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24573139 No.24573139 [Reply] [Original]

imagine being a millennial and going to work

>> No.24573179

Omg I'm so demoralized noooo

>> No.24573193

Idk who will fund my neetbux once the boomers die I hope my BTC and TRTL moon.

>> No.24573196

We cant even demand better pay and decent working conditions because the government will instantly bring in enough third worlders to replace us.

>> No.24573218

Wow, what a bunch of losers.
t. 1997

>> No.24573238

Not me, never again

>> No.24573242

feels good knowing that i'm set to inherit a shit ton of money. i'm not betting the farm on it though, looking to make it on my own well before my parents pass

>> No.24573243

its almost like big gibs and benefits for younger people only came into real use at the start of the 2000's

>> No.24573251


That's what Americans get for voting dem

>> No.24573285

kind of a dumb graph though, of course boomers have the most wealth, they've lived the longest. The better graph is what % each generation owned at each milestone so you can compare 30 year old millennials to 30 year old boomers. It shows the same trend but it's a more honest way to assess wealth distribution over generations. IIRC it was something like millennials own 4%, but boomers already owned 12% when they were as old as millennials are now.

>> No.24573301

>quality over quantity

>> No.24573309

Hold on, if we millennials have it bad does that mean zoomers will have it worse?

>> No.24573325

>he thinks the GOP doesn't support open borders to put pressure on the labor supply, thus lower wage costs for their corporate masters


>> No.24573340

Imagine young people not having money yet oh no wow socialism nao

>> No.24573343

Kek I’m wealthier than 97% in my age group because I bought meme coins shilled on a racist image board

>> No.24573370

That's why you actively vote in the primaries instead of giving up like an idiot

>> No.24573379

it was 26% iirc

>> No.24573387

Go back to R*ddit, plenty of depressed millennials there to fall for your demoralisation baits.

>> No.24573392

Zoomers will have it better
>less boomers in the workforce when they enter it
>learned about the student loan Jew from watching millennials
>earlier crypto opportunities in their life

>> No.24573394

The number one way they die is suicide so yeah

>> No.24573398

>be millennial
>didn't fall for college meme
>jumped to small business owner at 30 after saving money for years wageslaving
>still gonna make about 100k this year even with nuflu

yes i work long hours. i don't have a boss breathing down my neck though should be able to retire in 10 years if i really want to.

nobody every became rich working for someone else. duh.

>> No.24573430

yeah, they're fucked. we're fortunate enough to have crypto while our miserable purchasing power is relatively high, while not being too old to not understand tech. lots of millenials will try to make it through gov gibs and regulations, which is a fallacy that will hurt all of us. But those of us who know still have a chance to make enough to live a good life. I hope the zoom zooms know to adopt crypto today and to put their meager paychecks in but I suspect most of them are making minimum wage or going to college.

>> No.24573465 [DELETED] 

People don't even really get (whether you're racist or not) that population growth (and hence inflation) is bad for basically every QoL metric for the majority of the population except the upper 10%
It would unironically be a good thing to have a decreasing population despite the muh social security argument, because CATEGORICALLY once the inverted age pyramid passes (when baby boomers die off in the next few year, if we don't keep growing the population wages will steadily increase for the worker, marriage rates go up, family stability goes up, crime goes down, ingroup preference expands, depression goes down etc
Look at any period in history through QoL statistics when the population was growing vs decreasing

>> No.24573475

They support progressive policies lmfao they deserve to starve.

>> No.24573536

People don't even really get (whether you're racist or not) that population growth (and hence immigration) is bad for basically every QoL metric for the majority of the population except the upper richest 10%
It would unironically be a good thing to have a decreasing population despite the muh social security argument, because CATEGORICALLY once the inverted age pyramid passes (when baby boomers die off in the next few years, if we don't keep growing the population wages will steadily increase for the middling worker, marriage rates go up, family stability goes up, crime goes down, ingroup preference expands, depression goes down etc
Look at any period in history through QoL statistics when the population was growing vs decreasing

>> No.24573620

I want this so bad. You live my dream.
Got almost 100k euros at 26 now. I don't mind hard working but I loathe the office already after 3 years.
How did you prepare before starting your business?

