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24420484 No.24420484 [Reply] [Original]

how do i stop being such a piece of shit

>> No.24421175

It's really easy. Do more of the things that make you feel good and less of the things that don't. Things like video games are just escapes from your reality and don't actually make you feel good. Eat healthy, sleep 8 hours, exercise once a day, and work hard on something that interests you.

>> No.24421204

Does this actually work/has this actually worked for you

>> No.24421216

Oh and the most important thing. Eliminate all toxic relationships from your life. Toxic people will hold you back.

>> No.24421294

Yes. 6 years ago I was in a ditch. No money, no education, call center job, drugs and video games everyday.

Now I'm making 300k a year, beautiful wife, 2 children, and about to buy my first home.

>> No.24421334

Yes that's about all it takes. Come to terms with a schedule and normalcy and stick to it

>> No.24421380

You are what you eat

>> No.24421451

Just eat healthy, exercise and get enough sleep

>> No.24421452

what he says will work for as long as you can maintain it
I've tried it and accomplished it temporarily at multiple points in my life but it always breaks apart after a while. Not sure what the fuck my problem is considering I know for a FACT I feel better when I'm living healthy and working out.

>> No.24421516

Sounds great man. I'm happy for you. How did you manage to do so in such short notice?

>> No.24421530


>> No.24421591

Nice. I am very sick of the state my life has been in so I figure there's no reason not to try.

>> No.24421910


You just have to keep moving forward. The direction doesn't actually matter. Instead of saying "no" that's not for me. Or "no" I'm not good at that. You just have to try shit and figure out what works for you. You have to create your own path. It all comes back to doing things you like and not doing things you hate. Seriously that simple.

Most of being successful is entirely out of your control. You have to set yourself up for success by taking care of the things that you actually have control over. Eat healthy, sleep, etc

>> No.24422101
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>> No.24422103
File: 1.41 MB, 1276x719, Whats Wrong?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sending love Fren.
You owe it to yourself to send some hours and check out this series.

Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God
There is a whole series and will take some time to process.

Also; if you want a quick answer to your question (still watch series suggested above) check out
Learn How To Control Your Mind
This will only take 17 miutes and give you an idea of what the series goes into extensive detail about.

We are here to learn and grow fren

>> No.24422160

The most difficult part for me to find the right place and job I would be happy with. Even though I'm 31, don't have wife or children yet, I started realising that I'm a family man. However, sometimes I feel so lonely and lost in my life not knowing what to do further to feel happy. It doesn't look that simple to me...but I will do my best to keep trying.

>> No.24422757
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This really explains how to adjust your thinking.
>Learn How To Control Your Mind
All you can do is your best Anon. You can do less but no more. Ya know?
No need to share publicly if you dont feel comfortable doing so.
Might be beneficial to try this;
Take this statement >>24422160
And reword it through a different lens.
There are 4 extremely positive things said in your statement.
1) Can you identify them?
2) Can you rewrite what you said focused on the positive things that you already stated.

>> No.24422939

I'm not sure whether I'm following you. Explain.

>> No.24423574

Did you watch the 17 min vid?

>The most difficult part for me to find the right place and job I would be happy with.
It would be beneficial for me to spend some serious time figuring out what i want to do for work (short and long term).
Am I motivated to do so?
Why / why not.

>Even though I'm 31, don't have wife or children yet, I started realizing that I want to be a family man. Fucking so stoked with myself I didnt get married to young or have a kid in my teens.
What is fundamental in supporting a family. (refer to your conclusion to anser 1).

>sometimes I feel so lonely and lost in my life not knowing what to do further to feel happy.
Refer to conclusions to 1 & 2 for answer. (you already know through your experience what you want in order to be happy.

>It doesn't look that simple to me...but I will do my best to keep trying.
Fuck; life is hard. Im motivated to put in some work so I can get out of this negative polarity and into a positive one.

Through the positives in your statement. You have a point of focus. The 17 min video helps explain how to manifest that point of focus into reality.

I said the exact same thing as you regarding concerns. Just added a focus on all the good as well.

Not saying this is accurate for you but is an example of how to break things down and focus on the positive.

>> No.24423771

Get saved


>> No.24424063

Me too buddy, me too.