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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24473094 No.24473094 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this board have fascistoid and other statist posters? Do they not understand that fascism, communism, globohomoism is just a fight for who gets to control the fiat money printer? They all suck.
Really disappointed there are not more libertarians and anarchists here.

Imagine being a cryptocentric community that supports investing in literal glowie state corporations like Palantir.

>> No.24473129

Try being an anti-globalist nationalist who invests on the world's first borderless global currency lmao. There's a reason poltards are held in complete contempt here.

>> No.24473146

what a retarded take

sasuga libertarian, biz is recently being overrun with brainlets. This used to be a smart place

>> No.24473159

Shut the fuck up

>> No.24473172

You are an idiot

>> No.24473179

BTC is anti globalist because it prevents money manipulation which is the main tool of those trying to establish global order. Currency by itself, if not controllable, cannot establish order on behalf of any group but is impartial.

holy shit go home newfags

>> No.24473191

I'm not a libertarian or anarchist, I'm a monarchist, but I believe in hard money and other libertarian ideals. Fascists don't understand hard money and not one fascist regime ever had sound money.
There's tons of poltards here.

>> No.24473198

I think it is people purposely acting like that act as a filter, Why the fuck would an unironic commi/soc be on /biz when those faggots belong in /pol?

>> No.24473321

>BTC is anti globalist because it prevents money manipulation which is the main tool of those trying to establish global order.
Nice cope, every nationalist rightwing regime in history claims to be anti-globalist and they use their national fiat printer to print their "freedom" from "global finance." No fascist in history kept hard money. They print fiat because it gives them total control and is used to fund wars.
Let me guess, endless war is "based".

>> No.24473386

I doubt more than half the people here even hold any crypto. Half is larping poltards. Bitcoin twitter blows this shithole away.

>> No.24473421

Could be but you can’t say nigger or call people faggot as often. Thus we find ourselves in this autistic refuge.

>> No.24473477

I guess so, I saw many people here on a crypto board pumping Palantir. Palantir is just Cambridge Analytica with CIA ownership. It doesn't surprise me there are so many shitcoiners here when there is so much ignorance of the crypto ethos.

>> No.24474611

Why should I care who is in power? I only want to get money so i don't have to wageslave

>> No.24474701
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Most social insect societies are fascist. Bees for example form fascist societies comparable to a national socialist monarchy and they do this because it is extremely efficient.

Your couple years of research into a few authors is nothing compared to millions of years of evolution.

>> No.24474804

Jesus christ a real libertarian in the wild. How absolutely precious. It's like catching a snowflake in spring.