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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 132x152, ricecel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24332953 No.24332953 [Reply] [Original]

>uhh I made all that money by selling the apartment that my parents bought me and gave it to that bullshit company
>whoopsie doopsie all my money is gone
>how should I have known that this was a scam? reddit didn't tell me wtf
>haha who needs money anyway right guise
Watching this video made me very happy


>> No.24332977

Any other great 'lost life savings' stories?

>> No.24333206

He seems to take it pretty well and he has the means to come back. I do feel bad for those poor boomers with disabled children and they lost their life savings to crypto.

>> No.24334585

>hears withdrawals are taking 2 months
>does it anyways
>who could have known
>nobody could have predicted

>> No.24334723

This one normie lost like $30k in BitConnect, posted it on YouTube and everything, but eventually delisted his video.

I assume many others did as well, they post their sob stories online right at or after the crash and then take it off once they "got over it."

>> No.24334764

lmao that disgusting hapa gook creature got rekt

>> No.24335123

>when i looked at reddit at that time...

That's what all those plebbitors get for shutting out independent contrarian voices. Don't get me wrong, reddit is good for certain things like product reviews and what the different monitor types are, but I would never trust it for recommendations on purchasing assets.

>> No.24335526


>> No.24335649

>i lost all my net worth, got greedy, took out loans to buy coins, lost all my coins in a shady exchange
>the happiest time of my life was when i didnt have money
>money is not all that important
>happiness is the most important thing

There's a word for this, he wouldn't be saying this if he made millions in his alt-coins but since he lost all his net worth in the most humiliating way possible, he's trying to justify that money isn't all that important and saying "happiness" is all he needs. What's the word for this?

>> No.24335694


>> No.24335814

>$700,000 net worth down to $10k in less than a year
>Lost his property (apartment)
>Girlfriend broke up with him recently
>Still looking for a job
>I didn't need all these things
>I had a PS4 and latest gadgets but I never used them
>I'm going to build myself up again
>It may take years-and-years-and-years to get back where I am
>But that's fine
>Don't rush these kinds of things
>I will take my time

When crypto moons again (i.e. BTC goes to six-figures), he's going to go insane and do the same exact thing. This time, the barrier to entry will be much lower for thousands like him so they'll go all out even harder. take out loans, go all out. He just mentioned in the video he won't be suicidal, but after he loses everything again and even goes into debt, he and thousands of others will go absolutely insane. I don't think they'll be suicidal, it'll be worse, they're going to come after you because they literally will have nothing to lose. Be scared, be very scared.

>> No.24335908

how did he go wrong with ethereum? are these the people who bought the ath in 2017? do those people really exist?

he's a greedy cosmopolitan so i can't feel too sorry for him.

>> No.24335946

>take out loans, go all out

it's better to start with a small (relative to your net worth) amount of money. if you end up with a lot of money from crypto, you're doing it right. but don't PUT a lot of money INTO crypto.

>> No.24335980

>video is still going on, a 30 min video that could easily have been 5-10 minutes
>crypto is a really risky industry
>i think there are definitely good people in the crypto world
>some romanian bitcoin guy sets up a gofundme page for me
>you guys should definitely be aware before going into crypto
>i know it's been a bear market for the past year (so don't buy it)
>but im still optimistic about crypto
>still keeps talking

So if you're optimistic about crypto, why not buy into it when it's a bear market? He's implying stay far away from crypto until it moons again? He's shown he doesn't have the self-discipline to control his emotions during a golden bull run, so like I said, he's going to get sucked into it again.

>> No.24336047 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 854x480, fuck_off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24336145


i don't see how that's a bad way to look at crypto.

>> No.24336174 [DELETED] 

Can't tell if you're a trolling post-ironically as a redditor. Either way, 10/10.

>> No.24336182


what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.24336325
File: 251 KB, 901x600, EECEA7EA-0F17-4DA3-AA2A-53679EB36663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting cum skins
>trusting cumskins with money

>> No.24336606

Money brings some freedom, but I feel like I felt the happiest when I was chasing it together with /biz/ and enjoying the bear market.
No amount of money can buy this kind of adventure and life experience.
Losing it or getting it make you realize that what you wanted was not money but something it was supposed to bring you with it, and you completely forgot how to get it in your quest to get money.

>> No.24336619

I would like to see more useful and prospective systems. The best example is the gotEM project. These guys will go to the moon! The pre-sale will take place on telegram and the platform’s website. Buy GTX tokens now: gotem.io

>> No.24336717

Holy shit that is the most pathetic thing i have ever seen. How do these people live with themselves lmao, they are worse than /r9k/

>> No.24337292

I'm looking through his YouTube channel and it's a complete mess. A mixture of tech reviews, gaming streams, and him mashing on his guitar. This guy has no common sense or business acuity. YouTube is also throwing all their content creators under the bus, this has been happening for years, and yet seemingly this guy is still "investing" into his YouTube full time (probably has nothing better to do, tbqf).

