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24606575 No.24606575 [Reply] [Original]

You heard it here first - they are prepping everyone with an educational post:

>> No.24606619

WE LIving big nOW SENPAI

>> No.24606970

About time they get in on this

>> No.24607038
File: 106 KB, 898x1000, BarkBarkBarkBarkBark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAM will rise again!

>> No.24607132

Direct link to article:


>> No.24607135

hmm, you dont think Base protocol is going to be listed first ;)

>> No.24607216


I think they're probably going to list the two projects they introduce in the article.

>> No.24607731

Ampl is at a good price right now, might be time to fill the bag.

Ampl listing on binance has been in the works for a while.

>> No.24607749

how can these pseudo stable coins moon when they are designed not to?

>> No.24607774

Why wouldn't they list base though

>> No.24607782

think of how retarded the average uni user is
now add the normies who think they are smart

>> No.24607790


Less then a week old and also a scam.

>> No.24607807

You're a fucking scam, dude

>> No.24607923

U are my spirit animal anon

>> No.24608006

Pretty much true. I'm loading up on xBTC just in case. Fucking 500k marketcap after crashing like a shitcoin, but from a marketability perspective it looks alluring. Muh BTC hedge and a decent website, non anon team, so if rebase season will lead the bullrun it's probably the best bet for a 50x, or at least better than Base. I mean even just a 10x from here puts it only at 5 million

>> No.24608009

Ampl is the future. Can't wait for the flood of pink wojacks when base gets rug pulled by street shitters.

>> No.24608016
File: 9 KB, 190x190, 7b73123149_pondering-guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen, I'm really, really sorry if you actually fell for all the shilling here. Look, I don't know how to break this to you, so I'm just going to say it. Whenever you see more than 3 threads in the catalogue on a project, and one or more of those threads are basically just titty pics with the project logo pasted onto the nips, you are looking at coordinated shilling.

I have no idea whether or not base is a legitimate project, but I know that there is at least a group or two out there, setting up a rather grandiose rug pull.

Now, when Binance has to literally warn their users THREE times in the article, that elastic supply tokens are HIGH risk investments, they would absolutely be shooting themselves in the foot by listing a week old project, that is being this heavily shilled. Ampleforth seems like a better pick.

>> No.24608053



>> No.24608066


Ampleforth is going to Coinbase. Binance is taking Base. Screenshot this.

>> No.24608094

Whoa I could see that happening.

I invested heavily in this so I want it to get to at least 100m market cap

>> No.24608152

Unless you are literally new here, you must know that there is some truth to what I'm saying. I'd be real fucking careful if I were you. Especially if you cannot afford to lose your money.

>> No.24608209

I invested all my eth, around 50, but that's only about 25% of my crypto portfolio so losing it would hurt but I'd survive

>> No.24608244

Base to Binance confirmed guys. A Binance whale group im in leaked it just now. You probably wont see it on twitter until a few days later though. Get ready for 1 or 2 weeks of massive positive rebases.

>> No.24608309

The only hope Base would have after this is the added muh rebase hype as more people learn about rebasing. Band, Tellor and Dia pumped solely because of association to Link because of muh oracle. Ampl makes the most sense for a listing, but Base and xBTC will pick up the added marketing so won't actually make bad buys for the more risk tolerant

>> No.24608360

Why you lying

>> No.24608426
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>> No.24608437

Is it true that this is modern solutions for Cascade yield platform? They cooperate with Uniswap and provided liquidity pools. Sound profitable

>> No.24608461


>> No.24608644

They opened this up again? I guess this confirms it then.

>> No.24608917


Well that's bullish as fuck, better grab a few more eth worth to ride the listing hype.