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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24471832 No.24471832 [Reply] [Original]

I just came to realize that I can't spend any money on myself. Rarely buy new clothes, eat out, and etc.

>> No.24471918

my biggest luxury spend this years was a $25 headset for my pc because my 20 years old speakers started to fail.

Maybe I'm on the edge but I invest everything I have all the time.

>> No.24471939

Same. Iced coffee is really the only thing I treat myself to. If I make it, I'm just going to give all my money to my family and kms

>> No.24471971


>> No.24472017

same. cut my own hair for years, buy clothes exclusively from thrift and not often. don't have a car. walk, uber or bike everywhere. invest everything. im a multi millionaire but look like a fucking bum.

>> No.24472021

my greatest joys in life are personal relationships, new experiences, and learning, all of which can be had for free... really see no point in buying anything unless it has a practical use, the only consumer vice i have is smoking

>> No.24472047


Knowing the fact that I am eventually going to die, I can't spend shit on myself. After doing some research, I came to realization that if you were raised poor or frugal, then you are poverty fucked.

Examples include: Not willing to invest in yourself, not willing to treat yourself and etc.

I just want this suffering to end.

>> No.24472080

Anon, I am so bad at spending money that the moment I enter a grocery store my heart is fucking beating because I know for the fact I am going to lose some money. I spend $25 dollars and call it a week.

I had this problem even when I had food stamps. There is no cure for this shit.

>> No.24472109

Find a woman, she'll take care of that for you

>> No.24473059

Im the same anon, i cook all my meals wear only old work clothes i got given for free, walk bike or run everywhere, im tempted to make myself homeless just so i can make myself go even more insane and hodl till the end of 2021
Iv come to realise the best things in life are free, learning, fitness, relationships
Money is just a security