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24764995 No.24764995 [Reply] [Original]

Does no one here give any attention to what’s going on in the crypto world? Are you really that blind?

Andre is literally scooping up defi protocols for yearn. Fantom is in yearn’s github.

This tweet below is especially important for the above statement.

> Cross-chain defi is not here yet, bridges are not trustless yet. But, the pieces are coming together. L1 is the new L2.

Few understand what is coming, yet it’s right in front of your faces. Buy Fantom while you still can, or be left in the dirt like anti-linkers. It’s cents for dollars. Who wouldn’t want that?

>> No.24765173

Biz is a bunch of stupid brainlets who who were lucky to have been forcefully spoonfeed link.

They will never learn

>> No.24765242

delet and post fud me and my frens whales haven't finished accumulating

>> No.24765259

the same was said about QNT or UBT, every coin you read about on biz is like the ''best ever'' and will make you rich

>> No.24765292

look into fantom and look into the two you mentioned. fantom trumps in every way. if your dogmatic beliefs restrict you from looking into coins and only relying on /biz/ to tell you what to buy, you’re going to get burned 9 times out of 10. or you can stick to established coins and restrict your own profit potentials.

i am simply pointing people in the right direction. this “muh scam” or comparing to shitcoins is your own lack of insight.

>> No.24765313

it’s not going to matter once this coin has established itself and is above $1

>> No.24765320

Except fantom is already working and not vapourware. Fantom will power the smart cities of the future

>> No.24765340

The most comfy hold since the early days of LINK

>> No.24765347


well, I'm honestly a brainlet...I've never fully read a whitepaper

tell me which coins you're currently holding (outside of BTC/eth) so I can tell you guys are smarter than me

>> No.24765402

I bought BTC in march and rolled over to link at $9 and sold at $18. Then rolled into FTM. I bought more LINK and RSR after that from bank account.

I rolled everything I had in crypto into FTM a few days ago.

Fantom is nearly done their DeFi suite, and now i’m sitting cozy. I’m going to use fMint to mint fUSD, and use fTrade to open a position on LINK again by trading fUSD to fLINK (synthetic).

That lets me have a position on FTM and LINK, profiting off both, and making 6% APY from minting.

>> No.24765438
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>> No.24765581
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>> No.24766226


And same was said about LINK and ETH. It’s not about picking the guaranteed winner, it’s about determining what coin has the best chance and the best upside.

Nano + Smart Contracts + Cronje + gov partnerships + university connections + vision

For me that’s FTM

>> No.24766338

Stop im still accumulating reeeeee

>> No.24766369
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>> No.24766421

Biz doesn't deserve it. They again think it is a eth-killer. Let them buy avax or xrp. Why do you care ?

>> No.24766692

i guess i don’t really care. it’s more sowing seeds into people’s heads as fantom continues to develop so that they can recognize that what fantom aims for gets achieved.

the people who dive into fantom will see it, or they’ll see it from massive price increase and fomo in.