>> No.24573657

Who cares? Losers lose

>> No.24573681

25% of Zoomers are trannys, they are already fked.

>> No.24573697

Lol, you delusional polfag, when do you get that your left and right political show is a theatre to keep you dumb.

>> No.24574340

God has lived the longest, and has the most wealth

>> No.24574726

i will speak in generalities. succeeding as an "entrepreneur" requires a wide skillset and you cannot repeat what someone did and get the same results

-money is money. doesn't matter how you make it.
-where others see nothing, you see opportunity
-have 3x the business purchase price on hand to weather slowdowns and unexpected expenses
-realistically, you need 300k-500k to buy an established business with verifiable cashflows
-generally go for 300k purchase prices; 3x of net yearly profits is a good benchmark
-if you are lucky and sharp, you can find business selling for 1x yearly net. this is actually fairly easy to do. some people just want to retire. nothing wrong with the business.
-patience is king. wait for the right opportunity and only then jump in with both feet.
-the more money you have on hand, the better opportunities you can afford

>> No.24574776

>Small shinise often own their own facilities and rely on members of the family to help keep payroll costs down, allowing them to stockpile cash. When Toshio Goto, a professor at the Japan University of Economics Graduate School and representative director of the Research Institute of Centennial Management, conducted a survey this summer of companies that are at least 100 years old, more than a quarter said they had enough funds on hand to operate for two years or longer.


great article about you need to think as a small biz owner. you're not a huge dick gorilla corp that can issue bonds to cover expenses. it will be several years before you can expect a comfortable living.

>> No.24575260

How dare you not pay homage when using the almighty kek. https://cryptokek.com

>> No.24575986

It's all a scam to further enrich boomers women, and other parasitic lifeforms. It ends when civilization ends.

>> No.24576034

don't they also own the most debt while also owning the least assets?

>> No.24576114
File: 84 KB, 1200x873, wealth gap generational boomers 1606272116079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better graph. OP's is definitely exaggerated but at the same time, the gradual loss of wealth in younger generations is clear

>> No.24576125
File: 215 KB, 522x777, boomer vs millennial imrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a causative factor

>> No.24576167

boomers have 401ks and when the FED pumps those assets with QE-infinity obvi boomers make gainz

>> No.24576210

no shit. all these graph show is how long have you held stocks or a house for. FED pumps those assets and is creating artifical wealth

>> No.24576304

No doubt and yeah homeownership is the biggest reason for the gap, which is why we need to completely end immigration and end state monopolies on finance and tech

>> No.24576431
File: 34 KB, 680x475, 1603821322709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone under 40 can't compete with the money printer. Inflation is good for asset owners aka old people who got in early on pre-inflated things. Cheap assets don't exist for young people now so they go into debt buying boomers bags. Lower class is btfo by endless immigration. Immigration also props up the cost of housing for boomer niggers, it is why they are all civnat republican faggots, pure self interest.

>> No.24576461
File: 1.11 MB, 1816x1336, You Rejected This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad they're a bunch of morons who don't know how to vote in their best interests

>> No.24576494

It’s almost like with every passing generation it gets harder to outpace inflation with no assets

>> No.24576495

Retarded, how many of these are immigrants?

>> No.24576508

> >

>> No.24576555

You control 0% of the wealth you despicable zoomer

>> No.24576580

That trend didn't start until boomers started running society. Until they came along it was expected for children to be wealthier/better off than their parents' generation.

>> No.24576598

by the time they really come of age we will probably have UBI

>> No.24576623

based and checked

>> No.24576865

yeh tech changed the game also it’s where most of the money goes and comes from now especially for millennials, the Dow unicorns have mooned, the traditional brick and mortar companies have gotten mostly rekt

>> No.24577259

What business you running?
Considering running a dunkin in my retirement

>> No.24577332

>bro just become homeless

>> No.24577356

yes, the human populaition is a ponzi scheme, we use way more resources than the earth can sustain and its going to collapse soon, in fact it is collapsing slowly every year (society that is).

