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24470140 No.24470140 [Reply] [Original]

how do wagies take their fucking jobs so serious? even fucking nobodies they enforce stupid fucking rules and stupid shit and act like their life is over if someone has fun or doesnt follow orders.

how do they fucking care? how do people care this much about 50k a year

>> No.24470168

They are the worst
>Sir it's against store policy
>Sir please don't throw food in the restraunt
>Sir please don't piss all over the bathroom floor
>Sir please tip me
Pathetic humans

>> No.24470169

they are programmed to

>> No.24470177

police are definitely the most insane

>> No.24470183

>t. degen zoomer who expects to be rewarded for not working

>> No.24470267

I'm a retail wagie and couldn't care less about my job or it's rules.
I get paid either way and I dont need to make the experience less pleasant for myself.

>> No.24470283

you must obey the rules to keep your job now go yell at those skateboarders outside

>> No.24470410

some of them are just hopeless losers who have nothing else in their lives to care about, and some of them are trying to "move up" and become managers or something else.

>> No.24471230

some of them?

>> No.24471245

>how do people care this much about 50k a year
Anon under what rock do you live in?

>> No.24471673

mansion or death

>> No.24471744

Based digits also they're human too but the worst go off on power trips sometimes

>> No.24471754

I always thought that shit was diabolical.
wagie - 8/hr
wagie manager 8.50/hr
assistant whatever 9/hr
the actual manager or whatever - $170,000/yr

or whatever the fuck it is. Like, way to hold a carrot in front of people.

>> No.24471795
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lol wtf are those valuations. Managers make a salary and most wagies are making 10 dollars an hour at least where i live (not COMMIEFORNIA)

>> No.24471803

They are terrified of losing their shitty job

>> No.24471813

im retarded and making money from home lol

>> No.24471836

Never worked as a wagie, so I donno, but its something like that

>> No.24472299
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I envy your position.
Can you tell me what you're doing?

>> No.24472332

I'm a wagie, but my whole life I skated around the rules and did my own thing. Fuck enforcing policy or helping sales if im getting paid like shit. I give away shit for free at my work and take a ton of bathroom breaks I say are computer malfunctions to get on the clock shitting time I love jewing over my job.

>> No.24472483

the wage slave suffering is basically only bearable if it is inflated. Do something 8+ hours a day combined with their early school indoctrination and you have a broken man.
it's funny when they talk about civil wars and not wanting to put up with the system but in the end they need to function to pay off their debt cars and other accumulated consumer shit lol

>> No.24472515

Is that kantbot

>> No.24472546

50k? That’s almost a real job. You can work at McDonalds, and without fail there is some emotionally autistic big McFuck giver trying to sling shot his ass to that 9 p/h managerial promotion by harming into your doomer brain how to efficiently scoop fries during the 12:15 rush

>> No.24472589

I made 17.50 at my shift leader wagie job at a coffee shop. Shit was cash with overtime. Ez job just tell people wat 2 do while i sit in the back and "count stock"

>> No.24472605

yeah but theres people who are celebrities and rich and taking pictures in different cities every month on instagram in front of corvettes and lambos :/

>> No.24472678

i got pulled over recently because my headlights were very bright. im not even sure having bright headlights is even not allowed. i didnt even have my brights on. literally stock toyota headlights. cop kept me for 45 minutes before just letting me drive off.

>> No.24472701

i see those police shows where theyre just going fucking ballistic screaming and yelling and stressed out and risking their lives and shit it looks like a fucking joke to do that for money

how do people care about laws that much? its one thing if its chasing a murderer but its almost always stupid shit like drugs

>> No.24472711

shift lead wagie here

i guess sometimes i take my work seriously because on a personal level i just take pride in the work i put in. seeing others fail to do so just annoys me.

but i get past it and just do what makes me happy.

the absolute worst, however, is knowing how fucking incompetent those above me are, knowing they give less fucks than me in their own work ethic, and getting paid hella better salaries.

i guess i just need to care less or find a way to work for myself.

