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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 1000x323, ARK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2428537 No.2428537 [Reply] [Original]

>What is ARK?

Recent activity

ARK is meant to be a push-button deployable blockchain that can be replicated and forked by startups and other companies that seek to utilize the ARK business model. In other ways, it is comparable to coins like LSK and SHIFT. These are coins that will utilize IPFS, a decentralized means of storing data.

>What is IPFS?

IPFS is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more secure. It has been lauded as the next iteration of the internet and a replacement for HTTPS. For more on this:

IPFS Wikipedia

IPFS.io site

Newsweek article

There are several coins that are currently implementing IPFS in some form or another, ARK is one of them.

>B-but how is ARK different?

ARK is developing 'Smartbridges' -CONT-

>> No.2428553
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It is developed by the ARK team to allow intercommunication between the BTC, ETH, ARK, and LSK blockchains, among others.

>What does that mean?

One example of using Smartbridge is the transfer of payments through various blockchain networks. This allows users to send a transaction with a specific amount of ETH from ARK, directly to the holder of the ETH account, once the information is processed and verified. Other applications will eventually lead to the transfer of data for user profiles, service ratings, contracts, and other applications. The use cases really are endless.

Another use case could be a 3rd party coin exchange service may look for specific triggers and handle cross blockchain payments for their customers. For example, You have ARK but want to pay for a movie using Netflix Credits but you don’t have any Netflix Credits. You could go through multiple steps to transfer into these credits to watch a movie but because you are a member of Bob’s coinshift platform, you can send an ARK transaction to bob with the instructions to pay for the video you want to watch with Netflix Credits on your behalf. This would not require Bob to be there and would be handled by the Centralized and Decentralized system that Bob’s Coinshift provides instantly for the consumer.

>> No.2428600

Ark isn't a shitcoin but it's not going anywhere fast. Flip for max profitz. Always be on guard though as it could moon at any moment.

>> No.2428621
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Exactly the opposite my friend. You're not going to get very far with P+D on this one because of whale-tivity and sell walls, but on the longer term, this is a guarantee.

>> No.2428666

You actually can do pretty well day trading this coin BECAUSE of the whales/bots

>> No.2428669

what percentage is ark going to moon for?

>> No.2428700
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Only if you have a high volume of ARK (20k+) which most don't have.

The walls prevent any huge P+D momentum, and 1k ARK isn't gonna net you hardly anything if you're just scalping the market like these bots.

As I said, the tech is there, the team is there, this is a long term coin.

>> No.2428799


1000000000000% anon

>> No.2429006
File: 78 KB, 1141x715, chart_30min_ARK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current 30 min charts.

>be me, shilling ARK weeks ago when it was 10k
>get ignored

just saying

>> No.2429041

i bought at 10k, 17k, 27k even 35k

not mad at all

>> No.2429054

Wish I had more money to put on this to be honest. Only got 400 ARK. Do you think it'll be enough for a lambo?

>> No.2429103

gotta get more my dude, but thats a good start

>> No.2429194


Can you tell me how to calculate how much ARK do I get paid with the delegates thingy?

Thanks in advance.

>> No.2429227

At 2500 I got 2.41 ARK. The /biz/ delegate is on a weekly payout I believe. I've got 21k now, so I'd imagine its going to be close to 20 ark

>> No.2429241
File: 49 KB, 1048x353, Ark6122017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Pic related. BUY BUY BUY!

>> No.2429375

what does this mean? if it crosses a moving average that signals a new trend or what?

>> No.2429468

It means it's ready for the next moon mission. Get on board! Watch for volume confirmation.

>> No.2429499

wtf their slack community is huge. literally double the size of coins like Stratis. blows my mind. hidden gem imho and good stuff for the future

>> No.2429702

Yeah they have hosted a LOT of AMA's and are currently hosting one now

>> No.2429731
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she's closing back in on 35k boys.

>> No.2429754

ARK has excellent fundamentals and has a ton of potential as a long term hold. It just needs to get onto more exchanges to get some proper legs, right now whales can lock it down too easily.

