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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24245131 No.24245131 [Reply] [Original]

>overhear coworkers talking about investing
>slowly begin to realize they are talking about baby dick amounts like literally buying 50 dollars worth of a stock, and then getting excited when it went up by 5%

>> No.24245152

yeah it's pretty pathetic

>> No.24245167

>your coworkers only have $50 to invest
do you work at McDonalds or something?

>> No.24245182

It's literally so they can larp as investors.
>Amazon is up 3% so glad i invested!
>true, Ted that was a smart move!
Im fucking neck deep in investments i will unironically kys myself if i fail

>> No.24245187

Normies love the shittiest stocks yet always change the subject when I shill them bitcoin. Dumb fags.

>> No.24245189

Yeah my co workers talk about robinhood Penny's stocks and their peanut trades lmao

I will never reveal my power level

>> No.24245224

My coworker said he had 40 eth and I was like holy shit, nice!
Then he showed me his portfolio and it was Ethereum classic.
I just stared at it blankly and had to act excited for him.

>> No.24245252


>> No.24245257

fucking lmao

>> No.24245260
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Well, one's gotta start somewhere. Wealth is relative.
Greed is relative. Gender is, well, there is only one: that's a man.

>> No.24245261

no, we all make 100k+ a year and they should know better
this makes it all the more cringe that they are dipping their fucking pinky toe in

>> No.24245269
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>> No.24245316
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christ that's pathetic
imagine being this much of a pussy
does he know the difference? feels bad desu

>> No.24245351

>I just stared at it blankly and had to act excited for him.
Are you a bitter female or do you hate the bloke for fucking your missus? Why are you bitchy like a female? There he was, clueless, he couldn't make any real gains wiithout you, why didn't you help him Mark?

>> No.24245354
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>hey john I have fourty efereum want to see? :)

>> No.24245371

That’s fucking hilarious

>> No.24245376

Same but I hear ny coworkers talking about putting "a few hundred" here and there like it's a big deal. I work in a pretty prestigious firm and I know they make at least 6 figures. My portfolio is close to a million and I'm the only onpe that doesn't talk to them about investing.

>> No.24245410
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>> No.24245445

are you all millennials? because from my experience most people in their 20s and 30s are fucking retarded when it comes to money. like I've got friends who make $80-100k who spend all their money on rent, booze and eating out. I know motherfuckers who make $85k and can't even pay their rent on time because they spend literally all of their money all the time

>> No.24245471

yeah we are in our late 20's and mid 30's
there is one alcoholic boomer that works with us who doesn't do any work but also cant be fired because he is part native american

>> No.24245502

Does my girlfriend work with you? Because this sounds just like her.

>> No.24245506

>new ceo of company buys literally $1mil of his own shares to show muh confidence
>corona hits
>shares drop by over 75%
>from what i've seen it still hasn't risen and they'll probably go out of business

felt fucking great because I had a terrible time at that company (i got made redundant). all of those normie faggots I worked with bought shares not knowing shit about investing too i just hope they all lost a lot of money

>> No.24245521

It's copypasta faggots.

>> No.24245543

I had no control man.
He entered his potential profits on the calculator app and held his phone out to me and I just sat there blankly staring at his screen for like 10 seconds, thinking about how he could be so excited over such trivial gains.
"If it goes to 1000 I'll have 5k!!"
I sit there, emotionless.
I lean forward and squint, making sure I'm seeing what I'm actually seeing.
A 5 thousand dollar profit if this thing happened to have an Earth shattering moon. And he's actually excited about it.
After 13 seconds of him holding out his phone I look up at him.
"Yeahhh man!! Nice! You could .. put a nice downpayment on a car!"

>> No.24245609

That's not just millennial, I work for an actual alpha boomer. He started a company, after two successful priors, on a whim; the product isn't even particularly good. He owns 8 cars, a nice house, his wife spends money like crazy, and he drives like he actually wants to die.

I've watched this motherfucker text, while speaking on a phone call, holding the phone up to his fucking eyes, and also reading an itinerary chart at eye level, while driving a van down a highway, swerving across 3 lanes going 80 in a 65.

