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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24631427 No.24631427 [Reply] [Original]

gaining traction... if you haven't bought yet, this is your last chance

>> No.24632340

eu chads are sleeping right now anon

>> No.24632382

Im Canadian though

>> No.24632618

it has USD now

>> No.24632654

Sorry, I don't buy worthless shitcoins that are doomed to fail.

>> No.24632773

explain why it's worthless faggot

>> No.24632803

you probably hold a pajeet scamcoin, this is a legitimate fiat exchange you absolute retard.

>> No.24632841

Maybe I'll buy some more.
t. ICO buyer.
I conned 3 bizlets into giving me a 1600 stack by shilling here. Which is really good considering you only get like 5% of what they bought.
I haven't seen any news lately though, even if it's finally up to 4c. Is volume going up?

>> No.24632874
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>> No.24632950
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It takes an absurd amount of retardation for someone not to see the obivious dead end this scam is heading towards, at full speed. I've heard about and seen this coin since at least 2018 and it still has nothing to show for it besides a few UI changes and weekly AMAs in which you don't learn anything of substance
I have yet to see people beyond /biz/ and the circle jerk cult talking about Coinmetro
Where is the marketing
Where is the institutional money that was supposed to flow in

It's nowhere because non-brainlets realized that the whole thing wasn't sustainable to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, and the tokenomics are flawed : it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme. XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.24633128

this pasta FUD is kind of retarded, but at least you removed the "DEX is the future" part.

>> No.24633856

legitimate volume

>> No.24633915

How long until they go bankrupt though?

>> No.24633951

survived 2017-2018 crash and bear market they seem to be doing well compared to every other thousand ICO that rugpulled

>> No.24634402

I hold over 1% of the circulating supply of this shitcoin and am never selling.
Fuck Kikebase
Fuck Nigmex
Fuck Chinknance
Fuck jannies
This is the white man's exchange.

>> No.24634864

keep getting robbed by kikebase retard

>> No.24635011


>> No.24636129

Estonian company
ICO shitcoin sale back in DEC 2017
still not popular, less volume than the shit storm that is COSS

>> No.24636172

> he thinks the volume is real

>> No.24636656

Bump for Europoors

>> No.24637271

Jealous 1M stacklet reporting in.

What are your price predictions? Do you think we've finally turned the corner?

>> No.24637684

New ID But I'm the guy you replied to. I think there is finally enough volume from XCM utility to start tripping up the bots. I also think the influx of new users will help too.
We are decoupled from BTC (XCM doesn't even have non fiat pairs) so it looks like XCM will do it's thing even if BTC shots the bed again.

>> No.24637947

XCM does have a non fiat pair but yeah, it's irrelevant my fellow 7 figure bagholder.
I myself have grown pretty weary holding all these years. We've been pivoting around €0.03 for over a year now if you disregard that brief uniswap spike. Every chance of momentum gets quickly killed off by one guy with even deeper pockets playing this meager book.
At least with XCM it's backed by a solid product and we have 0 chance to get rugged.

>> No.24638079

I thought they removed the BTC and ETH pairs?

>> No.24638126

BTC is gone, ETH is still there

>> No.24638204

ICO buyer here as well. Still way below my initial investment on them but bagholding just in case it goes anywhere. But it's in large been a disappointment thus far. I guess the horrible timing of when they launched (during huge crypto crash) was a big setback for them and they almost certainly didn't get the funding they were expecting due to crypto value turning into shit. So all the other exchanges seem to have pretty much caught up with Coinmetro before they really got a footing.

Their whole thing was like "hey, crypto regulation is coming and we're the only exchange with properly nazi KYC to address those regulations." Had they launched properly when they wanted to, they actually had a chance to steal away people from other exchanges as countries cracked down on them. Sadly, it seems impossible now.

>> No.24638341

They were too early not too late for the regulation angle. Nigmex and Chinknance have both banned Americans and Kikebase are charging obscene fees (Yes, even on Kikebase Pro.) The time for regulatory exchanges arguably only came when CZ banned Americans a couple of weeks back and Coinmetros volume has been steadily rising since that happened.

