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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2474171 No.2474171 [Reply] [Original]

>Mom and dad are saying I have to get a job and start paying at least $500 a month or else they will kick me out

>I'm only 21 and no skills

Is my life over?

>> No.2474181

uh it looks like your life hasn't started yet

>> No.2474190

Find a basic IT job at a school, easiest shit of my whole life. Then at the job, either get an education or learn how to set up a drop shipping business.

>> No.2474231

get a shitty job at a fast food joint, it will inspire you to work harder so you aren't there forever

>> No.2474238

Yeah but then like half my income will go to my parents.

>> No.2474256

How about get a job, move out to your own apartment?

Your parents probably want some privacy after 21 years of raising you.

>> No.2474259

Kill yourself, that's the best solution.

>> No.2474264

Honestly considered it

>> No.2474404
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>poison them all
>loot your inheritance

>> No.2474424

You're in a really shitty situation, this might unironically be your best bet.

>> No.2474455

fucking NEETs

>> No.2474468

Kill yourself in retaliation, that'll show em

>> No.2474490

Get a job, stop pitying yourself and stop acting like paying rent and working are the equivalent of slavery. Why would you kill yourself over this crap

>> No.2474494

buy RAIBLOCKs and move out ffs
your 21! get a job and grow up.
totally legit that they ask u to pay rent if u live thre

>> No.2474502


Mine alt-coins. Flip.

>> No.2474527

Just threaten to kill yourself unless they let you mooch off them for free. It works pretty well once you get used to ignoring your mother crying

>> No.2474569

Start trading forex on margin. Or crypto, but I trade the fx like this so that's where I'm gonna guide you.

Use blackbullmarkets.com you'll be all set in like 24 hours after you send in ID.

Let's say you can invest 1k , you will have the buying/selling power of 500k

Watch a few YouTube videos on trading forex using the MetaTrader platform.

Don't listen to 99% of the shit you hear about strategies.

Only wYch the EUR/USD pair (lowest spread) and watch the 15m chart and place an order when you see a quick spike out of the norm.

Don't be a Jew, and just skim your $20 or so over and over a couple times a day.

>> No.2474723
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you can get a shitty apartment in the ghetto for 500 a month, threaten to move to one and imply you'll probably get stabbed by jamal and die after living there for a week

blackmail and guilt tripping is the NEET's strongest weapon

>> No.2474792

This sounds like a bad idea.

>> No.2474808

Sounds like a great idea, that dude is gonna die on the sidewalk anyway so it's worth a try.

>> No.2474826

>at least $500 a month
haha you can work sooo part time and manage this

>> No.2474827

>$500 a month
I don't know where you live, but that's a very adequate rent if you live with your parents. Especially if it includes food etc.

>> No.2475861

>half my income
Youre working at fastfood part time, youll only make about $500 a month bud
t. did it for two years

>> No.2476141

Start calling those shitty staffing services that hire drug addicts to do menial jobs.
>t. started mowing lawns and planting trees for city parks dept. Eventually got hired on to read water meters when the other employees got pissed off.

>> No.2476154

Yup, kys.

>> No.2476169

just put your money into meme coins, I suggest dgb

>> No.2476175

Only high iqs can successfully do shit like that

>> No.2476259

all in in IOTA

>> No.2476401
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>I'm 21
>is my life over?
Literally kill yourself.

>> No.2476419

Go into detail.
How easy is it to get without connections with the school?

>> No.2476442

You can always start hustlin, dat trap shit, dat hard shit, dat money gettin, dat sheity shit, dat reppin bzn, dat 25 to life shiet mang.

Sheit I make 3000-4000 dollars mang, and thats on a bad day, yall don't know how to trap mangs, that's why i doees this shit, thats why i put in work forr the streetz, bitch ass niggas be soft af smhtqh

>> No.2476509

Every fucking day I see these spoiled kids who have just left high school come here and complain about getting their first job.

Fuck it's annoying. How spoiled can you be. Do you expect to get everything for free? You do nothing all day anyway, you will create nothing.
Fucking nothing and consuming. That's what you do. Make something of yourself, you're the same if not worse to those college liberals who earned a useless degree and work minimum wage and complain. At least they made a decision. At least they are independent from their parents. You haven't even cut off the umbilical cord yet did you, you little fucking pussy.

Fuck yourself and man up.

>> No.2476526

Rree normal!