>> No.24472769


I make around 30k a month just holding Orion Protocol in a uniswap pool right now. It's a clown world and the least productive thing you can do right now is wage.

>> No.24472786

my field has very little tolerance for improper procedure because we are dealing with a lot of valuable assets on site and it creates a ton of unnecessary problems for me at work if someone is being too handsy, so maybe self-preservation. i'm also a perfectionist and when i start to identify with my workplace i project those qualities and become anal about details

not sure if this all of this would still apply if i worked a mcjob though.

>> No.24472800



>> No.24472821

yeah its slave shit its depressing

>> No.24472830 [DELETED] 
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>> No.24472844

all about soft skills anon. you too can have that higher paying position but youre gonna have to start getting friendly with the chodes.

>> No.24472886

If your job was to keep niggers on the street in check, you might become insane too.

>> No.24472906


>> No.24472926

Huh? You just hold ORN/ETH liquidity?
Is this a particularly good pool to be in?

>> No.24472950
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>Had to
You didn't have to clean up the shit wagie. YOU WANTED TOO

>> No.24472982 [DELETED] 
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>> No.24473019

one time they tried to arrest me for beating the shit out of a fag, don't know what their problem is

>> No.24473043

chinks are literal insects

>> No.24473085

they deal with joggers all day. then they blow off steam by harassing & fucking with law abiding tax payers. get rid of the joggers and they'd be a lot more chill, maybe...

>> No.24473104

right now my job is pretty chill and I can get away with a lot.. but man the thought of getting a new job where I have to work for someone still makes me sick. I want to stop working for other people period, I fucking hate the concept of superiors and I don't care who is a VIP. Need to figure something out before this job ends.

>> No.24473119

i just cannot bring myself to kiss ass like that.

>> No.24473439 [DELETED] 

My relatives come from a time and place without foreigners, their police stories are the same shit. Police just hassles more young people and drunks. Ordinary humans with power will always abuse their position no matter how money they earn.

>> No.24473530

based chink

>> No.24473580


>> No.24473824

50k a year, good bait sir. Most wagies make less than 30k after taxes in west. Skilled workers in poor countries makes propably 30k and wage slaves less than 10k a year kek

>> No.24473853

I hope police one day get abolished so all you “defund the police” folks get raped by “muh innocent blackerinos”

>> No.24473888

I quit being a wagie, honestly just going all in XRP and blowing my brains out if it all goes south

>> No.24473928

t. nigger

>> No.24474047

all wagies have their personality molded by their job in some way, mostly because of their coworkers. I can't imagine voluntarily becoming a police officer. You deal with shit people and you hang around with A-type low iq faggots in between

>> No.24474671

checked and based

>> No.24474988
File: 28 KB, 600x300, 940588e13003e79003abb91b39b50d9e48b759c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work minimum wage job at fast food chain
>everyone hates their fucking lives
>decide we can compete with the people serving ice cream for shits and giggles
>teams in the store start competing and laughing and enjoying their job
>even a couple customers comment that they seem to be having fun
>store manager comes out of her fucking hidey hole to tell us to shut the fuck up
>get written up for disorderly conduct

I will never fucking understand fuck that bitch.

>> No.24474997

you forgot
>Sir please stop shitting in the aisle

>> No.24475096

Retard tier warehouse job reporting in. I have had this position while I am studying and constantly slack off, take it easy and generally denounce what is "meant to be done"

And yet they still have me on the books. All you have to do for these people is the absolute bare minimum. The effort to fire and replace you is to much.

Never take a "wagie" job seriously - you will be a better man for it.

>> No.24475236

Out of fear of losing them because they have Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.24475302

On the base level, everybody is trying to survive and for 80% of the population, the best bet is to submit to the near all encompassing system that will fulfil your needs, thus behaviourally speaking they are incentivised to suffer the humiliations of wagery

>> No.24475387

Better to forgo it all and walk through the fires of death, but empathetically speaking, few lack the means and nobody should be judged for their cowardice, we are thrust into this world with very little guidance.