>> No.24337327

he posted a follow up video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lbxfken80K8

>> No.24337378

>I took a loan out and bought the top bc i was very emotional

>> No.24337447

he's also a degenerate gambler, he tried to "get back" by betting on a nigger ball

>> No.24337651

>41m video
OOoooooOOOOooooOOOOoohh~ JUICY

>> No.24337737

The subconscious is a complex structure with different living parts in it who want to express their reality to the world. Each has a different perception of the world and thing they like to do.
It's interesting he displays at least 3 different subconscious personalities on his youtube account.
Tech review would be the adult judging side trying to plan for the future and likes to analyze systems.
Gaming is the inner child who lives in the present with strong emotions and is playful.
Playing the guitar could be a mix of the inner child expressing emotions and an artist personality trying to create things.
It's interesting to see this model is shared by humans.
He is still blinded by his own ego created around his fake conscious personality he grew up with which make him become irrational due to his greed.

>> No.24337853

there's a small chance he's the same person as in this video https://youtu.be/WrEVpNdYkrs?t=40
The channel is called "Zhou Tonged", very similar to his current channel name

>> No.24337859

no that's not it at all. He used the quadrigacx exchange, most likely because at that time almost no banks allowed crypto purchases, so you'd have to do dumb shit like buy it with giftcards, or deposit on gambling sites, make a certain number of bets, then cash it out in crypto, etc. For a lot of people there was no real no sketchy way to buy bitcoin, it definitely wasn't like it is now.

But ya, long story short, quadrigacx ceo exit scammed and was supposedly "killed in india" and no ones heard from him in like 2 or 3 years now.

>> No.24337870 [DELETED] 


i'm actually starting to feel bad now

>> No.24337887

>popcorn ceiling in his studio apartment
>links to some 10-page vanity fair article in his YouTube description
>apparently is sitting in some panel suing the company for "strange activies" (oh really? just "strange?")
>some blue-hair dyed girl is asking him how he lost all his money (she blurts out laughing at the end of her question)
>he goes on his long-copium rambling in front of 4 other randos
>they all look completely bored
>blue-hair dyed girl is still laughing, clearly enjoying it for her own entertainment like she's watching some real-life Netflix show
>he's laughing at himself, making fun of himself

>> No.24337907

>But ya, long story short, quadrigacx ceo exit scammed and was supposedly "killed in india" and no ones heard from him in like 2 or 3 years now.

> i'm uhh... flying to india to uhh... build an orphanage
> with all my private keys. be back soon!

>> No.24337915

it's ok anon, he probably has rich parents, you should feel bad for them

>> No.24338011

Pretty much, I wish I was memeing but I lost a considerable amount of eth there because no other cex's would accept Canadian cards, and at that time it's not like crypto gambling sites that the cards would work on (gambling isn't illegal here), appeared any more safe and reputable, lol. I should have taken my crypto off the exchange, but I was dumb and naive and they'd been there since like 2014 or 2015 or something so I didn't even think anything of it

>> No.24338139

>still cope-rambling, clearly using the panel as his own therapy sessions
>pointing out obvious red-flags, clearly using it as a coping mechanism
>starts talking about conspiracy theories of the exchange owner is probably in the bahamas sipping on a pina colada
>"how has this crypto fiasco affected you?"
>im definitely a lot more conservative now...
>im not too much of a crypto enthusiast, im not a whale
>the problem with crypto, for it to receive widespread acceptance it has to be approved by the government, but that totally defeats the purpose of crypto (oh really sherlock??)
>you need kind of a balance between regulation and decentralization
>that's what puts me off of crypto, is that it needs some sort of regulation to it

>> No.24338151


he should have bought metal and moved to a red state. but he's a greedy, envious chinese man. a rootless cosmopolitan.

>> No.24338206

He keeps repeating that crypto is too risky and he won't invest in it again. He's gonna get suckered again and he's going to be far off worse.

>> No.24338287

I'm genuinely terrified of spending a lifetime building savings to make my children's life better then having them throw it all away on some bullshit.

>> No.24338300 [DELETED] 


what do you mean, you needed a place to buy? that was probably the most challenging part when i got into crypto. i bought with circle and traded for other cryptos using those accountless exchange sites. most of my stuff i kept in my own wallets because i don't like signing up for stuff.

>> No.24338528

My favorite part is how his recent videos have like less then 40 views for the most part

>> No.24338530

>back to his popcorn ceiling studio
>still rambling about quadrigacx exchange
>does this guy even exist?
>still rambling about claims, etc.
>still rambling
>you couldn't make a script for this movie!
>too many claims, hence id be lucky to get even 10% when i was expecting at least 20%
>im drinking a lot these days
>we need more regulation in crypto
>i contacted my MPs but they dont do anything about it
>still rambling about quadrigacx

If he spent this amount of time and energy doing his homework and buying into a bear market, he'd be far better off now. Except he's still clinging to his past and trying to get a measly 7% return for his claims which he'll probably never receive. By the time all is said and done, he'll be ready to buy into another ATH market except he'll be taking out loans by then.

>> No.24338587

Omg its like racism meets sjw and has some kinda autist incel as a kid.

