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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2417621 No.2417621 [Reply] [Original]

>be nocoiner
>you guys finally converted me
>trying to buy like 200 ARK to start
>literally every platform is cucking me

What's the easiest way to get into this? I want to buy TODAY

>> No.2417649

Buy bitcoins on coinbase and transfer to bittrex then trade

Buy ANT ARK and ETH while they're cheap

>> No.2417656

Took me two days to actually buy btc. It's good it keeps out a large portion of normies. Wait it out. Impatience will cost you long term. You're not missing anything, markets pretty stagnant right now.

>> No.2417674

Which wallet did you get?

>> No.2417699

Oh, and you probably can't buy today unless you already have bitcoin or litecoin somewhere else

>> No.2417743

I would do what's already been mentioned. But, while you're waiting for it to work, go to https://ark.io/ and download the desktop wallet, set up an address (make sure you don't lose your passphrase or you lose access to it forever), and then let me know what it is :)

>> No.2417959

Coinbase is down, that was my original plan

I got Electrum for my desktop(did I do gud?), but will probably get something more secure once I decide to put serious money in.

Done, it's AKq2HBWUcxxNDAChLJmF6pg1yBbwvaNnyE

>> No.2418182
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>> No.2418201

Coinbase is up for me but every time I try to buy it says it goes through and then fucking nothing happens. Anyone able to buy through Coinbase right now?

>> No.2418248

I was barely able to buy a BTC about an hour ago and it took unusually long to transfer to Bittrex

Real glitchy

>> No.2418260

Just starting out too. Question: if I've placed a buy order in bittrex, but now regret it because I'm not sure the condition will be met (it might be too low), will I get my bitcoins back if I cancel it (they have already taken my btc even if the operation hasn't taken place)?

>> No.2418275
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>buying ark to start

oh sweet summer child

>> No.2418313
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Thanks a lot, senpai. Glad to get started on this comfy road

>> No.2418329

ARK ready!


>> No.2418336

From what I've read it seems like a pretty good long term hold, or no? Going to ball for some ETH as soon as I get some more money to play with and then maybe throw like $50 into a shitcoin pumping experiment

>> No.2418340


save me ;_;

>> No.2418438

>made coinbase account
>waiting to verify my card because it fucked up because of the downtime and I have to wait 12 hours
>going to buy $100 in BTC
>transfer to bittrex
>buy like $50 of some cheapo coin that's going up
>wait for it to go up to like $75 worth
>transfer back to BTC
>rinse and repeat
Do I have the right idea? I'm a total newfag. (Which I regret because I was going to buy BTC when it was like $30 a coin but I was 16 and had no debit card or anything)

>> No.2418470

Damn, how nice of you. We need more people like you around these parts.

>> No.2418472
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im just throwing you a curve ball. You're gonna see a lot of them. Just do your own research, and FUCKING HOLD

Welcome to /biz/.

See u out there buddy

>> No.2418514


>> No.2418518

This thread inspired me. I just opened a wallet, I want in. I have some medical bills I need to handle.


Any love appreciated! Cheers all!

>> No.2418559

I see people saying this, but it seems like it's better than buying into some random coin and holding just hoping it goes to the moon. I know it worked with eth but it doesn't seem like it's that common.

>> No.2418560

>buying ark to start

Jesus fucking christ. rip in peace

>> No.2418604

t. salty no arker

>> No.2418639

Electrum is pretty secure.

>> No.2418662

>the coin is green

>the coin is red

it's really not that hard.

>> No.2418799

"You never grab a knife when it's falling".

Why does this apply to normal trading but not crypto trading?

>> No.2418985

If you would have invested during the 2008 stock crash you'd be fucking loaded right now.
Cryptos move much quicker than regular stocks.

>> No.2418996

>Attempt to buy bitcoin on Coinbase after it came back up
>Keeps saying it goes through
>It doesn't
>I'm sorry the max number of charge attempts has been reached please fuck off

Well fuck you too I've bought a dozen times from the place but I get locked out because it's shitting itself.

>> No.2419849
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How do you find wallets for smaller coins like Lisk? Are """"official"""" wallets safe? Dont trust the exchange to hold my coins, and it seems like most desktop wallets only do Bitcoin