>> No.24638963
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Don't give me hope anon.

>> No.24639249

Interesting analysis anon, I'm the guy you replied to. In addition to what you said, I feel like any collapse in BTC will also see stablecoins take a hammering - which in turn will kick the shit out of Coinbase, Binance, etc. That should also be in CMs favour.

What do you think about the potential for staking? What are you planning to do with your stack? Long term hold? Dump at 1€?

>> No.24639368

I'm holding until they are the biggest European exchange or they exit scam. In theory, I only need a 4x to retire really but I am greedy as fuck so I have no idea when I will sell. I will stake if there is no reason not to but it isn't a big deal to me. I have been expecting stable coins to get fucked for three years now but they just keep making money out of thin air and I doubt it is stopping anytime soon.

>> No.24640352

Hero or zero for me.

>> No.24640362
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Based and foreheadpilled

>> No.24640844

imagine being financhially inidipendendenet with just 3k

>> No.24640902

Sure. Once Kevin starts marketing and every human being on the planet uses Coinmetro for all financial transactions, we'll all make it.

And when will that be, after three years of waiting? Soon, 7-10 days.

>> No.24640966
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i mean, some only need the coin at .5 to make it, some need $1
1 is guaranteed when people her about this, 10 is unironically likely to happen
imagine being able to have a million with an initial investment of €3,407.93, tax free if you held more than a year (where i live)

its too good to be true anon, hold me..

>> No.24641060

Yeah, that would be nice, but why would it happen?

Oh, I forgot, the mythical 'marketing' we've been promised for three years.

>> No.24641129

I honestly feel good about this.
Few months ago, the top daily volume was like 500k, now it's almost never below 500k, with spikes at 3m and an average around 1m-1.5m.
Plus, unlike COSS, XCM pairs doesn't generate this volume, it 's never in the top 3 traded pairs by daily volume.

It's very good signs it's growing very organically and healthy.

>> No.24641136

cm threads 4 months ago literally had 4 people in it, now its 20
imagine if it had 80 people like literally scam coin threads
biz doesn't know about it, and reddit certainly doesn't, all we need is some autist making a post on reddit about why people should switch, and since its not a scam or shady in any way, people might listen and even switch over
and give me one reason they should not switch,

im working on something that should tell more people about it but im lazy plus I'm wait until I have a big stack until I release "it"

>> No.24641175

I type like some thirdworlder, sorry about that kek

>> No.24641557


>> No.24641639

>cm threads 4 months ago literally had 4 people in it, now its 20
And people are desperately wondering aloud whether 100k is enough instead of a million. We have no real news since the exchange is no longer in danger of going broke it's just a boring hold now.

>> No.24641687

one thing I notice with people who hold xcm, is that they are either very optimistic or very pessimistic, no in between
problem is they are both right..
its about how you want to look at it, either its "We have no real news it's just a boring hold"
or "Cards coming and new app coming, new marketing coming and new investors in jan coming WOOO!!!"

the truth is, as with most things, in the middle.

>> No.24642187


I've no doubt CM will succeed and XCM will grow. But a big concern is how many whales there are now. Everyday we crab around 3c means more whales accumulate. The more whales there are means the more sell pressure on pumps there is, rince & repeat.

That's why I don't think this will ever get to BNB levels. Sure it will grow but not hugely. There will be biblical levels of selling with any sustained run.

>> No.24642279

link was almost 4 years below $1, I really don't think that's a problem anon

>> No.24642310

>Trusting Chinks
Nigger your general sentiment may be correct but you don't really think BNB was fairly distributed do you? Guaranteed CZ got all his Chink buddies a bag and they all knew when the "buyback" would be so they could get their orders in

>> No.24642390

This something sounds interesting anon. What sort of something? When might you release it? Remember that we only have so much bull run to work with, that's a big factor here that everyone seems to be ignoring. Fuck all point marketing when we begin the next two-year bear.

>> No.24642470

What does the middle ground look like though? 25c stablecoin?

