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File: 32 KB, 587x452, the_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24466498 No.24466498 [Reply] [Original]

How do I go short on America?

>> No.24466514

Unironically crypto. Bitcoin even. Anything to get your currency out of USD.

>> No.24466524

Is this real?

>> No.24466534

this is perfect since most white americans are dumb fucking mutts
based biden is just speaking their language

>> No.24466536

How did they get the dog to type like that?

>> No.24466548


>> No.24466557

I hope that's real, I thought Biden was a dry old man, but I guess he's got some life to him after all

>> No.24466594

It's real. Fuck... The USA is really done for. Shortest empire ever.

>> No.24466614
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This. BTC for store of value, ETH or LTC for currency, RLC for computing/data/oracles, and not sure of other fields

>> No.24466625

He has nothing to do with it.

>> No.24466649

Ugh everything you said is great and then you shilled RLC. You could just buy computing power with Eth. API3 will moon and you’ll be poor holding that.

>> No.24466653


>> No.24466668
File: 47 KB, 432x361, AMURICA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't. This is our world, you're just living in it.

>> No.24466672

Puts on futures

>> No.24466679

Lmao is this in relation to the “animal psychic” from bongland that spoke to pics of his German shepherds? I think daily beast published the article

>> No.24466817
File: 501 KB, 1106x830, 57ec29fa077dccf2018b8c62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>President elect and his campaign is so retarded they puts out "dog press releases" because they think its funny
These are the fucking people throwing a temper tantrum because "mean orange man said mean things on twitter and its not presidential"...? I hate this fucking world, these people live in a fucking non existent fairy-tale land where everything is unicorns and rainbows and you can just print more money to give away and being friends with everybody will fix every problem! These people are a fucking immature pretentious self absorbed cancer on humanity.

>> No.24466857

You should have a lot of your money in Ex-US funds and gold.

>> No.24466883

Invest in Chinese/Vietnamese shit coins

>> No.24466893

>These people are a fucking immature pretentious self absorbed cancer on humanity.
and yet Trump isn't? kek

>> No.24467018

Donald Trump is probably one of the most annoying people to have ever lived.

>> No.24467019

This "dog press release" joke is something that someone with the mentality of a fucking five year old would think is funny. It makes the United States look retarded and weak and signifies to other world leaders that you can take advantage of us.

Say what you want about Trump, he has teeth and you can't fucking walk all over him.

>> No.24467066


this is unironically wholesome
but conservatives and their fake masculinity will find a way to shit on this

>> No.24467083

>You could just buy computing power with Eth
No you can't you stupid faggot nigger you can't even run cryptokitties on ETH. You need to learn why iExec is important OR STAY THE FUCK POOR

>> No.24467106
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>> No.24467111

>It makes the United States look retarded
trump made the usa looks 100x more retarded than anyone ever has, without competition.
Youre just and angry magatard shill

>> No.24467142

>It makes the United States look retarded and weak and signifies to other world leaders that you can take advantage of us.
Not as much as Trump thinking he could end the Korean war by giving kim jong-un a firm handshake, then failing completely.

>> No.24467199
File: 424 KB, 1024x768, 1599149660525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its so wholesome, widdle doggy goes bark bark
>All my life I've only known how to be a little bitch, Biden is just like me!

>> No.24467244

>trump made the usa looks 100x more retarded than anyone ever has, without competition.
According to who? The press? People that aren't even fucking American? The people that think Trump makes America look retarded are people that were angry their fucking gravy train of taking advantage of middle America by stealing their jobs, stealing their wealth and feeding them lies was ruined.

>> No.24467253

Trump had 4 years of the lowest level of military activity since Carter. Guess what Trump and Carter have in common?

Pure coincidence.

>> No.24467321

That's exactly the kind of person you need to take on an entire media establishment though

>> No.24467333


>> No.24467352

That was entirely the media and they did it on purpose. They literally hate America.

>> No.24467361

>People that aren't even fucking American
youre the one who said
>It makes the United States look retarded and weak and signifies to other world leaders that you can take advantage of us.
implying you care about the opinions of people who are not American. I can tell you as a well traveled non-american that everyone else in the world thinks Americans are extremely fucking retarded, more-so in the last 4 years lol

>> No.24467388

Not really. You need someone who is usually quiet and humble to be president. Taking on the establishment would be pardoning Snowden and ending PRISM. Instead, we got a cabinet filled with lobbyists and rich cronies.

>> No.24467396

This. If you have any savings in the bank get it the fuck out. If you get lucky enough to make it gtfo of the country. I am thinking Singapore. It's something like 60% english speaking.

