195x258, parkminyoung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made $1.6k off this and about to refill my bags with the profits, how high can this coin potentially go lads?

>> No.2484624
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>good white paper
>active devs/github
>news hype
>low market cap (20mil-100mil)

Is the place to look for growth opportunities.

/biz/ may be the best board on 4chan. If only I had listened when ETH was sub $10. I still have bright eyes for the future. Seriously, besides the art boards like /p/, /ic/, /lit/, this board has the best posters. I've learned a lot on the past two weeks and have made 100% return on my crypto and haven't really even gotten started yet.

Love you guys. Have a great day!

>> No.2484701
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>> No.2484848

what's bags?

>> No.2484858

You can hold mine later.

>> No.2484897

forgot to say no-homo my man, it's only implied if you're a /fit/izen like me

>> No.2485632

load up guys, its rising again

>> No.2485656
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>> No.2485673

Fuck. Decided to get back into BTC and shit and realized I didn't have any BTC. Decided to buy 20$ worth to trade for antshares and it's gonna take 10$ before I get the BTC. FUCk meE

>> No.2485681

is she even real? or another AI like bancor?

>> No.2485717


don't make me laugh. if I wanted a joke I'd ask for your 1 rep maxes

>> No.2485722

BTW nubs remember to take your ANS out of bittrex and into a wallet so you can collect ANC

>ANC not listed on any markets except one tiny chink one, will moon in 6 months

>> No.2485734

Mind explaining a bit more?

>> No.2485746

yo when is the dip I want in on this chink shit mane !!

>> No.2485773


This. Just sold again and I will buy the dip.

>> No.2485819

Your ANS in your wallet will mine its own currency called ANC that is used like ether/gas to pay for transactions. The amount of ANS is set and they are not mineable themselves.

>> No.2485841

The dip will more than likely not get this low next time.

>> No.2486037


I'm seeing that. I got back in for what I got out at.

>weak hands

>> No.2486062

is it Alibaba ???? If it is Trump made a deal already with the owner to start USA trading on it. Its huge

>> No.2486186


No, Alibaba is nothing to do with ants, people are linking it with ants, but there is no truth to it.

The payment system is Onchain.

>> No.2486216

thanks mate

>> No.2486323

Jesus, that trend line, ANS really is going to the moon. Doesn't even seem to be pumped yet, looking at the trade volumes.

>> No.2486350

Chinese Ethereum 2.0

>> No.2486424

Shit can easily hit 200k sats by this evening.

I never thought I'd make my fortune off of chinese ethereum.

>> No.2486438

> 1 rep max
I said a /fit/izen not a powerlifter fag. When you come to our board, we tream you well, show us the same courtesy /biz/ rats

>> No.2486490
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>tfw nearly 2500 ANS

>> No.2486551

If this shit moons already, it's going to the sun on the 22nd.

>> No.2486565

>tfw waiting for btc to confirm on bittrex to buy ANT

I'm in boys

>> No.2486577


>> No.2486596

What price did you buy in at?

>> No.2486615

.0008 yesterday afternoon, sold half at .0015 and banked it.
The rest is for holding and playing the peaks/troughs.

>> No.2486626

It really depends. China loves Crypto and ETH especially. If it does go well it will lead to ETH crashing as the Chinese whales move to this.

It's also entirely possible that it will crash on the 22nd as this is a long pump for what people believe will be a game changer.

It's either the next ETH or the next SWT.

>> No.2486653


Was a bit late to the party, so about 100k

>> No.2486838

Man, not sure if I should sell off my meme BAT and invest it into more ANS. BAT seemed like it was mooning, but now it's looking like it just got pumped a little and is more or less stagnating at its current market price... ARK's in about the same boat, but I'm definitely holding onto that long term.

>> No.2486887

small-time newfag with 172 ANS here.
should i play the ups/downs or transfer them to a wallet? What's the benefit of having them in a wallet mining ANC?

>> No.2486895

I was just looking at my BAT and thinking the same shit.

>> No.2486930

if you're holding for less then a week may as well just play ups/downs and hold in an exchange. Long term definitely a wallet.

>> No.2486958

people keep calling it the chinese eth because its a good meme

i think its more like the chinese waves which still leaves room for another 2.5x

>> No.2486984

>calling it the chinese eth
Because its a smart contract based token with the same programmable features.

>> No.2487029

Personally, I think chinese eth sounds cool and it'd definitely impress normies more when you tell them you made your millions dealing in chinese ethereum rather than "antshares".

>> No.2487046

Even if you dump entirely before the 22nd keep this shit on your radar for a bancor related pump

>> No.2487078

But I want people staring at me like I'm a nut when I talk about how ants made me rich.

>> No.2487097

>actually plans to continue to interact with normies after making it

>> No.2487278
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>> No.2487342

Should I buy now?