>> No.2476859


Tell them to let you borrow $10k to invest into Bitbean, and you will all be billionaires by next year

>> No.2476862

dumpster dive a dick's sporting goods for kneepads
then you're off on the road to financial independence

>> No.2477241


Work at an Amazon near you. They hire anyone and the pay is decent.

>> No.2477290

good you lazy fucking faggot welcome to the real world you dumb nigger
you should be so lucky they're letting you stay there at all still you old dumbass, $500/month would get you a shit 500 square foot bachelor apartment in the nigger side of town at best

grow the fuck up you pussy youre an adult now

>> No.2477311

>Youre working at fastfood part time, youll only make about $500 a month bud

Where do you live? Afghanistan?

I was making $2k a month when I was delivering pizzas at dominos

>> No.2477611

>Work at an Amazon near you


Distribution center?

>> No.2477628

Tell that to my brother whose been working at one for nearly 10 years

>> No.2477783

What country?

First get a job. Any fucking job, doesn't matter what as long as its legitimate employment and you are getting paid. You can look for better work after.

Tell your kike parents that you aren't going to pay them shit and that you are staying unless they would rather see you living on the streets. The degrading nature of that conversation should be motivation to leave as soon as you are able. Do not stay complacent. Sort your life out from there.

How the fuck do they expect you to even get out of the house if they are jewing all the money you make away?

>> No.2477822


>> No.2477857


Yes. Should have clarified that.

>> No.2477894

>Is my life over?

this is where your life starts you retard

did you think you could do nothing your entire life?

>> No.2477898

If you want to earn a decent income with no skills you're only options are either retail, customer service or something to do with restaurants.

I was in the same situation as you but I found work at a hotel as a bell hop, I earned about $12 an hour and got at least $60 in tips each day, *cash*.

I worked that job for 2 years and earned enough to get a down payment for my own house.

>> No.2477899

>how to get in real troubles with the jew

>> No.2477912
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>> No.2477916

Your parents suck OP

>> No.2477952

If you really want show them, kill yourself and blame them in your suicide note

>> No.2477965

Show her your impressive cryptocurrency portfolio

>> No.2477984

Agreed. (unless you're really dumb and waste it all)
Double agreed if your parents are evil cowards. (unless they're well paid professional intellectuals)

>> No.2478182


wait until your mom starts coming at you with a knife screaming and crying that she wish she never had you, shit is gay as fuck.

>> No.2478242

LOL only 500 a month. What the fuck did you do to get THAT much pay docked?
Don't listen to these morons OP, get a 9 or 10$ an hour job. You'll make around 1k-1300$ a month depending on if you can get between 30-40 hours a week.

I suggest a restaurant job if you don't have too much anxiety (t. somebody with extreme anxiety and almost had to quit the job...but eventually i settled down)

>> No.2478423

>Half your wage goes to Jewish parents

Fuck that.

>> No.2478754

Your parents are idiots. Go on a shooting spree.

>> No.2478787

OP i'm going to tell you a lifehack that will make you easy money and will in no way backfire. just go to a doctor and tell him you cant focus so you need Adderall. the highest dosage he can give you. if he doesn't give you at least 30 mgs per pill tell him to fuck off. Then sell it to highschool and college kids at $10 per pill. Desperate kids will pay you retarded amounts of money if it's finals week and you are their only hookup.

>> No.2478855

How do you get customers tho I have no friends

>> No.2478884

>21 and no skills
well you're fucked. took the easy road in life and now you'll get nothing

>inb4 excuses
i doubt you lived in a bubble, friend

>> No.2478888

You get a tindr and grindr and advertise yourself as an adderall dealer. If you meet up with them and it turns out to be a cop you tell them you weren't actually going to sell, you just wanted to find druggies to report them to the cops. it's fool proof

>> No.2478965

If you know how to drive (w/clean record) and are good at vidyas, consider the following;
>CDL Class A license ($2.3k)
>get job with transport Co.
>partnered up
>8 months of work
>$49k a year
>grown 6 plants of cannabis (mid-tier strains)
>takes 4 months
>get $1.6k per plants ($9.6k in total)
This was me 9 years ago at 22 being a NEET before that (my first job ever and still is).

>> No.2478972

I have a record(fraud over $5000)

>> No.2478988

>$500 a month rent from mom and dad

Just move out and get a roommate with your new job, your parents are being kikes.

Or live with your parents and be a fucking loser lol

>> No.2479056

>okay I'm not gonna depress you with my current earnings & savings
Grow weed (I hope you live in a legal state, you can sell it to big growers [reduced price of course]).
Or join your local farm for help
>fuck your pride