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File: 161 KB, 1578x351, LOOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24743186 No.24743186 [Reply] [Original]

$LOOT (NFTLootBox.com)

In light of all of the recent scams circulating on biz (we need flags). Here is info for you guys to DYOR on a microcap NFT project (links to everything I will list below) with verifiable/doxxed team behind it. ~300k market cap. Team/unsold tokens are locked for 1 year. Unique lootbox NFT & they are first to market on this. Existing successful NFT artist from rari. ~200 holders (so you are still early). Artist & Co-founder post about it on their personal twitter. platform will be launched before the end of the month. staking will be live before the end of the month. they have already applied for coingecko too. DYOR don't care if you buy but don't miss out if you're interested.

website (team/paper/token+locks)

co-founder twitter

artist twitter

artist rari



contract address:

timelock wallet:

locked liquidity:

clip from bitboy youtube about lootbox (175k subscribers on youtube / 40k on twitter)

>> No.24743547


>> No.24743722


Total Supply 40,000
Presale Round 1 - 10,000
Presale Round 2 - 15,000
Locked Liquid - 5,000
Team and Early Investors - 5,000
(Locked for 12 Months)
Marketing and Future Development - 5,000

>> No.24743795
File: 60 KB, 560x960, a nice stock and a gun!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this and https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x0b63f03d8c6e093337cd7b1f5dfe9196e4918d2f because I am a fucking NFT GOD

>> No.24744296

anon team, yeah don't think I'm going near that one in light of recent events

>> No.24744318


>> No.24744345 [DELETED] 
File: 2.91 MB, 2000x3296, niggerrugnetwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24744362
File: 37 KB, 396x400, whatdidtheymeanbythis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24744368

New idea and tlegit project. F* all the scams rugpulling crypto

>> No.24744402

yeah we really do need flags. this is one of the first projects in a little while that i have personally looked into and actually trust and was able to verify. i would still say DYOR and don't take my word for it.

>> No.24745632

coingecko listing when

>> No.24745700

Not sure but it has been applied for already

>> No.24745876

post application process

>> No.24745937

Ah so very soon then

>> No.24745941

post it

>> No.24745980

Oh I misunderstood what you said my bad, I don’t have it, someone posted earlier that it had already been submitted in another thread. And on the medium post from a month ago at the bottom it says coingecko soon.

>> No.24746179

i thought you were making a very clever joke and you should've played it off so i could've thought you were cool. but now i just think you're an illiterate pajeet

anyway, i'm more curious aboot the entire process itself instead of this coin specifically

>> No.24746314

top kek no I thought you were making a joke like "when moon" when you said "coingecko listing when". And nope aryan m8.

This is the application form then if that's what you were asking for, you can get to it from the resources at the top of the coingecko site.


>> No.24746607

Is this another clever Nigerian scam? They had "real" devs for the last one with phone numbers in Canada and linkedins that turned out to be fake or something

>> No.24746746

the co-founder/artist posted about it on their personal twitters. and the locked liquidity and timelock wallet are both locked for a year? doesn't seem like it to me anon.

>> No.24747077

wouldn't that be easy to fake tho?

thank you pajeet aryan anon. how is life in northern india near the aryan mountains?

>> No.24747225

checked and kekked. this is why biz needs flags. they have apparently worked on other projects before, artist makes art on rari (go look on the twitter and they also post about this project) and one of the co-founders seems to have an association to CHONK (and posts about this project on his twitter he has had since 2016). someone said in a different thread the dev has worked on another project but I don't think they specified which (maybe it says on the linkedin?).

>> No.24747626


from OP but if you never read any of it this is them

co-founder twitter

artist twitter

artist rari

>> No.24747997

well I hope some anons check this out and see the same potential that I did, still around or under 300k marketcap

>> No.24749424

hope some of you guys read this before the twitter/youtube shills start talking about it. bitboy already did before the presale so it will come...

clip from bitboy youtube about lootbox (175k subscribers on youtube / 40k on twitter)