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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2429667 No.2429667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We need a new NGR coin.

Waves delisted both versions of NiggerCoin, goes to show how decentralized they are.

They can make your money dissappear if they are offended.

We must show them that they basically violated their own terms

NiggerCoin must live on,

We need Dev anon who can create it, with its own wallet, independent from these Jews.

>> No.2429680

no, we don't

please fucking kill yourself

>> No.2429693

Fuck off

>> No.2429695


>> No.2429707

Yes we do you nigger, we need you put back on your plantations it's for your own good.

>> No.2429711

This completely violates the integrity of the waves network. Next thing you know they'll establish a trust and safety council and put Anita Sarkisian in charge.

>> No.2429885

oh god

>> No.2430049
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>> No.2430053
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ISIS coin when?

>> No.2430093

fuck off /pol/ and your shitcoin thread spamming

also, good on waves for fisting you

>> No.2430158

Waves made my wallet filled with
223 hitlers
212 original niggers
200K second niggers


>> No.2430163
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Sorry guys, I spoke to the head Jew, she told me she won't allow this to go on.

Move along goys.

>> No.2430178

Give it a rest you gigantic homosexual

>> No.2430185

jesus christ man why do you spend so much energy trying to fud waves. you should honestly end yourself now

>> No.2430192
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We still have LDOGE

>> No.2430219


At least make it a token on Bancor, they deserve it.

>> No.2430234

Sad to read Waves delisted these. I guess that's Politically Correct decentralization?

>> No.2430240


Tfw greedy /biz/nessmen make cryptos a fucking terrorist thread

>> No.2430273

get the fuck out of /biz

>> No.2430282
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We can make it on ETC smart contracts (no ETH, ETH centralized too).

>> No.2430283

Honestly this exposed a flaw in wave tokens, any nigger can make them and flood duplicates. We even have the questionably named LDoge.

>> No.2430313

Huh. Yeah. How is Joe Normie going to be expected to find the real BeerCoin among the hundreds of imposters?

>> No.2430345

please check this, any suggestions? let's get to work

"Decentralized" Waves delists tokens they find offensive. What else can they do?

Issuer: 3PCTtRXdrUZavXm3JbGKmUKxGU2S4fPf8gi
Identifier: EYFFwWnmEEWYoWgBSqAJFtQxgihMBa5ssntxMsWfDy9B
Name: Ni**er
Details: Ebaumsworld
Total tokens: 148888.000
Reissuable: No
Issue date: 6/10/2017 4:57:44

As we all know, the Waves platform advertises itself as a secure, fast and decentralized exchange as well as an easy way in which any user can issue their own token under a minute. Under this premise, it would be logical to think that ANY token with ANY characteristics issued on the Waves platform must be completely censorship resistant in ALL possible ways. But as it turns out, Waves developers have the power to shutdown the market of any token they want.

Here's the proof. Just 3 days after the creation of this token, Waves has decided to unlist it from the trading platform. I encourage you all to check by yourselves and think about the implications of this fact. Spread the word by pasting this message everywhere.

>> No.2430377

Well I would take any money out of WAVES for the long term. This just proves that WAVES has no future.

>> No.2430389

Didn't your shitty coin just get voted out. I know the platform has a system in place that allows users to vote for certain projects or offer further support.

They saw your shitass coin and voted to throw out the obvious scam.

>> No.2430426

please explain how is this a scam

>> No.2430454


>> No.2430563

Nah, i will leave it to my children

>> No.2430897

Did you ever notice that for all of history people tried to make metal coins not be offensive to the majority of people in order to increase the demand rather than decrease it?

Just a thought you can put towards digital currency.

>> No.2430921
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>Did you ever notice that for all of history people tried to make metal coins not be offensive to the majority of people in order to increase the demand rather than decrease it?
>In God We Trust

>> No.2430937

>tfw I was sent $15 worth of niggers by /pol/ and hadn't cashed out yet


>> No.2430970


Somebody in the last thread said that customer support told him it was pure coincidence and the error would be resolved with niggers becoming saleable again shortly

I will wait and see before jumping on the fuck waves train

>> No.2431017


You people are so full of shit.. All your tokens are still tradable and on the blockchain


>> No.2431033
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transferrable from wallet to wallet

cant trade

>> No.2431126

>"Let's spam this to ledbit to spread the word!"
>"Oh noe they're calling us /pol/, let's link /biz/ to prove we aren't /pol/"
>Immediately filled with butthurt PC normalfag reditards


>> No.2431155

>Did you ever notice that for all of history people tried to make metal coins not be offensive to the majority of people

Not really. The vast majority of coinage was issued with symbology meant to legitimatize the ruler who issued it. Offensiveness wasn't really a thing when people had real problems.

>> No.2431214
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>religion is the same as racial discrimination