>> No.24467421

It wasn’t the media. He was really that stupid. It’s not like there was a grand scheme against him. People turned on him because he was volatile and ignorant. If anything, the wealthiest Americans would be supportive of him on tax policy alone. He kind of started becoming deranged.

>> No.24467429
File: 27 KB, 640x512, 1600896833091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone around the world hating on Purebred American Chads

>> No.24467475

I do appreciate his lack of new wars. I don't appreciate his reckless and moronic diplomacy.

Also why do we have soldiers on secret missions to murder people all over the world? 3 years later we still haven't been told what happened to those 4 marines killed in Niger, much less what they were doing there.

Also I really disliked that we moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem FOR FREE. To me that was an unbelievable blunder. The Israelis had been BEGGING for that literally for decades, and it was a move not to be used lightly, as it was sure to upset the arabs. So what do we do? We just give it to them without demanding ANYTHING in return. Trump is such a great deal maker that he throws away a huge bargaining chip for absolutely nothing? I think Rex Tillerson was the worst sec of state in modern us history. All he did was gut the foreign service all while saying "I have a plan to make it more efficient, just wait and see" and then he just left. Tossing away expertise for no reason.

>> No.24467484

This. Trump was anti-crypto and it is very embarrassing to have /pol/ spillover here. Fascists pretending that they understand and accept sound money, lol.

>> No.24467534

Bros should I unironically hodl anything in fiat? There is shit I need to buy soon like a car and a new bed. But I feel like even if there is a crash the major alts will recover. And if there are gains like this in the years to come we can make and zog can't do shit about it.

>> No.24467569

Uhhh...the only reason we’re not in a war with Iran over Israel is literally Coronavirus and him getting booted from office. Not only did he want to start a war, he wanted to do it to support Zionist Jews.

>> No.24467575

go back to /pol/ then shoot yourself in the face you brainwashed nigger

>> No.24467582

he is catering towards the masses AKA FUCKING 90-110 IQ FUCKING SHIT TIER GENETIC FAILURES
the only people itt who support this kind of bullshit under "oh look how cute teehee" are fucking faggots that were raised by a woman

>> No.24467596
File: 14 KB, 649x528, 89123F10-EC22-44F9-84B4-8E1F9DCFE92F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after living the last two years in japan I can tell you they have nothing but fearful awe at the absolute madmen we are
they look at us like a man stares at a comet coming directly into his backyard and there’s nothing he can do about it
this is one of the few things they’re absolutely right about

>> No.24467616

Imagine seeing a man make a corny dad joke and getting so upset that you’re foaming at the mouth, red in the face, and typing in all caps.

>> No.24467629
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>> No.24467643
File: 134 KB, 1000x1000, thai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a new bed
Sounds like an excuse to blow 1-2k fiat. A bamboo mat is best but if you want to live it up then a futon or thai pillow is the best option.

>> No.24467656

This is anti Biden thread retard. OP posted fake Biden press release

>> No.24467665

I can smell the poverty and incelibacy on your post. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.24467670

I am OP you dumb faggot

>> No.24467683

>implying you care about the opinions of people who are not American.
I only give a fuck in the aspect of implying to other leaders that we're weak and can be taken advantage of. I don't give two shits about your or anyone else's opinion beyond that, stop assuming you know me faggot.
>I can tell you as a well traveled non-american that everyone else in the world thinks Americans are extremely fucking retarded,
Yeah and I think you're all jealous faggots that are simply projecting your insecurities onto Americans because you weren't lucky enough to be born a citizen of the worlds lone wealthy superpower. Kindly go fuck yourself.

>> No.24467690

That's complete bullshit, he, or more precisely his base was the only reason we avoided another middle east coalition cluster fuck in Syria. There were tens of billions of dollars obama-biden were pumping into the region to get some regime change for the purpose of energy extraction. Fucking retarded burgers did the right thing for a change and you morons can't tell the difference.

>> No.24467695

Wow dude, why the fuck do you hate bide so much? Not very chill of you bro

>> No.24467700

Don't help those who don't want to be helped. Anybody who falls for such brain dead FUD deserves it

>> No.24467728

wtf this is based anon. If femoids complain they can just go away.

>> No.24467742

I agree with the secondary statement. People would always accuse me of being ignorant or dumb, and then talk to me for a bit and realize I didn’t think less of them and ask me what life is like in America. It really is a kind of global inferiority complex. I like your countries though — they’re great! America isn’t the only great country. I do like it here though. :-)

>> No.24467770

Meh how’s the price? I’m up 15x since March.