>> No.24577384


Nope. Anyone born after 1993 is a zoomer

>> No.24577428


>> No.24577480

>81 to 96
When will this meme end? Millenials are not born in the early 80s. 15 years is way too long and there are too many differences over that long of an age span. Millenials are under 30 still.

>> No.24577519

time in the market > time in the market
what do you fags not understand?
by the time we will be boomers we will have our mortgages paid out, savings and investments up and most of the expenses of a young family wont touch us

>> No.24577567

this anon gets it, things aren't this bad but we are not doing better than our parents either

>> No.24577600

it's a lot of fun if you can blend in actually, you can pretend you're from da street and meet pretty cool people. the homeless stereotype is pretty inaccurate for the spectrum of personalities out there. problem is that these relationships are short and intense rather than lasting due to the transience... good memories still

uhhh and something something about a house? suburban nightmares? yeah

>> No.24577637


wow mass immigration of poors was a bad idea? no way

btw i make 145k a year.

>> No.24577689

>great article about you need to think as a small biz owner. you're not a huge dick gorilla corp that can issue bonds to cover expenses. it will be several years before you can expect a comfortable living.
how do you live in the meantime

>> No.24578477

They claim boomers are 1946 to 1964, a full 18 years, so boomers fucked up even our perception of generations.

>> No.24578539

46 to 64 makes sense; the end of WW2 to the start of civil rights/demographic replacement. But it should then follow that 65 to 83 makes up gen X, and 84 to 2002 the millennials.

>> No.24578640

Trump can drown in tears rather have a dem take all the credit.

>> No.24578754

i own 3 businesses. they're the kind you walk by everyday. nothing special about them. just good timing and administration to get them profitable.

just make sure you do your research. any business can be viable. and also plot the return vs a passive investment.

that's why you need a cash reserve. also why most SBO sideline their business while still working a wageslave job. eventually you can transition. you can pay yourself at the end of the year after paying out corporate taxes. reinvest as much earnings as you can back into the business for future productive capacity. eventually your free cashflow explodes as you don't need to reinvest unless to expand further.

i didn't say it was easy. just that it's possible. western capitalism isn't insurmountably unfair. and you'll never know until you try.

>> No.24578868

>am millenial
>don't work
its great. hope it all crashes

>> No.24579018

Zoomer here, maxing out credit cards to invest in crypto and alo taking money from my trust fund.

>> No.24579043

Thank God for crypto

>> No.24579109


No, 15 years is too short. The typical span for a generational cohort is about 20 years, or a quarter of the average lifespan. Read Generations by Strauss & Howe, they go into detail on the history of generational philosophy and study. A more accurate arranging of birth years would be Millennial 84-03 and Gen Z 04-23 or so. There's a reason all these so-called Zoomers have so much in common with Millennials -- they're really just late-wave Millennials. The oldest proper Zoomers are around 16 right now.

And on that same note, a lot of early-wave Millennials identify more with Gen X. For a brief period they were thought of as a separate gen too, before the rest of the Millennials came along. I think that's what we're seeing today with 20-year-old so-called "zoomers." The real culture shift will be evident when the *actual* Zoomers enter young adulthood.

>> No.24579503

All investments are based on the idea that growth will consistently go on forever. Growth, at its core, depends on a growing population to both produce and consume. You have no idea how much degrowth would damage the economy. I think about this problem every day and I still cannot figure out a "solution."

>> No.24579782

the "solution" is general AI
that brings other problems though

>> No.24579876

Killing liberals should be a form of self defense

>> No.24580960

That's because we're still young nigger, same goes for the people born in the mid-90s. You still got steamrolled by the boomers and x'ers you worthless faggot lmfao

>> No.24580971

>the gradual loss of wealth in younger
what will bring this?
What do you foresee?

>> No.24580973

Older millennial here. I got into crypto mining through a friend in my freshman cs class. I did it because our dorms did not allow for space heaters, but a multi-gpu pc that ran all fucking day was totally ok. This has accounted for over 95% of my lifetime income. Nobody I know socially knows about this, only my financial planner, accountant, and tax lawyer. My parents don't even know.

