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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 736 KB, 866x764, cp3rcomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24286700 No.24286700 [Reply] [Original]

>So fucking comfy
Holding $50 so well it's insane, any other token 2 weeks in would have drowned and been bled dry... The support and community behind CP3R is un-fucking-breakable.

>UI Updates and Auto-compounding of the CP3R vault to be introduced in the next few days
>Literally plans on being one of the first project to properly utilize KP3R
"Due to popular demand from the community, we will be releasing an 'auto-compounding' strategy/feature to our CP3R pool. This will automatically harvest and deposit your rewards into the CP3R pool for you every 24 hours. This is a unique feature that will ensure you are maximising your profits. We will utilise the KP3R protocol for better efficiency."

All-important/relevant links are -
Audit results:

Also here's an interesting 2-week recap since release until now:

>> No.24286734

Get in anons - this is the one

>> No.24286748

Just farm and chill, boys. Farm and chill.

>> No.24286749

still flying under the radar sers

>> No.24286809

I honestly can't understand why people still aren't in on this. $150 eoy easy, and only the moon next year, all while printing more at absurd rates... Buy now or fomo in after Dec 10.

>> No.24286819

CP3R is holding on so fucking good during this dump im surprised

>> No.24286862
File: 26 KB, 320x320, Compounder-Cp3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullish af

>> No.24286867

its not under the radar though
and you need a big news every 2 days otherwise it just bleeds to death

>> No.24286871

Very comfy with my stack :)

>> No.24286966

Literally just emptied all my other bags for this. Go big or go home

>> No.24287069

That's not going to be a problem at all very soon, and is not even a problem now. if it was going to bleed, it would be bleeding out to high hell RIGHT NOW. If it was going to bleed it would of dumped ALOT harder than what ever happened (if you can even call it a dump).

Here, i'll put it into perspective why it's not dumping:
>On December 10, we will be making a large improvement to the protocol.
>Total supply will be burned by 80% from 1,000,000 CP3R to 200,000 CP3R. (ALREADY happened)
>Emissions will be halved on December 10, and by 50% every epoch (30 days).
Hence why it's not dumping, everyone is farming and wants to hold. It's like a bitcoin halving but every month.
>Token contract admin key will be burned, permanent removal of mint function and control (Done with the token burn)
>Dev fund adjusted from 20% to 7%: 93K for circulation over 12 months, 14K for team >Emissions will stop forever in 12 months; Compounder will be decentralized and deflationary.

ALL THIS while providing the best APY for stable coins and the like. This is YFI + Harvest in one.

>> No.24287079

What are the suicide/make it stacks?

>> No.24287170

Next 2 weeks farming time

>> No.24287214

Depends on the price at the end of the 12 month period. Could be $100 could be $10000, but the farming yields and compounding interest will make any stack a lot fatter.

>> No.24287343
File: 94 KB, 1854x515, cp3rBULLISHASFUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this isn't bullish, i don't know what is.

>> No.24287550

YFI market cap incoming

>> No.24287558

Literally farming 24 CP3R per day. Life is good

>> No.24287579

Suicide 100 make it 500

>> No.24287691

After the first month, what is the apr for the cp3r pool?

I want to buy in big with this one. It sounds awesome. I'm just hesitant. Anyone know anything about the team behind it?

>> No.24287745

It's still a fucking farming coin; it is garbage unless you got a big stack and can dump your farmed tokens on everyone

>> No.24287788

On December 10, the emissions drop by 50%. Every month from then on, the emissions drop by half every month until we end up with 0/month in 12 months.
Get in NOW and farm before it drops off in 2 weeks.

>> No.24287832

Farming coin that's going to provide you with performance fees from the vaults with a scarce supply and halving every month. Sell pressure is going to continually drop and as we onboard more vaults it will become even more profitable to farm.

>> No.24287959

You constantly need new buyers otherwise it bleeds to zero, that is the problem with your coin
And I'm not gonna go ahead and buy $1000 worth, when thats how much some faggot with a huge stake generates every day

>> No.24288011
File: 105 KB, 800x450, Yfarmersunrise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet again this is coming as well:

>Snapshot will be coming soon to Compounder. This will allow our users to start voting on proposals and changes to the protocol. Your voting power depends on how much CP3R you hold in your wallet, so ensure to be holding or farming CP3R to have your say in the development of Compounder.
And just like that, the VERY strong community backing this project will be able to propose and vote on exactly what we would like this to be. Amazing things in the pipeline for this project, may aswell it here and call every other major token ' a fucking farming coin' in the same category. Oh wait, what was YFI originally and what is it now?

That's what it is FOR NOW. With changes happening very quickly, alternate use cases can be voted upon and created. It has the possibility to go any direction at this point in time.

>> No.24288067

Go look at the current market dip, and look at CP3R. Now tell me it's bleeding because people just want to dump the project and move onto the next?

>> No.24288173

Nobody that's currently in CP3R wants to dump it. But they do actively seek new buyers to purchase their tokens that are created out of thin air

>> No.24288276

yea. the only reason im considering buying this is because these farming scams usually do a 10x before dumping below listing price forever

>> No.24288321


Their protocol is much more than a farming scam. Yield aggregation at its finest. This could be huge

>> No.24288368

still early this will be at least $300 in december, chart is bullish af

>> No.24288508

The whole market is going down the shitter, I'll check it out at $20

>> No.24288677


>> No.24288939

this guy is so fck brilliant, lol
he doent's know.....if you know you know

>> No.24289563

Look at CP3Rs 15 minute and compare ANY other fucking chart. BULLISH AS FUCK

>> No.24290016

THis shitcoin is going to be 1k soon, Mark my words. I know who the dev behind is, he is a fucking chad.

>> No.24290133

>Black id confirms.
Dont even remember the last time i saw a black ID...