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24324918 No.24324918 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kleros the new Chainlink?

>> No.24324945

I cant understand the concept behind of jury. Whats the point of this coin

>> No.24324960

Memetic value.

>> No.24324961

No. We’re going higher.
Read the book.

>> No.24324974


>> No.24324978

no, its one chainlink tuna playing whale. Cant wait for the loser to be slaughtered. Nigger can be happy that not more people have seen the play

>> No.24324989

just because some pump and dump discord group decided to meme this coin doesn’t mean it’s the next link

>> No.24325031

Yes. Anyone claiming otherwise are salty linkers that bought at 20 bucks.

>> No.24325240

It is.

>> No.24325326

No. It is solving an interesting problem, but it's not solving a universal problem like Link (oracle problem, i.e. internet of blockchains) or Ethereum (decentralized computer to program applications on).

>> No.24325374


But it's utility and functionality basically guarantees it's going to be huge success. Unless some other project swoops in with a better version and can generate a network effect first. Very unlikely.

It won't be "the next LINK", but I'd be surprised if it wasn't in the top 10 to 25 within 2 years.

That is to say, it's a much, much better buy than LINK right now.

>> No.24325382

Kleros devs see themselves as some sort of freedom fighters who will bring truth and justice to the world. They actually think kleros criminal courts are realistic, and don't realize that payment disputes should be like 90% of their current focus and the bread and butter of their business.

I would use kleros RIGHT NOW for my business if they actually had a decent payment disputes resolution system that was easy to implement and automated

>> No.24325466

Its a bunch of left liberal basedboys making political statements on their twitters and wasting money holding symposiums on social justice. Go through their partnerships, look for the people involved, check their linked in and it explains in its entirety why this shitcoin crashed and burned when it got released, never recovered and is used as a pump and dump token by a wannabe whale

>> No.24325559

Ya that's why I dropped my stack. They're too blind to see the OBVIOUS revenue vertical staring them in the face, an entire industry literally begging for something like kleros for payment disputes because that's easily the worst part about running an online business (and for companies like paypal, probably something that costs them tens of millions every year), and yet they want waste time on social justice issues...

I'll repeat, there's an entire industry, worth probably over a trillion dollars (easily the largest consumer industry on the planet; ecommerce), that's literally screaming for the solution kleros could provide. And they aren't going after it lol

>> No.24325642

dude contact the devs right now. If you're not larping and you actually do have a business and you would use Kleros regularly for it, talk to them. They have a massive incentive to listen to you

>> No.24325662

its a pipe dream that will not happen on blockchain. The jury approach alone would not hold in a real court of law if contested. ALSO StOp TyPING lIKE A nIgger, this selective all caps style is annoying as fuck an makes me discard your whole statement anyway, followed by the lol and I suggest you fuck off back to your tg group

>> No.24325769

I'm just a small fish, man. But I see my payment disputes with visa/mastercard and paypal take literally months to resolve. It's a really slow, and often times ineffective, system that costs payment processors shitloads of money just in opportunity cost of having the funds on hold. For me its mostly just my time, and the actual dollar amount is a little less clear because I can just play a Ponzi with my time and stay up later answering emails/disputes. They would have to talk to companies like paypal, visa and mastercard, but if they can save them even $.01 per dispute, they would jump all over it (because as I said, no one on either side wants to deal with it)

Did you read anything I said lol? I capitalized one word.. also, payment disputes aren't upheld in a court of law anyways 99% of the time, because it's small enough amounts that it's not worth a court's time. The people deciding payment disputes currently are just call center employees

>> No.24325834
File: 174 KB, 1540x2048, 620401_511372652219530_27616916_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIRS many fud to be seen here i will see u all in the courts of klirus !!

>> No.24325862

well when we talk about Kleros I would rather put that money into xrp.

>> No.24325893
File: 207 KB, 932x932, 1606263568236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kleros is the new kleros

>> No.24326028
File: 72 KB, 680x440, rZGfiIah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me take you to kleros court and you'll see

>> No.24326029

I don't care if it's pump and dump, I just hope you memelords will pump my bag with 10$ 2021

>> No.24326259

Congrats you’re losing.