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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 158 KB, 1163x1118, wcresco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24612357 No.24612357 [Reply] [Original]

One more thread before wednesday uniswap listing. Last chance to get spoonfed.

>trying to bring in banker boomer money into defi by offering insurance on all deposits
>swiss regulated real company behind this
>+120m deposits waiting for the product launch
>Aave stani as advisor + working with aave
>Bullish interview with Raoul Pal

>> No.24612374
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Watched this interview and its pretty good, dude knows what he is doing.

>> No.24612502

Based wcres shill i bought in because of the thread yesterday. Everyone should DYOR and buy in, this one is legit and will probably be the trending coin on wednesday

>> No.24612656
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Bought in as well.
Feels good, really hope to see 5X or more from this

>> No.24612686

I think 2-3x short term. Long term idk depends on what they deliver

>> No.24612732

even Sergey couldn't get a direct interview with Raoul on Real Vision. can you imagine that.....

>> No.24612826

alright give it to me straight, this is another shitcoin scam pump right? are we topping here?

>> No.24612979

fuck it, I bought in.

>> No.24612996


But actually, it does seem like a quality project

>> No.24613024

not sure about that. when your selling point essentially is "regulated in switzerland", that's a bad sign.

>> No.24613029

This is one of the most legit projects I've seen on biz and I'm pissed I bought at $6 not $1-2 when it launched.

>> No.24613052

well, I bought at $7.5 even though I saw it few days ago as well. buying a 200% pump feels bad man.

>> No.24613094

Better than buying at $8.50 though. The more I read about this the more bullish I am. They have something set up with Aave too which should be good.

>> No.24613175

Give me confidence not to dump my 3k stack

I have weak hands and like to profit take but I feel like this might actually pump a bit more Given it’s not a scam and I bought the IDO

>> No.24613208

This. Real regulated swiss company behind it and defi heavyweights as advisors thats a pass for me. Id rather go all in on dogshit.finance token by anon pajeet team for real gains.

>> No.24613248

Finally something that's not a pajeet rugpull scam. I went in at 4 and 8

>> No.24613286

Sure, take profits but i think you should hold some. I dont see this dumping much, it could retrace 25% but it wont dump 90% because it has lots going on and is still a small cap.

>> No.24613741

I only buy curry.finance which I pair with fiber to farm poop coins.

Ah yeah, I also hate legitimate companies. Being backed by the strongest money printer in the world is bearish as hell

>> No.24613763

Pump and dump group on Telegram picked this up. You need to KYC to hold this, dyor and dont make whales richer

>> No.24613797

That is low tier FUD

You can buy this without KYC
You can trade it for CRES which requires KYC and then you are a shareholder and receive dividends
You can choose not to KYC and just own WCRES and enjoy token appreciation

>> No.24613805

Please inform me where the pump was. It was $1 for a very short amount of time and has only been accumulated in meaningful quantities from $4-8. There's not enough Liquidity available simultaneously for whales.

>> No.24613822

This too, you think balancer or uniswap require kyc? You need kyc to unwrap it and collect dividends or vote lmao.

>> No.24614052

Apparently if you buy from Dodo instead of Balancer it burns the tokens from supply or something too so better to get it from there. I don’t fully understand how it works.

>> No.24614092

What people would call a whale at this point is anyone with 3000 to 6000 tokens which really isn’t that much... and hardly a whale

At 6000 tokens you are the 21st biggest holder.

Fuck I have 3000 tokens and I’m hardly a whale, I almost bought 8000 but my risk management told me not to (in hindsight I should have bought) and for the first time in my life I would have been a whale to everyone :(

>> No.24614167

I've got 300. Just took my API3 profits and threw them at this the second I saw it. If I'm capable of being 1/10th-1/20th of a whale as an absolute poorfag that means there aren't enough whales or they haven't bought enough.

>> No.24614221

I have about 40 Eth worth which isn’t much, that’s only $23k

Now if this pulled a 4x pumped to around $30 I still wouldn’t consider myself a whale as that’s only $110k which isn’t a lot of money

My point is, anyone can be a “whale” at this point as the entry bar is low

>> No.24614302

Link you dumb faggot.

>> No.24614546

here for a lazy fuck who cant use google https://www.realvision.com/shows/the-interview-crypto/videos/banking-disruptors-and-insured-crypto-yield?source_topic=crypto

>> No.24614547

110k right now in it would definitely be whale and is in any small projects, but it's not a lot of money in an absolute sense for a lot of projects. I see your point though, and it's important to keep in mind. I'm looking forward to Wednesday.

>> No.24615041

The more I look into the team I'm losing my mind. These guys are not outsiders. They are the Swiss Banks ffs. So connected its crazy. And I feel like they aren't scammy looking at past twitters and interviews this Sharratt guy is awesome.


>> No.24615448

This guys home assuming it's his
..and not some green screen is about as fucking cool as apartments get

>> No.24615463
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>You need to KYC to hold this
Since when do Balancer and Uniswap require KYC?

>> No.24615493
File: 204 KB, 1992x1078, yuge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the advisors are A+++

>> No.24615505

raoul? its his home, ive watched multiple interviews with him and his dog shows on the background sometimes

>> No.24615511

Dude is a based money autist. You know he's got some antique silver trays he does cocaine off, while sitting in an early 1800's solid mahogany chair

>> No.24615518

where is the link anon¿

>> No.24615539


>> No.24615673

"regulated in switzerland" means shit all and if you have to plaster it all about your shitcoin, it's just a band aid.