I live in the upper Midwest, in a 'diversity' free area. I own a modest home on a small suburban plot free and clear. I have decade old pick up truck and a decade old subaru. I stopped traveling since I bought the house in 2017, mainly to recover from a sex addiction fueled by the strong dollar and sex tourism. I work an easy government job, tangentially tech related, with decent benefits and a nice pension. I have a balanced portfolio, I even hold some physical gold bullion. I could easily retire today.

Former classmates of mine have gone into serious money trouble, divorce, and suicide. Seriously some savage shit. Every female in my area is in moderate to crippling debt.

I know I lucked out, and our generation got fucked over. But it's so weird standing on the other side of the chasm.

>> No.24580982

imagine not going to work and complaining about how few federal reserve notes you have

>> No.24581018
File: 260 KB, 1523x1578, 1607217545954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pew Research says otherwise, so cope.
>inb4 but the pew isn't correct!

>> No.24581065
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>pew research says so therefore it is true

>> No.24581089
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No shit

>> No.24581139
File: 45 KB, 1281x695, FT_19.01.17_generations_2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooo the pew is wrong becus i say so!!!
Typical millennial or zoomer, always in denial by dodging facts just like how he dodges pussy because he's a certified faggot.

>> No.24581225


I enjoy how you remain frugal/rational with decisions. You've gotten your capital, now the game is risk adjusted returns.

And finding enjoyment through other means asides depreciating assets...

>> No.24581255


Do zoomers begin in 95 or 96 because those are the years I've always seen thrown around

>> No.24581307

There's not really a problem. Just don't be a bag holder of the old system. It's very clear that there is either going to to be a plan to reset or a forced reset as the system crumbles.

There is no solution to this because everybody will just have to accept a slow or no growth world. And honestly that's not such a terrible thing.

>> No.24581349

Thankfully my extended family is doing well. I don't want to alter our relationship, that's the main reason why I live the way I do. I did have that rough patch where things could have spiraled out of control. The only positive about being addicted to hookers was it prevented me from getting into drugs (aside from recreational ED drugs, of course).

>> No.24581369

You could say the same for early Gen Z'ers born in 1997 or 98. In their early childhood years they had no smartphones or smart tablets and were one of the last few to know what a VHS is unlike a zoomer born in 2005. They're still in the same generation but grew up with different stuff. Same goes for a Millennial born in 1981, they were different from Millennials born in 1990.

1997, according to the Pew. But retards will still call 95'ers to 98'ers "cuspers" or "zillennials" when no such thing exist. 1997 to 2012 is Gen Z. Period.

>> No.24581450

Of course, those millenials are ruining yet another tradition. If they stopped eating avocado toast living with their parents past 30 and decided to actually work for once maybe we'd see an increase.

>> No.24581461

Mind explaining the rough patch? Quarter/mid life crisis or life event happen?

I agree with maintaining relationships like that, unfortunately money is just too taboo for people to be respectful about like that.

I think the only thing I'll spend more money on is nicer / tailoring my clothing but that's only for being presentable at the right times.

>> No.24581498
File: 112 KB, 785x731, 1600467547650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typical millennial or zoomer, always in denial by dodging facts just like how he dodges pussy because he's a certified faggot.

>> No.24581545


Hmm, what about being on the tail end like that though? At 95 you've seen the brunt of the millennials and what they're doing and likewise you know the zoomers are on their way from the Internet.

>> No.24581562

Most of those things have nothing to do with Trump.

>> No.24581684

I tend to think people born in the Millennials/Gen Z "cusp" years are nothing different. Someone born in 95-96 (last years of Gen Y) and 97 to 98 (the beginning of Gen Z) relate to each other because they grew up with the same stuff unlike someone born 5 to 10 years after them. It's just that generation label that get's in the way.

>> No.24581741


>> No.24581746


Yeah makes sense too, just over thinking it.

>> No.24581765

UBI is feudalism

>> No.24581811

wow and gen x didnt THAT MUCH better, its bad bad not so extreme.

>> No.24581861
File: 71 KB, 1035x592, millenial sex recession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being a millenial and trying to date

>> No.24582111

I have a meeting with a lawyer on Monday to discuss the possibility of me opening an LLC. What kind of things should a prospective businessowner know? I'm looking at stuff like picking between Cash and Accrual accounting. That kind of thing.

