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24646571 No.24646571 [Reply] [Original]

I’m depressed and hate my job. I wake up every morning with no life and desire to live, hoping to make it one day with crypto. Realistically by the end of 2021 how much money will I have. I want to just buy a van and escape and ride around the world being a bum and experience new countries and people

>> No.24646666

Sorry to say it but you wont be happier once you've reached your goal. You have to start to be happier now. Whats helped me when im feeling shitty is meditating--

crazy crazy difference anon. literally rewires your brain!

>> No.24646693

Meditating in a lake of ice, Satan?

>> No.24646698

holy quads

sign to take notice!

>> No.24646701

Quads of truth, guess I need to start meditating. Is it similar to prayer?

>> No.24646712
File: 306 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201208-103459_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shucks to be you my guy

t. 19 years old with a roblox account

>> No.24646783

Seconding this, this is literally a magic pill

>> No.24646827

For some it is but for some its just breathing.
Ive been doing it for a few years almost every day and just repeating a mantra.

Personally i think its hard to just focus on nothingness so a mantra is just a tool to help you stay focused. Look up the Sa Ta Na Ma meditation.

>> No.24646850

kek you've been posting this in every thread faggot
no one is impressed

>> No.24646876

Find a new job. I took a small pay cut and quit my job for a weaker one but now I don’t want to blow my brains out so life is a lot better.

>> No.24646959

You're both right & wrong op. Like >>24646666 says making it won't make you happier, and travelling around in a van for sure won't be what it seems to you now. But you're right in wanting to stop a job you hate. Sure you can meditate but that will only go so far. If you're doing something that you really don't like, you have to change it, so aiming to get free via crypto is a good goal. If you can make it, take a holiday, rather than becoming a homeless hippy. You just need break to give yourself some distance & perspective. What youre most likely to feel once you have that is a surprising sense of how you're no happier deep down and an absence of all the joy you expected

>> No.24646976

>I want to just buy a van and escape and ride around the world being a bum and experience new countries and people

I know people that have done that on much less than you have right now. If you're living in a van and shit you could spend at least 3 years finding what makes you happy with that amount. Fuck, work some shit jobs like fruit picking on your trip for lulz and to meet some really cool people.

>> No.24647264

This is true too, maybe the dream of having to make it in crypto is actually an uncomfortable burden

>> No.24647621

You could literally just buy a van, deck it out for van life, and go be a bum for years while you portfolio silently moons in the background for 10k. Van life is cheap once you know what you're doing. It's okay to spend some savings on a lifestyle change that will reduce expenses overall. Don't splurge and piss away all of it, but there's more to life than work and watching numbers go up. Don't let your dreams slip you by because you couldn't bare to cash out 10% of your crypto before it was "time". The peace of mind while you hold is worth the price of admission.

t. worthless, wageless, happy as a clam neet

>> No.24647681

>hoping to make it one day with crypto
Why don't you just keep this hope alive while working on making it with something other than crypto as well? As long as you don't do something dumb like take on tons of debt, the worst that happens is you end up where you are now

>> No.24647704

Your portfolio has the same coins as mine, extremely based and redpilled. You'll do great.

>> No.24647732

mostly the crippling depression. 2020 kicked my ass and i literally want to die. Being stuck in the country and not even being able to fly to Europe makes me suicidal too. I just want financial freedom so i can chill and do what i want on a daily basis, im not looking for fame or success

>> No.24647766
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>no ALGO
Perhaps you should do a little research anon, if you really want to /makeit/

>> No.24647977

Maybe your idea of 'making it' might be a bit askew and causing you problem. Giving yourself some space to redefine what makes you content (content is different than happy).
Take some time away from /biz/ and the places that make you feel like you have to "make it"

This, absolutely this. Take a few percent, buy a van, live frugally, experience life.

Whatever you choose, I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.24647998

Ok well, I went through the same thing, and what fixed it was eating properly, taking vitamins/fish oil supplements and exercising every day. It works wonders and even though you think the exercise will drain you, it actually gives you more energy the next day if you keep doing it. And you sleep way better (I generally do pushups/situps while watching tv until I basically pass out)

>> No.24648035

Oops, thought you were OP in my previous reply