>> No.24615694

thanks anon.

btw the advisors are starting to work.
this is going to be massive.


>> No.24615750

Never selling till 90$ +

>> No.24615769

Just another fucking shitcoin

>> No.24615772

you are right it probably does not matter for most of us here but for their customers it does.

>> No.24615787

where the fuck do I buy this shit?

>> No.24615821

You've got the ticker of WCRES and a shot of the coingecko page. If you can't figure it out from here then you're not gonna make it.

>> No.24615859

God, you're stupid

>> No.24616015

niceee once all the fucking advisors start shilling it and its on uniswap number go up

>> No.24616183

Calm it with the circlejerk anon

>> No.24616227

Where to buy this if it's not on Uniswap?

>> No.24616334

fkin legit

>> No.24616375


>> No.24616383

just wait

>> No.24616421


>> No.24616448

balancer or dodo exchange.
wednesday on uniswap

>> No.24616508

Thanks boys

>> No.24616566

Lmfao you all got rugged ahahahahahahah

>> No.24616580
File: 16 KB, 1314x169, 0_in_DODO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.24616600
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>> No.24616670

no idea but probably something to do with coingecko as the liquidity is still there kek

>> No.24616676

rugged. losers.

>> No.24616686


>> No.24616688
File: 672 KB, 600x600, 1606268558966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first rug, had to happen at some point I suppose

>> No.24616701

Get fucked ahahahahaha

>> No.24616708

The profession of private detectives is getting more popular nowadays. That’s why after the prosperous pre-sale the GTX price can increase x10!

>> No.24616723

fuck you.

>> No.24616730

A bug on Dodo

>> No.24616736

I hope at least some of you jeets can tell the difference between a coingecko error and a rug.

>> No.24616738

They didnt rug...

>> No.24616746

A glitch.

>> No.24616758

It literally hasn't rugged, check dodo or wherever and see what your shit's worth. price rn is $8.06

>> No.24616778
File: 43 KB, 1220x175, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hasn´t rugged, it looks like there is some kind of issue with dodo.
You can still trade on uniswap and balancer.

>> No.24616792
File: 36 KB, 1160x552, 1601377147319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the so called V-shape recovery?

>> No.24616797



Whats it like being low IQ?

>> No.24616817

I know, I don't invest in ruggable coins as my balls aren't big enough. I was only having a laugh.

Sidenote what the fuck is a crosswalk? Is it a pavement? A crossing? A curb? I never get that captcha right.

>> No.24616820
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1560802247563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, and it's fixed already. Took 10 seconds. /biz/ is ridiculous

>> No.24616826

With such btc rising plenty of people try to participate in crypto and defi

>> No.24616892

it's like where the people walk to cross the street, but its in the street itself

>> No.24616900
File: 101 KB, 566x564, 1604848809498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a joke mate

>> No.24616983
File: 329 KB, 409x573, ez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I assumed it had to do with walking across the street but I've had a couple where it was just really zoomed in shots of curbs.
Pic related, an easy crosswalk
>no fun allowed this sewius bizniz only

>> No.24617160

I can't afford any more shit advice /biz/
Hope I'll make it

>> No.24617171

>no fun allowed this sewius bizniz only

t. Euro

>> No.24617190
File: 342 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2020-12-07-15-34-50-563_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.24617218

fucking antifragile

>> No.24617567

Fudders trying to derail the thread. Bullish as fuck...

>> No.24617645

coingecko glitch
happened before
this is why you need link if you're going to rely on price feeds btw

>> No.24617958

There's no fud for this one, it's just fun and games, might even be $50 end of month but we're definitely looking at near $100 end of q1

>> No.24618022

Are u sure its coingecko? Maybe some retard aped into it on Uniswap not knowing the slippage and the fact there is no liquidity. Maybe they did the dump to spread fud even..easy to do on uniswap with no liquidity.

>> No.24618068

the dodo source was displaying a price of 0 during the glitch, so dodo probably had some downtime, or idk.
nothing to worry about.
there is 0% chance this is gonna rug

>> No.24618196


Oh...I know. Just wondering how it happend.

>> No.24618333

Youll be fine

>> No.24618680

Just filled my bags at 7.30, was planning on buying anyways since I'ma hold a few months
THis shit should pamp to 25 dollars easily

>> No.24618842

Aave guy, dog and who's

>> No.24619544

Was able to free up another 5k USD to drop on these. Do I wait for a dip when the uniswap supply first drops or grab more now?

>> No.24619708

who cares faggot

>> No.24619871

Idk if there will be another dip anon

>> No.24619881

Well clearly I do. Just seeing if others feel there will be a decent dip when the drop happens Wednesday before it pumps or I should just buy more now.

>> No.24620211

it just dipped but recovered back so idk if there will be another one. DCA.

>> No.24620240

It will 100% dip. Uniswap pump is 2 days away that's an eternity in crypto. Some idiot will sell a stack and chase the daily flavor guaranteed

>> No.24620266

thats true kek

>> No.24620593

Aave whales will bring this to 500M market cap.
Easy money

>> No.24621652

this, but ironically

>> No.24621788

Are people really that stupid to not wait 2 days and load up now? I think not. People aren't stupid.

>> No.24622410

uniswap/dextools makes shit pump like retard

>> No.24622914

This... obviously gonna moon hard
Its a winner imo

>> No.24623204

especially if that retard is on /biz/