These people run the world, man. They're absolute retards ... but they're parents were very kind and loving, and so they go out into the world with the expectation that everything they do will succeed.

>> No.24245689

Guy I worked with was excited to tell me he bought AMC and AAL shares today.

>> No.24245701

Fucking kek. It's funny cause I know people like this

>> No.24245712

Kek pretty good

>> No.24245767

kek, classic normies.

>> No.24245804

top kek

>> No.24245956

Some people get so used to aiming low that they think this is aiming high.

An absolutely pathetic LARP

>> No.24245994

300 iq right here

>> No.24246839

You don't get what you deserve, you get what you expect. This kind of mentality carries you further than you think. Give a try

>> No.24247358

So what exactly do they spend it on? How do they even run through all that money just on that?

>> No.24247434

Also I never made over $20 an hour, under 30, and have at least $10k or so saved up yet how are they making so much and spending all of it like that? I'd reach mid 5 figures in a year if I earned that much and if I lived with my parents

>> No.24247439

I feel blessed my friends have over 100k portfolios and we are all only 22

>> No.24247460

>I've watched this motherfucker text, while speaking on a phone call, holding the phone up to his fucking eyes, and also reading an itinerary chart at eye level, while driving a van down a highway, swerving across 3 lanes going 80 in a 65.
That sounds extremely based, to be honest. The fact that he survived this long notwithstanding his recklessness is kinda admirable.

>> No.24247465

im late to the party, so i went balls beep in zilliqa, and btc, will i make it bros?

>> No.24247493

It's stuff like a $1500 apartment + semi-regular $100/person sushi dinners, $30 in drinks 10 times a month, flight to X, car payment, while their 'career' is touring people through an condos

>> No.24247529

yeah, 50bux is a good trainer amount but by the sounds of things OP's mates aren't training.

>> No.24247598

>These people run the world, man. They're absolute retards
no. high iq but unstable personalities, high in creativity but low in rule following.

>> No.24247650

Yet somehow I cant even get a job paying $20 an hour even with a college degree

>> No.24247684

>I just stared at it blankly and had to act excited for him.


>> No.24247690

What price should I get into Ethereum. Newfag here

>> No.24247718

This desu. I have friends who earn 150k+/yr but blow through money like it's going out of style.

>29yo boomer

>> No.24247779
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flip lady i work with was bragging how she made 20 dollars on some jordans she put up for resale, I can't tell if we are far ahead or they are astronomically behind. either way it feels good to have ambition.

>> No.24247816
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>Hey anon you like investing? Have you tried Forex??

>> No.24247856

i was a bullied loner as a kid. started investing at age 13, used all the savings and worked night shift in my teens
fuck that how normies invest, i literally hate investing to be honest just done it because i was alone all the time and didnt knew how to spend all my money and time. if i was a normie, able to actually spend the money with friends and girls I would never get into investing i would have blown it all. the most cringe part about sucessful investing is that you dont have to learn or read that much, you have to develop a boring nittypicker apathetic persona to become good at it which is a huge loss if you ask me. a funny witty persona is literally the most valueable thing and not something you should loose. i have seen people like these throw their money out of the window and it comes back 5x times

>> No.24247904

>put a nice downpayment on a car!
I just take this as a compliment whenever you niggers say this shit

>> No.24248035


>> No.24248047

How do I get through to people like this without them feeling insulted? I know people like those in OP that I want to see succeed, but their lack of knowledge just dooms them eternally.

>> No.24248102

??? you don't need to be boring or apathetic to succeed investing. You need to be able to control your emotions, that means having the ability to be energetic and fun if you want to.

>> No.24248126

Nothing wrong with that, it's a good way to learn how markets work and what to invest real money in

>> No.24248181

Gotta pay off that mortgage responsibly!

>> No.24248786

Any anon that disagrees with this is coat tailing off others and is not going to make it in the long run.

See above

>> No.24248831

Unironically now. Do NOT try to time the market, especially as a newfag.

>> No.24249671

>Colleague at work

Hey anon, I finally bought me some bitcoin. Turned out he bought some on Revolut. Not your keys, not your coins I told him and he stared at me like I'm the one who fucked him over

>> No.24250371


