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File: 4 KB, 400x400, ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2446542 No.2446542 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to point something out to anyone who has any doubts about ETH and its future.

Do you have any idea how many companies are being made with ETH right now? And I don't mean ICOs.

Here's a company which connects employers and freelance workers and pays them purely in ETH for jobs all around the world (like Indeed.com but for crypto):

Here's an insurance company being created on Ethereum (still in development):

Even consulting firms out there for new businesses built on ETH.

This thing is becoming huge. You'll be fine.

>> No.2446565

1% of all of us know this OP , jeez, let them panic. The 1 % cannot be living wealthy filfthy rich in the future if the other 99% arent suffering. They dont even know that logic is optinal in crypto.

>> No.2446568

That doesn't change the fact that Ethereum is still experimental tech and unfinished.

>> No.2446622

of course it doesn't. And your statement doesn't change the fact that all historical progress has been predicated on exactly this idea.

>> No.2446645

>Do you have any idea how many companies are being made with ETH right now?

I advise you to go look up TheGlobe, Crayfish, Flooz, Geocities etc.

>> No.2446646
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buy eth you stupid goyim. don't you want to drive lamborghini ?

>> No.2446690

Will blockchains rule every industry within our lifetimes, increasing efficiency and cutting out middle-men? yes.

Is ETH or other turing complete blockchains the way to do that? I don't know.

Is ETH overvalued for what it currently offers? Abso-fucking-lutely. Its current use is to drive a speculative and unregulated bubble of crowd funding. The going will be great for awhile, until it's not, and things will get bloody, really fast.

>> No.2446696
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>Do you have any idea how many companies are being made with ETH right now?

The EEA is experimenting with ETHEREUM and private blockchians not ETHER you kike faggot. NONE OF THOSE COMPANIES ARE USING ETH KILL YOURSELF YOU PIECE OF SHIT NIGGER. You're an ignorant as fuck and don't understand the difference between the platform and token or are purposely misleading people. Either way eat shit and die you dirty jew bastard.


>> No.2446700

Yeah, but the difference is that this has been hyped up to a $34bn market cap. For something that isn't even finished yet...

I hold ETH myself, but it's still very early stages and very speculative. Most people investing are just FOMOing and don't even know what Ethereum is.

>> No.2446746

No companies will be using the public ethereum blockchain ,its a bubble lads

>> No.2446778

Literally no companies are actually using ETH. I repeat not even ONE company is using this overhyped piece of shit on their comercial products, they are experimenting with the technology and that is.

>> No.2446779

ether at $1000 fucking dollars is still undervalued

>> No.2446793
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>> No.2446837

You are right. Stupid kids cannot separate ETH token (there you buy for real money or BTC, tool for speculative only) and Vitalikekes franchise (Etherium project, EEA).

>> No.2446844

>no one use ethereum
>they experiment with it

pick one

>> No.2446876

Look, I'm not telling you to invest in the companies that are being made on ETH.

I get it, those companies all failed. The Internet isn't dead now is it?

Your examples say a lot about the companies built on ETH but very little about ETH itself.

>> No.2446898

There is a difference between Ethereum the technology and Ether the currency / fuel. Most companies will probably use private blockchains.

>> No.2446906

eth is scam hope you all know it

>> No.2446907

ETH isn't going to "get bloody" on psychological fear alone though. What I mean is that, assuming no news comes out about ETH, a substantial crash in ETH won't mean much. It will go back up again. IF some big news comes out, then we can say the technology and circumstances have changed and it's possible for a crash that won't recover.

Without news, dumps and crashes are pretty meaningless. A substantial upward trend isn't going to flip to a substantial downward trend without some kind of new development.

>> No.2446911

Literally look at comment directly below yours..

>the same thing

>> No.2446922


Apple "uses" Unix. Does this make freetards rich?

>> No.2446989


>> No.2447000

So.... Not even one of these companies is functional right now?

And most ETH investors don't even know what Ethereum actually is.

How the fuck do you explain the current market cap of ETH? It's all based on nothing.

Ethereum could be the new Geocities, or MySpace, or ICQ.

>> No.2447011

cute vitalik being cute

>> No.2447025

>It's all based on nothing.
LOGIC is optional. Learn it.

>> No.2447040

Something that should be backed by reasoning which you cant display.

>> No.2447057

Ethereum the technology is different form ETH the token.

You guys are buying something that still has no application. Even if the whole world starts to use Ethereum, it doesn't mean they will use ETH.

