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2424016 No.2424016 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw mommy payed for all of college + my masters degree.
>tfw have zero expenses at all.
>tfw live at home and make 50k after taxes and save 99% of it. (Only buy vidya and gas)
>tfw will buy a nice house in cash once I'm 30.
>tfw will inherert millions of dollars worth of money and assets when my mom dies in the future.
>tfw will become a landlord and quit my job eventually.

All I need is a Cute pure virgin girl to live in my nice house with. Why aren't you living expense free, /biz/?

>> No.2424031 [DELETED] 


>> No.2424039

Because I'm not a poor man child and enjoy the Zen of having a sweet as loft?

>> No.2424055

It's okay anon. Soon she'll file for divorce and leave you for Tyrone, after euthanizing your dog and putting your kids up for adoption.

>> No.2424138

>tfw will inherert millions of dollars worth of money and assets when my mom dies in the future
Your post was fine until this. kys

>> No.2424225


>> No.2424244


or maybe you will get cancer in your dickhole, dont speak too soon

>> No.2424256

good luck getting laid when you live with your mummy though

>> No.2424271

Are you me?

>> No.2424287


>> No.2424303

He'll have plenty of time to get laid when he retires at 30

>> No.2424349
File: 56 KB, 554x662, dfd207be66bb3e4018748dbd2034fa52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about fugging some used up roastie slut. I have a VR headset and pocketpussy that is much better and satisfies my needs. I will share my first kiss and sex with a beautiful pure gf that looks like pic related.

>> No.2424352
File: 2.35 MB, 2556x4000, 1488810739146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how it used to be, parents worked for their kids, not to go for more holidays.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.2424358

>being this delusional

>> No.2424371

If you need other people to be happy, you will never be happy.

It is hard enough not to disappoint yourself. Counting on others to not let you down can only end in pain.

>> No.2424373

so you think a 16-18 year old girl is going to date a 30year old guy for her first boyfriend? Christ you're an idiot. If you want a cute virgin gf you need to go and find her now before you get too old

>> No.2424377

I'm living on my own in some shithole in New Hampshire. Feels good to pretend to be a poorfag.

>> No.2424395

>shithole in New Hampshire
I thought that place was supposed to be paradise

>> No.2424408

Don't girls like older guys anyways? I'm 24 now how can I get an 18 year old pure virgin gf?

>> No.2424427

Have a big penis and fuck the slutty friend of a pure virgin. Then make her brag about it.

>> No.2424435
File: 29 KB, 730x358, Picture-2-750736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join Mensa. Stay away from plebeians.
High IQ people are less likely to lose their virginity early.

Normie dudebros like to brag about getting laid but, on average statistically, they're bragging about their low IQ.

>> No.2424468

the point is that the nice virgin girls arent the ones who date older guys. as a 30year old guy the only young womenyou'll be dating are the incredibly slutty ones.

>> No.2424490

I only have an IQ of 110. I was tested in 8th grade so it might be slightly higher now, though.

>> No.2424504

Find a girl with an IQ of 130+
1. Intelligent women are sexy
2. She's more likely to still be a virgin

>> No.2424565

I knew a super smart girl in HS. I think her IQ was 142. Her dad was some sort of scientist from Russia. She was the biggest slut in the school and acted very stupid. Yet she could easily pass every test even though she partied and drank and smoke every weekend just because of her high IQ. I hated her because of that. She always wore slutty attire in class too. She was into me though after I told her I was a KHV and sent me lewd photos, though.

>> No.2424618

>had a chance to get with a high IQ promiscuous Russian QT that would have rocked your world
>didn't get with her for whatever stupid reason

>> No.2424625


>get married to some slut claiming to be virgin
>divorce 1 year later and she takes half your shit

nice plan faggot

>> No.2424691

I thought of her as disgusting and unpure. I also had a deep hatred for girls like her that went to parties and did degenerate things. I also was just interested in video games then so I didn't really care. My pure virgin gf will come to me. I hope.

>> No.2424822

Are you an autist, weeb, social outcast or fedorafag?

>> No.2424850

How do rich people generate such unintelligent children?

>> No.2424879

Social outcast. But I want a Cute gf that loves me. Not a weeb at all, and not an Autist. Semi fedora. I just fantasize about having a beautiful gf all day long.

>> No.2424909

I think its because they are spoonfed, meaning the little cubs don't get their brain to process information in clever ways to outsmart society.

all they do is
1 cry
2 get spoon fed up
3 enjoy.

which is obviously harmful if later on in their lives that spoon feeder magically disappear and finds himelf in a living hell, where he doesn't know how things work and how the fuck to work them out.

>> No.2424953

>Semi fedora
This shit is unattractive as fuck. I doubt QT virgin girls will go for it.