>> No.24338654

As a YouTube content creator, your channel should be focused on a single topic. You open up other channels for other things. In reality, he should be having 3-4 separate channels each dedicated to a particular topic. Even moreso, he should also be diversifying platform-wise, put his gaming streams on Twitch for example. There's really no barrier to open up another channel or creating an account on Twitch. I think he's still numb from losing nearly a million of his net worth and he's literally lost his mind. Basically a walking zombie by this point.

>> No.24338674

>mfw people ask me to watch thier bucket of chicken for them.

>> No.24338801

i watched this video, and now im depressed. He basicly said "I just keep gambling like a retard and its not working. I must be financially cursed"

>> No.24338921 [DELETED] 

it seems to me that crypto appeals greatly to those people who do not want to put down roots.

"it's a money you can escape the country with!"

as if this is a selling point for anyone who's not a total scumbag. my grandparents and great grandparents fought in both world wars. i'm not going anywhere.

>> No.24338924

I can definitely see how everything would turn gray at such a strong realization. I can definitely hear the grief in his voice.

>> No.24338969

You mean nigger
That one nigger.

>> No.24338995

We will see how you feel in 2030 when the illegal immigrant becomes the favored voting class

>> No.24339015


this is why they have to go back.

>> No.24339051

>I assume many others did as well, they post their sob stories online right at or after the crash and then take it off once they "got over it."
i just searched "bitcoin lost" on youtube, sorted by newest and found some nigerian nigger on the first result

>> No.24339081

“Cope”, I believe

>> No.24339116


that blue haired lady is a bitch though lol

>> No.24339157

>i should have INVESTED in PENNY STOCKS (!!!)
>my "money" is tied up in lawsuits, and maybe for years-and-years
>worse than losing it outright because you might get some of your money back but you won't know
>filing my tax returns, i cannot write it off but i will probably never see this money
>i sold my remaining crypto at 60% loss this past february
>it went down even further but i didnt buy any because i "just got out of crypto"
>and now Bitcoin is back up to $10k but i missed out on that!
>my landlord scammed me out of my security deposit
>landlord took my copy of the contract so i cant sue him for my security deposit
>"i should have sued him!"
>$1500 security deposit gone
>i took money out of crypto and put it in stocks
>i lost money in stocks, i SHORTED the SPY ETF in MID-MARCH because of the PANDEMIC!!!
>of course, i was greedy again
>i dont know why i didnt learn my lesson
>erased all my profits, now $6k in losses
>lesson learned? if you have profits, take it, dont be too greedy
>CRA hasn't given me my tax refund yet because they sent it to my old address, and i couldnt contact them to change it
>rambling, whining, coping

>> No.24339200

>Literally messes something up then just moves onto the next thing to mess up rather than ever stopping and fixing anything

>> No.24339259

>I do feel bad for those poor boomers with disabled children and they lost their life savings to crypto.
How the fuck do you lose your life savings? As long as you hold to recovery you lose nothing.

>> No.24339320

>(gives unsolicited financial advice)
>"people who simply dump their paycheque into their savings account will accumulate very slowly..."
>"but i try to take some risks to get a higher return!"
>"but i end up losing in all my bets i take!"
>i dont know guys, i guess im just "financially cursed!"
>anyways, sorry for going off-topic guys, back to quadrigacx...
>"im still alive, oftentimes i hope to not be..."
>video slowly fades away, bunch of figurines in the background of his popcorn-ceiling apartment

>> No.24339537

>he's also a degenerate gambler, he tried to "get back" by betting on a nigger ball
It's worse than that! He shorted a market index fund right at the bottom!!!

>> No.24339589
File: 217 KB, 801x1800, FC8D2694-8BF0-4828-AC39-88D5EE7DC8D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i didn’t know about this exchange and searched for it on reddit. Pic related is my worst nightmare. when i transfer funds from my wallet to an exchange to cash out i’m really scared they’ll screw me over when i withdraw. How do you guys plan to cash out?

>> No.24339592

yea i skipped the middle of the video, unironically thanks for the summary/transcript anon

>> No.24339697

just don't transfer it all at once, maybe use multiple exchanges

>> No.24339772
File: 31 KB, 678x678, 126862880_407235613763782_3915063143559603024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24339880

No, it was some hwite normie. Fuck niggers.

>> No.24339918

It was a white boomer, I remember that video.

>> No.24340725

>What's the word for this?
probably "cope" unironically

>> No.24340955

kinda sad in a way
idk how people like this last for a long time

>> No.24341001

these are the idiots that lose all their money due to greed and fear and then demand regulation fix shit that they broke

>> No.24341034


>> No.24341086

I must have missed that one. I just remember some ghetto dude also lost 20-30k on bitconnect lmfao.

>> No.24341398

This is a gofundme video attempt

>> No.24341475

It's fine, if you're an idiot enough like him to donate to his "gofundme" then you deserve it. Ironic thing is, he probably wasted all his gofundme money when he shorted the stock market in mid-March when it bottomed out.

>> No.24341984

That's a tranny