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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24754078 No.24754078 [Reply] [Original]

i wish to be a wealthy man

>> No.24754122

Do you really, or do you wish to spend a lot of money? There's a difference, anon.

>> No.24754137

I wanna spend a shit ton of money and still be rich.
I wanna buy people Audi R8's just because they gave me the time of day.

>> No.24754141


>> No.24754169

>giving strangers anything

>> No.24754173


>Do you really, or do you wish to spend a lot of money?
This. It's all about being on top of the hierarchy. You don't need to present your wealth to other people like a brainlet to become great.

>> No.24754180
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Yeah you're not gonna make it man. You don't have the right mindset. Even if you won the lottery tomorrow, you'd be poor again within two years.

>> No.24754192

You will never be a (wealthy) man.

>> No.24754233
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If anyone wants wealth building advice I'll hang in this thread a bit. I took myself from 0 assets, 2 worthless degrees, $88k student loan debt, and no income to a $400k net worth, 6 figure salary, 0 debt, 1 rental property, and a decent crypto stack in 7 years. It wasn't fucking easy but I followed the principles of a very good book and it worked.

>> No.24754284

i have 30k crypto stack, 1 worthless degree, 30k student loan debt, no property, no salary.

showme the ropes from here anon

>> No.24754322

tell me more

>> No.24754369
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>It wasn't fucking easy but I followed the principles of a very good book and it worked.

>> No.24754387
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>followed the principles of a very good book

>> No.24754405

Can you add me to the list of Audi R8 recipients when you make it anon?

>> No.24754430

not wealthy but ive been making changes over the last year to climb out of my whole. having discipline and dedication is paramount. setting goals and acheiving them and then setting new goals after those are acheived is also important, gives youraelf something to aim for but don't aimlessly set goals, they should be goals that align with your plan. mindset is what seperates poor from wealthy.

>> No.24754436
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That's the goal

>> No.24754451
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After graduating high school, before I went to uni and fucked myself with debt, I worked selling cutco knives for the summer. We had to attend these sales meetings and they recommended a handful of books about money. I've long since lost that flyer but I remember some of the books. The most important books were/are The Wealthiest Man in Babylon (free, just google it) and The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham (not free but permanently in print and available, your local B&N will guaranteed have a copy on the shelf).

TWMB is the most important one. It lays out the mindset you need to have to make it. I could just post the tl;dr but that won't give you the mindset, you need to read and think about the stories.

After graduating uni I was unable to find a job for two years. Living in poverty made me realize that money may not be the most important thing in life, but it is NECESSARY to live a good life. You cannot live a good life while you have money problems. So money should be one of the primary things you think about at all times.

Following the principles from TWMB, I focused on getting a good paying job. For me that was the military (I highly don't recommend it, it fucking sucks) since it had the following positives:
>good starting income for officers, plus automatic promotions and pay raises
>access to free food and housing
>job security, hard to get fired
>willing to hire just about anyone, even if you're socially retarded

So the first thing anyone should do is focus on getting a solid income with growth potential. Avoid dead end jobs, or if you can't avoid them, always be looking for a job where you can improve your income over time. Do whatever it takes to get it. I used to be a peace loving hippy, anti military, all of that, and I threw it all out for that sweet dirty bloody paycheck. Worth it.

>> No.24754465

That's immoral.

>> No.24754476
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Whats the book?
Inb4 you're selling your own shit or advertising for someone else.
I also made quite some money (close to a million) on the internet but not from stonks or crypto but CPA.
I'm currently not doing that great, i'm averaging 200-300$ a day but I've had good periods of making 1k/day now I want to try the things you guys do on /biz/.
I'm also open to questions. Btw, feels great earning on autopilot with close to zero investments.

>> No.24754507

>making 400k in the military
Is it possible to learn this power? Every officer salary I've seen has been garbage. Like 39k a year for an 03

>> No.24754529
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Oops, wrong screenshot, that was an older one

>> No.24754530

$KILL is live on Uniswap. It just hit 100% in 4 hours. Gonna hit 200% by tomorrow.,.


>> No.24754545
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I'm so happy for you.

>> No.24754635

same. i've given myself three years. if i don't make it by then, i'll neck myself. nothing in life brings me joy except the idea of being rich.

>> No.24754639
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400k is my networth, not salary. See, I didn't realize this when I signed up either, but military officers get more than just their salary. And even better, the salary is the only thing that gets taxed. All other benefits are UNTAXED. Use a pay calculator online. As an O-1, I got paid a little under $30k in salary, but I got another $1.5k per month tax free to pay for housing and food. Because I was fully committed to paying off my debts as fast as possible, I bought a bicycle instead of a car and lived in the absolute cheapest apartment I could find in town (living with felons and hookers basically). After two years my salary and housing allowances both increased, and another two years later they increased again (automatic promotions every two years). Now, it's not like I didn't become better at my job and more valuable, but those were guaranteed raises and promotions. You can't get that anywhere else, and I don't have the personality for job hopping anyway (or at least I didn't have it then).

After 9 months in the cheapest apartment, I took advantage of another benefit of being Israel's bitch: unsecured mortgages. I bought a cheap house near base and rented out the second bedroom to one of my coworkers. He paid half of my monthly mortgage, I wound up paying less for the house than I did for the apartment, and when we went on deployment I got to keep my housing allowance because I had a mortgage rather than losing it because of the apartment. This trick kept my income high. I also "rented out rooms" to a handful of other officers so that they could also keep their housing allowances, so I was pocketing hundreds of dollars each month for nothing. All of it went into the student loans, but now I had a house, was leveraging it, and I was generating passive income. All in line with the principles from TWMB.

>> No.24754692

I'm also in the military and a dude in my platoon is a famous Twitch streamer, has a contract marriage, drives Lyft, stacks Ethereum, and owns real estate.

But yeah, military is actually a good option for those out there that are hopeless. I got 20k for a 3 year contract.

>> No.24754754

im 35 a d considering joining. the fact you earn with almost 0 bills as far as housing and food are concerned is what id making me want to

>> No.24754821
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Yep, it's so easy to make it. Now, I didn't actually get the idea to join the military from the books I mentioned above. Both my grandfathers had been military, but one was dead and I wasn't close to the other, so they didn't play into my thoughts much either. One of my useless degrees was history, and over and over, in different cultures and time periods, historians ALWAYS mentioned that the military (especially officer corps) was a way for poor people to enter the middle class. So when I was at the end of my rope and about to get kicked out of my parents' home, I took a serious look at the military, calculated the odds of getting killed, and calculated my earnings over time. I estimated it would take 3 years to pay off all my loans, which was an underestimate, but I also underestimated my income so it worked out in the end. And the historians were right, after my time in the military I have skills that qualify me for top level government bureaucratic work, connections with the bureaucrats who can get me those jobs, and a clearance that I can use to get insta-hired at just about any contracting company.

However, I do not recommend the military to anyone. It fucking sucks. It's a toxic environment and you do evil to the world in exchange for the paycheck. I'm a completely different person now from when I was in uni, and it's not a good change. I'll probably go to hell when I die. If you can get ANY other job, even a dead end job, jump on it and keep trying to get a better job. Even with a dead end job, you can start applying the principles in TWMB and Intelligent Investor and start making it without selling out your own values and principles. The point of explaining how the military worked for me is to illustrate how to take advantage of every opportunity you have. In other jobs, it'll look like working for promotions, job hopping, hustling, and taking advantage of stock buying options (Walmart used to sell stock to employees at halfprice).