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24570276 No.24570276 [Reply] [Original]

Recent article I read on Alliance Block twitter account got me thinking, how ling before an alt takes over the market from Bitcoin? Success that certain projects have enjoyed in the paat years is undeniable, and I believe that ALBT could be the one to finally create environment for an alt to contest BTC. Thougths?

>> No.24570356
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fuck off retard, i'm pretty sure they're just another scummy Defi shitcoin

>> No.24570370

ALBT rocks, the fact is that they will bring the necessary action in the market!!!

>> No.24570408

Man has a point, mfers like you are the reason we got enslaved by big corp in the first place, go back to being a slave pls

>> No.24570430
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i believe ALBT will moon soon, they're looking to enter an over trillion market, if they don't moon i'll die poor

>> No.24570463
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Read the article too i guess where they CEO was asked questions by the CNN. Pretty slid project with dope FA, i would fucking bet on them to do good

>> No.24570477

Read about them the other day, loved the liquidity mining solution they are proposing

>> No.24570504
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i think we're still in a bull market, hell BTC is still over 19k. Alt season next, and i expect ALBT to boom to a dollar then

>> No.24570532

Tf is this ALBT you all are talking bout?

>> No.24570539
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1606906921688s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dumb do all you pajeets get to believe in shit coins like these. Go keep your money in BTC and ETH to be honest

>> No.24570552

fuck off you damn shiller, die poor and with your bag of albt

>> No.24570592
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albt, i'm all in on that one. All my albt is staked in their Liquidity Mining Partnership program with Frontiers. Been getting rewarded in albt and Front tokens, super fucking stoked

>> No.24570631

pump it, pump it, don't fucking stop pumping it faggots. I smell the big money institutions coming in to support albt, go get your fucking bags

>> No.24570688

Their fundamentals are pretty solid I'd say, I expect them to do good in the long run. Holding myself a bag

>> No.24570696

Gonna by a house once ALBT shows what it’s really capable off!!

>> No.24570766

Any other tokens you can do this with?

>> No.24570858

Man... I hold ALBT, but the posts in this thread make it look like a pajeet scam.

>> No.24570977

I would think so too, but I hold it as well and believe it has a bright future regardless

>> No.24571004

Yeah heard about it, love the idea desu

>> No.24571031

Wrong fucking thread

>> No.24571052

Anyone knows where it’s traded?

>> No.24571138

arab shitcoin

>> No.24571252
File: 302 KB, 320x320, buyAlbt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALBT has been rowdy.. the gains are insane! Get on it fellas, before its outta reach

>> No.24571348
File: 14 KB, 235x222, 571726045837092658bf19eaa29eb25e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek,,, how are you even arriving at these, goat brain small shits. Look at the the team just once before you spout shit

>> No.24571454

One of the very few projects with both solid TA and FA together and you talking shit outta your mouth... all that fence straddling has made you sterile, meek fucks.

>> No.24571507
File: 35 KB, 670x670, PhotoGrid_Plus_1606436591560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you tripping on faggots ? ALBT has been a rockstar and with all the old money pouring into crypto its going to be raining bitches with albt soon

>> No.24571556

over shilled and over rated shitcoin all the way.. without jeets albt will be dirt eating right now. Deep pockets to hire these pajeet cunts though..

>> No.24571625
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Never knew about albt until the mixed bag staking That was rather cool imo.Been aping on it since

>> No.24571646

Alts are gucci right now. Look at api3, its, zoracle.

Its just the old shit that is suffering right now.

>> No.24571677
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Albt the prettier bitch than the next one.

>> No.24571748
File: 32 KB, 555x312, Food-Wars-03-555x312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old money no matter how old never smells.. a whole lot of em pumping in and ALBT has been pimping it right on. Gonna get my freak on and cream on

>> No.24571767

samefagging, with cringe fake FUD

>> No.24571853

Do pajeets even try these days?

>> No.24571959
File: 82 KB, 1309x622, arab shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I have checked the team. Three months ago. Right before they decided to cut the price in half to satisfy their private investors, fucking over all of the early investors. This is a shitcoin and it always will be.