>> No.2487404


What's the benefit of mining ANC? Does it even matter when I only have 172?

>> No.2487992

I wonder if anyone was looking at this thread a while ago and didn't buy in?

I hope they feel stoopidz.

>> No.2488038

I looked at it 15 mins ago and regret not buying it then

>> No.2488043

i think it;s like gas, so you don't need to spend ans to transact

>> No.2488073
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>buy @ 124k
>sell @ 140k
i must toughen these soft hands

>> No.2488078

ive been shilling antshares since it was 1.10

/biz/ had their chance

>> No.2488191

this is going to hit ETH levels

>> No.2488237
File: 163 KB, 1539x628, ans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in boys, we're going to the moon

>> No.2488253

>it hasn't even been pumped yet

Take a look at BitBean.

>> No.2488314

This isn't a fkin memecoin, this really has ETH type properties and is from the land of 1/4 of the worlds population. If it taken up by 1 percent of them, this will be phenomenal. Think about it...

>> No.2488336

Just bought 25 ANS.

Can i hold this in myetherwallet?

>> No.2488396

If we can hold past the 150 barrier without losing to a big dump then this will fly.
I'm not sure the support is there, but let's all hold hands and hope.

>> No.2488408
File: 34 KB, 1197x300, ants_on_the_moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MACD just crossed over the signal line again, going to trigger a lot of buys.

>> No.2488490

because i already hve a lot

>> No.2488634


>> No.2488717
File: 72 KB, 635x430, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold here

need to strengthen my hand boys, gonna buy back in and absorb the loss

>> No.2488747

sold low buying high

the /biz/ way

>> No.2488749


>you buy the ANTH

>> No.2488768

when it was red i thought it was a bad coin, now that it's green i realized its a good coin

this is only the base of the anthill

>> No.2488776

Now to see if we can break the 150 barrier

>> No.2488807

Nope, here comes the pussies dumping out.

If you see something rise and rise, why sell?

Morons will never moon with those weak hands.

>> No.2488926

Noobs selling this low on a low volume dump!
Lets hope they leave and buy another coin.

>> No.2488978

On a serious note though. Anyone believes that ANS is a good long term hodl?

>> No.2488992

Maybe. See what happens at the conference on 22ns

>> No.2489664

new to this, how do i buy them? do i need bitcoins?

>> No.2489680


>> No.2489723
File: 18 KB, 775x240, nicehash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get them out from nicehash somehow or do i have to wait for the payout day?
how long does it take to buy bitcoins with debit card?

>> No.2489779


Guys I'll move 5btc to this if you can convince me it's not a shitcoin

>> No.2489888

I don't believe you have 5BTC so no thanks.

>> No.2489890

they are working with MSFT
smart contracts conference on the 22nd
see pic related >>2482376

>> No.2489943

will only 30~ of these badboys make me rich?????????

>> No.2490022

i very much doubt it but i'd like that because i've got 700

>> No.2490042

sun's coming up in china. will the next hours determine the fate of ANS?

>> No.2490081

How much do you think 5 ANS will be worth after 22nd? I bought 3 at 135 and 2 more at 150 (late but who cares) I'm still testing the waters trying out bittrex and crypto for the first time.

>> No.2490127



>> No.2490264
File: 131 KB, 953x566, ironhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dipped to sub .0014. Bought back in.


>> No.2490343
File: 27 KB, 524x492, loael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got that order for 130k open, make it dip again boiz

>> No.2490364

pls no more dips

>> No.2490366

>5 ANS

You're gaining nothing by sitting on amounts that tiny. Even if the value went up 1000% you'd have what, $200 USD?

Figure out some way to increase your capital. Mow some lawns or something.

>> No.2490392

Kek wills it, dip back in bizniz

>> No.2490458
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>> No.2490484

How much meth does it even take to look like that

>> No.2490551

you should be asking how much ETH does it take to look like that

guy had an eth overdose

>> No.2490595

Noob here.
This coin looks interesting but I have to wait until monday for my first coi nbase purchase to go through.
Will that be too late to board the moon express?

>> No.2490611
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Buy 7000 ANS at 49k during the alt blood bath
Sell 3500 ANS at 120k, hodling the rest to early retirement.

Luckily I knew about AntShares before /biz/ jumped in, the fundamentals on this baby is sexy, yet to be listed on big Chinese exchanges.

>> No.2490888

tfw no money to buy all the dips

>> No.2491197

>bought at 55k sats
>sold at 69k sats
Fuck my life

>> No.2491246


All of it anon, ETH is fueled by METH.

>> No.2491258

Because its dipping?

>> No.2491433

>Not buying the dip

Look at why it's dipping. Some dude continuously puts up a large sell wall to convince people to panic sell their shit

>> No.2491477

staying up tonight incase it explodes imotbh

>> No.2491609
File: 111 KB, 600x403, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 20 at 140k sats