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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 320x320, Compounder-Cp3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24169290 No.24169290 [Reply] [Original]

>Thread music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_jUtiKSf1Y
What the fuck is CP3R?
>CP3R is blend of Harvest and YFI
>Compounder automates farming for you into the best profit-making protocols available in DeFi. Giving you convenience of the strategies in one place, save on accumulative gas fees and keeping you ahead of the curve.

Let’s start this off here (READ THE TWEET):
All-important/relevant links are -

>> No.24169314
File: 45 KB, 499x201, cp3rannouncement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“We are arranging a youtube video for our new protocol update with WendyO and RonBubble. Also have a few AMA arranged and being scheduled. Announcement tomorrow. Then we need to finish the roadmap outlined over the follow couple weeks. While devs working on this, I will be consistently marketing until we launch.”

SO what’s been happening with CP3R so far?
>Recently launched the wBTC pools
>7.3m TVL
>700 holders
>Circ 32k
>1.5m MC
>Massive twitter accounts on-board
>Beginning to get YTer attention

Coming up (information from the road map of 23rd of nov – 7th of dec):
New yCRV Pool Release:
>The next pool is for yCRV token (curve.fi/iearn/deposit). This is quite a high return strategy by Curve, and also becoming quite a popular asset over the past few weeks. This will earn 10,000 CP3R per epoch.
New WBTC and ETH Strategies:
>We are really excited to announce our new strategies for the ETH and WBTC pool. These strategies will earn from Harvest.finance pools, to earn interest on your deposited asset. You will also continue to earn CP3R from these pools as usual. This innovation on compounding our users assets with other yield aggregators will ensure our competitive status for high returns for farming - all new contracts will be professionally audited before launch.

>> No.24169345
File: 17 KB, 511x74, cp3rupdates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auto-Compound for CP3R pool:
>Due to popular demand from the community, we will be releasing an 'auto-compounding' strategy/feature to our CP3R pool. This will automatically harvest and deposit your rewards into the CP3R pool for you every 24 hours. This is a unique feature that will ensure you are maximising your profits. We will utilise the KP3R protocol for better efficiency.
>Snapshot will be coming soon to Compounder. This will allow our users to start voting on proposals and changes to the protocol. Your voting power depends on how much CP3R you hold in your wallet, so ensure to be holding or farming CP3R to have your say in the development of Compounder.
New UI Upgrades:
>Over time we have learned many things from the community and investors, and also have to adapt for the growth that we have had over the past two weeks. We will be upgrading a few things on the UI for usability, user experience and adding more information throughout the website.

>> No.24169422
File: 736 KB, 866x764, cp3rcomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the ne protocol upgrade? we literally do not fucking know, all we know is that its being announced tomorrow at some point. We've been riding these ups and down constantly while projects have been rugging and been 'hacked' *cough* left and right. The devs at CP3R have been working non-stop to provide and improve the platform and trust within the community.

Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that it got audited by solidity (the company that audited kava, etc)
Audit results:

Anons, the next 24-48 hours are going to be absolutely batshit insane, and the pools/project is just getting started. $100-$200 EOW is not far fetched AT ALL.

>> No.24169609

This project is severely underrated. Price has been suppressed for days and the thing is barely even out yet. Baked contracts is an epic addition and compounding interest coming soon. Once snapshot releases 100% we will introduce profit share and probably token burn. And lower token dist. Best is yet to come, get in now or be sorry when we're at $250 next week.

>> No.24169709

Firebank FRK is live in Uniswap!

Get your FRK tokens today, join the staking pool to get more rewards.

Earn: ETH, FRK and RRY

FRK is main token with supply of 2932, locked liquidity, staking reserves locked in a pool and other tokens for partnership locked kn smart contract.

AMA with @BCCore tonight 8:00 pm GMT +7


>> No.24169769

Annnnnnnnnd that's a scam.

>> No.24169829

compounder is my ´comfy´ hold. just hold and stake for a while. This will be your best christmas gift ever!

>> No.24169917

Very interesting project. They truly are like a cross between YFi and Harvest. Compounding interest is a HUGE advantage. Just a little over a week old. Rare chance in this space.

They got an independent audit from Solidity Finance. So that helps to build trust since this is an anon project.

>> No.24170333

Comfiest hold

>> No.24170653

If this hits 20m mcap /biz/ will fomo in

>> No.24170935

yup, too late for the big gainzz, now is the time to invest some eth in this!

>> No.24170980

This coin will keep swinging back down to $40 regardless of how high you get it
Just give up now, swingies have already killed this

>> No.24171015

i turst CPR3 because i staked LP and i have everyday good stake money very nice..i am in

>> No.24171026

you don´t have any idea what´s gonna come do you? you r talking crap

>> No.24171226

ok Pajeet

>> No.24171558

I'm getting nice yields on the pool. About 2 cp3r a day

>> No.24171685

Stay poor retard. cp3r to 100 end of this week.

>> No.24171712
File: 87 KB, 1004x982, EUz2P9TWsAEtnpL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moon mission confirmed

>> No.24171835

Compounder is having sex with my wallet. My gains are multiplying!!!

>> No.24171853

There's also like 2k more compounder locked up in staking right now.

>> No.24171858

It's not about swingies, farmer whales are just selling non-stop and laughing at these fucking clueless pajeets thinking that this will $100.00.

There's a reason why you are poor. You don't know how these coins work. Go back to your cancer TG. You are not needed here.

>> No.24171864

The only defi project i hold, code looks clean as fuck, strap me in boys.

>> No.24171872
File: 24 KB, 512x512, photo_2020-11-23_14-07-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking from 3$, not selling before $250, i'm riding this with ya

>> No.24171890

This is how you should do it. Farm.

>> No.24171932

LMAO. You will stay poor if you hold this. Sell to DAI or USDC, restake. Don't hold this coin. Look at the selling pressure the past few days,

>> No.24172865

We are up $7 from yesterday, over $30 from 7 days ago. Oj weh