>> No.24582218

mostly true except the last part. millenials were at the perfect age for crypto

>> No.24582430

i think you're putting the cart before the horse. worry more about having a cash reserve and a well defined path to profitability. and overestimate how much time you need to put in.

a "real" business has at least 4 employees plus yourself. in case you need to leave for emergencies etc. the business truly generates passive cashflow for you at that point. that implies a payroll per month of around $10 000. that's the stuff i worry about. how to build more income streams, reduce inefficiencies, and increase profits.

the examples you gave would be highly relevant once you decide to sell the business for a profit. or when the IRS is breathing down your neck for something.

i'm in canada. at least up here, you don't need a lawyer to incorporate.

>> No.24582445

>be crypto rich
>lose virginity in a swiss brothel
>get addicted to sex tourism
>life revolved around the next sex vacation for two years
>even skipped thanksgiving and Christmas with family to fuck foreign whores

The weird thing is, I met a lot of rich older dudes (especially in Asia), as the youngest White guy in sex tourism locations, people just talk to you. Got a lot of good advice, mostly in the form of "Don't do what I did to end up here", and "Money isn't everything, it won't buy happiness."

What turned me around was ending up in Medellin after reading this article:


By this point, I was conversational in Spanish to the point I asked how thing were back in Venezuela. I had the "What am I doing with my life?" moment. I then bought the house, diversified my portfolio, reconnected with family, and generally cleaned up my fucked up brain. It's a process, though.

>> No.24582490

Congrats lad

>> No.24582903

>"payroll of 10k a month"

You're paying your employees too much. Remember, you're a fat cat now, you're supposed to starve your wage slaves. There is a finite amount of currency in each country, for every dollar you give away, that's one dollar less you have, and put you further down the world ranking list. Capitalism is a game, and forbes top 500 list is the score board.

>> No.24583033

>live in BC canada
>min wage $15/hr
>various other bullshit taxes/deductions on top
>do the math

never claimed i have 4 employees. just an example for accounting. still building up my various businesses. people vastly underestimate the costs of a passively run business. and people also wonder why everything costs so fucking much in canada.

>> No.24583080

Fire them and outsource to Indian for 2 cents an hour. Like I said you're paying too much for and to your employees. I did the math. You fucked up and are not doing globalism correctly. Also leave Leafland. Nothing good as home out of leafland.

>> No.24583091

1994 here. My net worth is about $100K (savings, retirement accounts, less student loans). I live with my parents, so it's really easy to save money. I guess I'll buy a house one day. I feel like living alone would get lonely and depressing. Zillow can be really discouraging.

>> No.24583205

born in 85 here and haven't had a job for 10 years
fuck boomers and fuck working for moshe goldbergstein

>> No.24583233

It really shows how stupid the majority of 4chan users are that they care about the periodization of generations.

>> No.24583371

you can't outsource hands on labor. my main business is service related. it's fine. i just build the cost of everything into my prices. and if people don't pay, i don't care. i could close my doors to all walk in customers and still make a living wage. i'm a semi-essential B2B service provider.

i'm eyeing up switzerland in the next 10 years or so.

believe me when i say that i'm expanding into other businesses that require no physical labor. it's a process. i started with nothing. and to be able to envision in the next year or 2 i could be making 200k per year is a big change from 5 years ago as an employee.

>> No.24583412
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>> No.24583415

Why is there such a doom and gloom narrative being pushed on young people? I get shit is bad don't get me wrong, but shit is far from over or irreversible.

>> No.24583613

Cause alot of us got fucked by this shitshow and this is how the world is.

>> No.24584509

Likewise for MAGAS.