>> No.24642694

> What sort of something? When might you release it?
a video compilation of all the things kevin said that get my dick hard, like the prq videos but better with actual effort puit into it, maybe end of this year or jan2021
>Remember that we only have so much bull run to work with, that's a big factor here that everyone seems to be ignoring
when do you think this will happen? I think we'll see a crash in early 2021, but then there is this "recession worse than 2008" coming soon.. is that what you're talking about

Around 500m mcap which would mean upwards of €1.5 is what I would say the "bad-realistic" outcome
I mean yeah its still pretty good for us but still.

>> No.24642726

Trading and risk taking activities surge during times of crisis. So since XCM is connected with a trading platform I think it should be ok.

>> No.24642738

What is the point of XCM? Why can't we stake it or earn something with it?

>> No.24642742

whos gonna tell him bros

>> No.24642743

>no 2FA on the exchange
>people get hacked left and right

Yeah, no.

>> No.24642759

All exchanges tokens got valued pretty quickly though

>> No.24642905

They have optional 2FA. I should know, I use it.

>> No.24642946

Honestly, I'd have said late November 2020, so I have absolutely no idea now. I'm starting to think that this market (in both stocks and cryptos) is going to run for a surprisingly long time.

500m marketcap would be amazing, and I certainly think it could happen. But I doubt it will very quickly.

>> No.24642966

yes please can someone spoonfeed me here

>> No.24643031

but only because you asked nicely
kev said they are going to roll out the first basic version of staking Q4 of this year or Q1 of next, it works by just taking money from the vault
and then they are going to work on a more advanced version, but he didnt say much about that yet.
only that the rates are going to be "very competitive"

you also asked about the token's usecase right? here you go https://help.coinmetro.com/en/collections/2467216-ecosystem-and-xcm

>> No.24643050

Its a shit exchange and I saw people getting hacked left and right. Sorry man.

>> No.24643054

? What are you on about?

The only justified optimism is that Coinmetro itself is a rock solid product, especially compared to one year ago, and that they continue to grow.
The pessimism stems from XCM not reflecting this. Their marketing sucks, in 2018, in 2020 and probably in 2022 just as well. Kevin is a genius in his own field but has no clue about creating hype.
I truly believe in the future of CoinMetro, but I don't know what will trigger a XCM moonshot. CSD/bonds, USD, tram, their big marketing in june, I mean september, I mean october, I mean... all did fuck all.

>> No.24643091

If they get hacked it's most likely their own fault, accessing wifi in a restaurant like a shithead, clicking phishing links or installing torrents.

>> No.24643104
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They plan something with XCM for tomorrow. Better get in asap.


>> No.24643120

>I saw people getting hacked left and right
let me guess, you saw it with your four hands

>> No.24643148

not giving them my photo id

>> No.24643155

>people getting hacked left and right
You keep saying that in every thread you enter, you got hacked because you weren't careful, and now you say that people are getting hacked left and right.
You get called out for it every time but keep saying the same thing.

Though I feel our current situation will be brushed off in a few years, people will look at the price and say
>remember back then in those xcm threads, we used to be so bored, can't believe its actually €5 now..

>> No.24643169

Just in time for the latest dump. Never change biz

>> No.24643211

How about learn basic security practices. You can't blame Coinmetro if you get your phone and email hacked anon

>> No.24643246

In 2020 you cannot use any legitimate crypto exchange, bank or stock broker without giving them your ID.

>> No.24643251

100k xcm holder here, monitoring ur threads

>> No.24643280

It's time to grow up kiddo.

We'll see. I'm afraid there are a proportional amount of 6 and 7 figure bagholders that are going to put up many hurdles on that road to €5 or even €0.5.

>> No.24643640
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Why is it pumping while everything else dumps? Is this finally our chance, Metrosexuals?

>> No.24643714

>Announcement of announcement
Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.24644376

Don't worry like all the other pumps this will dump back to 2.5-3c and we will resume the crab market

>> No.24644440

Is staking real?

>> No.24644885

thanks for those great news buddy!

>> No.24645329

No. Three more years at least.

>> No.24646169

Agreed. I expect the most amazing dump of all time in the run-up to 1€