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24254647 No.24254647 [Reply] [Original]

My Trezor One arrived in the mail today. Part of the shrinkwrap was torn off where the hologram sticker is, and the sticker has hair underneath it.

Should I return it? It was purchased from an official reseller listed here:


>> No.24254675

didn't you post this yesterday?
send it back bitch

>> No.24254678

You posted this earlier. Yes, return it anon. Quit being fuckin dumb.

>> No.24254694

If you have enough crypto to need a trezor then you have enough money to buy a new one. I hope you’re trolling. Ngmi

>> No.24254701

wtf are you doing reposting the same shit you stupid fuck

>> No.24254708

Is there cum inside? If yes, keep it

>> No.24254712

return it, faggot

>> No.24254724

>this retard again
Jesus nigger you got your answer yesterday, everyone told you to return it. But since you're a mouthbreather just fucking use it and pray that a frenchie doesn't take your BTC (protip he will)

>> No.24254746

this is why USBs are safer than hardware wallets. I have $100k on a USB and have never had any problems. I would also like to take this moment to say FUCK JANNIES, please remove the range ban for uploading files (and consequently creating threads). Thank you :)

>> No.24254760

mail to trezor they will give you new one

>> No.24254769

No not at all, use it and put all your life savings into it. Totally safe!

>> No.24254784

you have just txt file on it or some other stuff?

>> No.24254815

>this is why USBs are safer than hardware wallets
Based retard.

>> No.24255534