>> No.2447067

>choosing to be paid in a currency that is about as stable as a one legged malnourished somalian

>> No.2447068

Expensive ETH means no one will use Dapps.

>> No.2447140

I don't believe that's correct.

I could be wrong but I believe there's an entity that adjust itself from ETH's price fluctuations in order to avoid dapps becoming too expensive to run.

>> No.2447141

ETH the token is becoming widespread and uses are being created for it.

Businesses are being built around it as a digital currency in addition to Ethereum the platform.

>> No.2447155

> All these companies developing stuff with Linux! Desktop Linux is going to take over!!!

>> No.2447165

But it's not supposed to be a currency.

ETH is a premined token, most of the total supply is on the hands of a few. And it's centralized, so what's the point of using it instead of fiat anyways?

>> No.2447187


ETH represents in collective term the value of the ethereum technology itself. It´s something the world picked up or rather the market developed to do in a natural manner. Tho it was never meant to be that by the developers but, oh boi, the mass/the people decide in the end anyway and it choose it as a currency with extra features. Literaly the next gen-currency after paper money. Source: Myself, conclusion made from the results of the today´s society´s development and behaviour.

>> No.2447192

Now miners define what is costs of gas/fuel in ETH, and they don't want to decrease it. And this is reason why Vitalikeke will do hardfork.

>> No.2447225
File: 913 KB, 320x180, ETH_No-Face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful little frog. ETH is a no-face wich could become a monster. It's smart contract will speak justice w/o human intervention. This could have an bad ending.

>> No.2447242


Turing complete tokens are not good money

I honestly can't wait until this whole thing comes crashing down

>> No.2447251
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>Source: Myself

>> No.2447268

there are reasons to be wary of ethereum. Assigning value to ether probably isn't it from a theoretical perspective. The problem is that the value being ascribed to ether assumes that it will be in high demand at some point.

>> No.2447304

You guys realize that if there were no monetary value assigned to ether, all of the smart contract shit would be literally pointless? I really don't see the problem with it.

>> No.2447314

>t.eth shill

>> No.2447317

You're wasting your time. Nocoiners are too dumb to understand the potential of Ethereum

>> No.2447327

to make the whole thing crashing down it requires atleast 60% in total of the world-wide ´eth has currency value´ opinions to ´eth is useless because reasons´ opinions. On an extra note, it is hard to calculate each individual opinion around the world so you have to check the current opinions frequently on every spot of this world, /biz/ general opinion is also very important to estimate.

>> No.2447356

ETH will become worthless as soon as 90% of startup ICOs running on Ethereum will fail to actually turn in a product. I mean, you already have first cases of people just taking off with the money.

you can sreencap this

>> No.2447374
File: 29 KB, 577x224, kaKGJeQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People buy in because the candles are green and sell because the candles are long and red. All it takes is one little fuck-up and that is abundantly possible with Eth and all the tokens built on top of it.

>> No.2447378

most of them will succeed. Some wont. It wont be a complete failure like your parents refers to a certain someone.

>> No.2447384

this is what they always say

What if I told you that I understand perfectly well the potential power of the blockchain as a completely world-changing technology, yet don't view ethereum as the way forward based on both their technology and governance?

>> No.2447410

>What's the point of using it instead of fiat?
I sent a few thousands of dollars in ETH to my friend in Korea and he received and sent it to his bank 10 minutes later. In Korea, the bank transfer takes about 30 minutes.

ETH to fiat is still a terrible comparison because its utility as a cryptocurrency is still better than fiat, even if its not the best coin for the job. In that regard, it's still better than BTC because BTC failed to scale.

>> No.2447413
File: 96 KB, 640x619, 1497094817363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most ICOs will succeed

>> No.2447434


>Most of them will succeed

There is no reason to beleive that at all. Currently there are no blockchain startups massively working on the market, it's all vaporware with no actual development teams. The FEW sucsessfull ones are storage, exchange and speculation services. But hey at least you tried with the zany adhom there bud.

>> No.2447533

>This breakthrough technology is not up to my imaginary standard that I envision in my mind and have no brains nor brawn to implement

>> No.2447545


>most of them will succeed.

Most of them will succeed at defrauding their "investors".

>> No.2447566

And that is why now is the perfect time to buy

>> No.2447576

I can imagine limitless blockchain implementations, that doesn't mean that I feel like Ethereum is fairly valued for the implementations it provides

At this point it is a less secure, more centralized cryptocurrency with a token creation and exchange platform

>> No.2447591

Well, you just described every cryptocoin out there.

