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File: 133 KB, 435x293, 1606236354380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24358321 No.24358321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's his fucking problem?

>> No.24358340

You simply do not care about societal norms after you make an ethereum.

>> No.24358468
File: 31 KB, 764x573, 5A88C4DE-2092-4BD4-83C8-1CBD1B576429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same energy

>> No.24358503

He has ascended to a higher plane of existence

>> No.24358550

the glass was also empty if you watch the livestream. he tries to take a sip of air like 3 times.

>> No.24358561 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 2132x1600, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, take a look at duckdao.io and share your opinion about it.

I think it is an a good solution to mix both crypto game and investment system with long-term partnerships

>> No.24358706
File: 72 KB, 779x915, 1606413913161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your fucking problem?

>> No.24358812

He tried to not make the most used blockchain. Faggot failed so hard tho

>> No.24358863

Actually if you think about it theres nothing wrong with this its just camera angle, try taking same sized cup and rise it up to get the last drops of your drink, you will see that you do the same movement but since camera angle is fucked up it looks funny

>> No.24358902

I wonder if he also jacks off left-handed

>> No.24358928

I tried it just now with a beer koozie and it's completely fucked, there's no excuse

>> No.24358941

He has such a funny looking head shape.

>> No.24358978
File: 155 KB, 455x800, vitalik_buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to slidd Vitalik Buterin's creamy steam autistic logs of shit down my throte.

>> No.24358995
File: 51 KB, 592x533, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check this joke out, fellow non-glowniggers

>> No.24359007


Based and autistic

>> No.24359037
File: 14 KB, 320x200, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like he has a drinking problem, guys

>> No.24359051

It’s funny because vit prob legit thought he was talking about Airbnb fucking autist lmao

>> No.24359112

How are you so autistic? Can't take even a simple joke without turning it into a "Vitalik so autistic", lmao

>> No.24359123


>> No.24359169

look at the chess board on your computer that you are in the middle of analysing hard while doing the movement, thats where you twist your wrist a bit harder to rise cup higher without breaking the eye contact

>> No.24359262

He likes to maintain eye contact with the thot sucking his dick

>> No.24359311

Hilariously based.

>> No.24359351

he's a grey operative from a benevolent galactic empire who's trying to elevate humanity to prepare us for galactic society

>> No.24359395

Y-you don't?

>> No.24359410

>benevolent galactic empire
This galaxy or some other? Do you think they are at war with another galactic empire?

>> No.24359456

I do jack off left-handedly
t. right-handed

>> No.24359464

bullish tbqh fiam

>> No.24359468

even i don't fucking now what "BNB" coin is

>> No.24359532

nope turns out this galaxy happens to be the only one where life originated. all beings who can't get rid of their primitive violent behavior are crushed and forgotten. vitalik will be the one to judge us once the networks are mature.

>> No.24359634

Wow, Bitcoin satellites have nothing on Ethereum. Can't wait to show these maxis a Kobe Bryant collectible ERC-721 NFT transaction to the Rigel star system.

>> No.24359966

Blizzard entertainment a small indie company nerfed his warlock.

>> No.24360004

Velociraptor hands

>> No.24360165

He's one cool dude

>> No.24360481

That’s absolutely not how you drink water he sips from the opposite side of where you normally would.

>> No.24360559

Aliens like him and zuck take human interaction classes but still cannot grasp what it takes to act normal.