>> No.2429792

bought the dip

lets go boys!

>> No.2429831


>> No.2429929
File: 48 KB, 646x597, MSUQ8Nn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out for the bots

When is this badboy getting listed on polo ffs

>> No.2429943

Send in a request to polo

>> No.2429952

slack invite?

>> No.2429950


Ok guys here's how you suggest ARK to Poloniex. I've also gathered all the information needed to suggest it to the exchange.


1. Ark coin
2. ARK
3. https://blog.ark.io/tagged/news
4. https://ark.io/
5. https://explorer.ark.io/
6. Just say what you've seen other people say about this coin. How a lot of people think it'll be the next ETH and how versatile the coin is. Mention how strong the community behind this coin is as well.

News – Ark.io
Read writing about News in Ark.io. ARK—A Platform for Consumer Adoption.
ARK - A Platform for Consumer Adoption
ARK will bundle the best blockchain and digital innovations into an ecosystem for mass consumer adoption.

>> No.2429981


>> No.2429989

just go to ark.io/slack

>> No.2430043
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this doesn't look so good

and its not the bot

>> No.2430055

what makes you think the people using bots on bittrex aren't going to put them to work on polo too once ark gets listed there?

genuinely curious

>> No.2430058

No just a whale looking for a quick profit. He'll slowly turn those sell orders onto buy orders and spike the price

>> No.2430075

Good work anon

>> No.2430088

done. thanks mate

>> No.2430095

how do i join /biz/ arkpool

what are benefits?

>> No.2430098

Those orders are not as bad as they look. There is 53 btc between current price and 500k sats, which is not much.

The problem with trusting the order book graph is that a lot of people don't even bother placing an order until the time is ripe. It's so hard to make long-term judgments using this.

>> No.2430105

you get a proof of stake payout

>> No.2430142

Polo means MUCH larger volume. Bot cant keep up with that.

>> No.2430149
File: 621 KB, 1004x3180, 1496880594205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how to join the biz ark pool

>> No.2430169

This. I followed Ubiq going from 30k sats to 90k sats and the graph looked like an enormous red mars mountain the entire way.

>> No.2430203

fucking fake walls

>> No.2430210

Here is the information about the ark pool.
The admins of the pool are currently trying to make it so people with smaller amounts get more than giant whales who just switched votes over to get our benefits.

Also working on making it so early adopters end up getting more than people who had a later adoption.


>> No.2430249

the whole delegated PoS system is awesome... is anyone else as excited about this as I am?

I need to mention it more in my posts, I haven't been doing that

>> No.2430310

I bought at 11k anon, sorry for making you lonely. I was really poor then and I don't lurk anymore, bought a pass with a little bit of my gains

>> No.2430314

>Finally got my ETH
Should I buy now or is it gonna dip again?

>> No.2430369

if you're planning on a long term hold, it won't make much difference... it could dip, but I doubt it will go much lower than 80 cents

>> No.2431357

ARK is absolute garbage. PoS means there's no appreciation in value as there are more and more coins without any cost. It's not free money, it's the same value (nothing), buit speculation may drive up the price in the short term. Long term, you will see a downwards trending graph.

>> No.2431549

>PoS means there's no appreciation in value as there are more and more coins without any cost

Just because you can generate coins through staking doesn't mean you eliminate all appreciation. Prove to me it does and then I'll concede to your point.

A PoS system is much more secure against 51% attacks and takes away the practicality of implementing one. Everyone knows this. Vitalik has said this is one of the main advantages a PoS has over PoW and one of the main reasons why he believes it's the right direction for ETH to go.

You either know just enough about what you're talking about to have an opinion or you are just trying to fud. Either way, you're wrong and you have absolutely no data to suggest that PoS would result in that outcome.

>> No.2431581

why is it so garbage?

good dev team, good connections, decent idea, why garbage? just because its still on bittrex?

>> No.2431890
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>> No.2431989

No, it's garbage because all they have is the PoS thing. PoS is a way to secure your coin, not a way to enrich your users. it's retarded. You either HAVE TO stake or you become poor or you do stake and become rich. Tip: it's the first option.