Unless you're a real mafioso, do whatever it takes to be "Certified 0% Fedora"

>> No.2424970

>girls like her that went to parties and did degenerate things.

you were taught to hate people who did "degenerate things" since preschool. (pro tip: they made a word gave it a bad connotation to later manipulate your alpha attitude into a beta attitude)

because society, and schools were made in a way that would supress sexually-alpha behavior from guys, to make them "respecful" and not "disrespectful-liberals"

I remember, in school when I was about 12 years old, I smacked a girl's ass during the break time, and she went to tell some vigilant monitor (not even a teacher) that I smacked her ass, guess what? I got punished 2 days without break time, having to stay in class studying.

I was thinking, fuck I like girls, why can't I enjoy life?

protip: learn psychology and biology, then go on and see patterns of society and the universal government. you will realize what women want, and what THEY DONT WANT YOU TO DO/KNOW,
so that you jerk off to porn like a loser. because that is what they wanted you to be, a loser since first day you were born.
if you want to be a winner, you will have to go against the flow and be ready to kickass, if not, you will go in the same direction of the flow, sucking ass like the rest. getting played on by "sure virgin gf" who later decide to cheat on you.

wake up.

>> No.2424986

and here I am living with 300$ a month, live's great m8

>> No.2425055

>just incase I didn't make it clear.
embrace the sluttiness of bitches, fuck them all and enjoy. you were made to be a seeder for all those bitches.

and they were made to stay (or move around, if she sees that she is not getting enough seeds by staying retracted/contracted) to find seeds.

I have this type of mindset: All women are my girlfriends, married or not. if she open her legs, is because she wants it, period.

Women are beta (emotional and takers of energy so they can create/cook energy(a baby))
Men are alpha (logical givers of energy, so they can create energy(a baby))

women will have feelings more intense than man will ever have (unless they take drugs) so that means, they will feel naughtier and horny more intense and more often than compared to men, since... ever. that means they are more prone to cheat than men are.

I mean, next time you see a slut, go score instead of hating her for he unconscious behavior (men are more conscious than women will ever be, because women are driven by feelings more hardcore, leaving little room to be conscious for their actions)
if you feeling like hating, don't hate them for being unsciously driven to sex, hate those who wanted to make you a pussy instead of supporting and increasing your male potential of being a seeder for those bitches to suck seeds on.


>> No.2425391

Property taxes are nuts, Portsmouth is the only nice city here, and the rest of the state is full of rednecks (yes in New England) and drug addicts.

>> No.2425594

If you don't like it here, then fuck off to Massachusetts you stupid spillover.

>> No.2425647

>wasting the best years of your life because you're a jew

>> No.2425709

How am I wasting them? I'd be doing the same thing if I lived on my own only I'd save much much less and actually have to food shop and cook. This way I can buy a nice house without taking out a mortgage and live with a QT girl that will love me.

>> No.2425731

i live with my parents but its mainly because im an ugly incel

>> No.2425745

I would rather kill myself than not meet that girl until I'm 30. I bought my house at 23 and don't regret anything. It's just a matter of your personal preference, but you aren't going to just land some virgin 21 year old at 30 because you bought a house in cash. Please acknowledge reality.

>> No.2426087

How does you gf lives with it OP? You do have a gf right?

>> No.2426136

>virgin 21 year old
I can't even imagine how autistic and ugly she would have to be to be virgin at 21.
Or heavily religious which is just as off putting.

>> No.2426227

I've never had a gf, or even been on a date. But I'm determined to find a nice pure, kind, sweet young girl that loves me.

>> No.2426242

In America it might be very hard, but my plan is to find one in Japan. They are Qt and many are pure even at 21. It will be rare to find one here in the U.S but I hope I could. If I can't I will go to Japan.

>> No.2426988

Okay, you're just a troll

>> No.2427110

You could find a Japanese girl in California or Hawaii, so I heard.

>> No.2427186

meanwhile me and my bf run around naked in the house all the time and fuck eachother wherever. whenever and however we want (those two points may be caused by eachother).

You keep fucking your fleshlight and play vidya on your own just to fall for a gold digger later on because literally no one but gold diggers cares for virgin basement manchildren of the age of 30.

My bf and me are getting rich together, we brought ourselves into the relationship, started really poor and are starting to get rich just now. What you're looking for is getting some cute gold-digger because everything you'll have to offer is money.

>> No.2427317

>Why aren't you living expense free, /biz/?
Because of the "adult" meme. Even my father advised to stay at home rather than renting a flat.

>> No.2427421

>muh statistics say we're intlelligent anon!!1

144 here lost virginity at 16

cope harder incels, better start investing all your cryptomoney into a time machine if you want to find your disney wife

>> No.2427545

there's only so much cringe I can handle

>and not an autist
yes you are