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File: 191 KB, 1228x1150, Annoyed pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24098028 No.24098028 [Reply] [Original]

It's just the fucking flu

>> No.24098062

Not for lardasses like you

>> No.24098092

I'm a fit guy 22 years old. And have sex regularly. Covid knocked me on my ass for 2 fuckin weeks. And I still don't feel 100%.

I hope you never get it OP

>> No.24098100
File: 8 KB, 454x520, d31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24098147

If you're a healthy, functioning human bean

>> No.24098221

btw what the fuck is happening in poland
those guys are getting obliterated rn, look at he bloody death rates

>> No.24098243

This. I got it earlier this year and still have trouble breathing sometimes. And I'm training for a triathlon, and I trekked everest base camp 2 years ago. I'm in very good shape physically and have never been to the hospital in my life.
OP is just an incel basement dweller and probably doesn't know anyone personally who's been affected by it. Or he thinks 250,000 deaths is nbd.

>> No.24098253

it causes long term and short term organ damage, and if you catch it again (highly possible due to different strains) it can really fuking own your organs

>> No.24098287

my father told me there are too few doctors and people basically go to the hospital to die

>> No.24098302

Do you get paid to post this?

>> No.24098305

Scored some cheap assets from it, though, so I'm not even mad. :)

>> No.24098308

Same here. I used to be able to breathe underwater before I got The Novel Coronavirus COVID-19.

>> No.24098333

let me taste the blood of the innocent

>> No.24098577

There are paid bots all over this website.

>> No.24098745

everyone is just culling boomers to cancel paying their pensions
it's pretty smart desu

>> No.24098810

i worked with a bunch of dudes who collected pensions for my line of work, some even had 2. Never once saw it as a benefit from working at small and large companies in the industry worked at 8 or 9. And even the ones they got they said arent available anymore.

>> No.24099415

1 post by this ID

Fuck you and the kikes paying you

>> No.24099448

my 60 year old mother kicked it in 3 days

>> No.24099460

Unbelievable that you commie/cia/jidf fucka are crawling in every nook and cranny of this site

>> No.24099492

>I'm a fit guy
As in you can fit into the back of an f 350?

>> No.24099519

My 70 year old uncle in a nursing home had no symptoms. Your an unhealthy pussy.