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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24111114 No.24111114 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24111312

They are human, it's just that humans suck.

>> No.24111318

Jacques Attali predicted Macron will become president 2 years before the election because he was chosen for the forum of young global leaders.

>> No.24111507

It's ok.
4chan will form their own group once LINK goes beyond Jupiter.

>> No.24111514

>Rio Ferdinand

>> No.24111548

How do I get a norwegian princess gf?

>> No.24111552

You will form jack shit and will continue shilling for Schwab like a bot.

>> No.24111585

If you had their money, you wouldn't give a fuck either. Stop pretending like you wouldn't.

>> No.24111814

So, a bunch of rich clowns LARPing as masons or pirates? Who cares.

>> No.24111850

Keep seething you worthless peasant. Your bitter jealousy will never help you rise to the elite, so sit down like a good little cucky

>> No.24111873

Wtf loooooll.. wtf is he doing there

>> No.24111931

Sail up to her castle with your longship and claim her as your rightful property

>> No.24112083

Typical subhuman mentality
>downplaying this
>shills inaction
Vile demon

>> No.24112114

Daniel Crenshaw is the Antichrist

>> No.24112156

token blackman obviously.

>> No.24112201

Of course not. Theyre fucking kikes

>> No.24112832

This is beyond kikery, imagine still being stuck on "kike" filter.

>> No.24112976


>> No.24113005

Fuck off newfag coomer

>> No.24113006

No he didn't

>> No.24113019
File: 38 KB, 284x412, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. We're far more. That's why you can't catch up. Ants don't kill lions. They're inferior in every possible dimension.

>> No.24113036

>Nico Rosberg
>some football lesbian
Kek, why?

He was actually selected as a "young leader" by the French American Foundation.
But yes, hilarious how remote controlled we are by (((them)).

>> No.24113069

>insult me for checking numbers and bumping his shitty thread in the process
>calls me a newfag
>implying I knew what the 111111 was gonna be
Fuck off schizo

>> No.24113418

Cringe and bluepilled.