>> No.24467772
File: 11 KB, 251x257, Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the nigger

>> No.24467810

What do you mean?

>> No.24467837


You're posting cartoon frogs on a porn website

>> No.24467851

Yeah man or lookup a tatami mattress. The mattress industry is just another scam. Most cultures just sleep on the floor.

>> No.24467862

Do you still trust the plan?
Biden and Trump both think the same, they just act differently, honestly saddening that the vast majority of people still don't realize this

>> No.24467884

Buy btc

>> No.24467885

cope. I don't ever want to be a filthy american. Also you should calm down before you have a heart attack and go bankrupt from the medical expenses kek

>> No.24467904

One of my favorite aspects of /pol/ is that they love to call everyone else degenerated. Sex before marriage? Degenerate. Gay? Degenerate.

What isn’t degenerate? Larping as a Pagan on an anonymous image board created as a forum for weeaboos and anime fans.

>> No.24467914


So this... this is the power of Biden Derangement Syndrome.

>> No.24468074

>cope. I don't ever want to be a filthy american.
I don't believe that for a minute.
>Also you should calm down before you have a heart attack and go bankrupt from the medical expenses kek
Diversion to misdirect from the reality that what I said struck a nerve.

>> No.24468109

Trump and Carter were both one term presidents.

>> No.24468133

Lol I sleep on my foam mattress and it feels great poorfag

>> No.24468143

There are 2 types of people who assume jealousy when faced with legitimate criticism
Women and Americans

>> No.24468175

I mean yeah, you could argue that. It's kind of degenerate but nowhere near the level of fucking another man in his shit hole.

>> No.24468277

Israel is the Middle East Japan. The literal prototype for American nation building. It exists solely to destabilize and make people seethe while also being an economic powerhouse in its own right. Moving the embassy was entirely symbolic and can be revoked at any time.

Source: literally any US embassy ever

>> No.24468317

Trump avoided armed conflict at all cost, even to the point of looking like a cuck. Your boy Joe Bomb ‘Em will give you what you want.

>> No.24468438

this looks like a sex pillow.

>> No.24468685

Damn that thing looks comfy as hell

>> No.24469679

looks like your brainwashed by the news and social medias lol

>> No.24469737

>to support Zionist Jews
You say that like there’s any other reason to start a war with Iran.

>> No.24469780

“Incel” is short for “involuntary celibacy” you fucking dunce.

>> No.24469793

god how do supposedly educated people have such an idiotic comprehension of FoPo

>> No.24469828

>Shortest empire ever
which one will be the next one?

>> No.24469853
File: 150 KB, 1500x1500, 71Fj1UX3dQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically sleep with a pregnancy pillow. This + the mat would be a killer combo

>> No.24470933

which one will be the next empire?

>> No.24472033

None, if i were to bet it would be a series of regional powers. US in NA, China in Asia, Russia in Europe. No single state would have a global hegemony for a while.

>> No.24472069

>China in Asia
Why China in Asia? Why China?

>> No.24472088

of course it is
the more absurd and improbably something seems the more likely it is real
first rule of clown world

>> No.24472101


>> No.24472135

They've got most of Asia outside of Japan and India in some form or shape in their sphere of influence and its going to get stronger as they shift to overland trade with the belt road projects.

>> No.24472146

>my tv friends and social media all said trump is an idiot and so that proves he is, but obama was smart cause he could say big words and act eloquent and stuff and the tv people tongued his anus

>> No.24472149

Middle East would be between Turkey/Iran. And Africa as a continent might be a chinese dependency or just a continent of smaller states

>> No.24472161
File: 215 KB, 1160x1606, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me your experience/thoughts/reviews about duckdao.io, do you trade in it?

Came across their crypto game and their crypto incubator system looks interesting imo. Take a look please and leave some reviews.

>> No.24472286

It's disgusting that the president (a white male, I might add) is keeping a slave animal in the WHITE house. How is this still OK in 2020???? I'm literally shaking.

>> No.24472359

I disagree about the quiet and humble part, but trump really was just another politician with one of the worst cabinets in history, arguably

>> No.24472407

>And Africa as a continent might be a chinese dependency

>> No.24472427

>overland trade with the belt road projects
which projects?

>> No.24472896

You're a fucking hack
ask any European with a modicum of education what they think of Trump.
Even the right-wingers will say he is a fucking moron
>Buying Greenland
>Finland, that's in Russia right

This is just dad joke humor from Biden we have come to expect. Trump was legitamtely the worst advert for the United States possible.

>> No.24472988

Learn English, pajeet. Learn about different kinds of nouns.