>> No.2432204

You have no idea what you're talking about. It's clear you haven't even researched what ARK is or what their team has been doing.

>> No.2432243

I have and I haven't found shit bruvva

>> No.2432262

Okay, what about smartbridges?

What about push-button deployable blockchains?

What about IPFS?

What about all the ICO AMA's they host on their slack?

What about how BIG their slack user base is compared to other coins?

If you haven't found shit, then you are a fucking autist

>> No.2432274

only problem i see is: PoS gets skewed if whales accumulate and hold very early on

>> No.2432285


thank you for information

how long does it usually take to transfer ark from wallet back to bittrex? if its start dumping I guess you're fucked if you don't have it on the exchange?

>> No.2432287

Doesn't delegated PoS solve this problem though?

>> No.2432300


>> No.2432320
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I dont know, i think that is pretty fucking big.

>> No.2432329

It's all hot air

>> No.2432340

so this is the allblockchain?

>> No.2432352

I just sold a few for some fun money at around 35k. I will continue to hold 1000 of them forever. I hope I did not miss my chance of a lambo and get a used lada instead.

>> No.2432380

Done with you my man. You are clueless. Good luck daytrading DGB and mooncoin

>> No.2432386

When do we get our ark for the biz vote?

>> No.2432408

its paid weekly, I got my first payment yesterday

>> No.2432461


DGB isn't complete shit, better than ARK. Mooncoin is complete shit though, I agree. Look ARK isn't complete shit, but it has no use case I can imagine.

>> No.2432463

is there a calculator or something that tells you how much are you getting?

I hope it will payout more than 1 ark that cost me to vote.

>> No.2432497

can confirm. got 1.something arks
already made back my transmission fees :)

>> No.2432500


>> No.2432505

How much do you guys think ark will be at in one year?

>> No.2432515

they are trying to bridge blockchains
they are the blockchain OF blockchains
dude who made it was a rocketscientist
idk dude just buy a few

>> No.2432519

Oh wow, glad I held on to these bags. Up 25% today

>> No.2432522

Better chances for it to hit ~$5 than me losing my virginity

>> No.2432562

kek same here, 22 and still virgin, I have a better shot being a crypto millionaire by 25 than losing my virginity to a 8/10+ girl.

>> No.2432611


ok. why can you vote multiple times?

how often do I need to vote?

>> No.2432618

>DGB isn't complete shit
>better than ARK

oh dear lmao

>> No.2432629

If ARK hits $5 both of you will get some.

>> No.2432669

You guys need to lower your standard.

>> No.2432778
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>DGB isn't complete shit, better than ARK

>> No.2432785

So for a total newcomer how can I buy some ARK? Is it an easy process or do I need to read some books on crypto currency first.

>> No.2432805

Not only some books, you need to get a crypto doctorate.

>> No.2432816

damn guess I have to go back to wageslaving for shekelberg, thanks anyway senpai

>> No.2432835

Purchase bitcoin on a fiat exchange like coinbase. transfer to bittrex, buy ARK.

>> No.2432924

And I can do the reverse to cash out to fiat again? What kind of fiat can I get out of this? I'd like a fiat panda

>> No.2433237



>> No.2433251
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ETH inflates way more than ARK and look at it's price


>> No.2433299

where do you all see Ark's price going?
where do you see it in a year

>> No.2433328

Do you think voting this on Polo will ramp up the price? Maybe we can raid and do a Biz vote

>> No.2433341

of course it will ramp up the price. more exchanges = more people = more money

>> No.2433349
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>And I can do the reverse to cash out to fiat again?

>> No.2433386

$5-10, likely even more.

Polo would cause the price to triple in a day.

>> No.2433468


>> No.2433552


>> No.2433626

I really need to learn to time my buy-ins better

I bought most of what I have at the ATH. I'm holding long term but still

>> No.2434264

ARK has yet to reveal any new developments, plus you have the fact that it is only on Bittrex working in your favor. ARK is in its infancy really. Just hold on my man. It can only go up.

>> No.2434708

When can I buy Anons I want in