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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24577299 No.24577299 [Reply] [Original]

Those that have done bootcamp any anons got advice? I don't have the self discpline to self teach my self at the current moment without a structure.

What bootcamps do you recommend? If I have to wage cuck one more year at Papa Bezos warehouse, then I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.24577327

Just teach yourself everything from youtube tutorials and so on.

Actually forget that. Think of a project, anything really and start doing it. Start simple then move on to bigger projects. Learn on the go. That is the best way to learn.

Fuck bootcamps desu but bootcamps are still 10x better than college if thats the way you want to go.

>> No.24577368

Do you work in fulfillment?

>> No.24577373

bootcamps will soon be automated

>> No.24577773


Yes, I work as picker/packer.

>> No.24577895

look into moving to the data centers. It has a very low barrier of entry and it's better in every possible way. If you just have basic certs and already have work experience at Amazon it should be easy to get in.

>> No.24578046

No, unless you have a CS degree, no one will take your little snowflake bootcamp seriously.

>> No.24578102

absolutely not
if you're not going to go to university literally just teach yourself via youtube / reddit / googling. just pick the subfield you want to go into, say mobile development, and literally google 'reddit how to become a mobile app developer'
then spend 6-12 months getting good. use those skills to build a portfolio of one or two good, finished and polished projects and use those to apply to jobs. its literally that fucking simple. problem is nobody actually does it, they want every excuse in the book to not actually just do the work