>> No.24584766

Nice ID, homo

>> No.24584864
File: 683 KB, 751x684, 1576948171007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I get shit is bad don't get me wrong, but shit is far from over or irreversible."
>Africa's population projected to explode over the rest of the century while white population is stagnant
>(((climate change))) will be used to bring hundreds of millions of these (((climate refugees))) to a neighborhood near you
>looming financial crisis thanks to the disgustingly huge pensions/Social Security/Medicare boomers voted to give themselves at the expense of the future generations who are inheriting an economy boomers broke, they'll fuck the rest of us over with higher taxes and cause a third """once in a lifetime crash""" one last time on their way out in the next 10-15 years
>you're going to be de-personed and b& from society if you don't get the vaccine and go along with whatever other sinister ideas are needed for the (((reset)))
>every country in the world bows to the chinks while exporting all their wealth and jobs there
>only possible way to stem the tide of globohomo anymore is with violence and civil war because globohomo will blatantly steal elections while their media lapdogs will keep the NPCs believing elections are free and fair
If you aren't blackpilled yet you aren't paying attention. If you're young enough that you can expect to live another 50+ years the only way you won't have a miserable life is if you /makeit/ soon or you inherit enough wealth and assets to avoid relying on anyone else.

The world won't end. Humanity won't die off. But we're past the apex of our species' existence. It's a long, slow, painful descent into slavery on a Jewish prison planet with Jews living like royalty, their very best servants living luxuriously and everyone else is treated as subhuman nigger cattle. If you're a leftist I hope you die horribly because everything you say and do and support enables this hellish future, but you're too much of a self-righteous, brainwashed midwit to realize it.

>> No.24585126

not if productivity goes up sufficiently brainlet

>> No.24585507


>> No.24586572
File: 103 KB, 300x300, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful, you are living the dream

>> No.24586714

I'm not crypto rich, but i got a small inheritance and I already blew 30k doing "enter the void" roleplay in thailand. I just applied for a visa to go back, and im gonna do the exact same fucking thing again. I'm hoping i have this "what am i doing moment" soon

>> No.24587053

No. Developed societies will shrink. There's indeed a chance you sit on boomer bags like housing bought too expensive and not requested anymore to that extent when you bought, or stocks with high pe ratio not able to grow to their expectations.

>> No.24587115


>> No.24587130

So what exactly do you suggest? 100% crypto? Lol. Bug out into the woods and wait till it's over? Lol. Always stay in your mum's basement, never try to buy a house or condo? Lol
You are part if it, you have to buy into the bags. If you like it or not.

>> No.24587153

This is why we need to free ourselves from the path that boomers laid out to us. Except for a few technical careers, University is no longer the path to a comfy life. The NPC educational system is worthless.

We need to ffight against boomers and find our own ways to own wealth. Use the internet to specialise for free. Start a business that requires a low % of your wealth. Experiment.

>> No.24587159

Housing market will never crash again. 2008 was the dip.

>> No.24587265

You also got arguments to support your statement? If population shrinks this is an absolute killer for housing. Already today most boomers are sitting in big houses, kids out. In 20-30 years timeframe, real estate will be that worst asset you want to be in. Shrinking amount of buyers and massive momentary building will cause that.

>> No.24587288

>If population shrinks

>> No.24587677

>No arguments + kek
Latest than one knows he's dealing with an underage zoomerretard with the attention span of a squirrel.
Google population growth in developed countries. Exponential growth in africa doesn't mean all these people simply come here and buy into our markets.

>> No.24587684

Google immigration dumbfuck.

>> No.24587720


>All investments are based on the idea that growth will consistently go on forever.

no,that's not the case at all. plenty of companies are not growing at all and are perfectly fine investments.
such as Goldman Sachs, Procter and Gamble, and so on.

>> No.24587731


general AI is a schizo-fantasy.

>> No.24587739

hm its not looking good...

>> No.24587757

lol are people still mining this shit?

>> No.24587758

So you think the highly politically controversial scenario that niggers arriving without money in your country will enable you to sell the pre inflated house you bought from a retiring boomer? Lol, you must have single digit iq.

>> No.24587788


dems will come up with government backed loans to people with no income.
this is already a thing in the Netherlands.

