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24411792 No.24411792 [Reply] [Original]

Bloomberg just endorsed bitcoin as a store of value. We are unironically going to at least $250k next year.

>> No.24411809

sell signal

>> No.24411923


>> No.24411965

I'm getting Jan 2018 vibes.

>> No.24412092

I was laughing hard at all those EXPERTS saying bitcoin is dogshit and how they're making a complete u-turn now
and you know what? no one will hold them and their "expertise" accountable while people who listened to them have actually lost money by not investing.

>> No.24412189

Buy signal.
I'm getting May 2017 vibes.

Feels so good to be a normie.

>> No.24413616

what happens when we have $100 tx fees, likely happening this week desu

>> No.24413654

Why does every article depict bitcoin as physical coins?

>> No.24413664

As much as you hate it, this only helps the price

>> No.24413743

what else ya gonna do?

>> No.24413928

Because most npcs can't conceptualize cash that can't be touched and only exists as numbers on the internet

>> No.24413969


>> No.24413998

Written by Niall Ferguson, who also endorses AMPL.

>> No.24414028

Who has $20,000 sitting around to buy one tho
Thats why we're all buying altcoins now.

>> No.24414045

Yes. This directly addresses normies with more dollars than brain cells. Bullish af.

>> No.24414073

Rich boomer normies who see their rocks go down the shitter.

>> No.24414090

Odd point considering most people barely use cash anymore

>> No.24414111

Ferguson is a complete faggot, anyone who actually knows anything about him knows this

>> No.24414117

yeah bro sell the media attention

>> No.24414287

this gives me Dec 2017 vibes.
selling half of it.

>> No.24414337

it's the opinion section, you tard

>> No.24414375

ATH is close. we're in March 2017

>> No.24414442
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>you have to purchase an entire bitcoin to own bitcoin
Get a load of this retard faggot

>> No.24414498


NPCs can pull out physical cash from the bank at any time and use it anywhere.

>> No.24414517

These articles are just entertainment for brainlets who are going to lose all their money whenever they try to invest anyway. You shouldn't pay attention to them, OP, except when you think you can use the articles to scam idiots.

Is that what you're trying to do here, OP?

>> No.24414548

Nothing. Because people and institutions will keep buying it from exchanges to do nothing with it.

>> No.24415423
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Most of the "buying" is happening either institutionally or on PayPal/CashApp, none of whom require a shitload of transactions. Institutions buy OTC in gigantic chunks, PP/CA is custodial so the two companies buy OTC in gigantic chunks and then just tell people "ok the dollars you sent us are now magic bitcoin dollars".

Custodial accounts aren't necessarily a bad thing, for people who are incapable of figuring out how to handle BTC on their own. And the reduced number of on-chain transactions is also beneficial -- normies get "ownership" and demand goes up without clogging the transaction channels.

>> No.24415450

Normies are priced out, huge alt pumps are coming soon.

>> No.24415456
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>> No.24415500


It's true and funny because they think their centrally controlled shitcoins that can be minted by a malevolent central authority that wants them enslaved somehow isn't digital.

I love use my banking app to pay for expensive things and watch them go "you can PAY with a PHONE?". Yeah, welcome to the future where the most racist people on earth now control all the money.

>> No.24415623

This, fpbp

>> No.24415787

BTC isn’t for “transacting.” Try buying $1M worth of gold and see how many “fees” you incur to acquire and secure it.

>> No.24415864

The long term problem is these custodians are 100% going to "sell" more bitcoin than they have like banks do with reserves. This will temporarily allow more people to think they own bitcoin than actually do, which after a bullrun will destroy these companies' balance sheets if they're not keeping up. This is literally bearish for Paypal/cashapp.

It'll start with limits on selling BTC, then limits on withdrawing BTC from those companies, and then ultimately it'll end with big investigations of the companies and accusations of running a Ponzi.

>> No.24415875

next year will be the golden bullrun that puts 2017 to shame
this year is literally like 2016, history repeating itself

>> No.24415944

The only people that might have that reaction are your grandparents. No one is impressed by your using Apple Pay faggot. Also, no one has difficulty conceptualizing digital money. Everyone uses credit cards and debit cards and everyone uses Venmo. You niggers are very out of touch with people. “NPCs” or “Normies” as you faggots say revolve their entire lives around their phones.

>> No.24416123 [DELETED] 

Has to be bait

>> No.24416160

It's all just part of the tech bubble

>> No.24416401

The real problem normies have is understanding money backed by math rather than by the government. Even when fiat was backed by gold, very few people transacted in gold and they preferred fiat because the government would enforce contracts in fiat.

This will change drastically when normie fiat collapses into nothingness and crypto is left standing. It happened in Venezuela and it happened in Argentina, both recently. It WILL happen elsewhere as other fiat currencies collapse under their own weight. I bet Russia will have problems when Putin steps down, and possibly the Euro after Brexit finishes and Hungary/Poland either leave or get kicked out. China and the USA will probably be safe because they have the assets and military to prop up their own currency at the expense of others. Oh, and Iran/NK deserve a mention because of all the sanctions they're under, so they're using BTC to conduct international trade and there's nothing the international banksters can fucking do about it.

In the long term, as long as the math doesn't literally get broken somehow, cryptocurrency adoption will continue to rise. There's literally no reason for it not to.

>> No.24416888

The young generation can. Thier valuables are digital skins and crates.

>> No.24417087

HAHAHAHAAHAH MSM pumping BTC. massive sell signal. january 2018 all over again

>> No.24417167

get dumped on soon by the institutions retarded bot. also there's barely any inflation. retards like Schiff and pompliano faggot have been larping over this for years and it never materialises and never will. we have more risk of deflation than an out of control inflation. fucking yahoo finance larping nigger

>> No.24417779


>10 trillion dollars printed this year alone
>Muh no inflation

You should be asking yourself why the fuck is there no inflation even though your money supply has been doubled. The inflation will come, and when it comes it will get out of hand fast.

>> No.24417811

Sell signal

>> No.24417833


>> No.24417869

They had 12 years. Don't cry for them.

>> No.24417882
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I do, but holy fuck, I’m missing out, I was waiting for 13k

>> No.24417915 [DELETED] 
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