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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 135 KB, 2377x1672, crescograph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24570306 No.24570306 [Reply] [Original]

CrescoFin is a registered Swiss Bank, taking institutional deposits on the front end, insured by Lloyds of London.

In the back end their deposits earn interest on Aave money markets on ethereum. See this Aave governance proposal for more details:

As a company connecting real world banking, deposits, invoices etc. to Ethereum, they are naturally powered by chainlink.

They already have $125m in deposits. Stani, founder of Aave, is an advisor, as are ethereans David Hoffman and Ryan Sean Adams.

On top of all this there are no VCs or Seed sales whose buyers are waiting to dump. All the buyers are regular people who bought in the sale in the last 4 days on DODO and balancer. The sale is taking place on DODO at https://app.dodoex.io/wCRES-USDT, as well as balancer, token address is 0xa0afAA285Ce85974c3C881256cB7F225e3A1178a. Liquidity is low on Uniswap atm, you can get much better liquidity on Dodo and Balancer.

This is easily the best ICO I've seen this year, and the token is still insanely undervalued. You're buying actual equity in the company, no utility token BS. And you are entitled to their profits. Partnered with Aave and Chainlink, listed on bloomberg, $125m of institutional deposits, yet a market cap of $8m and a fully diluted valuation of $55m.

t. Link early 2018 buyer, GRT ICO buyer, AVAX ICO buyer. I've picked up a large bag of this. It's currently trading $5.5 I won't sell anything until minimum $15.


EOY 2020: $12
2021: $30-50


>> No.24570325
File: 89 KB, 575x414, CrescoFinBond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crescofin equity (the tokens you are buying) as well as their moeny market products are listed on bloomberg - pic related

Interview with Stani Kulechov of Aave with Crescofin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ThzIT7tqqQ

>> No.24570335

OMG this is huge. Not even on Uniswap ommmmgggg

>> No.24570352

These fucking losers are telegram dm spamming. Fucking pajeets.

>> No.24570389

2xd today, waiting to 5x

>> No.24570425

So why are you shilling it so hard (and obviously) if its so legit