>> No.24587809

How fucking new are you? There's a long established process.
>poor foreigners arrive
>some are given government or charity-paid homes, others live ten-to-a-unit working sub-minimum-wage
>surrounding property values go down
>they receive sub-prime mortgages because muh redlining
>buy their first condos/houses
>property values continue to fall
>areas in disrepair are demolished and replaced with higher-density housing
>whites eat their losses and cut and run to white neighborhoods
>those neighborhoods see a boom in prices
>rinse and repeat until your country has doubled in population in just two generations

>> No.24587837
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Here's the more important chart that people keep overlooking, mainly because the midwit's first thought would be that the cause for this is energy efficiency, ignoring Jevons paradox.

The chart contains enough information about the economic conditions of every generation within this timeframe. For an example, when it grew up until the 70s, every young adult entering the workforce managed to trade his calories for an ever-increasing control of raw energy. The food he was eating and the mortgage he was paying were significantly lower than what he was being paid while working. His job wasn't a modern indentured servitude to cover the living expenses equating to a net zero increase, there was an actual objective growth and an objective payout for his calories.

What you see on the far right of the chart is the direct opposite - not only is the average person working for a net zero increase nowadays, they're actually LOSING control over energy and they can afford less and less of it with every following day. An average American worker right now can afford the equivalent of energy capital as what someone from 1968 did. It's not like the former does not want to travel or does not want to blast the HVAC all day while playing games on his 3 monitors and 3080, he does, he just can't anymore. He eats inferior food designed for peasants, he lives in inferior peasant houses and he uses inferior peasant furniture. It's not like he can't eat grass-fed non-gmo vegetable-oil-free food or live in a house made to last or use furniture with actual wood, he can but he cannot afford it. The most he can afford is the rent of the home he doesn't own, with the junk food that he's forced to buy because everything with a healthy label is abnormally expensive, and the occasional utilization of his screens and PC for a few hours a day before he must go back to wageslaving for his rent. We have all these ways to waste energy nowadays but we just can't afford them. This is the blackest pill.

>> No.24587863

Interest rates were also alot higher in the 80s you have to keep this in mind.
if you pay 1.5% on your mortgage then you can afford a much more expensive house compared to if you pay 8% on your mortgage.

house-prices will never drop and the simple reason is that low interest rates are forever.

>> No.24587881

Great post, I didn't know that per capita oil use correlated so well to the "wtfhappenedin1971" trend

>> No.24587888

There's always a solution, a final one.

>> No.24587951

Ok, so no contradiction with what i said: It won't be a good idea to buy pre inflated boomer bags in the form of expensive housing. Also immigration won't make it a good investment.

>> No.24588045

Have you tried not being subhuman nigger cattle?

>> No.24588060

I did the "smart" thing and didn't listen to random racists online telling me what to buy, and I'm still poor.


>> No.24588089

Holy fucking based and checked

>> No.24588095

UBI and a massively reformed tax system might be able to fix a lot of problems with the current economy. There will always be growth in the form of refined technology and creative media, but that's a lot slower and more subtle than the massive expansion of industry we saw in the 19th and 20th centuries. In the past growth came easily and exponentially from revolutionary technology, extraction of virgin resources, and huge population growth.

A properly set up UBI will soften the blow of automation, ensure a base level demand for consumer goods, and give people more freedom to engage in work that is not very valuable but also can't be automated.

Moving to a wealth tax and Georgist land value tax system (instead of income, sales, capital gains tax, etc) will also help with the massive wealth inequality without punishing average people for trying to accumulate wealth.

>> No.24588118

checked and agreed

>> No.24588224


yes theres a contradiction. infinite lending will continue so prices will stay up.

>> No.24588406

Zoomer females will have it better as they can sell their ass virtually on Onlyfans and become millionaires, zoomer males are fucked.

>> No.24588556

mutt mentality

>> No.24588704


>> No.24588812
File: 151 KB, 1874x1104, orencassgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's fucked, yo

>> No.24588871

If your end goal is to make money off of housing prices you’ll get fucked, if not, and your goal is simply to acquire a location to live and not have to pay the rent jew, then you honestly would be fine. Just don’t hold shitty stocks or stock indexs and a decreasing pop won’t affect you besides housing prices, which given a relative decrease in their prices should account for your sale price too (if I bought my house and its at a loss, selling isn’t terrible if the new house I will buy also is a lot cheaper, I just should not keep the money I want to invest in housing.)