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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2425115 No.2425115 [Reply] [Original]

>made 55k profit on crypto
>spend all day refreshing biz and crypto charts
>no friends

>> No.2425150

you can send me some of it and I'll be your friend

t. only 10k

>> No.2425170
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>tfw no gf

>> No.2425388

I'll be your friend for 0.1 btc :^)


>> No.2425482


0.01 btc ? :)

>> No.2425633

Well done now close your laptop and fuck off to the pub, get a couple of rounds in you'll have mates in no time.

>> No.2426675

>*clears throat*
>do you know what is bitcoin?
>*0.5s pause*
>Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and a digital payment system. invented by an unknown programmer, or a group of programmers, under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. It was released as open-source software in 2009.........

>> No.2426727

>im not buying this pint at an ath

>> No.2426735


>spend all day refreshing biz and crypto charts
me too man but i only have 0.2 BTC :/
do you want to be friends

>> No.2426751

Literally same as me.

Don't even shower anymore, just wake up, switch PC on, log on to /biz/ and bring up meme charts and sit here all day until its time to sleep.

>> No.2426788

>get a couple of rounds
Ethanol is one of the most disgusting drugs on the planet. All it does is numb your central nervous system and get metabolized into sugar.

>> No.2426856


Seriously, send me BTC and You can all have my mobile number. I'm trying to save for advertising an app I'm developing.


>> No.2426880

Well you could always not have friends and also no money

>> No.2426926
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>> No.2426985

Shit yeah I didn't think You're fucked OP!

>> No.2427000

Try socializing

>> No.2427094
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Grill detected
>what's so hard about making friends? When people come up to you and act friendly and invite you to places just say yes. It's that easy.

>> No.2427112

>not having markets on in the background while you study and learn skills that help you make more money
not gonna make it

>> No.2427126


>> No.2427354

Agreed. There are much safer and cleaner gabaergic drugs.

>> No.2427379
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>When people come up to you and act friendly and invite you to places just say yes. It's that easy.
It's that easy indeed.

>> No.2427420

Just smoke window cleaner then.

>> No.2427458


>> No.2427475

what is (((their))) motive? :^)

>> No.2427523

>gamble and hold crypto
>gamble up to 50k turned into a few hundred k in less than 2 years
>tell some friends and suggest they invest
>2 of my only 4 friends stab me in the back
>alone cooking steak at 1030am on my b day with no one to talk to

>> No.2427559

>2 of my only 4 friends stab me in the back

What did they say? "I don't like people with money"?

>> No.2427686

hi, how are you? That's a nice hat! Do you want to get in this van with us?

>> No.2427768

Don't worry about that shit, at least you're not some broke ass nigga livin in his mama basement. Good things are coming men

>> No.2427841

>I stay up at night inaccurately calculating potential gains on my cell phone calculator asking myself, "If I invested this much and it was at this price how much will I get?" then divide that by the price of a Lamborghini without considering taxes, transfer fees and other minute details.

>> No.2427868

I want to be a full time coin trader instead of a wage cuck.
Made babbys first 10k. About to make another 10k.

I work a fucking desk job. I'm so close to getting out bros. Need 100k so I can live off 50k, play around with the other 50k.

I'm going to make it brehs.

>> No.2427922

This is too accurate

>> No.2427943

This bull market won't last forever, just to warn you. Don't quit your day job to do this.

>> No.2427966

I'd rather buy/sell bulk transactions for a few hundred bucks profit than work my day job.

>> No.2428067

Don't do that friend. This Bible will eventually pop

>> No.2428093

I literally do just that from my wage cuck position and my desk. This is a good debt eraser for me. Not shooting for lambos

>> No.2428168

might not be afraid of the dark but i can guarantee that hes still scared of niggers since they used to beat him up at school when he lived in SA

>> No.2428292

Happy birthday faggot.

>> No.2428646

Keep doing it fag
I can be your friend fag, Crypto Beaner here, I can show you around this paradise full of ambitious bitches that loves white cock,

>> No.2429022
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>be me
>become millionaire with crypto in under a year
>also nihilistic
>don't want gf
>don't want to travel the world
>no friends
>too lazy and worthless to leave the house
>only thing I do is spend money to take out my parents for fancy food
>they want me to get a job but not interested in anything

>> No.2429291

Just transfer me the millions and I'll send your parents food money.

>> No.2429718
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Nice, i have made about 90k across eth, btc and ltc

>> No.2429891
File: 42 KB, 182x146, fear-and-loathing-in-las-vegas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one smoke window cleaner?
I'm genuinely wondering

>> No.2429906

>only 55k
what's even the point?

billions of people out there to be friends with and/or exploit. nice thread loser.

>> No.2430306


>$100k investing in actual USD
>Make decent investment choices.
>Decide to trade bitcoins for fun
>Half a bitcoin at $750 a month and a half ago.
>Just ride the meme waves with /biz/raelis
>Up to $20k in crypto now
>Completely ignore my tangible stocks
>Will probably become a crypto millionaire before I get a million in actual USD.

>> No.2430318

>made 55k profit on crypto

So you actually cashed out? Prove it.

>> No.2431414
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>tfw no friends
>tfw no gf
>tfw no parents
>tfw super chilled, calm and content
>I feel like I could just lie down and drift into the abyss

>> No.2431447

This is retarded. I hope this is a fake quote.

