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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 135 KB, 2377x1672, crescograph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24772618 No.24772618 [Reply] [Original]

CrescoFin is a registered Swiss Bank, taking institutional deposits on the front end, insured by Lloyds of London.

In the back end their deposits earn interest on Aave money markets on ethereum. See this Aave governance proposal for more details:

As a company connecting real world banking, deposits, invoices etc. to Ethereum, they are naturally powered by chainlink.

They already have $125m in deposits. Stani, founder of Aave, is an advisor, as are ethereans David Hoffman and Ryan Sean Adams.

On top of all this there are no VCs or Seed sales whose buyers are waiting to dump. All the buyers are regular people who bought in the sale in the last week on DODO and balancer. The sale is taking place on DODO at https://app.dodoex.io/wCRES-USDT, token address is 0xa0afAA285Ce85974c3C881256cB7F225e3A1178a. Liquidity is low on Uniswap atm, you can get much better liquidity on Dodo.

This is easily the best ICO I've seen this year, and the token is still insanely undervalued. You're buying actual equity in the company, no utility token BS. And you are entitled to their profits. Partnered with Aave and Chainlink, listed on bloomberg, $125m of institutional deposits, yet a market cap of $12m and a fully diluted valuation of $80m.

t. Link early 2018 buyer, GRT ICO buyer, AVAX ICO buyer. I've picked up a large bag of this. It's currently trading $5.5 I won't sell anything until minimum $25.


EOY 2020: $20
2021: $50


>> No.24772629
File: 89 KB, 575x414, CrescoFinBond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have bloomberg, search Crescofin. You'll see the equity (What we're buying) as well as their money market, what institutional investors are being offered. Pic related.

>> No.24772646
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How's the weather in Lagos?

>> No.24772657

Silently moons

>> No.24772671
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, mockup-6255a32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the CEO of CrescoFin, I KNEW he was Nigerian


>> No.24772728

Lloyds, swift gpi, interesting

>> No.24773505

holy shit an albino nigerian even... how rare

>> No.24773946

dont know how people are sleeping on this

>> No.24774663


>> No.24774685


>> No.24774714


>> No.24775706

Any proof it's actually insured by Lloyds of London - Have 125m in Deposits - Is regulated on Switzerland? Because i can't find any proof of the above.

>> No.24775759

don't fall for it guys. its another scamjeet rug

>> No.24775815

What does the token do? Not clear from your diagram? Also, why is it better to use this convoluted sytem than to just lend directly on Aave? By the way, way better thread than the thot shilling you guys used to do, you should have started with that.

>> No.24775856

It makes me money, seethe more and have sex

>> No.24775982

so, no answer? are you guys on some sort of suicide mission? why do you think anyone would buy the token after reading this thread? Also, we have ids here, jesus.

>> No.24776587

its not a lending platform. its essentially a wrapped equity share of the company that if you wish to convert to cres you will be paid dividends. (provided your country is sanctioned by the swiss govt)

>> No.24776693

>lend directly in Aave.....lololololol

Can u imagine some Swedish Billionaire putting his money in Aave or some shit Cronje made when their only recourse is to get annoyed at Cronje on Twitter..kek

Real people with real money need insurance. Proper insurance their money is 100% safe.

>> No.24776803

Tokens represent equity in the company. This will likely be very normie-friendly and fully insured/risk-free. See defi.crescofin.ch/tokens for more

>> No.24776994

What's the FINMA registration id of CrescoFin?

>> No.24777130

I don't understand the business model. How are the interest generated? Lended to an AMM? If yes who provides the stable pair? If not and the money is invested in "investment grades" companies, what's so special about it? Why use blockchain at all?

>> No.24777144
File: 45 KB, 703x449, cresco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(pic related)

>> No.24777242

Literal garbage

>> No.24777588

you faggots shilling your bags with big words but can you actually prove anything?

>> No.24777599
File: 79 KB, 575x414, https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_0958dbc5-1fbc-45e6-a9ca-a1639ad74859_575x414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24777601

lol ngmi

>> No.24777710
File: 69 KB, 500x336, hahahahaha-ahaha-hahaha-hahahaha-7191871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 million equity tokens exist currently, representing 100% of the share capital. This is all held by the Founders, who have financed the Company to date, and team members.

An additional (maximum) 2 million shares may be issued by the Company in the future, to incentivize new employees and to fund development. The equity tokens are capped at 12 million. No more tokens may ever be created above the cap.

>> No.24777737
File: 234 KB, 1080x947, Screenshot_20201213_113113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24777813

Buy it on UNISWAP, its cheaper than DODO.

>> No.24777850

there is no business model its just another scam but this time they try to make it seem interesting and real.

>> No.24777914

Your too fucking retarded if you can't find the business model.
Go buy gold or something.

>> No.24777994

This is a safer play than 95% of the shit out there right now.

>> No.24778312

How about you dipshits just go buy some stocks

>> No.24778348


>> No.24778625


thats what I like about this. Can afford to put a lot in.

>> No.24778681

SRO member =/= bank, CrescoFin claims to be a bank and that's a different thing.

>> No.24778699


>> No.24778721

I think it is an a cool solution to combine both crypto game and investment system with long-term partnerships

>> No.24778963

All in on this shit. Only thing shilled on biz I’ve fully gotten on board with. Have been in and out of a lot here with most still doing good but something feels real fucking right with cresco.

>> No.24779197

one of the most legit projects in crypto, still under the radar

>> No.24779294


ive heard people call it boring. Thats how under the radar it is.

>> No.24779605
File: 49 KB, 315x522, creschiefdev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only one dev on the team and it's a woman

>> No.24779635
File: 44 KB, 640x462, DC193BCF-EBA4-4FBC-A530-9856BB8BC02F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone hear about the whale about to sell his 5k stack?

>> No.24779875

not a whale. 5000 tokens would drop the price like 10 cents.

>> No.24780072

right boys what's the official make it cressy stack?

>> No.24780390
File: 204 KB, 1992x1078, yuge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a tweet from Stani would bring this to 50 usd.
be ready

>> No.24780405


dog hasn't even mentioned it yet. Wait till his army gets the message.

>> No.24781202

Free Jeet

>> No.24781228


>> No.24781252

why wouldnt i just buy jp morgan shares? honest question for all these bank coin threads

>> No.24781281

Less room to grow. Less potential gains

>> No.24781319

also impossible to go to zero.
why wouldn't i buy a regional takeover target valued under book?

>> No.24781456

audentis Fortuna iuvat

>> No.24781502

Got a suicide stack, if I hold it long enough could it be a make it stack?

>> No.24781726

how is it bold to buy crypto bank stock? bold is balls in monero. this is middleroad pussy shit.

>> No.24781731

Crypto in general is bold compared to stocks

>> No.24781858