You don't need Ethereum if you want to send money to korea. It's weird how you didn't even mention smart contracts to defend the token anyways.

>> No.2447594

Sure is shilly in here.

Bunch of ETH concern trolls talking out of their jealous asses.

>> No.2447624

I know I don't, and ETH isn't the fastest, but that's one way in which ETH is simply becoming conventional. Places, exchanges and stores, are starting to use it, just like they did years ago with Bitcoin.

>> No.2447706

Even if ETH is just used to purchase ICO entries it has a value, so no matter what it will survive.

>> No.2447712


Like everyone of you, I am also just speculating because it is the only thing we all are only able to do in any market. And even further we all can agree that speculating has even less value to determine the future than eth, as many live that way. And on top of that, /biz/ers has no real logical-backup and when somebody tries to be logical, their source was also top(wannabe-logical)tier, so was mine too with the main attention to y´all general behaviour and outside /biz/. You can say every thread that contains a ´look to the future´ is pointless and worthless because it realy just is speculation. This is nothing more a place for people that want to dress in future like a motherfucking flifthy god and train their intellectual part thru speculating ´reasonable´. My wanna-be-reason are purely social science related which would make my dick the biggest on this board (jk)

>> No.2447741

One day all digital transactions will be in ETH.

One day all transactions will be digital.

>> No.2447824

arent stocks speculation too?
every stockprice represents the expected future value of the underlying company. its not about what its worth now, but what its worth in the future

>> No.2447830
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I remember when Bitcoin was jumping around all over the place. I made a mistake not investing because of that. I'd rather gamble this time. Ethereum sounds good and it's gaining legitimacy, couldn't ask for more really.

>> No.2447858

i want the price to shoot up to .15 so i can sell my order and be 4 dollars richer.

someone make it happen.

>> No.2447860
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Exactly. I can imagine paying with Ethereum or Bitcoin in the same way I pay contactless with my phone and pounds now.

>> No.2447873

This, I remember when it was at 600 if you even mentioned BTC people would ridicule you and tell you to fuck off

>> No.2447887

>One day all digital transactions will be in ETH.

>t.greedy delusional faggot

>> No.2447918

agreed. you can fix dumb but you cannot fix stupid. please stop. I need more ETH at lower prices.


>> No.2448014


bitcoin /= ethereum

they are fundamentally different at so many different levels it is almost impossible to begin to compare the two technologies or their long-term value

from a personal standpoint, I think ETH is straight up gambling at this point and I've owned it since Jan. it was fun to own when the price was speculative, but now? I don't even know what the fuck happened. Basically everyone thinks they are investing in the blockchain future when it hasn't even been shown that ethereum is superior to existing blockchains.

>> No.2448137

I understand it is different. But it is being shilled by Putin and members of Bilderberg, although I oppose Bilderberg, I still think that this gives ETH strength. Bilderberg literally set up the Euro (although it isn't working out great now), so I am happy to throw my money behind the kikes this time.

>> No.2448163


you are aware that anything running on the ethereum blockchain requires ETH?

Golem, Augur, Bancor, Gnosis, BAT, Iconomi ...

These all have their own ERC20 tokens, but ETH and gas are fundamental to anything running on the Ethereum network.

>> No.2448208

With that kind of logic you should put all your money into bitbean.

>> No.2448218

I edited that part out to make my point a little simpler, but yes the point is, ETH will always be here, thus have value.

>> No.2448253

>Thinks Ethereum and Ether are the same thing.
>Thinks Putin is shilling ETH.

>you are aware that anything running on the ethereum blockchain requires ETH?

>Golem, Augur, Bancor, Gnosis, BAT, Iconomi ...

Wew lad, show me your source on that one.

>> No.2448272

But all changes of their versions as per the EEA will be able to apply to the public blockchain itself, meaning if any of those developers come up with, and implement solutions for scaling and other problems the blockchain faces, it can be implemented onto the public chain as well.
One question I have though, and would be grateful if someone could answer, do the private chains use their own gas or do they use ether as fuel as well?

>> No.2448277

The public chain and private chains aren't the same thing Rabbi.

>> No.2448278


ETH is officially dead as of today. It dropped $50 in the last 24 hours

The question now is where will everybody move to. Bitcoin is unlikely due to still unsolved problems, so Litecoin should be the next one to go into the higher 100's

>> No.2448314

It's holding up surprisingly well compared to the others. -3% verses 9 and 10 for BTC/ETC. That said, when ETH tanks for real, it's taking everything else down with it for awhile. There will absolutely be blood. But for anybody who's doing their research now, it'll be shopping time.