>> No.2431478

>implying anything like that has ever happened

>> No.2431513
File: 13 KB, 300x360, 1389530604581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too poor to invest but still lurk this board like an autistic faggot
>tfw your job pays 300$ a month
>tfw in college too
just kill me already
Enjoy your gainz OP, buy something nice for yourself, clothes, consoles, whatever would please your heart.

>> No.2431525

>tfw college dropout
>tfw saving money so I can study STEM again
>tfw 29
>tfw no money no gf
I feel like I hit rock bottom, but I just don't care.

>> No.2431555

> but I just don't care
Because it doesn't matter.

>> No.2431571

>made 420k
>have friends and a gf
>still spend all day refreshing biz and charts

Wouldn't have it any other way really.

>> No.2432080

thx anon that comment made me feel good

>> No.2432599


>> No.2433137

>got kid
>got GF
>got full time job
>spend whole 9hrs of full time job workload permitting refreshing blockfolio and browsing /biz/
>tfw used to waste my life on /r9k/
>come home browse /biz/
>spending time with Gf and kid browse /biz/
First thing i do in the morning is refresh blockfolio
>made 7.5k from 1100 one month ago
>wouldnt have it any other way

Got the /biz/ bug

>> No.2433265

/biz/ bug is best bug

>> No.2433321

What wallet/exchange is that? Ive always wondered what high rollers use

>> No.2433390

>got a gf
>told her im going to be a millionaire
>crypto crashes
>lost lots of money
>now shes asking me when can we spend the money

fuckkkkk lads shes getting impatient what do???

>> No.2433467

how long hav eyou been with her?

what age is she?

has she increased in attractiveness since you met her?

ive been with my gf for 7 years

>picked her up at the equivalent of 1 satoshi

>rode that bitch to 3000

>didnt dump

>now im left with heavy bags that i cant get rid of

Always sell hgh

>> No.2433546

lol and when it crashes you'll try and rationalize that you still have your grandpa stocks

>> No.2433614

been with her 2 week
shes 23 (im 26)
she has remained same attractiveness

i told the bitch about my gainz during the great cripto pump. and i pumped her that night and every night since

then the great cripto dump happened and she could sense my sadness , and started enquiring about my gainz

i said bby shut the fuck up im working on it , so i think shes just waiting to see if theres another pump

>> No.2433646

turn it to 55 Mil buy wage slaves. Make them act like your friends.

>> No.2433706

What are some good exchanges for meme coins? Bittrex?

Total noob only have coinbase

>> No.2433757

yobit for meme coins

good luck

>> No.2433853

Put your money into eth or bth.
Put that into paper wallet.
Smash computer, and dont check charts for 3 yrs.
Go outside and make some damn friends. Fuck play a sport, go to a strip club I dont care.
Transfer me some BTC cause I give god tier advice. 1NamoQsDDuHZ3xr89Z7itpSneK5baFYaUo

>> No.2434329

I would dump that bitch using you if she starts to complain about you not having gains

>> No.2434432

Send ETH this way brah
Make my shitty limited time on this earth less shitty


>> No.2434470

can you send me some ETH for teh lulz, I promise I'll pay it back to /biz/ 10x in the near future


>> No.2434654

Good way to buy coins with a debit card?

Coinbase is being shit.

>> No.2434771

>2 weeks

>> No.2435453

I use virwox because it doesn't require anything, not even name. Other exchanges want outrageous levels of identification to buy buttcoins.

>> No.2435572

I'll be 35 in two weeks. No one has ever celebrated my birthday since I was 18.

Crypto is the only thing going for me. I want my house paid off, a nice car and daily driver truck, and 1 or 2 dogs-- preferably German shepherds, one white and one black.

These are pretty much my goals and the only thing I got going for me.

>> No.2436366

what about never selling?

>> No.2436563

>be 30
>have blonde qt gf
>work at home making 160K/year
>shitpost on /biz/ all day and turned meager 500 dollar initial investment into 10K
Feels pretty fuckin good lads

>> No.2436593

how long to make that much?

are there books or something i can read to get into this?

>> No.2436742

>work at home making 160K/year


>> No.2437040

I don't make as much as you, i'm even older, and my young qt gf is a redhead, but otherwise same.

i got her while i was still super broke so i'm not too worried about her being a gold digger or whatever

>> No.2437051


>> No.2437066

spend it on a really nice car

>> No.2437280

I hear ya, man. My cellphone calculator gets more action in a day than I have in five years.

>> No.2437292

Looks like coinbase

>> No.2437359

I'm a man

>> No.2437410

You're literally me, except im 25, make 140k.yr, have a redhead gf, and made 400k off 30k in shitcoins.

Debating on dumping her and spreading my seed wide, but shes been with me even back when i was unemployed making no money. Hard to give up a sure thing

>> No.2437457
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>all these rich anons with gf's and here i am invisible to women with only $30k in crypto

>> No.2437473

>Debating on dumping her and spreading my seed wide
>shes been with me even back when i was unemployed making no money.

You're a fucking tard.
But if you decide to make some kids on the side - wife your gf (with prenup), and never let her know. If you're an asshole inside so be it, but dont make her suffer

>> No.2437515

Yeah about three to four years from now.