>> No.2448339


>> No.2448342

Nigger, your shitcoin's price has no effect on the market. When it crashes everything will be exactly the same.

>> No.2448356

I take it you're all in on LTC?

>> No.2448357

This. All other alts will probably get a boost.

>> No.2448381
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Yeah bitbean has large backers. It sounds promising.

>> No.2448436


>The public chain and private chains aren't the same thing Rabbi.

OH LOL. The ERC20 projects all run on the Ethereum blockchain. Did you actually think Gnosis, Augur, Golem, and all those other projects have their own private chains?

These are Decentralized Apps (DApps) that run on the Ethereum blockchain. If you need a source, go check out any of the websites for the above companies. In fact it's in the sidebar of the Augur reddit, if you're too retarded to use google:

"Augur is a fully-decentralized, open-source prediction market platform built on the Ethereum blockchain"


>Whilst Ether will always be the “gas” that keeps the Ethereum Virtual Machine running, these other tokens are becoming of enormous interest to investors and users alike.


>Note: Your account needs to have some Ether to be able to send REP (there’s a “gas” cost to every network transaction).


You fuckers don't have a clue what you're talking about.

>> No.2448465

>ETH isn't tied to the market
This is more delusional than people thinking it wont pop

>> No.2448515

Did say it wasn't tied to the market or did I say it crashing wont affect the price of other coins.. Everything crashes when Bitcoin does because all the coins are tied to bitcoin you noob. Take notes.

>> No.2448597

Yeah no shit on the public chain retard..

>> No.2448650

People forget that even if ethereum had literally 0 icos, it would still be better than bitcoin in its current state. faster and cheaper transactions, more stable community, more development power with the EEA companies. It doesn't even matter if all these companies are using private chains or not. They will still be putting in so many hours of research time into Ethereum tech that no other blockchain will be able to compete.

>> No.2448659


>Yeah no shit on the public chain retard..

I'm sorry I can't understand what the fuck you're trying to say.

You mean the Ethereum chain right? The "private Ethereum blockchains" people are talking about are the ones the EEA companies (Samsung, JP Morgan, Microsoft etc) may use.

You asked for sources that ERC20 tokens require gas to run. I just gave you them. EVERYTHING on the Ethereum blockchain requires gas to run.

>> No.2448662


Nope, I made $850,000 when bitcoin blew up, refused to take any more risks after that because the daily anxiety was starting to get to me. Now I'm just living off slow but comfortable returns from extremely low risk investments

However litecoin seems to be the most promising coin I've encountered since I got out, but still not safe enough for me to get back into it

>> No.2448754

>faster and cheaper transactions

that's only because it hasn't scaled yet

>more stable community

arguable, but in reality they follow two completely separate principles...bitcoin wants to be fully decentralized, while ethereum is trying to be 'benevolently' centralized

>more stable community

Yeah I'm sure the 'community' is real solid right now after seeing 5x growth in a month

>more development power with the EEA companies

That aren't committing shit to the public github

>They will still be putting in so many hours of research time into Ethereum tech that no other blockchain will be able to compete.

They'll need it to secure a turing-complete protocol

>> No.2448926

>hasn't scaled yet
Good luck ever scaling when your miners would rather split the chain in two than scale if it means they make less money. Ethereum's cohesive community will make it a lot easier to actually pass changes.

>That aren't committing shit to the public github
The whole point of the alliance is to share findings and consult with each other. I don't want JPMorgan committing to the Ethereum github but you can't possibly spin their help in a bad way.

>They'll need it to secure a turing-complete protocol
The turing-complete protocol is as secure as the scripting language bitcoin uses.

>> No.2448984

>Ethereum's cohesive community will make it a lot easier to actually pass changes

I'm not sure if you are being retarded on purpose, but last time I checked there was no Bitcoin Classic on all of the exchanges

>I don't want JPMorgan committing to the Ethereum github but you can't possibly spin their help in a bad way.

I never attempted to spin it that way.

>The turing-complete protocol is as secure as the scripting language bitcoin uses.

This is 100% absolute and complete bullshit.

>> No.2449140

>no Bitcoin Classic on all of the exchanges
Check again on August 1st. ETC is in the past and the community is better than ever now. BTC's community is shit now.

>I never attempted to spin it that way.
In that case them not committing to the public github is a totally irrelevant counterpoint to my claim that EEA research will still help the public

>This is 100% absolute and complete bullshit.
Nope, Vitalik has written a lot about this. You probably think the DAO getting hacked was a fault in their protocol.